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December 2007(II): S140 –S146

Inflammatory Mechanisms: The Molecular Basis of

Inflammation and Disease
Peter Libby, MD

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Inflammation participates importantly in host defenses the ancients understood that the tissue response to injury
against infectious agents and injury, but it also contrib- gave rise to rubor (redness, due to hyperemia), tumor
utes to the pathophysiology of many chronic diseases. (swelling, caused by increased permeability of the mi-
Interactions of cells in the innate immune system, adap- crovasculature and leakage of protein into the interstitial
tive immune system, and inflammatory mediators orches- space), calor (heat, associated with the increased blood
trate aspects of the acute and chronic inflammation that flow and the metabolic activity of the cellular mediators
underlie diseases of many organs. A coordinated series of inflammation), and dolor (pain, in part due to changes
of common effector mechanisms of inflammation contrib- in the perivasculature and associated nerve endings).
ute to tissue injury, oxidative stress, remodeling of the Functio laesa (dysfunction of the organs involved)
extracellular matrix, angiogenesis, and fibrosis in di- joined as a fifth characteristic of inflammation in the
verse target tissues. Atherosclerosis provides an example writings of Rudolf Virchow in the 1850s. In the late 19th
of a chronic disease that involves inflammatory mecha-
century, Elie Metchnikoff introduced the concept of
nisms. Recruitment of blood leukocytes characterizes the
phagocytosis, a fundamental aspect of innate immunity,
initiation of this disease. Its progression involves many
after watching protozoa engulf particulate matter and
inflammatory mediators, modulated by cells of both in-
examining blood leukocytes ingest foreign bodies. In
nate and adaptive immunity. The complications of estab-
lished atheroma, including plaque disruption and throm- 1908, the Nobel Prize for Physiology of Medicine was
bosis, also intimately involve inflammation. Mastery of jointly awarded to Metchnikoff for this discovery and to
the inflammatory response should aid the development of Paul Ehrlich for his work on humoral immunity, a key
novel strategies to predict disease susceptibility, target component of adaptive immunity.
and monitor therapies, and ultimately develop new ap- The aging of the population, the conquest of many
proaches to the prevention and treatment of chronic communicable diseases, and changing lifestyles present
diseases associated with aging, such as atherosclerosis. an epidemic of chronic disease projected to soon extend
Key words: inflammation, cytokines, chronic disease, worldwide. Inflammation provides a unifying pathophys-
atherosclerosis, macrophages, arterial lesions, plaque iological mechanism underlying many chronic diseases,
rupture, thrombosis. including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, certain can-
© 2007 International Life Sciences Institute cers and bowel diseases, arthritides, and osteoporosis.
doi: 10.1301/nr.2007.dec.S140 –S146 Common pathophysiologic scenarios apply to many of
these diseases.


The recognition of inflammation dates back to an- The perspective of the 21st century affords de-
tiquity. As documented by Celsus in the 1st century AD, tailed knowledge of the cells and mediators that pro-
duce the characteristic signs of inflammation so
clearly observed by the ancients.1 Host defense mech-
Dr. Libby is Mallinckrodt Professor of Medicine at anisms divide into two distinct, but inextricably
Harvard Medical School and Chief of Cardiovascular linked, pathways (Figure 1).
Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, The innate immune response mounts a rapid re-
Massachusetts, USA.
sponse to injury. It detects a broad range of molecular
Please direct correspondence to: Dr. Peter Libby,
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 77 Avenue Louis patterns that are commonly found on pathogens but are
Pasteur, NRB 741, Boston, MA 02115, USA. Phone: foreign to mammals, called pathogen-associated molec-
⫹1-617-525-4350, Fax: ⫹1-617-525-4999, E-mail: ular patterns (PAMPs), and thus lacks the exquisite structural specificity of recognition by the adaptive im-

S140 Nutrition Reviews姞, Vol. 65, No. 12

they initiate responses that target precisely that antigen,
including a direct attack against the antigen-bearing cell
by cytotoxic T-cells, stimulation of antibody production
by B-cells, and induction of a local inflammatory re-
sponse. T-cells can differentiate into at least two sub-
types of T helper (Th) cells. Th1 cells elaborate a number
of cytokines; among them, interferon-gamma (IFN-␥)
prominently coordinates crosstalk between innate and
adaptive limbs of the immune and inflammatory re-
sponses by stimulating the macrophage to increase its
production of a broad gamut of mediators including

