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Quarter 1
Date SEPTEMBER 1, 2022 THU. (SET B)
Time 8:10– 9:00 (50)

I. OBJECTIVES Notes Significant Details of Various Text Types
Noting Significant Details of Various Text Types
MELCs Q1 p.134, English Q1, Module Q1 Week 2,
III.  LEARNING RESOURCES Fun in English pp. 10- 13
A. Reviewing previous lesson or * Review on the simple parts of paragraph
presenting the new lesson. Read words shown in the flashcards.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Show pictures of a child eating junk foods
lesson. Ask: Is it good to our body of eating junk food? Is junk food a healthy food?
Unlock difficult words from the paragraph read.
Let pupils read the story “ Junk Foods: To Eat or Not to Eat”
Comprehension Questions:
1. What is the paragraph all about?
C. Presenting examples/instances
2. Are junk foods good for our health? Why/Why not?
of the new lesson 3. How do junk foods affect our health?
4. What are some healthy foods that we need to eat?
5. Why is there a need to eat healthy foods?
* Discuss the different text types
Directions: Read the paragraphs below. Note the significant details on the various
texts by answering the given questions. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
Mt. Mayon an active volcano in the province of Albay, in Bicol Region. It
belongs to the seven wonders of the world; that’s why it is popular locally and
D. Discussing new concepts and internationally. It is known for its perfect cone. Majestic as it is, renowned for its
practicing new skills #1 beauty; but many fear its destructiveness when it erupts.

1. What is the paragraph all about?

2. Where is Mt. Mayon located?
3. Why is it popular locally and internationally?
Directions: Read the paragraphs below. Note the significant details on the various
texts by answering the given questions.

Cooking rice is easy if you know the proper way to do it. First, you have to put one
cup of rice in a clean casserole. Next, wash the rice with water two times and add
one cup of water in the casserole. Then, let it cook until it boils. When boiling is
E. Discussing new concepts and done, put it in a low fire until it is cooked. Finally, serve it on a plate.
practicing new skills #2
1. What is the paragraph all about?
2. What is the first step in cooking rice?
3. Where will we put the cooked rice?

F. Developing mastery (Leads to Directions: Read the text type and note significant details by answering the
Formative Assessment 3) questions. Write the answers on your answer sheets.

Almost everybody has pets in their house. Some are domesticated, others are
wild and endangered. I have lots of pets at home like dogs, birds, pigs,
chicks, and roosters. Among them, the cat is my favorite. I love its blue
eyes, pointed nose and sensitive ears. Its fur is white and gold. Its name is
Kouri. I named it after the main character named Kouri in Samurai X
manga. Kouri is a sweet fat-bellied cat. Its favorite foods are fried chicken
and chicken pork adobo. My pet is a friendly cat because it doesn’t catch
mice and it plays with our dog, Tango.

1. What is the pet described in the paragraph?

2. Why is the pet cat the author’s favorite?
3. Where did the author get its cat’s name?

G. Finding practical applications Directions: Read the text type and note significant details by answering the
of concepts and skills in daily questions. Write the answers on your answer sheets.

H. Making generalizations and How can we note significant details on its text?
abstractions about the lesson We can note significant significant details on its text by reading comprehensively
and answering the what, when, where, why and how questions
I.  Evaluating learning Directions: Read the texts carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Write the letter of your answer.
J.  Additional activities for Read the story “The Philippine Flag Tells Its Story”
application or remediation In Fun in English p.8 and answer the activity 5 p.14

A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below

Prepared by:



School Head

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