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If you want it, you have to BE it. Get REAL.

A Special Report from

By Steve Zellers
Founder of This special report will seek to inform and entertain simultaneously. Youll learn:

The The 4 Biggest Mistakes People Make To Miss Out On Love (page 3)
The 4 Best Things You Can Do To Find Authentic Love. (page 9) Why traditional dating doesnt work anymore. About the new SYSTEM to replace dating that will result in your desired outcome without the expected and inevitable headaches and heartaches of dating. (page 11)
Copyright 2011

All Rights Reserved, but you may forward this document in its entirety FREE.

The 4 Biggest Mistakes People Make To Miss Out On Love

Sick and Tired of Datingwhy?

If youre like me, youre sick and tired of dating. Sure, optimism keeps you going for a while, hope might make you get out of the house more, loneliness and boredom might help you ask or accept a date on occasion Why are we sick of it? People will do a heck of a lot more to avoid pain then they will to get pleasure. The pain and pleasure principle, also known as the pleasure principal, is universal. It guides us in virtually everything we do, whether we are aware of it or not. Simply put, the pleasure principle states that people are driven to seek pleasure and to avoid pain. In other words, we are willing to do things that will bring us pleasure and we are not willing to do things that will cause us pain. Pain? In dating? Say it isnt so! Nobody who has ever spent much time on dates will tell you they dont have an embarrassing, gross, uncomfortable, regrettable or otherwise negative experience when getting to know someone of the opposite sex. What people ultimately want is a mutually satisfying relationshipsmooth road (PLEASURE)but getting there tends to be a road covered in potholes, construction, traffic, ice slicks, and fender benders-PAIN. Its enough to make you want to leave your car in the garage and never get on the open road again!! Its easy to point a finger at a bad dater who hurt you once, but is it really THEIR fault you still havent found love?? Most of these hazards (MISTAKES) are caused by you and I personally, with nobody else to blame So without further Ado, I give you

The 4 Biggest Mistakes People Make To Miss Out On Love


The 4 Biggest Mistakes People Make To Miss Out On Love

Weve all seen them. The older gentleman with the gracefully graying hairhaving lunch on the restaurant patio with his lovely daughter he leans over the table to give her a peck on the foreheadand French kisses her! Eyesburningmake it stop! Wait a minuteyou mean this 50+ year old guy is dating/married to someone young enough to be his daughter?? No, his daughter is older than his wife. Unfortunately, it looks like our society is now apparently OK with the Looks for Money Marriage. Can they last? Its possible. Will they divorce? When he gets bored or someone better looking comes alongor she gets a life of her ownyes, they likely will. Napoleon Hill said in his famous book "Think & Grow Rich" the most important decision you will ever make is selecting a wife. Ladies: the same is true for selecting your man. Why? Because one of the biggest purposes of relationships is to magnify human emotions and experiences. Remember back to a moment when you got the promotion at your first job. If you were in a great relationship you got the love and support you needed, it made the experience that much greater than it would have been if you were flying solo. Similarly, it works in reverse as well. If you choose the wrong person, youre not going to get the shoulder to cry on or the unconditional love you need to make it through rough times and it even makes it worse than if you were single. Unfortunately, most of us just dont do our homework when it comes to selection. We let our hormones do the selecting and hope we can make things work later on. Dont get me wrong, this has worked well for some peopleyour grandparents. Wow, here we are 40+ years later and they are still togetherhow sweet. I hate to break it to you, but Gramps and Grandma are almost a different species of humans than todays current daters. When they were dating, it was called courting and you didnt do it if you werent marriage minded. Marrying someone was rarely done out of attraction and sex. People were often set up by

