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Inflammation and Inflammatory

Diseases, Markers, and Mediators: 4

Role of CRP in Some Inflammatory

The knowledge of inflammation records dates back in first century
AD. Initially discovered with features of rubor, tumor, calor, and dolor,
scientific investigations have revealed chemical components, cells, and
pathways involved in the process of inflammation. The body’s initial
defense in response to infection, trauma, or inflammation is through the
acute-phase response (APR). APR is a multifaceted set of systemic reac-
tions seen shortly after the experience of a triggering event. One of the
many aspects of an APR is the increased hepatic synthesis of positive
acute-phase proteins (APPs) leading to increased serum concentration of
these proteins. The serum level of these APPs returns to base concentra-
tion when the stimulating factor is not anymore present. Today a plethora
of inflammatory diseases are causing concern to global health. All the key
players and mediators of inflammation change its role with the change in
setup of disease and patients. The biomarkers of inflammation and inflam-
matory mediators are also used as therapeutic targets in under-trial animal
models. Even in clinical diagnosis of an inflammatory patient, some
broad-spectrum markers were analyzed without individual dissection of
each mediator or biomarker. This chapter also provides a review of the
acute-phase protein C-reactive protein and its possible use as inflamma-
tory biomarker in diseases. We have highlighted case studies of some
patients from Kolkata, India, revealing inflammation from disease together
with their clinical history. The question which we probe in here is that
whether there is a correlation with the clinical history, C-reactive protein,
and inflammation and whether CRP can act as a unique diagnostic and
prognostic biomarker in some diseases. The future course of this chapter
lies in identifying clinical markers for inflammation, the sequential flow of
inflammatory responses for a wide spectrum of diseases and its diagnostic,
and therapeutic application to screen out pro-inflammatory diseases vs.
anti-inflammatory conditions.

© Springer India 2016 67

W. Ansar, S. Ghosh, Biology of C Reactive Protein in Health and Disease,
DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2680-2_4
68 4 Inflammation and Inflammatory Diseases, Markers, and Mediators: Role of CRP…

Acute-phase response • Acute-phase proteins • Inflammation • Cytokine
inflammatory mediators • Biomarkers, disease • Inflammation •
Immunomodulation • Clinical diagnosis • Therapeutic treatment

Chapter Highlights 6. Molecular biological tools have revolution-

ized the field of the biomarker. For the devel-
1. Inflammation initiated by infection, trauma, opment of biomarkers, genomics and
or injury takes place by the coacting cascade proteomics are used. To understand the patho-
of various leukocytes and cytokines. To medi- physiology of a disease, the most available
ate local inflammation, pro-inflammatory technique is correlating serologic markers
cytokines like interleukin-1, tumor necrosis with clinical phenotypes and genotypes.
factor, and interleukin-6 play important roles
in activating inflammatory cells like neutro-
phils, macrophages, and monocytes. Activated
leukocytes secrete at least 15 different low-
molecular-weight cytokines and also trigger
acute-phase response through the manifesta- 4.1 Introduction
tion of fever and leukocytosis, increased syn-
thesis of adrenocorticotropic hormones, and Inflammation is a complex dynamic protective
production of various acute-phase proteins. response to cell injury, infection via microbes,
2. Acute-phase proteins are synthesized by the trauma, or toxins in the vascularized tissues. The
liver under the influence of some cytokines, causative agent is diluted, destroyed, or isolated
which flow through the bloodstream, reach and a sequential cascade of molecular events is
the site of inflammation, and remove the set that leads to repairing, healing, and reconsti-
pathogens through opsonization and activat- tuting the damaged tissue (Li et al. 2007; Iwalewa
ing the complement pathways. et al. 2007; Libby 2007; Delves et al. 2006;
3. The changes in the serum concentrations of Goldsby et al. 2007; Guyton and Hall 2001). It is
negative and positive acute-phase proteins are thoroughly characterized by the reaction in tis-
due to the altered synthesis from the liver. sues and its microcirculation as clinically
Three of the best renowned acute-phase pro- reflected by redness (erythema), heat (hyper-
teins are C-reactive protein, serum amyloid A, emia), swelling (exudation), pain (through nerves
and haptoglobin. Some disease statuses are and chemical mediators), and loss of function
actually correlated to the concentration of (pain). Pathologically, it takes place by vasocon-
acute-phase proteins. striction followed by vasodilation, hyperemia,
4. C-reactive protein activates complement path- stasis, accumulation of leukocytes, exudation of
ways and has a major role in some forms of fluid, and finally deposition of fibrin. The com-
tissue alteration like in cardiac infarction. bined vascular and cellular inflammatory
5. Diagnostic routine tests are sometimes inva- responses are triggered by inflammatory stimulus
sive. For the care of patients, the employment and mediated through chemical factors derived
of noninvasive biomarkers is needed. The new from some cells or blood plasma. Even the
biological markers are thereafter the serologic injured or dead tissues release mediators (Li et al.
markers and acute-phase proteins. 2007; Iwalewa et al. 2007; Libby 2007; Delves
4.3 Acute and Chronic Inflammation 69

et al. 2006; Goldsby et al. 2007; Guyton and Hall and related nerve endings). The fifth characteris-
2001). tic of inflammation, known as functio laesa (dys-
The etiologies for inflammation are varied function of the organs involved), was revealed
ranging from microbial infections (infections by from the writings of Rudolf Virchow in the
bacteria, virus, fungi, etc.), physical agents (like 1850s. Then, in the late nineteenth century, Elie
burns, stress, trauma from cuts, radiation), and Metchnikoff introduced the new concept of
chemicals (drugs, toxins, alcohol) to immuno- phagocytosis, a fundamental attribute of the
logic reactions (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis). innate immunity, after studying the engulfment
Inflammation involves the influx of various cells of particulate matter by protozoa and also
of the host immune system and release of numer- researching the ingestion of foreign bodies by
ous mediators to the site of assault. Assembling blood leukocytes. Subsequently, Metchnikoff
and regulating inflammatory responses would be was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or
impossible without the concoction of controlled Medicine in 1908, along with Paul Ehrlich, for
leukocyte population migration, various inflam- his work and discovery of humoral immunity, a
matory mediators, inflammatory biomarkers component of adaptive immunity (Li et al. 2007;
(acute or systemic inflammatory marker), and Iwalewa et al. 2007; Libby 2007).
subsequent physiologic changes that carry
inflammatory responses (Figs. 4.1 and 4.2). In
laboratories, animal models for inflammatory 4.3 Acute and Chronic
diseases are being developed to understand the Inflammation
process of inflammation, identify inflammatory
mediators, and find out their probable role in Inflammation is mainly divided into two types—
therapeutics. Currently, there are no specific acute and chronic inflammation. If the inflamma-
markers for inflammation; rather some broad- tion winds up in less than 48 h, then it is acute
spectrum inflammatory markers were routinely inflammation (e.g., abscess) (Fig. 4.3), and if it
investigated in hospitals. The question we asked rests for greater than 48 h (i.e., weeks, months, or
is, since the biochemistry of inflammation is years), then it is chronic inflammation.
known, is it possible to identify some potential Acute inflammation is initiated by mostly res-
biomarkers of inflammation for safe pharmaco- ident dendritic cells (DCs), macrophages,
logical treatment which may in the future be Kupffer cells, histiocytes, and mastocytes bear-
helpful for routine hospital diagnosis? ing pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) on their
surface, which recognize/identify pathogen-
associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) expressed
4.2 History of Inflammation exclusively on the outer surface of the pathogens.
These immune cells after activation release
The record of inflammation dates back to nearly inflammatory mediators, and subsequently the
first century AD by Celsus. Initially it was cardinal signs of rubor, calor, tumor, and dolor
reported as a mechanism of tissue reaction or are visible. Vasodilation and increased permea-
response to injury that gave rise to rubor (red- bility result in an exudation/seepage (edema) of
ness, due to hyperemia), tumor (swelling, due to fluid and plasma proteins into the tissue space
greater permeability of the microvasculature and and migration and extravasations of mainly neu-
leakage of several proteins into the interstitial trophils along a chemotactic incline created by
space), calor (heat, associated with the greater the locally inhabited cells to reach the location of
blood flow and the metabolic activity of the cel- injury in the tissue. Inflammatory mediators
lular inflammatory mediators), and dolor (pain, increase the sensitivity of the tissues to pain
in part due to alterations in the perivasculature (hyperalgesia), and a resultant neurological reflex
70 4 Inflammation and Inflammatory Diseases, Markers, and Mediators: Role of CRP…

Infection/ Cut/ Injury

Pain by chemical
Redness (Erythema)
Clinical Swelling (Edema by
sign Warm (Hyperaemia)

(tissue goes
Clotting back to
Inflammatory mediators protein normal)
Tissue damage
Capillary damage
Ruptured Pain
skin Entry of
activation Phagocytosis/bacter
ial digestion
Complement Immunoglobulins Inflammation
activation (for bacteria+ debris) (Cell influx
Debris from
Monocytes/ capillaries)

Fig. 4.1 Mechanism of inflammation. The process of activation of phagocytes, complement, and antibodies
inflammation started with physical assault of anatomical takes place in a cyclical way for both the pathogen and the
barrier with the common symptoms of pain, swelling, red- debris also. At the same time, the tissue resolution goes on
ness, and warmth. As the bacteria enters the host body, the and further entry of pathogen is restricted

in response to pain leads to loss of function (func- destruction, fibrosis, and necrosis. Neutrophils
tio laesa) (Fig. 4.1). A number of biochemical are the major cell types in acute inflammation
cascade systems, namely, the complement sys- while mononuclear cells (mostly lymphocytes,
tem (mostly activated by bacteria) and coagula- macrophages, and plasma cells) participate in
tion and fibrinolysis systems (mostly activated by chronic inflammation. The outcomes of acute
necrosis), work in conjunction with inflamma- inflammation are resolution, abscess, and ulcer
tory mediators to continue the inflammatory (fistula, sinus) and may expand to a chronic
response (Fig. 4.2). However, the short half-life inflammation. In chronic inflammation, the out-
of inflammatory mediators is coterminous with comes are tissue destruction, fibrosis, and necro-
the inflammation-activating signal. sis (Fig. 4.4).
Acute inflammatory outcomes like resolution, Acute inflammation is perpetuated by any
abscess, and ulcer (fistula, sinus) may lead to a immune cells previously present in the tissue.
chronic inflammation. An unresolved acute- Acute inflammation is initiated mostly by the
phase inflammatory response leads to the devel- cells like DCs, macrophages, Kupffer cells, mas-
opment of chronic inflammation by persistent tocytes, and histiocytes. These cells bear on their
injury or infection (e.g., ulcer, tuberculosis (TB)) outer surfaces PRRs, which recognize the PAMPs
and prolonged exposure to toxic agents like silica expressed exclusively on the surface of the patho-
and autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid gens. These immune cells after activation with
arthritis (RA) and systemic lupus erythematosus the pathogen releases inflammatory mediators
(SLE). Chronic inflammation leads to tissue and subsequently showed the cardinal signs
4.4 Mechanism of Inflammation 71

Etiology: Infection/ Mechanical damage/ ischemia/

nutrient deprivation/
temperature extremes/radiation/ etc

Tissue damage

Inflammatory response

Manifestation manifestation

Vasodilatation of
Local Systemic Vascular

Chemical Tissue temperature

mediators: Fever (exogenous +
Capillary permeability
Histamine, fibrin, endogenous pyrogen), act
directly on hypothalamus Influx of phagocytes into tissues
kinins, cytokines Symptoms
Leukocytosis Redness of tissue
Increase plasma protein Influx of fluids
synthesis (Acute phase reactants Heat
like C-reactive protein)
From invading microbes Redness
By leucocytes Swelling
By Tissue damage Pain

Fig. 4.2 The mechanism of inflammatory response. With synthesis of plasma proteins, and finally the four symp-
the onset of the inflammation, the inflammatory response toms of inflammation are seen. Cytokines provide the
is manifested in local, systemic, and vascular mode. As a cord of connection between all these processes
result, mediators are released, increasing vascularity and

(rubor, calor, tumor, and dolor) of inflammation. are activated. These systems are the complement
Vasodilation and increased permeability result in system (chiefly activated by bacteria), kinin sys-
an exudation/leakage of fluid and subsequent tem, and coagulation and fibrinolysis systems
edema. Release of plasma proteins into the tissue (chiefly activated by necrosis). Once the stimulus
and migration and extravasations of leukocytes of acute inflammation is removed, the inflamma-
(mainly neutrophils) are the next steps of reac- tory mediators, having short half-lives, are dis-
tions. These reactions take place along a chemo- graced in the inflamed tissue. Thus an acute
tactic flow generated by the locally inhabited inflammatory response requires the constant
cells to reach the locale of injury/assault in the stimulation.
tissue. Inflammatory mediators enhance the sen-
sitivity of the affected tissues to pain (hyperalge-
sia), and a resultant neurological reflex in 4.4 Mechanism of Inflammation
response to pain leads to loss of function (functio
laesa) of the tissue (Figs. 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, Inflammatory reactions involve a series of bio-
and 4.6). chemical and cellular changes, the extent of
Additionally, to continue the inflammatory which is associated with the spread of the initial
response with the help of the inflammatory medi- trauma. The mechanism of inflammation takes
ators, a number of biochemical cascade systems place in four phases—vasodilation, exudation
72 4 Inflammation and Inflammatory Diseases, Markers, and Mediators: Role of CRP…

Types of inflammation
Acute inflammation Chronic inflammation
Derived from plasma proteins 1. Cytokine Protein: IL-1, IL-6, TNF-α(MSM)
2. Complement protein
1. Enzyme cascades/Plasma proteases
Complement system 1. C5a:chemotaxis, phagocyte degranulation, stimulation of
Coagulation system O2-
Fibrinolytic system 2. C5a, C3a: mast cell and platelet degranulation.
Kinin system 3. C5a, C5b-9: Enhancement of cytokine release, induction of
2. Lipids eicosanoid synthesis.
Eicosanoids (SM) 4.C3b: Potentiationof Abresponse, opsonisation of cells and
Platelet Activating Factor (SM) lysis.
3. Others 5. C5b-9: Cell lysis.
Histamine (SM) 3. Coagulation system: Coagulation Factor XII (Hageman Factor)
Serotonin (SM) 4. Fibrinolytic system: Plasmin
Nitric oxide (SM) 5. Kinin system: Bradykinin
Endotoxin 6. Eicosanoids: Phospholipids
7. Platelets Activating Factors
8. Histamine
9. Serotonin
10. Endotoxins
11. Nitric Oxide
SM= Specific mediators 12. Cytokines: IL-1, TNF-α
MSM= More Specific mediators

Fig. 4.3 Types of inflammation

(edema), emigration of cells, and chemotaxis is rapid but nonspecific. An exudation/leakage of

(Figs. 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, and 4.6). Inappropriate plasma into the lesion in the initial stage is also
stimulation of inflammatory responses is the pri- seen (Li et al. 2007; Iwalewa et al. 2007; Libby
mary cause of many known diseases, and inflam- 2007; Delves et al. 2006; Goldsby et al. 2007;
matory reactions are, as a result, also an Guyton and Hall 2001). At a subsequent stage,
imperative target for drug development (Li et al. macrophages, monocytes, and different cells of
2007; Iwalewa et al. 2007; Libby 2007; Delves varied lineages of lymphocytes (T and B cells of
et al. 2006; Goldsby et al. 2007; Guyton and Hall specific subsets) appear at the locale of injury.
2001). These cell types are related with more tightly
The most prolific systemic expression of regulated, antigen-specific immune responses/
inflammation is a hike of body temperature and a reactions, and once they are stimulated, they also
number of biochemical changes known as the produce several protective inflammatory
acute-phase reaction which steers to the produc- molecules.
tion of acute-phase proteins from the liver. The Inflammatory cells articulate greater numbers
local inflammatory reaction is portrayed by an of cell adhesion molecules like glycoproteins and
early increase in blood flow to the locale of cell surface proteins. Endothelial cells are also
injury, increased vascular permeability, and the stimulated during the early phase of the inflam-
sequential and directional influx and careful matory response/reactions and thereafter express,
accumulation of various effector cells from the among many other things, several adhesion mol-
peripheral blood flow at the place of injury. Influx ecule counter-receptors. The controlled expres-
of nonantigen-specific but prominent destructive sion of these molecules allows for the prominent
cells (neutrophils) is one of the initial stages of trafficking of blood-circulating leukocytes to a
the inflammatory response/reactions (Fig. 4.1). locale of inflammation. Cellular attachment of
These cells mount a phagocytic response which some immune cells to the wall of the endothelial
4.4 Mechanism of Inflammation 73