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autacoids, reactive oxygen species, lipid species, and
pro-inflammatory cytokines.13,14 Th2 cells can stimulate
humoral immunity by elaborating a number of cytokines
that stimulate B-cell maturation into antibody-producing
plasma cells and promote B-cell class-switching to in-
Figure 1. Interplay between adaptive and innate immunity crease production of immunoglobin E (IgE) antibodies.
during atherogenesis. The principal effector cell of innate Th2 cells can also aid recruitment and activation of mast
immunity, the macrophage (MF), elaborates cytokines that
cells, another effector of allergic responses and contrib-
critically regulate many functions of atheroma-associated cells
involved with disease initiation, progression, and complication,
utor to chronic inflammation in a variety of tissues and
as well as thrombosis. Interferon-␥ (IFN-␥), a product of the disease states. In addition to these specialized pro-in-
activated T-cell, activates a number of these functions of the flammatory responses, Th2 cells can dampen the inflam-
macrophage. In turn, the activated macrophage expresses high matory response by elaborating cytokines with anti-
levels of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II inflammatory properties such as interleukin-10 (IL-10).13
antigens, needed for antigen-dependent activation of T-cells.
Abbreviations: Th1, T helper cell type 1; Th2, T helper cell
type 2; SMC, smooth muscle cell. Reproduced from Hansson et A GENERIC MODEL OF CHRONIC
al.1 (Circ Res. 2002;91:281–291) with permission Lipppincott INFLAMMATORY DISEASE
Williams & Wilkins.
Traditionally, various subspecialties have claimed
mune response. Macrophages express a set of pattern the chronic diseases of various organ systems as their
recognition receptors including various scavenger recep- own, and probed the pathophysiology in a reductionist
tors and Toll-like receptors,4 whose ligands include manner. Yet, from a synoptic perspective, many such
PAMPs such as lipopolysaccharides, surface phosphati- diseases have more mechanisms in common than usually
dylserine, and aldehyde-derivatized proteins, as well as recognized or acknowledged. Indeed, a generic model of
modified forms of a classical risk factor for atheroscle- chronic inflammatory disease is proposed that highlights
rosis, low-density lipoproteins (LDL) modified by oxi- these shared pathophysiologic mechanisms. According
dation or glycation.1 Ligation of scavenger receptors can to this scheme, signals from the innate and adaptive
lead to endocytosis and lysosomal degradation of the immune systems interact and converge on two prototypic
bound ligands,5,6 while engagement of Toll-like recep- cell types: an epithelial cell and a mesenchymal cell of
tors results in activation of nuclear factor-kappa B the affected organs (Figure 2). These signals orchestrate
(NF-⌲B) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) a repertoire of tissue responses such as recruitment of
pathways.7,8 Ligation of Toll-like receptors can also leukocytes involved in chronic inflammation, extracellu-
heighten phagocytosis, production of reactive oxygen lar matrix remodeling, cellular proliferation or death, and
species, and release of cytokines, autacoids, and lipid angiogenesis (Figure 2). While diseases such as athero-
mediators that coordinate and amplify the local inflam- sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, cirrhosis, or interstitial
matory response.9 –12 lung disease may manifest in very different ways, the
The other major limb of host defenses, the adaptive same fundamental mechanisms and mediators drive the
immune response, mounts more slowly, and furnishes a disease process.15,16 Helper T-cells abound in the lesions
more finely focused response mechanism that requires of chronic inflammation in many organs, including ath-
the recognition of specific molecular structures and de- erosclerotic plaques, rheumatoid synovium, and forms of
pends on the generation of large numbers of antigen the chronic hepatidites, and in a number of pulmonary
receptors, i.e., T-cell receptors and immunoglobulins, by diseases. The mononuclear phagocyte, cloaked variously
somatic rearrangement processes in blast cells.1 When as a foam cell, osteoclast, histiocyte, microglia, or alve-
T-cells recognize a foreign antigen presented to them, olar macrophage, also characteristically populates such

