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1. Status of women in society- officially, women now have equal status with men in

society. In reality however, this is not always honoured. On a positive note, women also

receive employment rights, such as maternity leave etc, and many head of companies,

members of government and even world leaders are now women. The movement that

seeks equality for women and equal social, economic and political rights is known as


2. Choice of employment- many traditionally male or female roles are now open to both

genders. This is partly due to changes in attitude and to girls and boys being encouraged

to learn a wide range of skills and subjects at school. Physical jobs that were previously

thought as men’s work has also become easier due to the development of machinery.

3. Available technology- information technology, such as computers, emails,

teleconferencing and cell phones, means that people can work from home or from

locations away from their place of work. Appliances, such as vacuum cleaners and

washing machines and the availability of convenience foods have also made housework

easier and quicker, creating more time for people to combine paid work with housework.

4. Support services- schools today oftern run before and after school services. In addition,

families can use nannies, babysitters and nurseries to care their children while they work.

Such services enable women to work and can be good for socializing children.

5. Leisure/recreation- with more time and money, women now have more time to enjoy

leisure activities and a s a result are far less likely to be confined to the household.

Ms. Harris-Social Studies


6. Educational opportunities- by law boys and girls must have equal access to education.

Schools today also teach all subjects to both genders, rather than focusing on home-based

subjects for girls and practical subjects for boys.



1. Identity crisis- we gain our sense of personal identity from the people around us and

from the roles defined for us by the society in which we live. If a man has been brought

up in a patriarchal family where his own father was head of the house, main bread

winner, sole decision maker etc, he is likely to think that this is how he should be when

he becomes a father himself. This understanding will be supported within the patriarchal

society but it may conflict with other views.

2. Male marginalization- marginalization within a society is a process that sees a person or

group being moved to the edge. When we speak of the marginalization of men, we are

describing the perception that men have moved from the central or dominant positions

they once had. While some men welcome moves towards equality, others struggle to

come to terms with the situation and feel less secure about their role and sense of identity.

Boys and girls need to be helped in developing a constructive male identity. It is a matter

of accepting that both sexes have valuable roles.

3. Female confidence, self-esteem and independence- the effects of these changes have

been very positive for Caribbean women in general with many experiencing

improvements in their self-esteem and sense of worth such as

 Being self-reliant if single

 Feeling more able to leave if the relationship is abusive or violent

Ms. Harris-Social Studies


 Using her knowledge and skills to make a contribution to society

 Gaining sense of independence by earning an income in her own right

Ms. Harris-Social Studies

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