Acute to Chronic
Injury Inflammation Inflammation


Tissue goes back Healing by scarring

Fistula Sinus
to normal or fibrosis

Exudative Fluids

Serous exudate Fibrinous exudate Purulent exudate Hemorrhagic

Watery exudate Thick, clotted exudate Pus exudate
indicates early indicates more advanced indicates a Exudate contains blood
inflammation inflammation bacterial infection indicates bleeding
Fig. 4.4 The outcomes of acute and chronic inflamma- processes are disrupted, then it leads to exudation, pus,
tion. With the progression of the process of inflammation, abscess, or its continuation as chronic inflammation
the resolution and repair go hand in hand, and if these

Cell surface receptors Cell derived

Cellular Pattern recognition receptors Histamine by mast Plasma derived
(PRRs) cells –
components vasodilatation Complement,
Pathogen-associated molecular
Granulocytes, patterns (PAMPs) Prostaglandins – kinins, Inflammation
platelets, Cause pain & fever
monocytes , Toll-like receptors Coagulation
Bradykinin - Causes
Lymphocytes Scavenger receptors pain
Complement receptors

Fig. 4.5 Components of inflammation. The components of inflammation are different cells, cell surface receptors, and
cell and plasma-derived components
74 4 Inflammation and Inflammatory Diseases, Markers, and Mediators: Role of CRP…

Types of acute inflammation

extensive form of
localized collection of pus
(suppurative inflammation)
pus is present in Exudative/ catarrhal
appear in an acute or
chronic infection multiple loci Inflammation
associated with tissue open at the surface by
destruction and swelling sinuses Excess fluid-TB of lungs
Site: skin, subcutaneous Occur in the back of the
tissue, internal organs like neck and scalp
brain, lung, liver, kidney, Membranous (fibrino-necrotic)
Pathogenesis: necrotic tissue Suppuration/Purulent(Bacterial) –
is surrounded by pyogenic Abcess Carbuncle neutrophils
membrane, formed by fibrin
to help in localizing the Serous (excess clear fluid) –
Heart, lung
Allergic inflammation
Furuncle Haemorrhagic ( blood vascular
acute diffuse suppurative or boil damage)
inflammation Necrotising inflammation
caused by streptococci, which
small abscess
secretes hyaluronidase +
streptokinase enzymes related to hair follicles
dissolve the ground substances + or sebaceous glands
facilitate the spread of infection.
Sites: Areolar tissue; orbit,
pelvis, Lax subcutaneous tissue

Fig. 4.6 Types of acute inflammation. There are different kinds of acute inflammation ranging from abscess, carbuncle,
and boil to many other types

cells lining the blood vessels around the inflam- Guyton and Hall 2001). In homeostasis and con-
matory site stops them from being swept away trol of inflammation, four major plasma enzyme
from the site of tissue damage or infection. This systems are there, which have an important role.
is a crucial stage required for the consequent emi- This enzyme system includes the complement
gration of these immune cells into the surround- cascade, the clotting system, the plasmin (fibri-
ing medium of inflammatory tissues nolytic) system, and the kinin system (Fig. 4.7,
(extravasation) (Li et al. 2007; Iwalewa et al. and 4.8).
2007; Libby 2007; Delves et al. 2006; Goldsby
et al. 2007; Guyton and Hall 2001).
Once leukocytes have appeared at a locale of 4.4.1 Exudation of Leukocyte
inflammation or infection, they release inflam-
matory mediators, which regulate the later accu- The infiltration and accumulation of leukocytes
mulation and stimulation of other cells. However, past the blood vessels move through four path-
in inflammatory responses initiated by the innate ways. These pathways are margination, rolling,
immune system, the final control is expressed by and adhesion of leukocytes to the endothelium,
the antigen itself, in the identical way as it regu- diapedesis or transmigration of leukocytes across
lates the immune response itself. For this valid the endothelium, their migration toward a che-
reason, the cellular accumulation at the locale of motactic stimulus released from the injured tis-
autoimmune reactions (antigen itself ultimately sue, and finally phagocytosis.
cannot be eradicated) or in chronic infection is The leukocyte starts expressing on its surface
quite distinct from that where the antigenic sialyl Lewis X-modified glycoproteins and integ-
stimulus is rapidly cleared from the inflammatory rin molecules in low-affinity state on its surface.
sites (Li et al. 2007; Iwalewa et al. 2007; Libby Recruitment of leukocytes on the cell surface is
2007; Delves et al. 2006; Goldsby et al. 2007; through different receptors. Histamine, an inflam-
4.4 Mechanism of Inflammation 75


Gm neg bacteria, subcellular Sugar binding
• activated by Hageman factor (XIIa)
• generated from plasma proteins (kininogens) particles, Ab-Ag Yeasts, parasites lectin
• actions:
1. potent vasodilator
2. stimulates release of histamine (increases vascular Lectin
Classical Alternate (C3) (C1,2 & 4)
3. contraction of non-vascular smooth muscle
(C1,2 & 4)
4. produces pain
5. activates the arachidonic acid cascade

• secreted by nerve fibers (and some leukocytes)
C3 Important functions:
• similar functions to bradykinin
• also activated by capsaicins Anaphylatoxins (C3a and
increased vascular
C5 histamine (mast cells)
COAGULATION SYSTEM chemotactic for many
inflammatory cells
Factor XII of intrinsic coagulation cascade Opsonize
activated by collagen and others microorganisms to
activates: Cell death facilitate phagocytosis
1. bradykinin
2. coagulation cascade Membrane Attack
3. fibrinolytic system Complex (MAC)-lysis of
4. complement pathogens
5. also amplification system ( kallikrein, plasmin)

Fig. 4.7 Relationship between kinin, clotting, fibrinolytic, and complement systems. In inflammation, the complement,
clotting, fibrinolytic, and kinin systems are activated in response to one another in an interlocked cascade

matory mediator, and cytokines liberated from to the endothelial surface. The chemokine gradi-
injured cells promote the immediate expression ents stimulate the adhered leukocytes to “migrate”
of P-selectin and E-selectin of similar functions (or transmigrate) over the endothelium and pass
on endothelial outer cell surfaces. These recep- through the basement membrane into the tissue
tors bind feebly to glycoprotein ligands expressed space through the process of diapedesis. The leu-
on leukocyte surfaces, and the leukocyte starts kocytes start moving through the tissue through
“rolling” along the endothelial surface. Other “chemotaxis.” Leukocyte cells reach the tissue
molecular expressions induced by cytokines on interstitial space and bind to extracellularly
the outer surface of the cells are adhesion mole- expressed matrix proteins (CD44 and integrins)
cules, namely, vascular adhesion molecule-1 to prevent their fall from the site. The flow of leu-
(VCAM-1) and ICAM-1 (immunoglobulin kocytes toward the source of inflammation along
ligands), which further slow down the rolling leu- a chemotactic gradient is mediated by these che-
kocytes (Delves et al. 2006). moattractants (Delves et al. 2006).
Leukocytes are weakly bound to these cell After reaching the locale of inflammation or
surface molecules and are free to detach if not infection, leukocytes released inflammatory
properly stimulated by chemokines produced mediators, which control the subsequent activa-
from the injured tissues. Chemokine activation tion and later accumulation of several immune
starts expressing greatly the bound integrin cells. Depending on the antigenic stimulus at the
receptors in a high-affinity state for various site of chronic infection, autoimmune reactions,
immunoglobulin ligands on the surface of an or a shorter inflammatory reaction, the immune
endothelial cell. This tightly binds the leukocytes system is evoked and controlled by the antigen
76 4 Inflammation and Inflammatory Diseases, Markers, and Mediators: Role of CRP…

Factor XII (Hageman factor)

Collagen, basement membrane, activated platelets

High molecular weight kininogen (HMWK) cofactor

Factor XII a

activates cascade of
Kinin system Clotting system inflammation
(XII a) (XII a)

Prekallikrien Kallikrien Protease

Factor XI Factor XIa
Fibrinolytic system HMWK Bradykinin Factor X Factor Xa receptors

Factor II Factor IIa

(Prothrombin) (Thrombin)

fibrin fibrinogen
plasminogen plasmin

Fibrin split fibrinopeptides

Complement system
C3 C3a

Fig. 4.8 Three interrelated systems of inflammatory matory pathways that act as mediators in both acute and
mediators. The complement, coagulation, and kinin sys- chronic inflammation
tems are the three interrelated and interconnected inflam-

itself. There are four major systems of plasma interstitial tissue or serous cavities. Edema may
enzymes, which have a pivotal function in be a transudate or exudate. A transudate is noth-
homeostasis and control of inflammation. These ing but an ultrafiltrate of blood plasma and con-
are the enzyme system of complement cascade, tains less plasma proteins (mostly albumin)
clotting proteins, the fibrinolytic (plasmin) sys- where the permeability of endothelium is usually
tem, and the kinin system (Delves et al. 2006). normal. In contrast, exudates are a filtrate of
Defect in leukocyte function leads to margin- blood plasma with high plasma protein content,
ation and adhesion of cells observed in leukocyte mixed with inflammatory cells and cellular
adhesion deficiency, whereas emigration toward debris; also the permeability of endothelium is
a chemotactic stimulus like drugs and chemo- usually altered. Pus is a purulent inflammatory
taxis inhibitors and defective phagocytosis are exudate containing parenchymal cell debris and
observed in diseases like chronic granulomatous high content of leukocytes (mostly neutrophils)
disease (CGD) or Chediak–Higashi syndrome. (Libby 2007; Delves et al. 2006).

4.4.2 Role of Lymphatics 4.5 Regulation of Inflammation

in Inflammation
Immunoregulatory pro-/anti-inflammatory cyto-
Lymphatics are mainly responsible for draining kines are the ones that accelerate/decelerate the
the edema during inflammation. Edema is exem- process of inflammation and thus control inflam-
plified by a surplus of fluid accumulation in the matory reactions either indirectly or directly and
4.6 Mediators of Inflammation 77

stimulate the production of cell adhesion mole- The final effect of an inflammatory response is
cules or several other cytokines in diverse cell decided by the stability between anti-
types. A collection of cytokines are known as inflammatory (e.g., IL-4, IL-10, IL-13, IL-16,
pro-/anti-inflammatory cytokines because they IFN-α, TGF-β, IL-1ra, G-CSF, soluble receptors
accelerate/decelerate the inflammatory responses for TNF or IL-6) and pro-inflammatory cyto-
either directly or indirectly by their ability to acti- kines. It should be recorded that the general and
vate the synthesis of some cellular adhesion mol- clear-cut grouping of cytokines as either a pro-
ecules or several cytokines in some definite cell inflammatory or anti-inflammatory one may be
types (Libby 2007; Delves et al. 2006). quite misleading. The duration, type, pattern, and
Pro-inflammatory cytokines is a common term also the expansion of cellular activities activated
denoted for those immunoregulatory cytokines by one definite cytokine can be regulated consid-
that favor inflammation. IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, and erably by the property of the target cells, the sur-
TNF-α are the major pro-inflammatory cytokines rounding microenvironment of a cell, the type of
responsible for early responses. LIF, IFN-γ, neighboring cells, the activation state and growth
OSM, CNTF, TGF-β, GM-CSF, IL-11, IL-12, of the cells, different cytokine concentrations, the
IL-17, IL-18, IL-8, and a group of other chemo- presence of other accumulating cytokines, and
kines that chemoattract several inflammatory even the sequential flow of several cytokines pro-
cells are the other collections of pro-inflammatory curing on the same cell (Li et al. 2007; Iwalewa
mediators. These cytokines either behave as et al. 2007; Libby 2007; Delves et al. 2006;
endogenous pyrogens (IL-6, IL-1, TNF-α), Goldsby et al. 2007; Guyton and Hall 2001).
upregulate the production of pro-inflammatory
cytokines and secondary mediators by both mes-
enchymal cells (including fibroblasts and epithe- 4.6 Mediators of Inflammation
lial and endothelial cells) and macrophages,
activate the production of some acute-phase pro- At the inflammatory sites, different anaphylatox-
teins, or attract diverse inflammatory cells. Anti- ins of the complement cascade, kinin proteins of
inflammatory cytokines actually counteract the the coagulation system, some prostaglandins,
synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines and also leukotrienes, and several other lipid mediators
exert influences on several inflammatory act in a confined manner at the site of infection
responses in vivo (Libby 2007; Delves et al. and tissue damage and at more distant locale to
2006). disperse and support the inflammation process.
Anti-inflammatory cytokines is a broad- Inflammatory mediators serve as muscle-active
spectrum term for those immunoregulatory cyto- molecules, edema-promoting substances, chemo-
kines that actually neutralize various aspects of taxins, and cellular activators and activators of
inflammation, namely, the cell stimulation or the different kinds of effector cells engaged in the
synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and inflammatory response (Rang and Dale 1999;
thus in addition also control the magnitude of the Libby 2007; Delves et al. 2006). The advanced
inflammatory responses/reactions in vivo. IL-4, and efficient process of cellular inflow to inflam-
IL-10, and IL-13 are the prominent anti- matory sites is carried over by a plethora of medi-
inflammatory cytokines. Soluble receptors for ator molecules dispersing and supporting
TNF or IL-6 as well as IL-16, IFN-α, TGF-β, inflammation. These inflammatory mediators are
IL-1ra, and G-CSF are some anti-inflammatory found in the tissue fluids or serum, are discharged
mediators. These mediators act chiefly by the by degranulating cells, and are also secreted by
reticence of the synthesis of pro-inflammatory some inflammatory cells upon stimulation or
cytokines or by neutralizing/balancing many bio- triggered endothelial cells in blood vessels at the
logical mechanisms of pro-inflammatory media- locale of inflammatory responses. They actually
tors in several ways (Libby 2007; Delves et al. serve as edema-promoting substances, muscle-
2006). active molecules, chemotaxins, and cellular acti-
78 4 Inflammation and Inflammatory Diseases, Markers, and Mediators: Role of CRP…

vators and inducers of all kinds of effector cells formed substances within their storage granules
involved in the inflammatory response (Figs. 4.7, (like histamine) or may quickly switch to pro-
and 4.8) (Rang and Dale 1999; Li et al. 2007; duce the inflammatory mediators as required to
Iwalewa et al. 2007; Libby 2007; Delves et al. synthesized metabolites of arachidonic acid
2006; Goldsby et al. 2007; Guyton and Hall (Delves et al. 2006).
2001). Inflammatory mediators embrace some Inflammatory mediators are varied soluble
well-researched compounds like anaphylatoxins and diffusible molecules that act nearby at the
of the complement cascade, kinin proteins of the locale of infection and tissue damage and at
coagulation system, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, more remote sites. Mediators may be an endog-
and many other related lipid mediators (Figs. 4.7, enous (like lipopolysaccharide of gram-nega-
4.8, and 4.9). tive bacteria) and exogenous (toxins and
Another group of inflammatory mediators is bacterial products) type. The host immune sys-
neuropeptides like VIP (vasoactive intestinal tem of higher organisms can be activated by
peptide), tachykinins, and VPF (vascular perme- endotoxins, which simultaneously activate the
ability factor). These substances have vasodila- Hageman factor, coagulation proteins, the com-
tory and bronchoconstrictory activity with plement pathway, and kinin and fibrinolytic
enhanced capillary permeability and also trigger cascades, eliciting specialized T-cell prolifera-
increased secretion of mucus. At the early onset tion in response to superantigens (Fig. 4.1)
of inflammatory responses, at the locale of an (Libby 2007; Delves et al. 2006; Guyton and
injury, several cells contain mediators as pre- Hall 2001).