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Figure 2. Common inflammatory and immune processes act on different cell types, leading to different disease states.
Inflammatory and immune activity alters the function of various types of epithelial cells such as endothelial cells, synoviocytes,
enterocytes, glomerular/tubular epithelial cells, and bronchoalveolar cells, and each cell type characteristically participates in
the development of a different disease (atherosclerosis, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, kidney disease, and lung disease,
respectively). Inflammatory and immune processes may also act on different types of mesenchymal cells (e.g., smooth muscle
cells, fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, mesangial cells, or pericytes), leading to the development of chronic disease depending on the
specific cells targeted.

lesions. The epithelial cell involved depends on the Often a persistent stimulus coaxes a normal and
specific tissue involved—the vascular endothelial cell in essential host defense mechanism into an injurious re-
atherosclerosis, the enterocyte in inflammatory bowel sponse. Infection due to a pyogenic microbial pathogen
disease, and the glomerular or tubular epithelial cell in engenders an acute leukocyte response (e.g., polymor-
renal disease. Similarly, inflammatory and immune phonuclear cells) to clear the invading organism. Certain
mechanisms involve different types of mesenchymal intracellular pathogens including mycobacteria persist
cells depending on the organ—arterial smooth muscle and promote constant or repetitive injury, such as occurs
cells, fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, mesangial cells, syno- in atherosclerosis with exposure to ongoing oxidative
viocytes, or pericytes. stress or sustained accumulation of modified lipoproteins
The basic aspects of inflammation involve selective in the arterial intima.17,18 The resultant responses in
and sequential migration of blood cells into tissues and either case can, in time, impair the function of the organ
then local activation and interaction of these blood-based or tissue involved.
cells with resident tissue cells. Some conditions display
only limited elements of the classic inflammatory pro- IMMUNE AND INFLAMMATORY
cesses while in other conditions, key inflammatory me- MECHANISMS IN THE INITIATION OF
diators dominate but without the context of the classic ATHEROSCLEROSIS AND OTHER CHRONIC
inflammatory mechanisms. For example, in Alzheimer’s DISEASES
disease, blood cells do not migrate into the brain tissue,
but a resident monocytic cell, the microglial cell, acti- To illustrate these general principles, consider ath-
vated locally expresses pro-inflammatory mediators and erosclerosis. In their normal state, vascular endothelial
can participate prominently in innate immune responses. cells resist prolonged contact with leukocytes. However,
In osteoporosis, resident stromal cells primarily furnish on exposure to an activating stimulus, be it modified
mediators such as IL-1, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor- lipoproteins, microbial constituents, or pro-inflammatory
alpha (TNF-␣) that regulate bone turnover unaccompa- cytokines,17,18 the endothelium expresses a palette of
nied by other components of the classic innate immune vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) and mem-
response. bers of the selectin family, P- and E-selectin.19 –23

S142 Nutrition Reviews姞, Vol. 65, No. 12

VCAM-1 binds monocytes and T-lymphocytes;19 P-se- cell development, and activation of T-cells to produce
lectin binds monocytes and neutrophils;20,21 and E-selec- pro-inflammatory cytokines.40 More recent work local-
tin binds neutrophils.22 After adhesion to the endothelial ized CD40 and its ligand to macrophages as well as
surface, monocytes undergo directed migration into the vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells. CD40L
artery wall mediated by chemokines such as monocyte can regulate adhesion molecule, cytokine, and chemo-
chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1).17 Once resident in kine expression, as well as coordinate processes involved
the arterial intima, these recruited monocytes, upon ex- in matrix degradation and coagulation (e.g., tissue factor
posure to such activating and co-mitogenic mediators as expression).38,41,42 In addition to the classical pathway of
macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF), differ- CD40 engagement, CD40L can bind to Mac-1.43
entiate into macrophages and proliferate.24 –26 The mac- Studies in mice have illustrated the role of CD40L in
rophages over-express scavenger receptors and engulf the progression of atherosclerosis. In one approach, LDL

