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CHAPTER 3 ECONOMIC THEORIES organization to coordinate economic


- The main reason to establish a firm is to
THEORY OF THE FIRM avoid some of the transaction costs of
- Consists of a number of economic using price mechanism
theories that explain and predict the
nature of the firm including the Reconsideration of Transaction Cost
existence, behavior, structure and Theory
relationship of the market - Louis Putterman said most economist
accept distinction between intra- firm
and inter firm transaction.
Overview - Klein (1983) – Transaction Cost is the
1. Existence cost that involved in such transaction
2. Boundaries within or between firms.
3. Organization
4. Heterogeneity of firm actions/ Managerial and Behavioral Theories
performances - Managerial Theory of the firm-Managers
5. Evidence would seek to maximize their utility and
consider the implications of this for firm
- Firm exists as an alternative system behavior.
to the market-price mechanism when - 1960- Neo classical Theory of the firm
it is more efficient to produce in non- was seriously challenged.
market environment
Behavioral Approach – People possess limited
Background cognitive ability and so can exercise only
Industry-Level Analysis – analyzing markets to bounded rationality when making decisions in
analysis at the level of the firm, as it became complex, uncertain situations.
increasingly clear that perfect competition was
no longer an adequate model of how firms Team Production
behaved. - According to Arman alchain and Harold
Economic Theory - Focused on trying to demsetz firm emerges because extra
understand market alone and there had been output is provided but the success of
little study on understanding why firms and this depends on being able to manage
organizations exist the team.
- Attendant shirking can be overcome, by
Transaction Theory estimating marginal productivity,
- According to Ronal Coase, people begin observing or specifying input behaviour.
to organize their production in firms however, can only be effectively if the
when the transaction cost of monitor is the recipient of the activity’s
coordinating production through the residual income.
market exchange, given imperfect
information, is greater than within the Weakness in argument of Alchain and
firm Demsetz
- The model shows institutions and - According to Williamson, is that their
market as a possible form of concept of team production has quite a
narrow range of application.
- it assumes outputs cannot be related to - Leibenstein (1966) sees a firm norms or
individual inputs. This may have limited conventions dependent on its history of
applicability since most outputs are management initiative, labour relations
separable, so that individual inputs can and other factors, as determining the
be rewarded on the basis of outputs. firms “culture” of effort.
Hence team production cannot offer the - George Akerlof (1982) develops gift
explanation of why firms exist and etc. exchange model of reciprocity,
employees offer wages unrelated to
Asset Specification variations in output and above the market
- According to Oliver E. Williamson existence of level, and workers have developed a
firms derives from asset specificity in concern for each other welfare
production where assets are specific to each
other, their value is much less than in second- Grossman-hart-moore Theory
best use. This causes problems if the asset is - Known as “Property rights approach” that
owned by different firms. was developed by Sanford J. Grossman,
- If the transaction is a lengthy one, re- Oliver D. Hart and John H. Moore.
negotiation may be necessary as a - They argue that if contracts cannot specify
continual power struggle takes places what is to be done given every possible
concerning the gains from trades, further contingency, then property rights (and
increasing the transaction cost. hence firm boundaries) matter.
- The most efficient way to overcome the
continual conflict of interest between the BEHAVIORAL THEORY OF THE FIRM
two agents, may be the removal of one - First appearance in 1963 book by Richars
of both physical and human capital. M. Cyert and James G. March
- The work in theory started in 1952 when
Firm Economics March, a political scientist joined Carnegie
- The theory of the firm considers what mellon university where cyert was an
bounds the size and output variety of economist.
firms, how firms may be able to combine - Before the model, the existing theory of
labour and capital to lower the average the firm had two main assumptions:
cost of output (increasing, decreasing, or profits maximization and perfect
constant returns) to scale one product knowledge. Cyert and March questions
line or for more than one product line. these two critical assumption.

Other models Background

- Shapiro and Stiglitz (1984) suggest wage - A behavioural model of rational choices by
rents as an addition to monitoring, since Herbert A. Simon paved the way for the
this gives employees an incentives not behavioural model. Neo-classical economists
to shirk. assumed that firms enjoyed perfect
- Williamson, Wachter and Harris (1975) information.
suggest promotion incentives within the - Advocates of the behavioural approach also
firm as an alternative to morale- challenged the omission of the element of
damaging monitoring, where promotion uncertainty from the conventional theory.
is based on objectively measurable For example the managerial model of
performance. Williamson and Marris, Considers large
corporate business firm in which the ownership  Critical Evaluation- It gave insight in
is separate from the management. the process of goal formation and
fixation as aspiration levels and
resource allocation.
Cyert and March  Later Research- The behavioral theory
Research offered four major research themes of the firm has become important for
1. A small number key economic decisions much later research in organization
2.Development of general theory, generalizing theory and management.
result from studies of specific firms
3. Linkage of empirical data to models PRODUCTION THEORY
4. Orientation towards process rather than - Economic process of converting inputs into
outcomes outputs.
- Economic well being is created in production
Model Framework process.
Theory Construction
- It attempts to predicted behaviour with 3 aspect of production process
respect to price, output and resource  Quantity of goods or service produced
allocation decision. It emphasizes the  Form of the goods or service created
decision making progress.  The temporal and spatial distribution of
the good or service produced.
The firm as a Coalition of group
- These larger firms are coalitions of individuals 3 most important forms of production
or groups, which may include managers,
 Market Production
stockholder, works, suppliers and so on.
 Public Production
- According to Cyert and March, these groups
 Household Production
participate in setting goals and making
decisions priorities and information may vary
Production as a source of economic well
by group, potentially creating conflict.
being- Well being is made possible by efficient
- They mentioned five goals firms generally
production and by the interaction between
posses: production; inventory; market share
producers and consumers.
sales and profit

Stakeholders of production-
 Satisfying Behaviour- Real firms aim
at satisfying rather than maximizing their
results. This came from a concept
known as bounded rationality, which
was developed by Herbert Simon.
 Process of decision making- top
management set the goals of the
The stakeholders of the companies are
organization. Implemented through
economic actors which have an economic
decision making at two levels (top and
interest in a company.
lower management levels)
 Organizational Slack- Payments had to Customers- The customers of a company are
be excess of what was required for the typically consumers, other market producers or
efficient working of the firm. producers in the public sector.
Suppliers- The suppliers of the companies are
typically producers of materials, energy,
capital, and services.

Inputs 4 categories
 Raw materials
 Labor services
 Capital goods
 Land

Producer Community- The incomes are

generated for those participating in production.



Real Process- Generates the production

output from input, and it can be described by
means of production function.

Income distribution process- Refers to a

series of events which the unit prices of
constant-quality products and inputs alter
causing a change in income distribution among
those participating in the exchange.

Production process- Consists of the real

process and income distribution process. A
result of criterion of success of the owner is

Monetary process- Refers to event related to

the financing the business.

Production growth and performance

- production increase of an output of a
production process.
- expressed as a growth percentage depicting
growth of the real process output.

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