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Have you ever turned to the Lord for help in your academic studies?

Did you know

that He is always glad to help you in all things that are important to you? The Lord has all
knowledge, and all understanding, from the simplest things in the world to the things that
have not yet been discovered. In the scriptures, we have learned that if we ask we will
receive. Sometimes this valuable knowledge slips away and not take advantage of it in our
daily lives. Our Father, to guide us sends us the Holy Ghost and this with whispers shows us
His way of working and His will, but not only that but also can help us in our desire to move
forward and learn new skills in any important area in our lives. I learned that to allow the
Holy Ghost to be a more central part of my learning process I need to draw closer to the
Lord by making prayer and reading the Book of Mormon a priority in my day.

By applying prayer and reading the Book of Mormon, I have recognized the Lord's
hand and the difference without his help. In 1 Nephi 17:8, it says, "And it came to pass that
the Lord spake unto me, saying, Thou shalt build a ship, after the manner which I shall show
thee, that I may carry thy people through these waters." Here Nephi was commanded to
build a bank in the middle of nowhere, with no tools, and no prior knowledge, went, and he
succeeded. Thanks to my reading of the Book of Mormon I was able to realize that I could
further strengthen my testimony about the power of God specifically in my learning. Now I
would like to mention my experience proving this. When I was baptized in the church I was in
my last year of high school and I was a little afraid because I heard that the last year would
be the hardest and I was not good at math, I had made that idea about myself. But no, it was
my best year, so I came in first place in my class. I will connect this to my belief that the Holy
Spirit has helped me understand better and faster many new things and skills that I thought
impossible one day.

Both my personal experience and the experience I find in the Book of Mormon teach
me that I should not view any skill as impossible. I know that the Lord has all knowledge and
an infinite desire to help us grow both spiritually and temporally. The enemy does not want to
see us progress which is why we will find many challenges in wanting to progress but we
have these tools to overcome and become heirs of the Father and co-heirs with Christ of all
these things. By incorporating and prioritizing the reading of the Book of Mormon and daily
prayer we can, like me testify to its power made manifest in our learning.

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