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Kaleeah Weaver
Education 214
Dr. Joni Flowers
31 August 2022
The Parts of Speech Grammar Grapple | Lesson Plan
Concept to Teach:
❖ Students will learn how to identify and use the eight grammatical parts of speech in the
English language with full accuracy.

Grade Level:
❖ 6th (sixth) grade.

General Goals:
❖ Students will be able to identify and define eight grammatical parts of speech in the
English language with full accuracy.
❖ Students will be able to use and give examples of the eight grammatical parts of speech in
the English language with full accuracy.

Specific Objectives:
❖ X-XX0-0: English Language Arts: Parts of Speech: Use friendly competition between
classmates to stimulate motivation for students to learn and retain the information.

Required Materials:
1. A list containing definitions and numerous examples of the parts of speech.
2. Each group of students will need at least one electronic device (school desktop, school
laptop, personal phone) with access to the internet.
3. At least 3 Blooket decks filled with parts of speech definitions, examples, etc.
a. Blooket allows you to pick many different game modes to teach and engage
students in competition. Use multiple different game modes to spike student

1. Noun — The name of a person, place, thing, or idea.
a. Tim Henson, Texas, guitar, child, sadness, etc.
2. Pronoun — A word used in place of a noun.
a. They, She, He, We, It, etc.
3. Verb — A word that expresses action or state of being.
a. climb, punch, scream, become, is, etc.
4. Adjective — A word that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun.
a. green, ugly, intelligent, tall, etc.
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5. Adverb — A word that modifies or describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.

a. secretly, carefully, quickly, very, etc.
6. Preposition — A word placed before a noun or pronoun to form a phrase modifying
another word in the sentence.
a. with, until, about, by, etc.
7. Conjunction — A word placed before a noun or pronoun to form a phrase modifying
another word in the sentence.
a. and, for, while, because, etc.
8. Interjection — A word that is used to express emotion.
a. Wow!... Oh!... Oops!... Crap!

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In):

Good afternoon, students! Before we begin instruction, can any of you name the eight
parts of speech correctly? (Allow hand-raising; call on one student.)
Answer Correctly: Good job! Looks like everyone’s going to have to beg you to be on
their team.
Answer Incorrectly: Ah, I’m sorry (insert student name), but that’s incorrect. The eight
parts of speech are nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and

Now, can any of you define the eight parts of speech? I will award 5 participation
points to everyone who gives an accurate answer. (Allow class-wide answering; students are
allowed to call out the definitions that they know without raising their hands.)
Answer Correctly: Wow, well maybe this might be an easy assignment for you to
complete! I’m proud of you all!
Answer Incorrectly: Wow, you guys are going to need to study big time. This next
assignment is going to tear you apart! (Laugh lightly to indicate that it’s a joke.)

Well, that’s enough questions! The reason why I asked you all this is because we will be
having a friendly competition over the next two days!

Step-By-Step Procedures:

❖ First, I will turn on the projector and we are going to go over this handout.

*We all go over the handout as a class*

❖ Now, as you can see in the vocabulary section, there are blank spaces next to each of the
parts of speech. I prepared a PowerPoint presentation containing the definitions of each
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of the eight parts of speech. We will go over that for a refresher after reviewing this
handout, and you will need to write down each definition as we go over them!
❖ After the PowerPoint, I need you all to get into groups of three. If one of your members is
absent and you know for sure that they are going to be on your team, then write that
member’s first and last name on the handout. There will be only one handout for each
➢ If there aren't enough students to fit into even groups of three, then one group may
have 2 members.
❖ Then, you must decide within your group which person will use their mobile device to
join the Blooket room. If I see any other applications open, your phone is going on my
desk until the end of the class period and a different member of your team will have to
use their phone instead.
❖ The other two members of the group, excluding the one using the phone, will have
different roles. The first member will be in charge of keeping track of your team’s points
using the handout. You get 5 extra points for being accurate, keep that in mind. The
second member will have to write at least five examples of each of the parts of speech
that we encounter during the Blooket competition. I will be going back in and checking to
make sure that any word you write on the sheet actually appears in the Blooket lesson.
➢ If the group has only 2 members, the member using the phone will take over the
point-tracking duty and the other member will write down the five terms for each
of the parts of speech
❖ Not mentioned out loud: While the students do the blooket competition, I will walk
around the classroom and document how each team acts. If they are yelling and
screaming at each other or get caught looking at notes, minus points. If they behave in an
appropriate manner and discuss among each member (as in, I don’t want just one person
answering all the questions for the team) then they get points added.
➢ This will not be mentioned out loud because if I do say it, all the students are
going to try to behave how I want them to- that wouldn’t be fair to the students
who are actually appropriate when doing work. I will still tell off students who get
way too rowdy or are acting very inappropriately, but other than that, I will let the
groups act as they wish during the competition.