The 4 Biggest Mistakes People Make To Miss Out On Love their parents and vetted heavily by extended family over time. They didnt have a greedy mass media selling them 1001 products with sex psychology propaganda techniques and 24/7 dating sites vying for their affections. Their decisions were rooted in family values, economics, survival, and often religion. Someone with the wrong intentions would likely not make it through the gauntlet of courting that people did back then. So what happened?? The industrial revolution and the sexual revolution made HUGE changes to what dating was and what it is today. Without getting into a morality play, lets just say peoples criteria and motives are totally different than they were back then. Add in the technological revolution since the late 90s, and youve got yourself one hell of a dating battlefield out there!! If you can say that neither you nor anybody in your family has had a divorce in the last 30 years, stop reading now. Your family knows and teaches valuable selection skills and supports each other when times get rough. (EVERYONE is STILL reading!) Selection is a process that starts with you and your NEEDS, not your WANTS. It still amazes me when I talk about deal breakers and the absolute must-haves with people and very few have given it any thought. They just wait for their money or looks radar to go off and work from there. What is your selection process?? If you dont have one, please take this suggestion: get one! Lets try something radicalif we make the selection process fun and educational, more people will do it! There are 3 components that must be present: mindset, skillset, and application.

What if you could increase YOUR confidence in YOUR ability to find YOUR soul mate over 100%... in 90 days? You can.
(Hint: go to the end of this eBook to get started NOW)


The 4 Biggest Mistakes People Make To Miss Out On Love

I came across a book called Marry Him: The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough I was shocked that this book existed, let alone made the New York Times Bestseller List. The premise is this: Mr./Ms. Right isnt coming. Take Mr./Ms. Good Enough. Thats oversimplifying it because she (Gottlieb) really does a pretty good job in giving insights from marital researchers, matchmakers, dating coaches, behavioral economists, neuropsychologists, sociologists, couples therapists, divorce lawyers, and clergyas well as single and married men and women, ranging in age from their twenties to their sixties. What is missed is that if anyone is skimming for titles or just browses the book, they may come to the conclusion that what they want isnt even out there or that they would need to wait longer than they are willing to wait to get what they want. My position is that most people settle for what shows up and what they are attracted to instead of using manifestation to create the person in your sub consciousness before they appear so that when they show up in realityyou recognize them. Call it what you want: Starter marriages are just that. They are an attempt to get some experience with failure built into them. If you have a bad experience, you can chalk it up to experience and do a better job with selection next time because NOW you know what you want, right? Wrong. Not only can you waste valuable years youll never get back, you might bring children into the world who will deal with your bad decision every day into adulthood. Your opportunity costs are higher than you think, too. Being with the wrong person can have financial and psychological affects that last a lifetime for both parties. Then how are you going to attract and meet the right person? Consider this: Every day you spend with Mr./Ms. Good Enough is a day you DONT get to spend with your soul mate. How many days/years are you willing to waste in the name of comfort? At the end of your life you will not ask yourself about money, fame, or power. You will look back on the experiences and the

The 4 Biggest Mistakes People Make To Miss Out On Love relationships. Youll cherish the trips, the magic moments, and the shared bliss. Do you want to be building memories with a place-filler or your Soul mate?? Im all for the advice given about not having such high standards that you automatically dismiss great potential marriage material for perfect material, but most people arent going to take it that way. What Im proposing is a different way to hone in on your Soul mate that takes into account your needs, their needs, and the needs of you two as a couple. What might that look like? Would that help you not only FIND your soul mate, but help you be a better candidate for someone else to be with?? Of course it would. (Go to the last page of this eBook to get started NOW)

So youre sitting in your living room watching reruns of E.R. and the doorbell rings. Youre not expecting anyoneso you quietly creep up to the peep hole and peer out onto the porch. Its your perfect match! They brought you flowers and food! Uh oh... Youre not dressed. Your hair isnt done. Your boxers are torn and the slippers arent sexy. So do you even open the door? Didnt think so... Oh well, maybe this will happen again someday. Come on, lets get real. Maybe this goes without saying, but meeting the right person for you will not happen in a vacuum. Its going to require you to get out there and put your best foot forward sometimes. Once you meet them, you can live like hermits together if thats your thing. One of the best examples of this is grown men playing video games. Youre still alone if you have a headset on and your friends are in another part of the world or the other side of town. Women who are in an all female book club or bowling


