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No tengo idea de que es esto

the story begins with 2 soldioers of the solar coalition checking the enemy
bodies after a huge fight against the coalition of systems of ops II on a planet
named tikal. there they find out that one of the enemies was actually an
agent from the alliance of planets of op I who had been sent to take over the
planet for them. so he got away but his bodyguard killed all the soldiers
before escaping himself. now both sides are looking for him and trying to get
control of the planet again...
The Alliance Fleet's first order of business upon arriving at Tikal was to
secure its orbital facility. They only lost about 15% of their pings in the
process so they were able to force the enemy to retreat from their main base
of operations on the planet. and though the server was not full at that time
they did manage to get at least 70% of the subaru servers online once again
after some massive subaru server burns and server migrations. at that time
the enemy was calling their posts 3 heli'd out of obmogedk and deker in
dade and led were giving lead 100 ping which lead 100 was agreeing with it
only because the said members were crazy and acting like dekers... that time everyone called deker insane for how he was
leading the subaru servers so loudly and it would only take one ping to ping
out. now the other sides also started to call the lead 100 members crazy and
dekers only

ecause they were saying pings would be 1 heli out and 2 heli's would be like
2 tokars. this was not really funny when they had 4 pinga subaru. maybe
they got screwed.

next the twirps. maybe they got fucked

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