❖ IS mentioned out loud: I will be walking around the class and evaluating you and your
team to my standards. I have a feeling that the winning team will be hard to pick out, as I
have faith in all of you.
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*** Since there are many different game modes to Blooket and I plan on using all of them with
the students, I’ll briefly read and explain each game mode before starting the matches so that
students will have a general idea of what to do.

E.G. — The Café game on Blooket has a description that reads:

“Serve food to customers, restock your supplies by answering questions, and buy
upgrades to create a cool Café”

The game mode centers around enhancing the student’s speed & focus, which will help
them pratice with remembering terms quicker and easier. During the game, you must serve
multiple animal customers their preferred dishes. To restock the food to create and serve the dish,
you must quickly answer a question. To receive money, you must serve the dish correctly to the
customer. It is imperative to be quick, as the customers have a time limit above their heads that
will run out if you take too long. Also, if you miss more than three customers in a day, it’s game
over. ***

Plan For Independent Practice (Activity):

❖ This activity is filtered around learning together, as a class, through friendly competition.
Competing will give students a reason to learn and understand the terms.

Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set):

❖ Now that we’re finished with the second day of the competition, it’s time to look at how
many points each team has scored. However, before we do that, you must complete your
group reflections now.
❖ I will give you guys until 20 minutes before the end of the class to discuss with your
group and write your reflections, and we will go over the questions now before you start.
❖ First, “On a scale of 1 - 10, how familiar are you with the parts of speech now that
we’ve completed the assignment?”
➢ You should answer honestly, it will not hurt my feelings. Think about it, do you
genuinely know the parts of speech?
❖ Second, “What is one specific thing that you learned today?”
➢ Now, think about this question as well. Did you know what conjunctions or
interjections were before this assignment? Did you know what an adverb or
pronoun was?
❖ Third, “Would you work with these groupmates again? Do you think you all did a
good job?”
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➢ Did you and your groupmates get along? Were you all laughing too much, yelling
too much? How was your chemistry? Did you do the work correctly?
❖ Fourth, “Was this assignment fun? What did you like about it?”
➢ This is another one that you should answer honestly. I am a teacher, after all, so I
will more than likely be recycling these assignments. Give me your honest
opinion on the assignment.
❖ Fifth, “If you didn’t like the assignment, what would you change about it?”
➢ Same as the last question, give your honest feedback.
❖ Sixth, “Write a single sentence that contains a word example of each of the parts of
➢ This is imperative. I need to see that you can define all of the parts of speech.
Good luck.

*Then, I allow the students to work.*

❖ After the students finish writing their reflections and turning in their handouts, the group
with the most points right will finally receive their prize.

The Prize [First Period Class Only]: Absolutely nothing. Then I laugh in the winning team's
Before the students can react to what I just said, I admit that I’m joking and then pull out three
plastic scoops and sharing-size bags of M&Ms, Starbursts, and Skittles.

The Prize [For Every Other Class]: I just pull out three plastic scoops and sharing-size bags of
M&Ms, Starbursts, and Skittles.

The winning team gets a medium-sized styrofoam bowl and may scoop out candy from any of
the three bags into their bowl.

After the winners get their candy, the rest of the students get a small styrofoam cup filled with
however much of the three candies I portion into the cup. If there is still time on the clock before
the bell rings, I will play an educational entertainment video for the students to watch while
eating their candy.

Special Needs Modification:

Blind: For visually-impaired students, I will modify the assignment by creating a
YouTube video or audio for them to follow along to and complete as homework. I will host it
on YouTube and provide their parent with a link to access the video.
a. In the video, I will name the eight parts of speech and ask the student to define
them first, then I will state their definitions.
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b. As for the assignment:

i. I will read five sentence-long examples of each of the parts of speech all in
scrambled order and have the student identify which one they are. To
make the assignment interesting, I will attempt to use humorous sentences
as examples.
ii. I will name a grammatical part of speech, then list four random terms and
have the student choose which term is the correct grammatical part of
iii. I will read aloud the reflection questions for the student to respond to, then
they must construct a sentence containing all 8 of the parts of speech.
c. The student may turn in the assignment orally (through a response video or audio
recording) or by paper.
d. The visually-impaired student will be graded according to the same criteria
as everyone else.

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