Mediators of inflammation
In chronic inflammation
In acute inflammation

C5a(chemotaxis, phagocyte
degranulation, stimulation of
Enzyme O2-); C5a+C3a(mast cell and
cascades/Plasma platelet degranulation);C5a+
Lipids Cytokine Protein C5b-9(Enhancement of
Eicosanoids (SM), IL-1, IL-6, TNF-α (MSM) cytokine release, induction of
Complement system, eicosanoid
Coagulation system, Platelet Activating
synthesis);C3b(Potentiation of
Fibrinolyticsystem, Factor (SM) Ab response, opsonisation of
Kininsystem cells and lysis); C5b-9(Celllysis)

Coagulation system
Coagulation Factor XII Phospholipid
(Hageman Factor)
Histamine (SM), Serotonin (SM),
Fibrinolytic system Platelets Activating
Nitric oxide (SM), Endotoxin Factors, Histamine,
Kinin system Serotonin, Endotoxins,
Bradykinin Nitric Oxide

SM= Specific mediators

MSM= More Specific mediators

Fig. 4.9 Types of mediators in acute and chronic inflam- are present in both types of inflammation but they func-
mation. Different subsets of mediators are released in tion differentially. SM specific mediators, MSM more spe-
acute or chronic inflammation. Some common mediators cific mediators
4.6 Mediators of Inflammation 79

Monocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils and Bacterial toxin products can act as exogenous
a class of inflammatory mediators, controlled by mediators of inflammation. Notable among these
cytokines, regulate different plasma enzyme sys- is endotoxin or LPS of gram-negative bacteria.
tems to actively phagocytosed microbes. These The immune system of higher organisms has
cells possessing specialized granules have recep- probably evolved in a veritable sea of endotoxin,
tors for different complement components and so it is perhaps not surprising that this substance
also for Fc domains of immunoglobulins. NK evokes powerful responses. Endotoxin also acti-
cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes also possess vates the Hageman factor, leading to activation of
granules responsible for their cytotoxic function, the coagulation and fibrinolytic pathways as well
involved in the adaptive and early inflammatory as the kinin system. In addition, endotoxin elicits
responses in concoction with innate immunity. T-cell proliferation and has been described as a
Inflammatory mediators during inflammation are superantigen for T cells) (Libby 2007; Delves
also discharged at the site of injury by a variety of et al. 2006; Guyton and Hall 2001).
cell types that either contain them as preformed Endogenous mediators of inflammation are
molecules within their storage granules, like his- produced in both innate and adaptive immune
tamine, or which can quickly switch on the mech- systems. These mediators can be originated from
anism required to produce the mediators as and molecules that are generally present in the plasma
when required, for example, to produce different in an inactive form, like peptide fragments of
metabolites of arachidonic acid (Fig. 4.10) (Libby some components of complement proteins
2007; Delves et al. 2006; Guyton and Hall 2001). (Figs. 4.7, and 4.8), coagulation factors, and

Definitions Acts as
synthesised or released chemical Exogenous: Endotoxin
substances; Mediate changes in
Endogenous: plasma , leukocytes,
inflammation; Acts on blood vessels,
inflammatory cells, other cell; high endothelial cells, fibroblasts
degree of redundancy; guarantees Mechanisms of action
amplification and maintenance of receptor-ligand interactions
inflammatory response ; short half-life direct enzymatic activity
oxidative damage
Vasodilation (histamine,
nitric oxide, prostaglandins) ; Chemical
Increased vascular permeability MEDIATORS SOURCE

(histamine, C3a & C5a, bradykinin,

ROS, leukotrienes) ; Chemotaxis
Mediators Preformed mediators
in secretory granules
Mast cells, basophils, platelets
(C5a, LTB4 & LTC4); chemokines Lysosomal enzymes Neutrophils, macrophages

(TNF-α,IL-1, IL-8); bacterial products Prostaglandins All leukocytes, platelets, EC

(LPS); Fever ( IL-1, TNF-α, IL-6,Prostaglandins); Leukotrienes All leukocytes
Newly synthesized Platelet-activating factors All leukocytes, Ec
Pain ( Kinins,Bradykinin, Substance P, Activated oxygen species All leukocytes
prostaglandins);Tissue damage by leukocyte Nitric oxide Macrophages
Cytokines Lymphocytes, macrophages, EC
products ( Lysosomal enzymes, ROS); increased
vascular permeability (histamine, C3a & C5a,
bradykinin, ROS, leukotrienes) Factor XII (Hageman Kinin system (bradykinin)
factor) activation Coagulation / fibrinolysis system

Complement C5a
activation C3b
C5b-9 (membrane attack complex)

Fig. 4.10 Chemical mediators. The definition, types, function, and mode of action of chemical mediators are revealed
80 4 Inflammation and Inflammatory Diseases, Markers, and Mediators: Role of CRP…

kinin systems (Bone et al. 1992; Libby 2007; Mediator aggregation at local inflammatory
Delves et al. 2006; Guyton and Hall 2001). series in skin blisters is somewhat dissimilar
Mononuclear phagocytes like monocytes and from the systemic effects after intravenous endo-
macrophages play a central role in inflammation, toxin. Under normal conditions, these flows of
as they produce many products which contribute inflammatory reactions triggered by the media-
in or regulate the different systems of plasma tors are sternly regulated. Failure to do so can
enzyme and hence control the mediators of dif- direct to multiple organ failure which is known as
ferent inflammatory responses. They are also systemic inflammatory response syndrome.
highly phagocytic and are entailed in microbial Suitable inhibitors and inflammatory mediators
killing, as are neutrophils. The role of these cell are, therefore, of chief interest for ameliorating
types is at least biased under the regulation of and modulating the effects of inflammatory
cytokines. All these inflammatory cells have responses and their sequelae (Bone et al. 1992;
receptors for complement proteins and for Fc Libby 2007; Delves et al. 2006; Guyton and Hall
domains of immunoglobulin molecules 2001).
They also possess specialized granules con-
taining a diverse variety of products that are dis-
charged perhaps by some general mechanisms. 4.7 Systemic Inflammatory
NK cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes, in a wide- Response Syndrome
ranging way, also possess granules, which are
significant for their cytotoxic role. In general, This syndrome is commonly seen as a systemic
lymphocytes are engaged in the adaptive immune expression of diverse inflammatory mediators
response to inflammation, and the initial events (oxygen free radicals and coagulation factors
of inflammation are mediated in fraction by dif- work in a juxtacrine fashion together with cyto-
ferent molecules produced by cells of the innate kines and related cytokine signals that generally
immune system. function in an paracrine or autocrine way). Not
Early-phase mediators are produced generally only anti-inflammatory cytokines but also pro-
by platelets and mast cells. They are especially inflammatory cytokines are increased in the
significant in acute inflammation and consist blood and the abnormal condition has been
mainly of serotonin, histamine, and other vasoac- termed as a “cytokine storm.” Sepsis or septic
tive substances; cytokines like IL-1, IL-6, and shock syndrome is a systemic response to inflam-
TNF-α; and chemoattractants like C5a. Platelets mation during an infection. It is a lethal, severe,
may contribute to inflammatory responses as a and frequently hemodynamic breakdown caused
consequence of tissue injury, through a series of by bacterial endotoxins during gram-negative
mechanisms involving: the release of permeabil- septicemia. This toxic shock syndrome is mainly
ity factors and other vasoactive amines; the seen in younger women due to tampons contami-
release of coagulation factors; the release of lyso- nated with Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. The
somal enzymes, which lead to generalized and bacterial exotoxin, TSST-1 (toxic shock syn-
localized fibrin deposition/accumulation; and the drome toxin-1; 23.1 kDa), triggers the synthesis
configuration of platelet aggregates or thrombi of TNF and IL-1. In transgenic mice deficient in
which causes the blocking of capillaries and expression of CD28, the essential co-stimulatory
vessels. signals of CD28 has been established in TSST-1-
Late-phase mediators are accountable for the induced toxic shock syndrome. Chiefly due to tis-
control of vascular events occurring later—from sue acidosis, hypoxia, and severe local
nearly 6–12 h after the triggering of inflamma- modifications of metabolism, the characteristic
tion. The later vascular events are mediated, at symptoms are hypotension, insufficient tissue
least in part, by various products of arachidonic perfusion, and uncontrolled bleeding. The end
acid (Bone et al. 1992; Libby 2007; Delves et al. stage of severe systemic inflammatory response
2006; Guyton and Hall 2001). syndrome is represented by multiple organ dys-
4.8 Inflammatory Mediators: “The Holy Grail” 81

functions. The massive deterioration of homeo- mediators generated at the site of assault in the
stasis during sepsis, also known as disseminated peripheral tissues communicate with the brain to
intravascular coagulation, involves mostly the modify its immune response and upgrade as nec-
blood vessels along with fibrinolytic, comple- essary which aid in its ability to fight and elimi-
ment, and blood coagulation processes, platelets, nate the source. The groups of mediators,
the absence or presence of inhibitors, and the kal- pathways, and key responders/effectors during
likrein–kininogen system. Sepsis management inflammation are varied and change their modus
according to symptoms is still one of the hard operandi in a different disease in a different
challenging problems faced by clinicians in organism.
intensive care patients (Bone et al. 1992; Libby As inflammation and its network of reactors
2007; Delves et al. 2006; Guyton and Hall 2001). form a juggling condition, thus to dissect all
strings of its web, different animal models are
developed in different diseases to mimic the orig-
4.8 Inflammatory Mediators: inal scenario. Inflammation is induced through
“The Holy Grail” varied stimulator molecules in these animals
even for a single disease in a different setup to
In this chapter, we have tried to focus on the mul- decode the mechanism of inflammation and bring
tiple mediators of inflammation which form a out probable diagnostic and therapeutic agents.
network of immune reactions. Mediators are These studies have also provided evidence of
chemical substances liberated by the endogenous systemically generated inflammatory mediators
trigger released from activated or injured cells versus local molecules both in chronic and acute
during inflammatory response. They may be inflammation. The phenomenon of inflammation
blocked indirectly or directly by inhibitors of is initiated by mononuclear phagocytes, which in
inflammation. Mediators are concentrated in tis- turn synthesize diverse inflammatory mediators,
sues where the observed symptoms or effects are the cascade of complement pathways, antibody
visible. The action of mediators is the same in all production, and subsequent tissue repairing and
species where the phenomenon occurs. It can be resolution. Thus it traverses through both innate
destroyed systemically or locally to avoid their and adaptive immune systems. While these
undue concentration. responses are part of our normal homeostatic
Nonimmune and immune chemical mediators mechanisms, it is quite clear that systemic inflam-
are one of the many factors that control inflam- mation has a detrimental effect in humans and
mation. There is long list with never-ending addi- also in animals.
tions. There are mediators which suppress the Animal models have great inputs in our com-
inflammation whereas some others can stimulate prehending of the factors that regulate an inflam-
the same. A plethora of mediators or a single matory disease development, and they may also
mediator is responsible for most of the inflamma- present valuable tools for budding novel thera-
tory signs and symptoms. By antagonizing the peutic strategies. In inflammatory disease-
action or inhibiting the formation of these induced models, chemical and cellular mediators
mediator(s), an end of treatment of most forms of are administered to induce acute or chronic dis-
inflammatory disease would be possible. eases. It is useful for studying the involvement of
Humans and animals are continuously exposed multiple immune processes. Indeed, the diverse
to microbial pathogens, trauma, stress, and injury circulated published papers have researched on
that can pose a considerable relevance in our animal models revealing acute phase with mostly
daily livelihood. After the initiation of the etio- innate immune responses, but some are known as
logical agent, the organism elicits a set of highly chronic pathologies. Thus a significant feature of
organized immunological, physiological, meta- these models is that the supervision of repetitive
bolic, and behavioral responses to represent its cycles of mediators leads to intestinal chronic
strategy to fight the infection. Inflammatory inflammation, which allows significant revelation
82 4 Inflammation and Inflammatory Diseases, Markers, and Mediators: Role of CRP…

about the adaptive immune responses. This per- procurement of safe and efficient pharmacologi-
mits studies of inflammatory mediators and cel- cal treatments. In this milieu, we highlighted a
lular inflow associated in the severity process of few of the immunological mechanisms that
inflammatory disease. occur during acute and chronic periods of
The mediators of inflammation responsible inflammation, with its remission/recovery
for the pathobiology of an inflammatory disease period, in some of the widely used experimental
are of an assorted nature, and diverse clinical model of a spectrum of diseases. These diseases
studies have reported contrasting results, espe- are quite common ailments and are posing quite
cially for their cell inflow and protein expression a nuisance not only to global health but also in
mechanisms. Such discrepancy in observations proving obstructions in its socioeconomic
may at least in some part be explained by the developments.
definite methodologies used, varied time points During the initial recovery phase, the under-
at which analyses were done, and mice strain sus- taking of the body resolves the inflammation
ceptibility and/or concentration (or dose) of the upshot in a complete reduction of the some
administered inducer. Moreover, to the superla- inflammatory mediators, while some inflamma-
tive of our collective research knowledge, quite a tory mediators did not even reach normal levels.
few studies aimed to elucidate the kinetics of Also after the repetitive phases of administration
inflammatory cascades regulating acute and with inducer molecules, there is a greater eleva-
chronic phases of inflammatory disease. tion in intensity, and some different partners of
In this framework, the ongoing chapter aimed inflammatory mediators were added to the
to judge cellular inflow and inflammatory mark- sequential immune mechanisms. Although dur-
ers during the phases of acute and chronic inflam- ing the succeeding recovery phase, a new
matory disease of humans induced in mice. This homeostatic mechanism of the body to reimburse
chapter showed very significant differences and resolve inflammation was observed, but
among the stimulation phase and the consequent interestingly, the clinical factors were still per-
recovery phase which may be useful for future sisting, revealing the chronic phase.
modeling of the experimental inflammatory dis- This present chapter revealed different inflam-
eases. This may particularly provide sturdy evi- matory mediators, the cascade of inflammatory
dence for the recognition of inflammatory sequences, and cell inflow in the acute and
biomarkers essential for the prediction of disease chronic period of broad spectrum of diseases.
pathogenesis and the designing of possible thera- The pro-inflammatory reactions were predomi-
peutic strategies. nant in the stimulation phase; pro-resolution
It is quite evident from the clinical history mediators were revealed observed during the
from the hospital that no specific mediators were recovery processes. Strikingly, some important
investigated during the routine investigations in mediators were still persisting even after the ini-
the diagnosis process. Rather some broad- tial recovery phase and thus seemed to add to the
spectrum inflammatory markers (like CRP, ESR, magnified inflammatory reactions elicited in the
procalcitonin, etc.) were diagnosed which will subsequent induction phase. Also, our observa-
point toward the process of inflammation and not tions revealed a balance between anti- and pro-
to the pathways of activation of mediators, inflammatory mediators and a contrasting
whereas in the laboratory people are developing disparity between anti- and pro-inflammatory
inflammatory animal models to understand all responses in the consequent recovery phases
possible molecules involved in inflammation. which dampen the course of resolution of inflam-
Very soon in hospitals, definite inflammatory mation with the repairing of tissue. Thus, this
markers for each disease will be investigated for chapter contributes to improve comprehension of
routine diagnosis. the inflammatory models and emphasizes the
Over the past years, much study is ongoing importance of understanding the fundamental
to highlight the significance of understanding mechanisms associated with the pathophysiology
the pathology of inflammatory disease for the of experimental animals for development of
4.9 Biomarkers of Inflammation 83

appropriate therapeutic interferences in human 4.9 Biomarkers of Inflammation

inflammatory diseases.
What needs to be addressed in research in A biomarker is a parameter (chemical, physical,
inflammation biology is that whether it is a cause or biological) that can be applied to detect and
of disease or the result of it or just a side effect of compute the progress of disease or the results of
the disease. No clear idea exists as to whether treatment in preclinical research and clinical
inflammation actually causes chronic diseases or diagnosis. More significantly, a biomarker points
merely accompanies them. Further research needs out a change in state or expression of proteins,
to be conducted in the area of genes and mole- peptides, genes, and other factors that associate
cules involved in causing inflammatory disorders with the progression or risk of a disease, initial
thereby improving the diagnosis and treatment of diagnosis, drug response, susceptibility of the
such diseases. The question we pose here is that patient to a given treatment, drug target identifi-
whether it is possible to screen the mediators of cation, or disease intervention. The whole subset
inflammation and their levels of expression in dis- of biomarkers might be acknowledged using pro-
eases associated with inflammation and correlate teomics technologies, genomics, different imag-
them with the clinical history. This would offer an ing technologies, and invasive or noninvasive
advantage both from the point of view of diagno- laboratory investigations using different physical
sis, therapy, and prognosis of inflammatory disor- parameters (Fig. 4.11) (Mayeux 2004; Kumar
ders. The future scope of this chapter remains in and Sarin 2009).
identifying such markers for inflammation and its In laboratories, animal models for inflamma-
correlation with disease condition. tory diseases are being developed to understand

Biomarkers use across the Technologies for

spectrum of diseases biomarker identification
• Genomics-Genome sequencing, Genome
variation,Genome annotation
Risk assessment
Biomarker Evaluation
• Transcriptomics-Microarrays, Gene expression data
• Proteomics-Y2H method, Mass spectrometry, • Safe and easy to measure
Screening Protein chips
• Low cost of follow-up tests
• Metabolomics-NMR, Mass spectrometry • Proven treatment to modify the
Diagnosis, Treatment, Prognosis and prediction
• It should be consistency across
genders and peer groups
Therapy monitoring/Drug designing

Biomarker: Advantages
Monitoring for recurrent disease

Assessment of objective
Precise measurement
Less biased than sampling questionnaires
Biomarker Contribution Understanding of disease mechanisms
Uniform risk assessment
Sequencing of events between exposure and disease
Biomarker: Disadvantages
Develop a dose–response
Identification of events in past medical history
Correlate the events of exposure with disease Proper timing is critical
Reducing the classification of exposures or risk factors of Costly analyses
disease Storage hampers longevity of samples
Determine variability and effect modification Laboratory errors by individual/machine
Assessment of enhanced individual or group risk Critical normal range
Ethical responsibility