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modified lipoprotein particles through endocytosis.27 receptor-deficient mice received a neutralizing anti-
Cholesteryl ester then accumulates in cytoplasmic drop- CD40L antibody treatment halfway through a 26-week
lets in the macrophages, creating foam cells, considered period of consumption of an atherogenic diet that virtu-
a hallmark of the nascent atherosclerotic plaque.27 ally arrested the further progression of established ath-
erosclerotic lesions compared with controls (Figure 3).39
Further, CD40 inhibition also changed the composition
PERPETUATION OF INFLAMMATION IN THE of the atherosclerotic lesions. Lesions in mice receiving
CD40L antibody had a higher content of smooth muscle
cells and collagen, and lower levels of macrophages and
Once present and active in tissues such as the artery
lipids, characteristics associated in humans with plaque
wall, these cells of the innate immune system elaborate
stability.39 Other experimental approaches to interrupt-
reactive oxygen species, cytokines, procoagulants, and
ing CD40L function in mice yielded similar results.44
other small molecules that amplify and sustain the in-
flammatory response. Resident local epithelial and mes-
enchymal cells both respond to pro-inflammatory signals
elaborated by the mononuclear phagocytes and, when
thus activated, can actively participate in propagating the
inflammatory response by generating a similar spectrum
of mediators as the “professional” phagocytes. In the
context of atherosclerosis, the relevant epithelial cell type
is the vascular endothelial cell and the mesenchymal cell is
the arterial smooth muscle cell. Early experiments exposed
endothelial cells to stimuli such as bacterial endotoxin or
recombinant human TNF, eliciting the expression of IL-1␤
and ␣.28 Subsequent work has filled out the palette of the
cytokines and other pathogenic proteins expressed by vas-
cular endothelium and smooth muscle, including IL-1␣,
IL-1␤, IL-6, IL-18, TNF, M-CSF, MCP-1, intercellular
adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), and the procoagulant tis-
sue factor inter alii,29 –36 highlighting the two-way conver- Figure 3. Anti-CD40L antibody treatment reduces lipid depo-
sation between the cells of the immune system and the sition in the abdominal aorta of hypercholesterolemic mice.
denizens of the organs they inhabit. Ldlr-deficient mice consumed a high-cholesterol diet for 13
weeks (A and B; white bar, diet only) before treatment with
The inflammatory mediator CD40 ligand (CD40L or
either an irrelevant rat IgG (A and C; light gray bar), saline (A
CD154) has a particular place in perpetuating the inflam- and C; dark gray bar), or a rat anti-CD40L IgG antibody (A and
matory and immune responses during the development C; black bar, ␣-CD40L) for 13 weeks during continued regi-
and progression of atherosclerosis.37–39 Initial work by men of the diet. Photomicrographs of tissue sections of longi-
immunologists identified the dyad of CD40L and its tudinally cut abdominal aortas pinned out on black wax surface
receptor CD40 as a crux of cross-talk between the two and stained for lipid deposition with Sudan IV (B and C) were
arms of the adaptive immune system, the humoral and analyzed by computer-assisted image quantification (shown are
mean 6 SD analyses; calculation of percent positive areas was
cellular responses. Engagement of B-lymphocyte CD40
performed independently by two blinded observers; compari-
by CD40L expressed on T-cells limits B-cell apoptosis son between the respective study groups used Student’s t test)
and signals maturation of the antibody response from (A). The thoracic section of the aorta is on the right. Representative
IgM to IgG.40 CD40 ligation also permits mutual ampli- specimens from each group are shown. Reproduced from Schon-
fication resulting in enhanced B-cell survival and plasma beck et al.39 (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2000;97:7458 –7463).

