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The Gorro Hollowing

Totem of the Ork race.

When the Emperor of Mankind revealed Himself to Humanity following the Long
Night of the Age of Strife in the early 30th Millennium, He shaped war-
torn Terra into a single unified world for the first time in long millennia. Once he had
conquered Terra, He looked to taking His Great Crusade to the stars.
Having created the foundations of the Imperium of Man, He launched His massive
armies out into the galaxy, seeking to bring all of Human-settled space back under
the control of a unified stellar empire. During these early conquests, many Imperial
expeditionary fleets encountered the greenskin menace -- a violent xenos species
designated as the "Orks" by the early Imperium.
Within the Telon Reach was an Ork empire that rivalled that centred on Ullanor,
and at its heart was the scrap world of Gorro. The Ork tech-caste, the Mekboyz,
dominated the Orks of Gorro and had made the world their own.

The dominant tech-caste on Gorro seemed to be fascinated by a form of plasma

technology never encountered before or since. Capable of generating destructive
yields of terrifying potency, these plasma weapons had done much to blunt the
Great Crusade's advance across the Telon Reach. The Emperor decreed that
Gorro must be destroyed.

When a thousand-strong fleet of warships dropped out of the Warp above Gorro it

was the Emperor Himself who gave the order to begin the
assault. Horus, Primarch of the vaunted Luna Wolves Space Marine Legion, and
ever the dutiful and favoured son, stood at the Emperor's side and watched as tens
of thousands of assault craft spread out from the fleet.
The Luna Wolves teleported into the scrap layers beneath the planet's surface,
forced to hollow out Gorro from within due to the planet's high resistance to orbital
bombardment. In the vanguard was the Emperor and by His side was Horus and a
guard of black-armoured Justaerin Terminators from the Luna Wolves' 1  Company

as well as the golden-clad warriors of the Legio Custodes.

As the Space Marines attacked, the Ork resistance they faced was near-
overwhelming. The Orks of Gorro were huge and augmented with
scavenged bionics. Some stood taller than Dreadnoughts and their weaponry
burned through Astartes Power Armour easily.
At the height of the battle, the fury of the Orks split the Emperor from His guards.
Alone He slew hundreds of them until a blast from an Ork plasma weapon
weakened His defences and one of the Ork leaders seized Him. The creature's
strength was so great that it took hold of the Emperor and buckled His golden

As the creature's grasp closed to throttle the Master of Mankind, Horus stormed
through the press of battle and cut the Ork's arms from its body with a single blow.
Together father and son led their forces deeper into the vast sphere of scrap until
they reached the centre of Gorro.

The Emperor worked to collapse the self-sustaining plasma sphere that powered
much of the world's scavenged Ork technology and that contained a Warp-fold
envelope, so that Gorro would implode into the Warp.

The Emperor proved successful, and without its power source, the scrap world
collapsed in on itself. A hollow skin of rusted metal around an empty void was all
that remained to mark the death of the great Ork empire of Gorro.

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