Fig. 4.11 Disease pathogenesis and potential applica- tic, and therapeutic applications of biomarkers are pre-
tions of biomarkers. Different subsets of biomarkers are sented with respect to disease pathology (Mayeux 2004;
released from tissues and tumor or present in blood, urine, Kumar and Sarin 2009)
or other body fluids. The screening, diagnostic, prognos-
84 4 Inflammation and Inflammatory Diseases, Markers, and Mediators: Role of CRP…

the process of inflammation, identify inflamma- investigated with the usage of high-throughput
tory biomarkers, and find out their probable role technologies, like proteomics, genomics, lipo-
in therapeutics. Currently, there are no specific mics, metabolomics, microarrays, lab on a chip,
markers for inflammation; rather some broad- etc. These advances have paved the way to the
spectrum inflammatory markers were routinely discovery of novel inflammatory disease bio-
investigated in hospitals. The question we asked markers relating to cancers, autoimmune disor-
is, since the biochemistry of inflammation is ders, intestinal diseases, endocrine diseases,
known, is it possible to identify some potential genetic disorders, neural damage, etc. In many
biomarkers of inflammation for safe assessment cases, these developments have gone together
in diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis which may with the discovery of biomarkers expressed via
in the future be helpful for routine hospital diag- traditional or conventional methods, such as
nosis (Fig. 4.11)? immune histopathology or clinical biochemistry.
However, inflammatory biomarkers are often These inflammatory disease biomarkers together
examined one by one; their interrelation and with microprocessor-based statistical data
clear-cut aspects of their associated pathobiologi- analysis, bioinformatics, and newer invasive/non-
cal mechanisms remain unclear. Explanation of invasive analytical methods have been used to
these relationships could aid the suitable imple- identify individuals with active disease versus
mentation of prognostic biomarkers in different refractory pathology versus those having distin-
clinical practices. Biomarkers in inflammation guishing pathologies. Sometimes diagnosis relies
are gaining increasing interest given their clinical on a cohort of biomarkers rather than a single dis-
benefits. The most commonly used biomarkers ease biomarker. The techniques and methods of
are presented first, followed by a description of elucidating a biomarker are complex, and unfor-
variable acute conditions with their relevant tunately an inflammatory disease biomarker can-
biomarkers. In addition to the conventional use of not be readily transferable to other disease states.
these biomarkers, other biomarkers are outlined Thus there is a demand for a focused and com-
in variable critical conditions that may be related prehensive study in search of universal clinical
to acute inflammation. biomarkers which is the urgent need in wide
Biomarkers can be defined as any alterations in areas of cancer, nutrition, cardiology, endocrinol-
the constituents of body or tissue fluids. These ogy, immunology, addictions, birth defects,
markers provide a medium for uniform classifica- genetics, etc., to correlate with their therapeutic
tion of a disease with its risk factors and can be applications.
extended in understanding the basic underlying
pathophysiology of disease. Biomarkers provide a
powerful and dynamic tool to grasp the spectrum 4.10 Inflammatory Mediators
of inflammatory diseases with usage in observa- and Different Biomarkers
tional and analytic epidemiology, clinical trials in in Different Subsets
populations, and screening with diagnosis and of Diseases and Related
prognosis. Biomarkers can also reflect the entire Immunomodulatory
steps of a disease from the earliest symptoms/ Therapies and/or Strategies
screening to the terminal stages. Analytical assess-
ment of the validity of biomarkers is required to 4.10.1 Intestinal Inflammation
correlate with respect to the stage of disease. in Inflammatory Bowel
Variability in the measurement of biomarkers Disease (IBD)
ranges from individual error in laboratory techni-
cians, machine dysfunction, improper storage of Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a heteroge-
body fluid, and other bias and confounding issues. neous collection of inflammatory situations of
There has been a major sea change, in the past the small intestine and colon which affects mil-
decade, in the way disease is diagnosed and lions of people worldwide. These two diseases
4.10 Inflammatory Mediators and Different Biomarkers in Different Subsets… 85

express familiar symptoms or some common common symptoms of IBD like diarrhea and
extraintestinal complication of recurrent diar- abdominal pain (Wilson et al. 2015).
rhea, abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, anemia, Dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) can induce both
weight loss, vomiting, and severe internal cramps acute and chronic colitis in animal models. This
or muscle spasms in the pelvis. Generally diag- induction with DSS was differentiated by severe
nosis mainly involves assessment of inflamma- disease activity, immense colonic polymorpho-
tory markers in stool and colonoscopy and biopsy nuclear penetration, and elevated levels of TNF-
of pathological lesions. The two main forms of α, IL-17, VCAM-1, and keratinocyte-derived
IBD are ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s dis- chemokine (CXCL1/KC). In the recovery phase
ease (CD) characterized by massive cell influx of intestinal inflammation, marked elevation of
and release of varied pro-inflammatory mediators IL-10, IL-4, TGF-β, and cyclooxygenase 2
to the intestinal tissues. By contrastingly differ- (COX-2) as anti-inflammatory mediators was
ent research groups, different experimental ani- seen. In chronic experimental colitis, nuclear fac-
mal models were developed where the mediators tor κβ (NFκβ) and regulatory T-cell marker fork-
are administered to induce different forms of IBD head box P3 (FoxP3) concentrations were
in the animal. elevated gradually representing immune disbal-
In UC, the laboratory tests most used to mea- ance in intestinal mucosal inflammation (Bento
sure the APPs in clinical practice are the serum et al. 2012).
concentration of CRP and the erythrocyte sedi- The worldwide food-borne bacterial enteroco-
mentation rate. Other biomarkers of acute-phase litis infection is caused by a zoonotic pathogen
response include platelet and leukocyte count Campylobacter jejuni. It forms an integral part of
and serum albumin and orosomucoid concentra- the commensal flora in many domestic and wild
tions. There is a significant difference in the CRP animals including broiler chickens which primar-
response between UC and CD as reported in lit- ily transmit this pathogen to humans. Gnotobiotic
eratures. A clear increase in CRP is described in IL-10-/- mice were generated as a suitable verte-
CD patients, whereas in UC the response is slight brate model in the laboratory by quintuple antibi-
or absent. For these differences, there is no satis- otic intervention to mice just after weaning to
factory explanation. Serum IL-6 levels were sig- protect these animals from chronic colitis. Then
nificantly elevated in patients with CD compared oral infection of C. jejuni leads to colonization of
to UC patients and normal individuals. The most the bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract and resul-
sensitive serologic markers of inflammation in tant acute enterocolitis within 7 days as observed
adult population for detecting IBD are CRP as by bloody diarrhea and significant histopatho-
compared to other markers. The sensitivity of logical changes of the colonic mucosa. The
CRP is quite high which ranges from 70–100 % inflamed colon was immunopathologically char-
in the differential diagnosis between CD versus acterized by greater numbers of B and T lympho-
irritable bowel syndrome. To differentiate cytes, regulatory T cells, and apoptotic cells as
between CD and UC, the higher levels of CRP in well as increased concentrations of IFN-γ, TNF-
active CD than in UC might be used. For differ- α, and MCP-1 mimicking severe phases of human
entiation between both types of IBD, the mea- campylobacteriosis as a perfect animal model
surements of circulating levels of CRP and ESR in vivo. In control, animal models infected with
and platelet count are not useful at all (Cioffi another commensal bacterium, E. coli indicate no
et al. 2015). symptoms of the disease. The lipoproteins and
Inflammatory marker levels of CRP are asso- lipooligosaccharides of C. jejuni are the inflam-
ciated with poor sleep quality, and clinical dis- matory mediators that use the toll-like receptor
ease activity in IBD suggested a relation between (TLR-2 or TLR-4) signaling pathways as mice
circulating inflammatory markers and sleep. The lacking these TLRs are abated from intestinal
key drivers of poor sleep quality are due to the immunopathology (Haag et al. 2012).
86 4 Inflammation and Inflammatory Diseases, Markers, and Mediators: Role of CRP…

Enteric glial cells (EGCs) have protective The colons of diseased IL-17C-deficient mice
functions against pathogens and play an impor- showed high numbers of γδ + and CD4+ T cells.
tant role in the continuation of gut homeostasis Mechanistically, IL-17C directly controls the
to support intestinal inflammation. EGCs may be expression of the occluding or tight junction mol-
activated and proliferated in reaction to inflam- ecule in colonic epithelial cells and thus helps in
mation and injury undergoing reactive gliosis perpetuation of mucosal barrier integrity
(enterogliosis) due to alterations in the homeo- (Reynolds et al. 2012).
stasis of the enteric nervous system. Enterogliosis UC is less prevalent in current smokers as
is exemplified by the massive overexpression compared to ex-smokers and nonsmokers.
and secretion of distinct S100B protein like Though there were reports of smokers having
astroglia-derived signaling molecules. S100B is lowered rates of colectomy, hospitalization, and
a highly diffusible; Ca++/Zn++ and p53-binding requirement for oral corticosteroids and immuno-
protein coordinate different pro-inflammatory suppressant to control this disease, other poten-
signals thus playing a vital role during intestinal tial active mediators in smoking may pose some
inflammation. Pentamidine directly blocks clinical effects. Nicotine’s application in thera-
S100B activity, as an antiprotozoal drug. Acute peutic regime in ulcerative colitis is variable as
UC was induced in mice model by inflammatory compared to conventional medicines and placebo
mediator DSS (4 % DSS for 4 days) as compared as it modifies inflammation and risk in ulcerative
to control mice group and colitis groups with colitis. The adverse events of nicotine limit its
pentamidine treatment (0.8 mg/kg and 4 mg/kg). clinical relevance (Lunney and Leong 2012).
The anti-inflammatory role of pentamidine was In DSS-induced mice, UC was developed
evaluated in colonic tissue by evaluating the dis- resulting in acute intestinal inflammation. In
ease activity index (diarrhea, blood in the feces, colon tissues, histological alterations (eosin and
animal weight loss); histopathological severity; hematoxylin staining), neutrophil inflow (myelo-
postmortem evaluation of cyclooxygenase-2, peroxidase assay), levels of iNOS (immunohisto-
S100B, glial fibrillary acidic protein, and iNOS; chemical staining), and mRNA expression of
p50 and p65 protein expression; phosphorylated- pro-inflammatory mediators like TNF-α, IL-1β,
p38, MAP kinase, and myeloperoxidase activity; IL-6, and IFN-γ by RT-PCR were evaluated.
malondialdehyde synthesis; and macrophage Aqueous extract of chaga mushroom (Inonotus
influx in colonic tissues. Also plasma concentra- obliquus) (IOAE) at treatment doses to UC mice
tions of NO and prostaglandin E2, IL-1β, TNF- indicated suppressed mucosal damage, edema,
α, and S100B levels were also identified in and the loss of crypts in histological examina-
samples. Additional in vitro quantification was tions in colon tissues. IOAE acts as a suggestive
done on longitudinal muscle myenteric plexus anti-inflammatory agent at colorectal sites due to
(LMMP) preparations and dissected mucosa in slowing down of the expression of inflammatory
LPS + DSS or exogenous S100B protein induc- mediators and thus may be useful addendum in
tion in the absence or presence of pentamidine. the setting of IBD (Mishra et al. 2012).
The effects of pentamidine intervention on UC
induced by inflammatory mediators (DSS, LPS)
were implicated in histological/biochemical 4.10.2 Inflammatory Airway Disorder
evaluation and macroscopic observations in
colonic tissues (Mishra et al. 2012; Esposito Asthma, or bronchial asthma (BA), affects mil-
et al. 2012). lions of people worldwide. It is a chronic inflam-
In DSS-induced acute colitis in experimental matory disease of the airways. It causes periodic
mice deficient in IL-17C, the intestinal inflam- outburst of coughing, shortness of breath, wheez-
mation is exaggerated in the presence of inflam- ing, increased contractibility of surrounding
matory mediator DSS. But these mice were smooth muscles, bouts of narrowing of the air-
protected against DSS-induced colon pathology. way, and chest tightness.
4.10 Inflammatory Mediators and Different Biomarkers in Different Subsets… 87

BA is associated with the interplay of various biomarker can indirectly reflect the extent of air-
inflammatory mediators, cell infiltration (T lym- way inflammation (Halvani et al. 2012).
phocytes, eosinophils, and mastocytes), and the The transcription factor, NK-κβ, performs a
liberation of many membrane bound or co- crucial role in the pathogenesis of asthma.
stimulatory soluble molecules (CD40, CD40L, Dehydroxymethylepoxyquinomicin (DHMEQ),
CD30, TNF receptor, and B7-H3). The concen- a compound that inhibits NF-κB activation, was
trations of soluble OX40L (sOX40L), the vital reported to abate various inflammatory diseases
co-stimulatory signal molecule, increases in in animal models. In ovalbumin-induced inflamed
asthmatic children and adults and also in many BALB/c mice, DHMEQ was administered before
diseases. Pulmonary functions by spirometer induction. DHMEQ significantly reduces con-
and serum concentrations of sOX40L by ELISA centrations of TH2 cytokines in bronchoalveolar
were detected in acute asthmatic adult patients lavage fluid and lowered eosinophilic airway
as compared to the control group. The patients inflammation, mucus production, peribronchial
were graded according to their disease severity fibrosis, eotaxin-1, and the expression of
into stable, severe, moderate, and mild asthmatic α-smooth muscle actin. Thus DHMEQ inhibits
group. In adult asthmatic patients, the serum lev- allergic responses in airway inflammation; in
els of sOX40L (6.80 ± 4.95 ng/L) were distinctly murine models, airway remodeling of asthma
elevated than that of the control population, and may be used in therapeutic intervention (Shimizu
they were negatively associated with pulmonary et al. 2012).
function indexes. Also, serum concentrations of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
sOX40L showed prominent differences among (COPD) is a very common lung disease with
severe, moderate, and mild control groups, and inflamed lung condition associated with mild to
its concentrations reduce to the same extent as moderate breathing problem. The two main
the control population after therapeutic interven- forms of COPD are chronic bronchitis (CB) or
tion of the adult asthmatic patients. Thus progressive pulmonary inflammation with a
sOX40L level may act as a possible inflamma- mucus-laden long-term cough and destruction of
tory mediator in the pathology of asthma (Lei the lungs for a long time by emphysema. The
et al. 2012). symptoms of COPD are cough and breathless-
In the diagnosis of asthma, the most important ness to an extreme of ischemic heart disease,
cells are eosinophils and sputum eosinophilia. stroke or death in severe cardiovascular compli-
Apart from local inflammation, systemic inflam- cations. Actually in COPD and in other related
mation in asthma can be revealed by increased chronic lung inflammation, atherosclerotic
concentrations of CRP. By ultrasonic nebulizer, plaque formation and rupture of plaque lead to
sputum was induced, and then peripheral venous cardiovascular events (Man et al. 2012).
blood samples were collected to calculate the Chronic airway inflammation is a combina-
concentration of CRP (by ELISA) and to count tional indicator of several diseases like asthma,
peripheral cells. Serum levels of high-sensitivity COPD, and cystic fibrosis. The symptoms occur
CRP (hs-CRP) were significantly elevated in the after the failure of immune system to combat an
inhaled steroid nonuser group as well as user acute inflammation spontaneously resulting in
group as compared to healthy controls. Sputum structural and functional alterations in the paren-
and peripheral blood eosinophilia were seen in chyma and walls of the airways, uninterrupted
steroid nonusers as compared to the healthy indi- influx of different inflammatory cells toward the
viduals. In the steroid nonuser group, serum hs- locale of inflammation, and production of protein
CRP levels were positively associated with (like chemokines, cytokines, enzymes, etc.) and
sputum eosinophilia, which was not statistically eicosanoids (pro-inflammatory mediators).
significant. The levels of hs-CRP did not get Eicosanoid, an n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid
affected by age, sex, and atopy status in both (PUFA), is mainly synthesized by the metabo-
asthmatic groups. Thus, serum hs-CRP being a lism of arachidonic acid in the membrane phos-
88 4 Inflammation and Inflammatory Diseases, Markers, and Mediators: Role of CRP…