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INFLAMMATION CONTRIBUTES TO THE vascular smooth muscle cells. The T-cell may regulate
THROMBOTIC COMPLICATIONS OF features of the plaque related to its propensity to rupture
ATHEROSCLEROSIS through increased collagen degradation due to CD40-
mediated MMP expression by macrophages, and also
Inflammatory and immune processes also contribute through decreased collagen formation as a result of the
to one of the ultimate complications of atherosclerosis, action of IFN-␥ on smooth muscle.49 –51 Activated T
an acute thrombotic event.17 The majority of myocardial lymphocytes can also contribute to arterial thrombosis by
infarctions and some ischemic strokes result from plaque producing CD40L, which stimulates macrophages to
rupture and the ensuing thrombus, a scenario that does express the highly prothrombotic protein tissue factor.52
not require a tightly narrowed artery.45
The microanatomy of the mature atherosclerotic

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plaque critically influences its clinical consequences. A
fibrous cap typically overlies and protects the plaque’s
An improved understanding of the immune and
highly thrombogenic lipid core from contact with the
inflammatory processes responsible for the progression
coagulation factors in circulation.46 Plaques that have
of atherosclerosis has led to the proposal of novel strat-
ruptured and caused fatal coronary artery thromboses
egies to predict disease susceptibility. Although some
tend to have thin fibrous caps.47,48
forms of imaging may help to reveal so-called “vulner-
Interstitial collagen accounts for the biomechanical
able plaques,” we lack prospective studies validating
integrity of the plaque’s fibrous cap. This extracellular
many imaging modalities proposed to predict plaque
matrix macromolecule resists breakdown by most pro-
complication (e.g., palpography, “virtual histology,” op-
teinases. Only a select group of enzymes, members of the
tical coherence tomography, and computed tomographic
matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family, can make the
angiography).53,54 Some advocate testing of endothe-
initial cleavage of this tightly wound triple helical mol-
lium-dependent vasodilation as a gauge for future
ecule of collagen and initiate its catabolic pathway.
cardiovascular risk, but technical challenges preclude
Macrophages, stimulated by T-cell-derived CD40L or
the widespread adoption of this approach in multi-
other pro-inflammatory cytokines, express members of
center studies, and it lacks fidelity for reflecting the
the MMP family,49,50 and may thus accelerate collagen
clinical consequences of some interventions (e.g., es-
degradation in the inflamed atheroma.
trogen and antioxidant vitamins). Measuring serum
Impaired collagen synthesis due to the actions of
markers of inflammation provides a promising strategy
pro-inflammatory cytokines on smooth muscle cells may
for sharpening our ability to predict cardiovascular
further compromise the integrity of the fibrous cap (Fig-
events and guide and evaluate interventions. One such
ure 4).49 For example, IFN-␥ released from T-cells
blood marker of inflammation, C-reactive protein, has
inhibits the expression of interstitial collagen mRNA,
gained support in this regard.55 Studies currently un-
resulting in decreased collagen synthesis by cultured
derway will test the utility of this inflammatory bi-
omarker in targeting therapy.


Emerging laboratory and clinical data provide strong

evidence that inflammatory pathways contribute deci-
sively to the pathogenesis of a number of chronic dis-
eases associated with aging, and that these processes
involve common pro-inflammatory mediators and regu-
Figure 4. Simplified model illustrating the effects of inflam- latory pathways. In atherosclerosis, increasing evidence
mation on the integrity of the plaque fibrous cap. Inflammation points to the importance of inflammatory processes in the
within the arterial intima leads to signal exchange among the recruitment and activation of leukocytes and in endothe-
T-cell, mononuclear phagocyte, and cells of the vessel wall. lial dysfunction, in the progression of the disease, and
This pathway leads to a weakening of the fibrous plaque ultimately in the thrombotic complication that very often
through decreased collagen synthesis or increased degradation. limits living well to age 100. We recognize increasingly
IFN-␥ mediates decreased synthesis while increased break-
that many chronic diseases involve inappropriate deploy-
down is a result of proteinases induced by inflammatory sig-
naling. CD40 ligation augments the thrombogenecity of the ment of host defenses critical to survival of the species
lipid core by expression of tissue factor, a major trigger of by favoring survival to reproductive age, but too often
thrombus formation. Adapted from Libby45 (Circulation inimical to individual longevity. By understanding the
1995;91:2844 –2850). common mechanisms, and shared mechanisms that or-

S144 Nutrition Reviews姞, Vol. 65, No. 12

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S146 Nutrition Reviews姞, Vol. 65, No. 12

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