The 4 Biggest Mistakes People Make To Miss Out On Love league might be able to identify with thisbut more likely they are in groups of women that exclude men and keep each other single by the herd mentality. Its not just that being a homebody is bad all by its lonesome, its what it represents. It may be a sign that you want to be separate from most of society except for the forced work appearances and limited social engagements. Without any therapy its clear to see that this could be related to self-esteem, fear of rejection, fear of success (yes its real), and anxiety issues. Have you ever sat across from someone and they just dont seem to be interacting unless you force the issue? The phrase that comes up over and over is its like pulling teeth to get them to talk Its not that they dont have anything to saythey just dont have the confidence and/or experience to be comfortable enough to open up. This can come from being stuck with your own thoughts and very little input from others. Knowing that someone might reject your thoughts makes it difficult to share them. Getting out there and experiencing life with passion and finding out what about life gives you a charge is what attracts other people to you. Wouldnt it be nice to have a choice of dates and not have to settle for what shows up because you have to? Imagine having the confidence to open up about what youre passionate about and not needing the other persons approvalnot being afraid of rejection. What if there was a system that is easy, fun and interactive that would lead you to this internally generated confidence? Well there is (Go to the last page of this eBook to get started NOW)

Someone famous has said Having no sex is better than having bad sex. Besides the obvious potential for life threatening diseases, sexual addiction, unwanted

The 4 Biggest Mistakes People Make To Miss Out On Love pregnancies, and personal safety issues, this holds true for another reason. Without judging anyones morality, its unwise from a dating perspective as well. Unless youre in a monogamous, committed relationship, sex can be bad news. Why? Sex creates bonds between people. If youre not sure youre dealing with someone you can trust to be true to you, this is where a great deal of the pain in modern relationships comes from. Even if its not discussed, its usually assumed that the sex is exclusive. There IS a time and a place for intimacy in every relationship, but if we allow our carnal nature to lead our decisions too early in the relationship, we lose. Have you ever heard the saying When the sex starts, the talking stops? Sex isnt some finish line we push for then quit, is it? Well it is for some people. The mystery of the unknown often keeps us on our best behavior because we want to be seen as boyfriend/girlfriend material and desirable to the object of our affection. Its been said that men give the appearance of love to get sex and women give sex to get the feeling of lovethink about it. Its better to miss out on the prospect of sex with someone who isnt your soul mate. They are someone elses soul mate, and will be satisfied when they find that person. One of the worst things you can ever do to another person is to have intercourse for your own gratification. Sex is for mutual gratification by people who want the best for each other, isnt it? One of the kindest things daters could do for each other is to derail the relationship as soon as they dont see the long term potential going of anywhere togetherbefore sex. By defining what we need and constantly refining it we know what it is thats going to feed our souls when we are around it. Instead of having sex with an attractive stranger, we feed ourselves by moving forward without the experience and save both ourselves and the other party for their ultimate partner. Being celibate isnt sexy on its surface, but allowing your body and mind to be free and clear to make the best decisions that line up with your beliefs, values, goals, and dreams is worth the cost. Sex in a monogamous relationship is worth the wait. Remember: every day with Mr./Ms. Comfortable is another day you dont get to have with your soul mate.

The 4 Biggest Mistakes People Make To Miss Out On Love

So there you have them: The 4 biggest reasons people miss out on love. Now that you are armed with new information, you have powerbut only if you apply it and use it. This report isnt meant to discourage anyone from dating. Its to inspire daters to aim higher and end up in relationships that are satisfying and symbiotic. All too often, we try to date someone who will elevate us for our own selfish purposes and not for the right reasons. Love isnt a place to go and get, its a place to go and give. If both people are doing that, the fireworks go off, the inspiring music swells, and the Disney movie starts. Thats a foundation you can build on. Its work, but so is everything worth having.

Sowe know the biggest mistakeswhat can we be doing for success instead?

The 4 Best Things You Can Do To Find Authentic Love

#1 Find out what/who YOU NEED to BE in order to attract your Soul mate Instead of focusing on who can complete you or make you a better you, shouldnt we focus on BEing the person our soul mate will be attracted to? Not just putting on a good front on a date, but really BEing that person all the time. Water seeks its own level theres a vibration that people give off when they are truly matched, and its not just a sexual feeling. Its a solid, long term grounded feeling that this person isnt just your object of affection, but your friend and mate. This is the one person you dont want to live without. Once you have a plan that works, you dont approach this selection process lightly, because its extremely important. We have a fun and easy process that breaks it down for you so you can actually USE it every day. Knowing this arms you with the power to say No thank you to offers based on looks or money and allows you to get what is going to feed your nature. (Think healthy food vs. junk food relationships)