pholipids. Contrastingly, anti-inflammatory n-3 but it is in contrast with findings in adults with
PUFA decreases the synthesis of pro- ALI (Bruijn et al. 2013). CRP is used as an
inflammatory cytokines and functions of immune inflammatory biomarker to distinguish ALI or
cell, releases some anti-inflammatory pro- acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
resolving mediators (protectins and resolvins), from cardiogenic pulmonary edema. CRP
and may be used in airway disorders with an behaves as a diagnostic marker in these diseases.
inflammatory constituent (Giudetti and Cagnazzo CRP along with brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)
2012). behaves as a stronger prognostic marker of these
hs-CRP indicates low grade of systemic diseases (Komiya et al. 2011).
inflammation in COPD. COPD associates posi- The ALI along with its severe form, ARDS, is
tively with hs-CRP and smoking status and nega- exemplified by greater vascular and epithelial
tively related with body mass index. Apart from permeability, hypofibrinolysis, hypercoagula-
forced expiratory volume (FEV), the potential of tion, inflammation, and immunomodulation. A
CRP as biomarker to complement the present distinct population of an intact lipid bilayer con-
system of staging with the help of FEV can be taining small cytosolic vesicles within the mic-
expanded (Nillawar et al. 2012). roparticles (MPs) in both the alveolar and
Acute lung injury (ALI) caused by any local vascular compartments in respective patient
or systemic inflammatory stimulus results in a groups or in ALI/ARDS animal models may
dispersed heterogeneous lung injury symptom- serve as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers.
ized by hypoxemia, low lung compliance, and MPs are released in vascular, parenchymal, or
noncardiogenic pulmonary edema with wide- blood cells containing membrane and cytosolic
spread capillary leakage. For treatment of ALI proteins, different organelles, lipids, and RNA
and pulmonary fibrosis, transplantation of bone derived from their relevant parental cells. MPs
marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) is one act as modulators, intrinsic stimulators, or even
of the possible resorts. Experimentally, rats were attenuators in some diseases as it can effectively
exposed to cigarette smoke (CS) for nearly 11 interrelate with various cell types. MPs in ALI/
weeks followed by administration of rMSCs into ARDS are derived from diverse cell types of het-
the lungs. Infusion of rMSCs mediates a reduced erogeneous function and may act as a promising
pulmonary cell apoptosis; a downregulation of therapeutic agent to modulate inflammatory
TNF-α, IL-1β, MCP-1, and IL-6 (pro- mechanisms by either removing/inhibiting or
inflammatory mediators); and an upregulation of administrating/stimulating MPs (Mcvey et al.
vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), pro- 2012).
teases (MMP9 and MMP12) in lung, VEGF Multiple-organ dysfunction syndrome and
receptor 2, and TGFβ-1 and improves destructive ALI are initiated by different inflammatory medi-
pulmonary function and emphysema triggered by ators after trauma and hemorrhagic shock (T/HS)
CS exposure (Guan et al. 2013). to enter into the systemic circulation through
High plasma CRP levels within 48 h of ALI in mesenteric lymph ducts. Post-HS mesenteric
children were tested along with its association in lymph (PHSML) activates polymorphonuclear
28-day mortality and ventilator-free days (VFD). leukocytes (PMNs), activates red blood cell and
The CRP level in nonsurvivors was 126 mg/L vascular endothelial cell dysfunction, and con-
which was quite high than in survivors tains biologically active lipids as pro-
(CRP = 56 mg/L). As cardiovascular organ failure inflammatory mediators. In the PHSML,
at onset of ALI was the strongest predictor for phosphatidylethanolamine, lysophosphatidyleth-
mortality, so for every 10-mg/L rise in CRP level, anolamine (LPE), phosphatidylcholine, lyso-
mortality increased by 4.7 %. Increased CRP lev- phosphatidylcholine (LPC), and sphingomyelin
els were thus associated with a decrease in were detected; arachidonoyl, linoleoyl, and doco-
VFD. Therefore, increased plasma CRP levels sahexaenoyl LPCs and LPEs were significantly
have no favorable outcome in ALI in children, elevated in the PHSML of the T/HS group.
4.10 Inflammatory Mediators and Different Biomarkers in Different Subsets… 89

Elastase was also released after induction by prepare for future treatment methodologies
linoleoyl and arachidonoyl LPCs. These biologi- (Kylänpää et al. 2012).
cally active lipids in PHSML are involved in the In AP patients, the concentration of CRP
pathology of ALI or multiple organ dysfunction equal or more than to 150 mg/L even at 48 h after
syndrome (Morishita et al. 2012). hospital admission was relevantly associated
with higher chance of receiving prophylactic
antibiotics after prescription. Thus CRP was one
4.10.3 Pancreatitis of the most prominent biomarkers in prescribing
prophylactic antibiotics in AP (Cardoso et al.
Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the 2014). In CP patients, systematic inflammation
pancreas which requires medical attention and was identified. Patients with osteoporosis and
immediate hospitalization during an attack. It higher levels of inflammatory markers had the
occurs mainly when trypsin and other pancreatic highest systemic inflammation. Thus, in CP, the
enzymes start digesting food when activated in potential alteration of risk factors like CRP may
the pancreas instead of the small intestine. Acute provide an avenue to avert fractures and reduce
pancreatitis (AP) begins suddenly and lasts for a bone loss in this group (Duggan et al. 2015). CRP
few days, whereas in chronic pancreatitis (CP) it along with serum interleukin-6 (IL-6) is used as a
lasts for many years. The most common (~80 %) diagnostic marker in the differentiation between
etiology of AP and CP is gallstones and alcohol, pancreatic cancer and CP (Mroczko et al. 2010).
respectively. Pancreatitis has multiple causes In nonalcoholic fatty pancreas disease
including some viruses (cytomegalovirus, hepati- (NAFPD), obesity is a risk factor. During AP,
tis B, mumps), bacteria (Mycoplasma, IL-10 acts as an effective anti-inflammatory cyto-
Salmonella), fungi (Legionella, Aspergillus), and kine in downregulating the release of pro-
parasites (Ascaris, Cryptosporidium) and a num- inflammatory mediators. Obesity reduces the
ber of other infectious agents have been synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the
recognized. spleen, so spleen-originated IL-10 may regulate
AP if present in its severe form includes sys- the NAFPD pathology, caused by high-fat (HF)-
temic organ dysfunction, local pancreatic com- diet-induced obesity. In splenectomy (SPX)-
plications (pseudocysts, necrosis, or abscess), or treated mice, the increased fat deposition and
both. Severity of AP depends on a number of inflammatory responses of the pancreas in obese
causal factors which includes both systemic mice (with HF diet-induction) were reduced by
organ failure and local peripancreatic necrosis. In systemic administration of IL-10. In IL-10
AP, inflammatory mediators initiate the intracel- knockout mice, SPX had little effect on inflam-
lular stimulation of pancreatic proenzymes and/ matory responses and fat deposition in the pan-
or NF-κB. Thus, stimulated leukocytes penetrate creas. Thus, obesity reduces IL-10 release by the
deep into and around the pancreas and decide a spleen which may protect against the develop-
central role in the severity of AP. The inflamma- ment of NAFPD (Gotoh et al. 2012).
tory reaction is initially local, which may multi- A biologically active portion of the plant
ply in cascade to produce excess inflammatory Nardostachys jatamansi (NJ; NJ4) was adminis-
mediators leading to systemic and/or early organ tered intraperitoneally in mice followed by injec-
failure (Kylänpää et al. 2012). tion with the cerulein (analogue of stable
These immune responses are combated by the cholecystokinin) for nearly 6 h. After the last
release of specific cytokine inhibitors and anti- cerulein injection, the morphological examina-
inflammatory cytokines thus preventing the haz- tion of the lung and pancreas and blood and neu-
ard for systemic infection. At present, there is no trophil infiltration were done along with cytokine
specific treatment for AP, but an enhanced under- expression. NJ4 administration abates the AP
standing of the pathology of systemic inflamma- severity and lung injury related with AP, reduces
tion and the advance of organ dysfunction may neutrophil inflow and cytokine production, and
90 4 Inflammation and Inflammatory Diseases, Markers, and Mediators: Role of CRP…

results to in vivo elevated levels of heme oxygen- carditis. Often, people with increased blood
ase-1 (HO-1). Also, NJ4 along with NJ4-2 pressure or diabetes and their blood relatives are
(another active fraction) induces HO-1 in isolated at the risk of CKD.
pancreatic acinar cells and thus prevents the The progression of CKD is aggravated by
cerulein-triggered death of acinar cells. NJ4 may inflammation and oxidative stress. Oxidative
be a probable therapeutic agent offering defense stress leads to depletion of the most prominent
in AP and might also lower the severity of the endogenous intracellular antioxidant, tissue glu-
disease by stimulating HO-1 expression (Bae tathione (GSH), but dilapidation of oral GSH by
et al. 2012). digestive enzymes limits its therapeutic interven-
tions. In chronic renal failure (CRF), GSH repres-
sion reduces the oral GSH precursor, F1 (contains
4.10.4 Kidney Disease cystine as a cysteine carrier), which attenuates
oxidative stress and inflammation and restores
The kidneys are two organs that cleanse our tissue GSH and thus reduces the severity of inter-
blood by removing excess fluid and waste, main- stitial nephropathy. Experimental male Sprague
tain the salt and mineral balance of the blood, and Dawley rats were broken up into CRF (rat chow
help to regulate blood pressure. When the kid- with 0.7 % adenine) group, F1-treated CRF
neys are damaged, fluid and waste products can group (rat chow containing adenine with F1)
accumulate in the body, causing swelling of the group, and control group (with regular rat chow).
ankles, with weakness, poor sleep, vomiting, and Finally, the animals were given regular chow and
shortness of breath. Loss of kidney function is a then euthanized. Consumption of adenine-con-
serious and potentially fatal state and if left taining diet causes rigorous kidney swelling;
untreated, eventually the diseased kidneys may azotemia; high glomerular and tubular injury;
stop functioning totally. lowered urinary concentrating capacity; massive
The most abundant leukocytes in the kidney tubulointerstitial nephropathy; severe anemia;
are DCs and macrophages which are the key elevated levels of markers of oxidative stress,
players in innate immune responses as they coor- inflammatory mediators (p-IκBα, cytoplasmic
dinate ischemia–reperfusion injury in the kidney NF-κB, NF-κB, cyclooxygenase-2, p65), and
followed by inflammation. They directly induce plasma oxidized glutathione disulfide (GSSG)
sterile inflammation after reperfusion by produc- 3-nitrotyrosine; and lowered GSH/GSSG ratio
ing pro-inflammatory cytokines, soluble inflam- and manganese superoxide dismutase. F1 co-
matory mediators, and chemokines and indirectly treatment caused significantly reduced tubuloint-
through activation of NK cells and effector T erstitial edema and inflammation; higher urinary
lymphocytes. DCs possess tolerogenic functions concentrating capacity, anemia, azotemia; and
in normal and diseased conditions and macro- normalized expression of markers of tissue oxi-
phages participate in tissue repair. Governing the dative and nitrosative stress. Thus, F1 acts as a
microenvironment of the kidney and understand- unique oxidative stress modulator, prominently
ing the function and phenotype of DCs and mac- attenuating inflammation, renal damage, oxida-
rophages will throw light on the pathogenesis of tive stress indicators, and renal dysfunction
this disease and offer novel drug targets (Okusa (Nicholas et al. 2012).
and Li 2012). Elevated pre-procedural serum hs-CRP levels
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) or chronic were correlated with the extended clinical out-
renal disease is the gradual failure in kidney comes of subjects with stable chronic kidney dis-
function for a period of few months to some ease (CKD) who were implanted with
years. The worsening signs of kidney function first-generation drug-eluting stent (DES) (Ortega
are highly nonspecific and might normally et al. 2014; Ogita et al. 2015). Lower sodium lev-
include an uneasy feeling, anemia, some cardio- els in serum had been associated in patients with
vascular disease, lowered appetite, and also peri- CKD through their increased mortality. CRP acts
4.10 Inflammatory Mediators and Different Biomarkers in Different Subsets… 91

as the independent predictors of lower plasma CRP with phosphocholine is quite unfavorable if
sodium in CKD patients. Thus higher CRP levels it occurs on injured host cells as it causes more
are correlated with lower sodium levels. Thus damage to the tissue by stimulating the comple-
inflammation could be one of the underlying con- ment pathway. So, in acute myocardial infarction
founding factors explaining the increased mortal- and ischemia–reperfusion injury, the scenario is
ity in these CKD patients (Ortega et al. 2014). worsened by CRP. The consequence of the bind-
ing of CRP to damaged cells thoroughly depends
on the type of tissue. In tissues like skin and sub-
4.10.5 Injury cutaneous tissue, CRP does not harm to bind the
complement and hasten the death of the dead tis-
Inflammation without any sterile inflammation or sue. It is different and harmful to remove dead
infection leads to either acute injury or chronic tissue having no regeneration property. In myo-
disease. In cerebral ischemia, the primary injury cardial infarction, CRP will remove the necrotic
is caused by reduced blood supply and contrib- part of the myocardium. But, in the ischemic part
uted by IL-1β. IL-1β is controlled by the protease of the tissue, where the damage can be reversed,
caspase-1 and its related inflammasome NLRP3, CRP may remove the tissue as described
the activating complex. In macrophages, the previously. Thus, the phosphocholine-binding
in vitro NLRP3 inflammasome-dependent function of CRP is quite defensive for the host
responses require an early priming stimulus by a because it leads to removal of necrotic tissue and
damage-associated molecular pattern (DAMP) or also protection against pneumococcal infection.
a pathogen (PAMP). In mouse, in the cultured On the contrary, the phosphocholine-binding
brain-originated mixed glial cells (DAMP ATP), function of CRP is detrimental for the host when
calcium pyrophosphate dehydrated crystals and CRP binds reversibly to the damaged myocardial
monosodium urate had no effect on the expres- cells, as it causes more damage to the tissue by
sion of IL-1β or IL-1α and were released when activating the complement pathways (Agrawal
stimulated by PAMP. Alternately, without prim- et al. 2014).
ing, these DAMPs may trigger inflammation A heat shock protein family, αβ-crystallin,
through the synthesis of CXCL1 and IL-6 and exerts cell protection under various stress-related
cathepsin B (lysosomal protease). Apart from conditions developed in the mouse model of mul-
PAMP, the acute-phase protein like serum amy- tiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury brain ischemia,
loid A (SAA) may also behave as a priming stim- and Alexander disease. After contusion lesions,
ulus. After cerebral ischemia, in vivo, synthesis the levels of αβ-crystallin are lowered in spinal
of IL-1 increased the overproduction of CXCL1 cord tissue. After contusion injury (for the first
and IL-6 in the ischemic hemispheres of IL-1α/β week), administration of recombinant human
double KO mice though in these mice injury- αβ-crystallin leads to increased granulocyte infil-
induced cytokine responses were not abated. tration and continuous improvement in locomo-
Thus DAMPs enhance brain inflammation by tor skills, modulates inflammatory responses in
directly stimulating production of glia-originated the injured spinal cord, reduces secondary tissue
inflammatory mediators and IL-1-dependent damage, and lowered recruitment of inflamma-
responses (Savage et al. 2012). tory macrophages. Thus, release of recombinant
Through in vitro experiments, using necrotic human αβ-crystallin promotes increased locomo-
and apoptotic cells revealed the binding of CRP tor recovery after spinal cord injury suggesting
to necrotic and apoptotic cells and also facilitated its use as a better therapeutic agent for treating
the removal of such cells. But in vivo experi- acute spinal cord injury because at present there
ments performed using animal models having is currently no effective treatment (Klopstein
ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury revealed that et al. 2012).
the binding of CRP to such damaged cells is det- A sustained trauma (car accident, falls, sports
rimental to the tissue. Thus, the binding role of injuries, gunshot wounds, stab wounds, a pene-
92 4 Inflammation and Inflammatory Diseases, Markers, and Mediators: Role of CRP…

trating foreign object such as a knife, etc.) to the was detected on postoperative day POD3 and
liver leads to liver injury, the most common POD7 in lumbar open discectomy (LOD) patients
abdominal injury, and constitutes 5 % of all trau- of noninfection. Thus CRP would be a more sen-
mas. Majority of the people who sustain this sitive and effective parameter especially in LOD
injury are also accompanied by some other injury. patients for early evaluation of infectious compli-
Nonoperative management with observation is cations, and the typical prototype of CRP may
necessary for a full recovery. Liver injury was assist to evaluate the early postoperative course
triggered in rats by administration of acetamino- (Choi et al. 2014).
phen (800 mg/kg, i.p.) followed by administra-
tion of fucoidan (extracted from various brown
seaweeds, a pharmacological sulfated polysac- 4.10.6 Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
charide) 2 h before and after acetaminophen
administration. Liver damage and cell death, Cardiovascular disease (CVD) or heart diseases
overexpression of CYP2E1 (metabolizing affects the total cardiovascular system, the heart
enzymes of acetaminophen), and hepatic apopto- or blood vessels (like arteries, capillaries, and
sis (shown by the protein expression of Bax, Bcl- veins), vascular system of the brain and kidney,
2, and cleaved caspase-3) induced by and peripheral arterial disease. The reasons of
acetaminophen were attenuated by co-treatment cardiovascular disease are miscellaneous ranging
of fucoidan. Fucoidan acts as an antioxidative from hypertension to atherosclerosis, aging with
agent and increases the production and expres- other allied cardiovascular dysfunction and many
sion of glutathione, glutathione peroxidase, and others causes found in even healthy asymptom-
superoxide dismutase. All of them were reduced atic individuals. CVD is the leading reason of
by acetaminophen. Further, fucoidan lowered the deaths worldwide, though, since the 1970s, car-
expression of inflammatory mediators (IL-1β, diovascular mortality rates have reduced in many
TNF-α, iNOS). Thus, against acetaminophen- high-income countries. At the same time, cardio-
induced liver injury, fucoidan has hepato- vascular disease and deaths have increased at a
protective effects through the anti-apoptotic, rapid rate in middle- and low-income countries.
antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory pathways Although CVD usually influences older adults,
(Hong et al. 2012). the antecedents of CVD, remarkably atheroscle-
In 90 % partial hepatectomy (PH, except the rosis, begin in initial life, making primary antici-
caudate lobe) of rats, omega-3 PUFA acid (ω-3 pation efforts essential from childhood. Thus
PUFA) was administered intravenously before there is increased stress on preventing atheroscle-
PH surgery for liver regeneration. To analyze rosis by altering risk factors, like exercise, healthy
liver regeneration, survival rates, liver weights, eating, and avoidance of smoking.
liver weight/body weight ratios, nuclear associ- Reports were found pointing out that hs-CRP
ated antigen Ki-67, signal transduction, and other acts both as risk factor in the general healthy pop-
biotechnological assays were evaluated. Survival ulation and as prognostic factor in those with
rates in the ω-3 PUFA-induced rats were remark- CVD. CRP was the most useful biomarker in
able as compared to death of all in the control subjects with a history of CVD and intermediate
group (Qiu et al. 2012). risk of events at 10 years, where adding of hs-
CRP is often used to assess the status of post- CRP to the classical models for event risk estima-
operative infection. Anomalous CRP values tion improves the risk staging. There was actually
might be perceived after surgery yet in the case of no consensus on the clinical usefulness of CRP as
noninfection due to transfusion and muscle a prognostic marker in subjects with acute or
injury, which disrupted better perioperative man- chronic disease (Brito et al. 2015).
agement. The level of CRP was evaluated after In asthma and in some inflammatory diseases,
spine surgery, which was shown to be noninfec- cysteinyl leukotrienes (CysLT) behave as immu-
tion. A dramatic decrease of CRP concentration nomodulating lipid mediators and a strong spas-
4.10 Inflammatory Mediators and Different Biomarkers in Different Subsets… 93

