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the creation of a new self defense low caliber pistol, the CG Agency mk1

The first thing that struck me was how much it looked like an old Colt. It had all those same
little details—a recessed trigger guard and barrel band; flat grip panels with finger grooves
on both sides for right-handed shooters (like myself); rounded edges to keep from cutting
your hand when you grabbed something hard or rough in one's pocket... All these things
were designed into every gun I'd ever seen before now but they weren't really necessary
since people who wanted them could just buy custom guns made by their favorite
manufacturer anyway if there wasn't anything off the shelf available near enough as good at
what we needed. But this time around someone decided not only should everyone have
access to better tools than any other generation has enjoyed until recently, so let us make
sure everything is standard issue! They even went ahead and added some features no
previous design incorporated: A thumb safety button instead of having to lift up the
hammer manually after firing each shot because otherwise too many times people would
forget about holding down the rear lever release while reloading—so very useful indeed!--
an internal magazine catch rather than requiring users pull out bullets individually using
fingers which can get slippery under sweat during physical exertion--and finally most
importantly, the ability to fire more shots per minute without overheating due to excessive
heat buildup inside its body frame thanks to our ingenious use of thermite materials
throughout construction." This last point seemed especially important somehow though he
didn't elaborate further why exactly. So far my assessment hadn't changed significantly
either way except perhaps slightly favoring his side over mine. He continued talking slowly
trying to convince himself along with me that buying such unnecessaries wouldn't be
wasteful spending whatsoever despite being completely unnecessary items themselves
—"So here are three examples of where we've gone above and beyond past standards..."

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