The 4 Biggest Mistakes People Make To Miss Out On Love #2 Define your selection process If you aim at nothing, you will hit just that: nothing. Selection isnt something you leave to chance or hormones. Its something you plan and manifest. If youre going to find the one person you dont want to live without, its not going to happen like in the movies. Its going to take some effort, but it will also be a fun journey. The selection process is also an opportunity to learn about you yourself as well. Its an adventure that allows you to control your outcome and not look back on the decision with regret after a divorce or a life of lack. It allows you build and to look back at a legacy of love and a life of magic moments with your Soul mate. Define it or youll be dating duds and wondering why #3 Date Differently Traditional dating- what is that? Its 1000 different things to a thousand different people. If we had to draw medians on dating, wed say its two individuals meeting, flirting, getting to know each other, spending shared time together, building a relationship, and then seeing where it goes. This can range anywhere from one false start date to 5+ years of dead-end dating the wrong person. Traditional dating isnt the problem. Its that its turned into a vehicle for people to extract from each other and use someone else up and throw them away. How can you tell the duds, womanizers and gold diggers from the authentic daters if you keep doing dating the same way youve always done it? Rarely are problems solved by using the same level of thinking that created themthats why exists. #4 Join has been a labor of love for me. It springs from the many broken relationships Ive seen throughout my whole life and wondered how they could have been avoided. I saw the immense pain that poor selection caused and studied successful relationships in hopes of catching the clues they left. I developed a system based on reading hundreds of books and interviewing hundreds of people. The goal was to come up with something that was fun and
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The 4 Biggest Mistakes People Make To Miss Out On Love interactive, yet easy enough for anyone to pick up, learn, and put into practice quickly. The goal is of course, to help people do a better job of finding and keeping the right person for the right reasons.

What is the AuthenticDater System, and how does it work?

Authentic Dater is a Selection Control System for both men and women that can take you from hoping to meet someone nice, going on dead-end dates, and settling your way into a relationship that is unfulfilling and ends in disaster to

finding, dating, and keeping your Soul mate.

Learn: A simple, foolproof way to meet your Soul mate and stop wasting time with losers and poseurs. Step by step processes to not only find a handful of proven dating ideas, but to pick exactly the right one for you How to avoid Relationship Groundhog Day Why over HALF of marriages end in divorce and how you can keep from having one (or another) of your own. How to break old habits that trapped you in bad relationships in the past. Speed Dating techniques that work right NOW. Online Dating strategies that save you time, money and frustration. New Tools that can help you develop into the person that does the choosing in the relationship instead of being dumped. Extraordinary mindsets that will help you overcome previous failures. How to attract the attributes you want in another person. How to quickly and easily identify the long term compatibility factors in others. Hundreds of other lessons that will help you find, date, and keep your soul mate. A motivational and supportive community to help you move forward faster.
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The 4 Biggest Mistakes People Make To Miss Out On Love So what exactly is IN the System? Authentic is a community. Youre not just getting educated; youre also getting motivation and support. Success leaves clues and many heads are better than one. You know how something someone else says can spark your creativity? Its also series of eBooks, videos, webinars, tools, coaching and training focused on YOUR RESULTS. When you complete this course, you can feel not only the love and support from your significant other, but the peace that comes from not LOOKING anymore. You can spend your effort living and loving instead of looking. How much does something like this cost? Lets just compare it to a year of a national online MATCHmaking service (which will remain nameless, of course)- $30 every month for a whole year is $360 bucks. Thats just for the access to the site, let alone all of the wasted time, dead end dates, and any money you spend while getting to know someone. These services CAN work, but not without Authentic Dater FIRST. Getting one these picture driven sites is a one way ticket to nowhere fast in relationships without some pregame prep.

Authentic Dater costs $49 upfront and $9 a month. Thats one dinner and a movie up front and one trip to Starbucks once a month. We are so sure you will get great results, that its even got a money back guarantee. If youre not satisfied that this is the best training youve ever received about dating, you get your monthly investment back, no questions asked and no further charges will be made to your account. What are you waiting for?? CLICK HERE TO JOIN AUTHENTIC DATER.COM

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