mogenic agent. Apoe−/− mice were fed with a 4.10.7 Autoimmune Disease
hypercholesterolemic diet, and the expression of
some key enzymes of the CysLT pathway and Autoimmune disease arises from autoimmunity,
their related receptors (CysLT1/CysLT2) were which is an imperfect immune response of the
analyzed in the myocardium (hypoxic and nor- body against the body’s own tissues and mole-
mal). Chronic inflammation with increased apop- cules. It may be organs (autoimmune thyroiditis)
tosis, fibrosis, and leukotriene C4 synthase or a particular tissue (Goodpasture’s disease). Its
(LTC4S) and upregulation of expression of IL-6 treatment involves typically immunosuppressive
and CysLT1 were demonstrated in the myocar- drugs. During an infectious disease, macrophages
dial biopsies of Apoe−/− in comparison to biop- and other immune cells due to infection release
sies from control C57BL/6 J mice. Acute bouts of cytokines (namely, IL-1β), which in turn activate
hypoxia further induce the LTC4S and CysLT1 NF-kβ-dependent transcriptional pathway and
expression, increasing LTC4S enzyme activity, inflammatory-cell recruitment via adaptor pro-
with associated increased expansion of hypoxic tein, myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MYD88).
areas in the myocardium. In acute bouts of But these cytokines may break the tissue archi-
hypoxic stress, treatment with selective CysLT1 tecture of endothelial and reduces its cell–cell
receptor antagonist (Montelukast) inhibits CysLT interactions. Endothelial cell blocks the inflam-
signaling pathway thus reducing myocardial matory cell infiltration and in other way also acts
hypoxic areas in Apoe−/− mice to nearly normoxic as an inflammatory mediator. The disruptive
conditions. Even in human heart biopsies from effects of IL-1β on endothelial stability in a
patients with chronic coronary artery disease, the human in vitro cell model is through binding of
mRNA expression levels of LTC4S and CysLT1 MYD88 to small GTPase ADP-ribosylation fac-
were upregulated in chronic ischemic myocar- tor 6 (ARF6) signaling and its activator ARF
dium as compared to a nonischemic one. Thus, nucleotide-binding site opener (ARNO; also
CysLT1 antagonists may have protective function known as CYTH2). It is independent of the
on hypoxic heart by improving the oxygen sup- NF-kβ pathway. SecinH3, an inhibitor of ARNO,
ply to myocardial ischemia areas, for example, increases vascular stability significantly in ani-
during episodes of sleep apnea (Nobili et al. mal models of acute inflammation and inflamma-
2012). tory arthritis (Zhu et al. 2012).
In CVD mainly atherosclerosis and athero- CRP along with ESR was used as an inflam-
thrombosis are mostly controlled by immune- matory marker in juvenile arthritis disease
mediated inflammation. In CVD and in various (Mourão et al. 2014). Delivery-related CRP lev-
diseases associated with an elevated cardiovascu- els were significantly elevated during delivery
lar risk (acute coronary syndrome, systemic among both multiple sclerosis (MS) pregnancy
lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, end- patients and in control pregnant women. CRP
stage renal disease, and severe carotid stenosis), levels were higher only during pregnancy in both
during humoral autoimmunity, IgG autoantibod- study groups than during the postpartum period.
ies against apolipoprotein A-1 (apoA-1) might Delivery-related elevated CRP levels did not cor-
play an emerging cardiovascular risk. Anti- relate with postpartum disease activity. MS
apolipoprotein A-1 antibodies (anti-apoA-1 IgG) patients having gestational diabetes had a signifi-
may act against the active mediators of athero- cantly higher level of CRP in the beginning of
genesis and as a probable diagnostic and prog- pregnancy as compared to nondiabetic MS
nostic biomarker of cardiovascular risk (Teixeira patients. MS patients having fatigue had signifi-
et al. 2012). cantly higher CRP levels throughout pregnancy
94 4 Inflammation and Inflammatory Diseases, Markers, and Mediators: Role of CRP…

as compared to patients without fatigue. Thus, underlying bone with irreparable deformities. In
higher CRP values were correlated with ankylosis, the articulating members are adhered
pregnancy-related comorbidities but not with the resulting in fusion with loss of mobility. In syno-
MS disease activity (Jalkanen et al. 2015). vitis, inflammation is restricted to the synovial
In inflammatory and autoimmune disease and membrane/lining of the joint. Simple pains in the
in CNS injury models, inflammatory mediators joints with no other accompanying evidence of
and DC migration are reduced by administration arthritis are referred to as arthralgias. Rheumatism
of cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2R) agonists. is a noninflammatory joint disease with unprece-
CB2R signaling inhibits matrix metalloprotein- dented discomfort of the articular apparatus
ase 9 (MMP-9) expressions and thus affects DC (joints with bursas, tendons, ligaments, and ten-
migration in the Matrigel migration assay (in don sheaths). Spondylitis is the inflammation of
vitro) and in draining lymph nodes (in vivo). the spine and joints.
CB2R-mediated MMP-9 expression resulted in “Spondyloarthritis” consists of an aggregation
reduced cAMP levels, decreased ERK activation, of a group of several diseases having similarities
and lowered binding of c-Fos and c-Jun to in clinical, radiological, and genetic content.
MMP-9 promoter activator protein 1 sites and Ankylosing spondylitis is the main representative
thus controls MMP-9-dependent DC migration to of this spondyloarthritis group and is mainly
re-ensure homeostasis. In future, CB2R agonists characterized by a predominant axial involve-
might be targeted as potential therapeutic media- ment. For the diagnosis of ankylosing spondyli-
tors for the treatment of different chronic inflam- tis, the presence of radiographic sacroiliitis is
matory conditions activated by immune cells, quite essential according to the newly modified
including DCs (Adhikary et al. 2012). New York criteria. The diagnosis of
Production of autoantibodies and breakdown spondyloarthritis is often delayed as the occur-
of self-tolerance are the key players in SLE. Anti- rence of radiographic sacroiliitis takes nearly
dsDNA antibodies bind to cell surface receptor 8–11 years. In magnetic resonance imaging, the
proteins of resident kidney cells, trigger down- sacroiliac joint inflammation can be depicted
stream stimulation of signaling pathways, and before the appearance of radiographic damage
release inflammatory mediators and fibrosis in thereby defining the new concept of “non-radio-
the vascular, glomerular, and tubulointerstitial graphic axial spondyloarthritis.” Elevated levels
compartments of the kidney and associated acute of CRP at baseline have been used as biomarkers
or chronic renal failure during the pathogenesis in predicting radiographic sacroiliitis progres-
of lupus nephritis (Yung and Chan 2012). sion. Thus CRP was helpful in definite diagnosis
of ankylosing spondylitis (Tant et al. 2014).
The release of tenascin-C (TN-C) into knee
4.10.8 Joint Disease synovial fluid after joint disease or in acute joint
injury induces inflammatory mediators and
Joint disease, affecting millions of people, is any matrix degradation in vitro in human articular
disease or injury of the human joints. Arthritis cartilage. Human knee synovial fluid samples
and many others form the group of best-known were collected from acute inflammatory arthritis
joint diseases. Joint diseases may be acute or (AIA), isolated knee meniscus injury, knee ante-
exceedingly chronic, causing uncomfortable, rior cruciate ligament rupture, knee osteoarthritis
nagging, agonizing pain in one or many joints, (OA) with or without concomitant meniscus
and may affect many parts of the skeleton. lesions, and knee healthy control groups for
Inflammatory joint diseases are represented by TN-C level and other cartilage markers. Same
arthritis with inflammation of the joints, effusion parameters were also undertaken in joints of dogs
of fluid into the joint cavity, stiffness, swelling, that undergone knee instability surgery. TN-C
pain, and redness of the skin above the joint. In levels and its correlations with levels of matrix
severe form, it destroys the joint cartilage and metalloproteinases 1 and 3 and aggrecanase-
4.10 Inflammatory Mediators and Different Biomarkers in Different Subsets… 95

dependent Ala-Arg-Gly-aggrecan (ARG- ators (CRP and NO) in acute (day 0) and
aggrecan) fragments were observed to be convalescent phase (day 15). Laboratory inflam-
significantly higher in all the joint fluid of the matory profiles reveal similar data in accordance
human disease groups and in the dogs as com- with white blood cells, thrombocytopenia, and
pared to controls. Thus, TN-C being a marker of high band cell production during the acute phase
joint damage may also act as a stimulant of fur- of infection. CRP levels were higher in acute P.
ther joint degradation (Chockalingam et al. vivax infection as compared to acute P. falci-
2013). parum infection, but higher NO was observed in
acute and convalescent P. falciparum infections.
Modifications in these mediators cannot envisage
4.10.9 Parasitic Infections malaria infection and need further investigation
(Lima-Junior et al. 2012).
Any infectious disease caused or transmitted by a Although CRP has been known to bind with
parasite is referred to as a parasitic disease. varied nucleated cells, the direct binding of CRP
Parasitic diseases can affect all living organisms molecule to erythrocytes in disease condition
and any organ or tissue of the body. Some para- remains greatly unexplored. The binding of
sites can cause disease directly (malaria) but may disease-associated CRP to erythrocytes of
also be through the toxins that they produce. patients was demonstrated by flow cytometry,
The etiology of parasitic diseases is protozoa Western blotting, co-immunoprecipitation,
(protozoan infection), helminths (helminthiasis), ELISA, and surface plasmon resonance. A spe-
and bacteria (bacterial infection). Protozoa, hel- cific and strong RBCMal–CRPMal binding was
minths, and bacteria may be ectoparasites or observed. PC and calcium were found to be cru-
endoparasites. cial for this interaction. Nearly a two- to threefold
Malaria-associated acute respiratory distress increase in RBCMal–CRPMal binding as compared
syndrome (MA-ARDS) marked by pulmonary to RBCN confirmed disease specificity (Ansar
inflammation is a highly complicated disease et al. 2006). This binding altered the normal dis-
with unknown pathophysiology. C57Bl/6 mice coid shape of RBCMal with greater hydrophobic-
were infected with Plasmodium berghei NK65, ity and membrane fluidity. The effector function
P. chabaudi, and P. berghei ANKA, and the level of CRPMal (10 μg/ml) has been exhibited by its
of hemozoin in the lungs (in phagocytes, infected greater potency to trigger the complement cas-
erythrocytes, and occasionally granulocytes) was cade as compared to RBCN. Thus, these studies
correlated with the number of infiltrating inflam- provide undeviating evidence for a significant
matory cells; alveolar edema; lung weight; phagocytic functional coaction of this acute-
increased pulmonary expression of cytokines, phase protein by activating the CRP complement
chemokines, and enzymes; and alveolar VEGF cascade after binding with RBCMal (Ansar et al.
levels. Also, P. falciparum-derived hemozoin 2006). Deficiencies of the complement-regulatory
was injected intravenously in malaria-free mice. proteins (CD35, CD55, and CD59) on RBCMal of
Consequently, hemozoin stimulated the pulmo- patients with Plasmodium falciparum were also
nary expression of cytokines (IL-6, IL-1β, TNF, reportedly known. The role of CRPMal in control-
IL-10, and TGF-β), pro-inflammatory chemo- ling the complement-regulatory proteins and
kines (KC/CXCL1, IP-10/CXCL10, and MCP-1/ downstream consequence on the complement
CCL2), and other inflammatory mediators cascade has been examined. In the presence of
(iNOS, Hmox1, NOX2, and ICAM-1) (Deroost CRP, RBCMal demonstrated lowered complement-
et al. 2013). regulatory proteins with reduced affinity. These
Patients infected with P. vivax uncomplicated changes cause increased C3 deposition and more
and P. falciparum malaria in the endemic complement-mediated hemolysis, thus providing
Brazilian Amazon were examined for hemato- a novel mechanism of complement-fueled
logical alterations and discharge of soluble medi- RBCMal destruction pathway refractory to eryth-
96 4 Inflammation and Inflammatory Diseases, Markers, and Mediators: Role of CRP…

rophagocytosis, and may account for pathogene- tion (EF) (38 %) (Table1). Patient was managed
sis of anemia (Ansar et al. 2009a). conservatively by anti-failure management by
The levels of CRP were elevated in pooled giving a furosemide injection, nitroglycerine
serum from P. vivax-, P. knowlesi-, and P. (GTN), and ramipril tablets and discharged. For
falciparum-infected patients. CRP might repre- her long-term rheumatoid arthritis, she is taking
sent an important marker of infection of malaria, methotrexate, prednisolone, and folic acid by
which could be utilized as a usual diagnostic tool oral route. She had heart failure.
for detecting P. vivax, P. knowlesi, and P. falci- A 52-year-old male (Patient 3) was presented
parum infections. However, the prospective of with fever, soft abdomen, and severe pain, red-
CRP as infection marker of malaria will need to ness, and tenderness in the anal region for 3 days.
be elucidated in a larger population of malaria- He had been diagnosed previously with diabetes
infected subjects (Mu et al. 2014). (type II) with high BP. His laboratory findings
revealed high TLC, DLC, and ESR and raised
CRP levels. His blood serology report revealed
4.11 Clinical History negative for both malarial and dengue antigen.
He had perineal abscess (as increased risk in dia-
In our study, three patients (designated as Patient betic patient). He had a palpable inguinal lymph
1, 2, and 3) were included whose clinical history node and an inflamed perineal region with fever.
and photos were included in Table 4.1. The He had neutrophilic leukocytosis with high CRP
patients were admitted in KPC Medical College and ESR. His procalcitonin level revealed
and Hospital, Jadavpur, Kolkata, India. Informed absence of bacterial infection (Table 4.1). He was
consents were taken from these patients and their treated surgically by incision and drainage of
relatives, and the clinical history was given as per perineal abscess under general anesthesia, and
the consent of the institutional review board of intravenous followed by oral antibiotics, tight
the hospital. There were 2 patients (Patient 1 and control of sugar by regular insulin, and adequate
2), both female and diagnosed clinically as hav- analgesics and antihypertensives were given.
ing rheumatoid arthritis. The first patient was The level of inflammatory biomarkers like
admitted for her cataract surgery. The second CRP was quite high in all the three patients.
patient was admitted for shortness of breath.
Another patient (Patient 3) was suffering from
perianal (or perineal) abscess and he came to the 4.12 Analysis of Biomarkers Seen
hospital to have the severely painful and tender in the Patients
abscess operated. The clinical history and photos
of the patients (Patient 1 and 3) were collected It is quite evident from the clinical history from
during preanesthetic checkup and the history of the hospital that no specific mediators were
Patient 2 was collected from the emergency ward investigated during the routine investigations in
during critical care management. the diagnosis process. Rather some broad-
A 56-year-old woman (Patient 2) with short- spectrum inflammatory markers were diagnosed
ness of breath and body ache was admitted to the which will point toward the process of inflamma-
ITU of the hospital at the onset. She was known tion and not to the pathways of activation of
to be diabetic (type II) and hypothyroid and had mediators, whereas in the laboratory people are
COPD. Her primary laboratory investigations developing inflammatory animal models to
showed high ESR, high CRP levels, very high understand all possible molecules involved in
N-terminal pro-BNP, a positive rheumatoid inflammation. Very soon in hospitals, definite
arthritis (RA) factor, and mildly deranged liver inflammatory markers for each disease will be
functions. Her echocardiography showed left investigated for routine diagnosis.
ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) with high pulmo- In this chapter, we have highlighted case stud-
nary artery pressure (PAP) and low ejection frac- ies of some patients from Kolkata, India, reveal-
4.12 Analysis of Biomarkers Seen in the Patients 97

