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It’s Saturday, yes but my heart feels empty and tired.

My journal starts when I’m feeling blue and stops when I’m already fine. I’m thirsty before my God and
lost youth toward his path.

Many people admire me for being active in church services for the talents that I believe God has gifted

I’ve been feeling along during these days my friends are there, but I feel ignored. My boyfriend is there
but I feel betrayed and lied. These was all in my mind. That only calling my parents would relief me and
the feeling when I get a call from them is so satisfying in my heart.

I am now afraid to pray personally but I don’t want to believe in that. I know God is waiting for me But I
don’t know how to start. I’m a sinner before him I do whatever this heart tells me. I lie, I cheat, I stole, I
commit what the Lord tell me not to do.

I am weak and I know that from myself, I’m always saying SELF LOVE but still it doesn’t satisfy me. Its
been 2 Sabbaths already that I didn’t attend and I don’t know how many times I went but not with my

I searched of what God tells me today I read this as I start this journal .

Have you ever wondered why you’re here on earth, what the point of your life is, or whether there’s a
life after this one? God has the answers to these questions, and He wants you to know the truth for
yourself. You can learn His message for you by studying the scriptures, communing with Him through
prayer, and listening to the words of the prophets.

God still speaks

During hard times, we can feel lost or even abandoned by God. Many people question if God is
aware of us and if He leads and guides us.

But God truly does live, and He speaks to us. He is the same God who saved Noah from the
flood, parted the Red Sea, and led Israel into the promised land. And He has the power to work
miracles in your life too. He will hear and answer your prayers. He will guide you through life.
He will help you learn His message for you if you seek Him out.

Ask questions in prayer

God always hears and answers our prayers. In the book of Matthew, Jesus makes this promise:
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you”
(Matthew 7:7). God wants to bless us. He wants to lead us, guide us, and teach us. But He
doesn’t often answer questions that we never ask Him. Show your faith in God by
communicating with Him through prayer. Ask Him what He wants for you in life. Your answer
may not come right away or in the way you expect, but it will come.

Read God’s word

The holy scriptures are full of God’s dealings with His children. The Holy Bible  both teach us
about who God is, how we can develop a relationship with Him, and how we can return to live
with Him one day. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever (see Hebrews 13:8), so His
words and commandments are important to us.

What does God want you to know?

While you’ll certainly encounter unique situations and challenges in your life, there are certain
important gospel truths that are true for everyone. God wants you to know that you are His
child. He has a plan for you. He wants you to feel hopeful, important, and loved—because you

Search me oh lord and let my heart by your throne

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