Table 4.1 Clinical and laboratory parameters of patients

Parameters Patients
Sl no. 1 2 3

Physical parameters
Age (years) 66 56 52
Sex Female Female Male
Weight (Kg) 68 84 (obese) 73
1. Fever for 6 days 1. Shortness of breath for 1. Fever for 3 days
2. Decreased urine output for 1 day 2 days with exacerbation 2. Pain and tenderness in the
3. Restless for the last 6 h for the last 4 h anal region and he can’t sit
2. Body ache for 2 years for 5 days
3. Swelling of knee joint
3 months back
Past medical history
1. Diabetes mellitus type II for 4 years 1. Diabetes mellitus type 1. Hypertensive for 7 years
2. Chronic kidney disease for 2 years II for 2 years 2. Diabetes mellitus type II
2. Hypothyroid for for 4 years
3 years
Past surgical history
1. Caesarian section—30 years back 1. Hysterectomy and 1. Cholecystectomy—7 years
2. Cholecystectomy—24 years back bilateral salpingo- back
oophorectomy—8 years
3. Appendicectomy—18 years back
Drug allergy
Name not known Not known till now Sulfur drugs
On examination
A. General examination
Patient conscious, restless, and sometimes disoriented Patient conscious, alert, Patient conscious, alert, and
and cooperative cooperative
GCS 13/15 15/15 15/15
Pulse/min 124 96 104
Temperature (oF) 101.4 98.1 101.4
Pallor Mild Positive Nil
BP (mm of Hg) 136/90 140/82 152/90
JVP Normal Raised Normal
Palpable lymph node Not palpable Not palpable Inguinal lymph node
Hydration status Mild dehydration No dehydration Mild dehydration
Clubbing Not present Not present Present
98 4 Inflammation and Inflammatory Diseases, Markers, and Mediators: Role of CRP…

Table 4.1 (continued)

Parameters Patients
Sl no. 1 2 3
B. Systemic examination
Chest (air entry) 1. Adequate 1. Adequate Adequate
2. Scattered rhonchi on 2. Rhonchi occasional,
both lungs crepitation (++) more on
3. Maintaining SpO2 is left basal
94 % with 3 liters
oxygen via nasal cannula
with respiratory rate 29/
CVS ( S1 and S2) Audible, no gallop Audible, gallop (++) Audible
Abdomen Soft Soft and tender right Soft
hepatojugular reflux
Intestinal peristaltic sound Positive Positive Positive
C. Local examination
1. No sore throat 1. Lumbosacral 1. Perineal abscess—swollen
2. No petechiae spine—tender (+) (++), red (++), tender (++)
2. Knee joint—tender and
D. Laboratory investigations
Hb (gm/dl) 9.8 12.3 13.4
Inflammatory and infective markers
TLC (cells/ 21,200 7900 22,400
DLC (%) N (94), L (3), M (3), E N (62), L (34), M (1), E N (90), L ( 8), M (1) E (1)
(0) (3)
ESR (mm/first hour) 87 96 74
CRP (mg/L) 342 126 260
Procalcitonin (ng/ml) 42 ND 12
Pro-BNP (pg/mL) ND 35,624 ND
Malarial antigen Negative Negative Negative
Dengue serology Negative Negative Negative
Sugar level tests
Blood sugar (mg/dl) RBS-366 RBS -236 RBS -302
Glycated hemoglobin test 8.6 7.6 9
(Hb A1c) (%)
Renal function tests
Urea (mg/dl) 86 30 34
Creatinine (mg/dl) 2.8 1.3 1.2
Sodium (Na+) (mEq/L) 152 139 136
Potassium (K+) (mEq/L) 4.9 3.8 4.7
Calcium (serum) (Ca++) 8.6 9.3 8.7
Autoimmune markers
Antinuclear antibody ND Negative ND
4.12 Analysis of Biomarkers Seen in the Patients 99

Table 4.1 (continued)

Parameters Patients
Sl no. 1 2 3
RA factor ( above 20 IU/ ND Positive ND
HLA (B-27) ND Negative ND
Coagulation markers
PTT (sec) (control—12 s) 26 13.7 14.2
APTT (sec) 68 32 33
(control—26 s)
ABGA Severe metabolic Within normal ranges ND
acidosis with increasing
base deficit
Chest X-ray Bilateral lower zone Increased Normal profile seen
opacities bronchovascular
markings, sign of
Ultrasonography of the 1. Kidney— Hepatomegaly ND
abdomen corticomedullary
differentiation not
2. Liver mildly enlarged
3. Urinary bladder
thickened, cystitis
Cardiac function tests
ECG Sinus tachycardia with Sinus rhythm, rate 134/ Sinus rhythm (RBBB)
nonspecific ST changes, min with intermittent
first-degree heart block atrial fibrillation,
nonspecific ST changes
Echocardiography Concentric LVH LVH,dilated left atrium, LVH, no RWMA
PAP = 56 mm of Hg
EF (%) 42 38 62
Bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)/endotracheal (ET) suction
1. ET suction shows ND ND
MDR Pseudomonas
2. MDR Acinetobacter
3. MDR Klebsiella
Urine routine examination and culture sensitivity
1. Pus cells plenty Pus cells 2–3/HPF ND
2. Culture sensitivity
shows MDR Klebsiella
100 4 Inflammation and Inflammatory Diseases, Markers, and Mediators: Role of CRP…

Table 4.1 (continued)

Parameters Patients
Sl no. 1 2 3
Treatment summary
1. Adequate calorie was ensured (by nasogastric tube/ 1. On sliding dose of 1. Incision and drainage of
parenteral nutrition) human insulin (human perineal abscess done under
2. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis was done Actrapid) subcutaneously general anesthesia
3. Tight control of blood glucose done by insulin 2. Furosemide injection 2. Blood sugar controlled by
(regular) infusion (20 mg) i.v. thrice daily intravenous insulin infusion
4. Vasopressor (noradrenaline) infusion was started as with bolus of 40 mg followed by subcutaneous
patient was hypotensive in spite of adequate fluid 3. Ramipril tablet (5 mg) insulin
management orally at once daily 3. Ramipril (5 mg orally/day)
5. Patient was on mechanical ventilator (pressure 4. Injection GTN at the to control BP
controlled) and then weaning off from ventilator dose 0.9 ml/h (50/50) 4. Antibiotic
6. Injection polymyxin B (loading dose of 5 lac IU 5. Eltroxin tablet (25 μg) piperacillin + tazobactam (4.5
i.v.) followed by maintenance dose @orally per day gm for every 6 h) and
7. Injection meropenem (loading dose 1 gm i.v. 6. Inhaler with linezolid (600 mg i.v. every
followed by 500 mg i.v.) ipratropium bromide 12 h)
8. Nebulization with Duolin after every 8 h thrice daily 5. Analgesic injection
9. Stress ulcer prophylaxis was done 7. Methotrexate tablet (a) Paracetamol (1gm) i.v.
10. Hemodialysis (as renal function deteriorated) was (5 mg) orally at twice a after every 8 h
done week (b) Tramadol (100 mg)
11. Electrolytes were replaced as per protocol as 8. Prednisolone tablet i.m./ SOS
needed (10 mg) orally per day
12. Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) transfusion was given
13. Vitamin K injection (i.v.) was given
Successfully discharged Successfully discharged Successfully discharged
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, GCS Glasgow coma scale, oF degree Fahrenheit, BP blood pressure, JVP
jugular venous pressure, CVS cardiovascular system, S1 first heart sound, S2 second heart sound, TLC total leukocyte
count, DLC differential leukocyte count, ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CRP C-reactive protein, N neutrophil, M
monocyte, L lymphocyte, E eosinophil, ND not determined, FBS fasting blood sugar, RBS random blood sugar, RA
rheumatoid arthritis, HLA human leukocyte antigen, PTT prothrombin time test, APTT activated partial thrombin time,
ECG electrocardiogram, RBBB right bundle branch block, WNL within normal limit, LVH left ventricular hypertrophy,
RWMA resting wall motion abnormality, PAP pulmonary artery pressure, EF ejection fraction, BNP brain natriuretic
peptide, μg microgram, mg milligram, pg pictogram, i.v. intravenous, i.m. intramuscular, SOS as and when required,
GTN glyceryl trinitrate, CBG capillary blood glucose, NA not applicable, MDR multidrug resistance, ABGA arterial
blood gas analysis, HPF high-power field

ing acute inflammation from disease together 4.13 Biomarkers of Inflammation

with their clinical history (Table 4.1). All the in Different Subsets
patients had some past medical or surgical of Diseases
history, representing some diverse inflammatory
conditions. The question which we probe in here In this chapter, we had presented three case
is the search of proper biomarkers in these repre- reports in search of proper inflammatory bio-
sented acute inflammatory conditions. All the markers. CRP is a diagnostic biomarker in a var-
key players and biomarkers of inflammation ied spectrum of diseases. This is discussed in
change its role with the change in setup of dis- other chapters also. The role of other inflamma-
ease and patients. Even in clinical diagnosis of an tory biomarkers in other subset of diseases is also
inflammatory patient, some broad-spectrum discussed here.
markers were analyzed without individual appli- Biomarkers can be defined as any alterations
cation of a universal biomarker. in the constituents of body or tissue fluids. These
4.14 Discussions 101

markers provide a medium for uniform classifi- been a waited goal of clinical researchers. We
cation of a disease with its risk factors and can be describe the biomarkers assessed in this chapter,
extended in understanding the basic underlying with special reference to acute-phase proteins
pathophysiology of disease. Biomarkers provide and serologic markers, and thereafter, we describe
a powerful and dynamic tool to grasp the spec- the new biological markers (Table 4.2). The bio-
trum of inflammatory diseases with usage in logical markers could be developed in the future
observational and analytic epidemiology, clinical based on serum markers of acute-phase response.
trials in populations, and screening with diagno- The laboratory tests mostly used to measure the
sis and prognosis. Biomarkers can also reflect the acute-phase proteins in clinical practice are the
entire steps of a disease from the earliest symp- serum concentration of CRP and the ESR. Other
toms/screening to the terminal stages. Analytical biomarkers of inflammation include platelet
assessment of the validity of biomarkers is count, leukocyte count, and serum albumin and
required to correlate with respect to the stage of serum orosomucoid concentrations and serologic
disease. Variability in the measurement of bio- markers like antibodies also. To detect specific
markers ranges from individual error in labora- pathologies, in the last decades, serological and
tory technicians, machine dysfunction, improper immunologic biomarkers have been studied
storage of body fluid, and other bias and con- extensively in immunology and have been used
founding issues. in clinical practice. In different diseases, the pres-
Currently, there are no specific markers for ence of antibodies can aid as surrogate markers
inflammation; rather some broad-spectrum for the aberrant host immune response and also
inflammatory markers were routinely investigated for future biomarkers. The field of the biomarker
in hospitals. The clinical investigation revealed discovery have revolutionized by the progress of
some broad-spectrum markers like C-reactive molecular biology tools (microarrays, pro-
protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate teomics, and nanotechnology). The advances in
(ESR), total leukocyte count (TLC), differential bioinformatics coupled with cross-disciplinary
leukocyte count (DLC), sodium–potassium level, collaborations have highly enriched our ability to
urea–creatinine level, antinuclear antibody, pro- characterize, retrieve, and analyze large amounts
brain natriuretic peptide (pro-BNP), and human of data generated by the technological advances.
leukocyte antigen (HLA) which were accounted. The present techniques available for biomarkers
Nearly 7896 papers from PubMed and Google development are proteomics and genomics
Scholar fit our criterion of research, of which (single-nucleotide polymorphism genotyping,
2641 were review articles, 151 were letters to the pharmacogenetics, and gene expression analy-
editors, and the rest were original articles. In this ses). In the future days, the addition of new sero-
context, we reviewed some of the immunological logical markers will add significant benefit to
mechanisms and the applicability of biomarkers patients and clinicians. Our understanding of the
that occur during acute phases with its remission/ pathophysiology of a disease is based on correlat-
recovery period in some of the widely used ing serologic markers with clinical phenotypes
experimental models of varied spectrum of dis- and genotypes.
eases (Table 4.2).
Invasive tests sometimes are routine for the
diagnosis and care of patients. Diagnosis is 4.14 Discussions
mostly based on clinical symptoms combined
with radiological, endoscopic, and laboratory Humans and animals are continuously exposed to
investigations. The employment of noninvasive microbial pathogens, trauma, stress, and injury
biomarkers is always needed to avoid an invasive that can pose a considerable relevance in our
diagnostic test that causes discomfort and poten- daily livelihood. After the initiation of the etio-
tial complications. The ability to determine the logical agent, the organism elicits a set of highly
type, severity, prognosis, and response to therapy organized immunological, physiological, meta-
of a disease using definite biomarkers has long bolic, and behavioral responses to represent its
102 4 Inflammation and Inflammatory Diseases, Markers, and Mediators: Role of CRP…

Table 4.2 Therapeutic and diagnostic applications of inflammatory biomarkers

Assessment of biomarkers Research study observations/results Therapeutic/diagnostic applications
Inflammatory responses after diesel exhaust (300 μg/m(3)) exposure lasted for 1 h (Xu et al. 2013)
1. Symptom scores 1. Self-rated throat irritation in the Diesel exhaust has induced adverse
2. PEF was assessed before upper airways was significantly acute effects on symptom scores, lung
exposure and at 15, 75, and 135 min higher functions, and altered levels of
of exposure 2. PEF decreased during diesel inflammatory markers in healthy
3. Monocyte and total leukocyte exhaust exposure volunteers, from 75 min postexposure
counts in peripheral blood 3. Monocyte and total leukocyte
4. Serum IL-6 concentrations counts in peripheral blood were
observed 20 h postexposure higher
4. Serum IL-6 concentrations were
Serum activin A and B levels predict outcome in patients with ARF (de Kretser et al. 2013)
1. ARF patients require ventilator 1. Serum activin A and B were 1. The measurement of serum activin
support for more than 6 h significantly elevated in most A and B levels in patients with ARF
2. The serum levels of activins A diagnostic patients. therapeutically predicts the risk of
and B 2. Patients who had activin A and/ death
(members of the transforming or B concentrations above the 2. Modulating the activin A and B
growth factor-β family of proteins), reference maximum level were bioactivity should be explored as
with their binding protein, more likely to die in the 12 months potential therapeutic agent
follistatin, have reported to be following admission
important regulators of
inflammation, fibrosis, and ARF as
compared to normal subjects.
Diagnostic differences between severe sepsis patients and ARDS by biomarkers of lung epithelial injury and
inflammation (Ware et al. 2013)
1. The bio-clinical diagnostic Altered levels of five plasma Plasma biomarkers may be useful as
discrimination of ARDS patients at biomarkers with three lung clinic–biological diagnostic tool of
risk from sepsis patients by 11 epithelium biomarkers help for ARDS with sepsis patients
biomarkers of inflammation discrimination and diagnosis of
including plasma biomarkers (IL-8, ARDS patients with severe sepsis
IL-6) and lung epithelium generated patients
biomarkers (SP-D, RAGE, CC-16)
2. Fibroblast activation, endothelial
injury, proteolytic injury, and lung
epithelial injury were also measured
in early phases of ICU admission
Prognostic value of plasma chitotriosidase activity in acute stroke patients (Bustamante et al. 2013)
1. The elevated plasma activity of 1. The baseline levels of Acute stroke patients treated with
chitotriosidase, a component of chitotriosidase activity were tissue plasminogen activator with
innate immunity, reflects an increased in stroke patients baseline chitotriosidase activity may
inflammatory response compared to controls constitute a prognostic predictor of
2. Chitotriosidase constitutes a 2. Chitotriosidase activity was an short-term outcome
sensitive parameter of macrophage independent predictor of
activation neurological improvement at 48 h
3. Plasma chitotriosidase activity 3. Addition of plasma
was serially determined in 159 acute chitotriosidase activity showed a
stroke patients and age-matched better prediction of improvement
controls to assess its prognostic at 48 h
value in acute stroke patients
4. Additional predictive value of
chitotriosidase was also tested
4.14 Discussions 103

Table 4.2 (continued)

Assessment of biomarkers Research study observations/results Therapeutic/diagnostic applications
New-onset AF after AMI is associated with admission biomarkers (Parashar et al. 2013)
1. AF is an independent predictor of 1. New-onset AF was noticed in The markers of myocardial stretch and
mortality after AMI patients with AMI inflammation, but not the amount of
2. The biomarkers of myocardial 2. Increase in NT-pro-BNP and myocardial necrosis, are important
stretch (NT-pro-brain natriuretic hs-CRP is associated with increase determinants of AF after AMI
peptide [NT-pro-BNP]), myocardial in the rate of AF
damage (troponin-T [TnT]), and 3. TnT was not independently
inflammation (hs-CRP) and associated with new-onset AF
new-onset AF during AMI were
identified in patients at high risk for
Relationship between CSF biomarkers for inflammation, demyelination, and neurodegeneration in acute optic
neuritis (Modvig et al. 2013)
In patients with optic neuritis with 1. Leukocyte infiltration Leukocyte infiltration biomarkers
demyelinating symptom and healthy biomarkers (CXCL13, MMP-9, (CXCL13, CXCL10, and MMP-9)
subjects, CSF levels of CXCL13, and CXCL10) were strongly strongly predict MS risk, and
CXCL10, MMP-9, CCL-2, associated with MS-risk osteopontin and CHI3L1 suggest
osteopontin, chitinase-3-like-1, parameters tissue damage-related inflammation
MBP, and NF-L were determined 2. Osteopontin and chitinase-3-
like-1 were associated (p < 0.0001)
and correlated with tissue damage
markers (NF-L and MBP) to
measure dissemination in space of
white matter lesions
SAA, phospholipase A2-IIA, and CRP as inflammatory biomarkers for prostate diseases (Menschikowski et al.
Serum levels of inflammatory Patients with BPH, PCa, and mPCa Significant differences in
markers; SAA, sPLA2-IIA, and CRP have elevated serum levels of inflammatory circulating biomarkers
with PSA were determined in SAA, sPLA2-IIA, and CRP along were found between in PCa and mPca,
patients with localized PCa, BPH, with elevated levels of PSA as suggesting their prognostic value
and mPCa compared to healthy subjects during BPH development and PCa
Microalbuminuria and CRP as a predictor of CVD and as inflammatory biomarkers (Lazebnik et al. 2013; Bashir
et al. 2014)
1. Microalbuminuria, a risk factor It was found that microalbuminuria Sensitivity, specificity, and positive
and atherogenic marker for CVD, and CRP was much higher in CVD predictive value of CRP and
indicates the target organ damage patients as compared to control microalbuminuria in patients as
2. It is a valuable tool in screening groups compared to normal can be used as
and identification of patients with important biomarkers in screening
3. CRP is correlated with chest pain
in CVD and increased levels of CRP
in atherosclerosis and reflects
inflammatory condition of vessel
4. CRP and microalbuminuria were
estimated in patients of acute chest
pain and type 2 diabetes along with
healthy controls
104 4 Inflammation and Inflammatory Diseases, Markers, and Mediators: Role of CRP…

Table 4.2 (continued)

Assessment of biomarkers Research study observations/results Therapeutic/diagnostic applications
Biological therapy by cell adhesion molecules in CD (Lazebnik et al. 2013)
1. Diagnostic value of concentration 1. Biological therapy along with Adhesion molecules are modern
of adhesion molecules (L-selectin, transplantation of MSC decreases markers of inflammation used to
E-selectin, P-selectin, integrin- the levels of all adhesion assess the effectiveness of biological
sVCAM-1) in blood serum for the molecules in all patients therapy in CD patients and to dictate
assessment of the effectiveness of 2. Suppression of the synthesis of the prognosis of the disease
biotherapy in patients with CD and the main inflammatory cytokine
prognosis of the disease TNF- α
2. Levels of leukocytes, ESR, and
CRP were also analyzed before and
after the biotherapy with infliximab
and transplantation of MSC
Profile of circulating cytokines: impact on OSA, obesity, and acute cardiovascular events (Testelmans et al. 2013)
1. OSA induces oxidative stress, 1.In comparison with patients The diagnosis and treatment of OSA
systemic inflammation, and without sleep apnea or without is potentially more important in
cardiovascular morbidity comorbidities, patients with the patients after an acute cardiovascular
2. The circulating cytokines profiles combination of an acute event because these biomarkers could
were measured in nonobese or cardiovascular event be associated with worsened
obese patients with or without sleep 2. Patients with preexisting OSA cardiovascular outcome
apnea and with or without an acute showed a higher degree of
cardiovascular event in a case- systemic inflammation and
control study significant increase in serum levels
3. Patients were assessed with sleep of hs-CRP, IL1-Ra, IL-8, IL-6,
studies and inflammatory (hs-CRP, TNF-α, RANTES, and sICAM
Leptin, RANTES, MCP1, IL-6, 3. Serum levels of different
IL-8, TNF-α) and anti-inflammatory inflammatory markers were
(adiponectin, IL-1Ra) cytokine significantly higher in patients
profiles having OSA and an acute
4. Cardiovascular phenotyping was cardiovascular event
performed including carotid
intima-media thickness, pulse wave
velocity, and 24-h blood pressure
Levels of hepcidin in cord blood: A biomarker for EONS (Cizmeci et al. 2014)
1. Acute-phase reactant, hepcidin, Hepcidin level was found to be 1. Hepcidin behaves as an acute-phase
has a critical role in inflammation significantly increased in newborns reactant in the pathophysiology of
and helps in host defense by with EONS EONS
interfering with microorganism’s 2. Increased level of hepcidin in cord
access to iron in EONS blood may be used as a reliable
2. Cord blood samples of infants biological marker of EONS
born having EONS were collected
and the level of cord blood hepcidin
was determined
4.14 Discussions 105

Table 4.2 (continued)

Assessment of biomarkers Research study observations/results Therapeutic/diagnostic applications
Acute-phase response in patients with AP (Kusnierz-Cabala et al. 2013)
Concentrations of PTX3, SAA, 1. On each day of the study, 1. PTX3 may be useful in early
CRP, HGF, PCT, PMN-elastase, significant correlations were found evaluation and prediction of the
IL-6, IL-18, and sTNFR-75 were between PTX3 with SAA, IL-6, severity of AP
measured in plasma of patients with and PMN-elastase 2. The relationship between the
severe and mild form of AP with 2. The concentrations of these patterns of changes in PTX3
control to age- and sex-matched inflammatory markers were higher concentration with other inflammatory
healthy subjects in severe AP patients as compared markers was evaluated in patients with
to those having the mild form of AP at the early stage of the disease
3. The highest concentrations of
PTX3 were noted on the early
3. The changes in PTX3
concentration in the early phase of
AP is similar to that of IL-6
4. The peak levels of PTX3 are
achieved earlier than another
biomarker, CRP
CRP C-reactive protein, MSC mucosal stem cell, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, ICU intensive care unit, AMI acute myocar-
dial infarction, AF atrial fibrillation, IBD inflammatory bowel diseases, UC ulcerative colitis, CSF cerebrospinal fluid,
CD Crohn’s disease, ARF acute respiratory failure, CVD cardiovascular disease, OSA obstructive sleep apnea, EONS
early-onset neonatal sepsis, SP-D surfactant protein-D, RAGE receptor for advanced glycation end products, IL inter-
leukin, CC-16 club cell secretory protein, ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome, PEF peak expiratory flow, TNF
tumor necrosis factor, hs-CRP high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, MMP matrix metalloproteinase, MBP myelin basic
protein, NF-L neurofilament light chain, ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate, AP acute pancreatitis, PTX3 pentraxin 3,
SAA serum amyloid A, HGF hepatocyte growth factor, PCT procalcitonin, PMN-elastase polymorphonuclear elastase,
sTNFR75 soluble receptor for TNFalpha, A2 = sPLA2-IIA secreted group IIA phospholipase, PSA prostate-specific anti-
gens, PCa prostate cancers, BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia, mPCa metastatic prostate cancers

strategy to fight the infection. Inflammation gen- decode the mechanism of inflammation and bring
erated at the site of assault in the peripheral tis- out probable diagnostic and therapeutic agents.
sues communicates with the brain to modify its These studies have also provided evidence of
immune response and upgrade as necessary systemically generated inflammatory biomarkers
which aids in its ability to fight and eliminate the versus mediators both in acute and chronic inflam-
source. The groups of mediators, biomarkers, mation. The process of inflammation is triggered
pathways, and key responders/effectors during by mononuclear phagocytes, which in turn alter the
inflammation are varied and change their modus concentration of various biomarkers, the cascade of
operandi in a different disease in a different complement pathways, antibody production, and
organism. Biomarkers’ applicability lies in dis- subsequent tissue repairing and resolution. Thus it
secting all the steps of a disease from diagnosis, traverses through both innate and adaptive immune
screening, treatment, and drug formulation to system. While these responses are part of our nor-
prognostic consequences (Fig. 4.11). mal homeostatic mechanisms, it is quite clear that
As inflammation and its network of reactors systemic inflammation has a detrimental effect in
form a juggling condition, thus to dissect all humans and also in animals.
strings of its web, different animal models are The inflammatory biomarkers responsible for
developed in different diseases to mimic the orig- the pathology of an inflammatory disease are of a
inal scenario. Inflammation is induced through heterogeneous nature (Table 4.2). In Table 4.2, we
varied stimulator molecules in these animals cited the potential therapeutic application of some
even for a single disease in different setups to biomarkers in varied acute inflammatory conditions.
106 4 Inflammation and Inflammatory Diseases, Markers, and Mediators: Role of CRP…

The list is always never ending. Many discrepancies tions, TLC with preponderance of neutrophil and
in the findings may at least in some sections be its toxic granulation, high ESR, high CRP,
demonstrated by the specific methodologies increased procalcitonin level, high random blood
used, different time points at which investiga- sugar, rising urea–creatinine, increased sodium
tions were done, mice strain susceptibility, and/or level (due to depletion of intravascular fluid due
concentration (or dose) of the administered to increased vascular permeability), deranged
inducer. Moreover, to the best of our collective coagulation profile (increased prothrombin time
knowledge, a very few studies aimed to clarify and activated partial thrombin time), deranged
the kinetics of inflammatory cascades mediating liver function test, metabolic acidosis (pH less
acute and chronic phases of inflammatory disease. than 7.5, low bicarbonate level, and increased
In this pretext, the ongoing study aimed to base deficit), increased heart rate (documented by
evaluate cellular inflow and biomarkers of inflam- ECG),arrhythmia (due to electrolyte imbalance),
mation during the acute and chronic phases of and grossly hypokinesia of walls of the heart (due
inflammatory disease of humans induced in mice. to sepsis) reversed after cure of disease (no hypo-
Our review showed very striking differences kinesia and EF of heart was increased normally),
among the induction phase and its recovery ET suction or BAL fluid showed growth of differ-
period which may be useful for future modeling ent bacteria, and urine showed plenty of pus cells
of the experimental inflammatory diseases. This and growth of bacteria. A few laboratory investi-
may particularly provide strong evidence for the gations showed less than normal level in inflam-
detection of inflammatory biomarkers essential mation like low albumin, low pH, and low
for the calculation of disease pathology and the bicarbonate as we documented.
designing of potential therapeutic outcome. Many studies on biomarkers never achieve
Disease subtypes are quite often described on their goal because of the failure to stick to the
the basis of medical history, physical findings, same rules that would apply for the use of non-
different serum markers, various imaging param- biological variables. The development of any
eters, and histopathological and endoscopic char- biomarker should rely on the standard design
acteristics of the related disease. Modern using epidemiological project or clinical trial. In
approaches in disease systematization are often formulating laboratory component, proper stud-
invasive and/or generally related with a lack of ies must be completed to determine reliability,
specificity and sensitivity. From all the patients’ accuracy, interpretability, feasibility, intra-
history (Table 4.1), we can conclude that all of individual or inter-individual variation, acquired
them had signs, symptoms, biomarkers, and or genetic susceptibility, and tissue localization,
expressions of inflammation and infection that by setting the normal values with relation to
are changed in human pathophysiology. We have variables like age, gender, and persistence of the
documented those in our case histories. The var- biomarker (Sharma et al. 2013; Lazebnik et al.
ied physical biomarkers are inclusive of physical 2013; Testelmans et al. 2013; Cizmeci et al.
signs like local swelling, local edema, tenderness, 2014; Kusnierz-Cabala et al. 2013; Ansar et al.
local increased temperature, local redness, and 2006, 2009a, b; Ansar and Ghosh 2013).
local palpable lymph node in localized inflamma- Advances in proteomics, genomics, metabol-
tion and infection. Other physical biomarkers are ics, and molecular pathology have generated
respiratory distress, fever (increased tempera- many potential candidate biomarkers with exten-
ture), anuria, increased heart rate, low BP, deteri- sive clinical relevance. In the future, the integra-
orating sensorium, and edema (due to increased tion of biomarkers and search for universal
vascular permeability of vessels). Radiologically, biomarkers, identified by high-throughput tech-
patient had diffuse opacities or consolidations in nologies, into medical science will be essential to
lungs, thickened urinary bladder and signs of achieve “personalization” of treatment/therapeutics
kidney involvement (increased cortical echo- and disease prevention.
genicity), and increased pleural reaction (revealed The future of prevention protocol of inflam-
as pleural effusion). As per laboratory investiga- matory diseases and their detection and effective
4.14 Discussions 107

treatment will be highly influenced by the utiliza- for diabetes, they are glucagon, insulin, and
tion of more effective markers of inflammation insulin-like growth factor; for gastrointestinal
with superlative performance. Given the practical diseases, they are serotonin, gastrin, somatosta-
problem in collecting tissue samples or blood or tin, etc.; for women’s health, they are estradiol,
fluids from patients in inflammatory diseases, estrone, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing
biomarkers obtained from body fluids have a hormone, etc.; there are many more biomarkers
great prospect for the value-added patient man- in other diseases (Sharma et al. 2013; Lazebnik
agement even through the drawbacks of the et al. 2013; Testelmans et al. 2013; Cizmeci et al.
abovementioned hindrances or limitations. Since 2014; Kusnierz-Cabala et al. 2013; Ansar et al.
the immunosuppressive therapy of different 2006, 2009a, b; Ansar and Ghosh 2013).
inflammatory diseases currently rotates around It is quite evident from the clinical history
long-term treatment with unwanted side effects, a from the hospital that no specific biomarkers were
paradigm shift from nonspecific cytotoxic drugs investigated during the routine investigations in
to specific and selective targeted therapeutic the diagnosis process (Table 4.1). Rather some
agents/drugs is an ardent medical need. broad-spectrum inflammatory markers (like CRP,
Perhaps the most regularly used nonspecific ESR, procalcitonin, etc.) were diagnosed, whereas
prognostic inflammatory biomarker is CRP. CRP in the laboratory people are developing inflamma-
levels are drastically elevated within 6 h after the tory animal models to understand all possible
initiation of inflammation. The final hike can molecules involved in inflammation. Very soon in
sometimes be as much as 60-fold. Moreover, hospitals, definite inflammatory markers for each
CRP is much more precise than some of the other disease will be investigated for routine diagnosis.
generally used inflammatory biomarkers like Over the recent years, much clinical research
ESR, total leukocyte count, etc. In various bacte- is continuing to stress the significance of under-
rial infections, CRP concentrations are unusually standing the pathobiology of different inflamma-
below 10 mg/L except in the case of neonates tory diseases for the procurement of efficient and
where 10-40 mg/L value typically represents a safe pharmacological treatment modalities. In
mild inflammation condition; levels between this pretext, we reviewed some of the immuno-
40–200 mg/L represent significant bacterial logical mechanisms/processes and the applicabil-
infection or acute inflammation state. In serious ity of inflammatory biomarkers that occur during
bacterial infection or burns, concentration values acute phases with its consequent remission/recov-
may rise to 300 mg/L or even higher. The assess- ery period in some of the widely used experimen-
ment of disease pathology, diagnostics, prognos- tal models of varied spectrum of diseases
tics, and therapeutic applications of CRP in (Table 4.2). These diseases are quite common ail-
different diseases is already cited (Ansar et al. ments and are posing quite a nuisance not only to
2006, 2009a, b; Ansar and Ghosh 2013). Most global health but also in proving obstructions in
common inflammatory markers include both its socioeconomic developments. Further research
inhibitors and mediators of inflammation as well needs to be conducted in the area of genes and
as scavengers of prospective dangerous sub- molecules involved in causing inflammatory dis-
stances, namely, toxins. The following protein orders thereby improving the diagnosis and treat-
changes are observed during the inflammatory ment of such diseases. The question we pose here
response: a rapid fall in serum prealbumin albu- is whether it is possible to screen the biomarkers
min and transferrin concentration as well as an of inflammation and their levels of expression in
elevated level of α1- and α2-globulin levels. The diseases associated with inflammation and corre-
selected biomarkers with therapeutic applica- late them with the clinical history. This would
tions of bone disease are CRP, calcitonin, colla- offer advantage both from the point of view of
gen I, collagen I telopeptide, and osteocalcin; for diagnosis, therapy, and prognosis of inflamma-
cardiovascular disease, they are aldosterone, tory disorders. The future scope of this paper
angiotensin, angiotensin-converting enzyme, remains in identifying such markers for inflam-
antidiuretic hormone, atrial natriuretic peptide, etc; mation and its correlation with disease condition.

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