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OPINION Pathophysiology of sepsis
AQ2 Pietro Arina and Mervyn Singer

Purpose of review
To provide a current overview of sepsis pathophysiology.
Recent findings
The emphasis on sepsis pathophysiology has moved away from the pathogen - the initiating factor - and
instead is focussed upon the abnormal and exaggerated host response. Instead of targeted eradication of
the infection, the host response activates or suppresses multiple downstream pathways, leading to multiple
organ dysfunction.
Sepsis represents a dysregulated host response to infection leading to organ dysfunction. Here, the
pathogen triggers an initial exaggerated inflammatory-immune response that leads to activation or
suppression of multiple endothelial, hormonal, bioenergetic, metabolic, immune, and other pathways.
These, in turn, produce the circulatory and metabolic perturbations resulting in organ dysfunction. This
review will provide an overview of underlying mechanisms and propose that these processes, whereas
superficially viewed as dysfunctional, may actually be adaptive/protective in the first instance, though
spilling over into maladaptation/harm depending on the magnitude of the host response.
adaptation/maladaptation, infection, inflammation, organ dysfunction, sepsis

INTRODUCTION Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns. These are

Sepsis is a complex clinical and biochemical syn- identified as alien by extracellular and intracellular
drome defined as life-threatening organ dysfunction Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs) such as the
caused by a dysregulated host response to infection Toll-like receptor and nucleotide-binding oligomeri-
[1]. The underlying pathophysiology remains to be zation domain-like receptor systems, triggering a
fully elucidated and the influence of both underlying downstream inflammatory response [2]. In addition,
comorbidities and iatrogenic factors – both positive damaged host cells release their constituents, such as
and negative – remain unclear. As a consequence, intracellular proteins, DNA, and mitochondria, into
there has been a paucity of new interventions that the interstitial and vascular spaces. These Damage-
have been shown to clearly benefit septic patients. Associated Molecular Patterns (DAMPs) are also
This article will attempt to summarize the current recognized as alien by the same PRR systems [3,4].
knowledge base, highlight gaps in understanding, PRRs on immune and endothelial cells trigger
and suggest that dysfunction may represent in part downstream signal transduction pathways, activat-
an adaptive/protective host response to a severe, ing transcription factors such as NF-kB and AP-1,
overwhelming insult. Restrictions in word count pre- which enter the nucleus and increase or suppress
vent comprehensive coverage so we have focused transcription of genes that orchestrate inflamma-
upon what we consider to be the critical systems tory responses [5]. One such response is the subse-
involved. quent production and release of multiple cytokines
(such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin


Bloomsbury Institute for Intensive Care Medicine, Division of Medicine, AQ3
INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE University College London, London, UK
Infection initiates a host inflammatory response. Correspondence to Mervyn Singer, Bloomsbury Institute for Intensive
This is commonplace but is usually localized, well- Care Medicine, University College London, Cruciform Building, Gower AQ4
controlled, and protective. Microorganisms or their St, London WC1E 6BT, UK. E-mail:
constituents (such as Gram-negative bacterial lipo- Curr Opin Anesthesiol 2021, 33:000–000
polysaccharide, or fungal beta-D-glucan) represent DOI:10.1097/ACO.0000000000000963

0952-7907 Copyright ß 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Intensive care and resuscitation

ferritin and fibrinogen [10]. These aids the immune

KEY POINTS response, helping to destroy or inhibit growth of
 Sepsis represents a dysregulated host response to pathogens, stimulating chemotaxis, coagulation,
infection leading to life-threatening organ dysfunction. and vascular permeability.
As a consequence of all the above, microorgan-
 In sepsis the pathogen triggers an initial exaggerated isms are promptly identified, host immune defenses
inflammatory-immune response that leads to activation
are mobilized to eradicate the pathogens, and clotting
or suppression of multiple pathways (endothelial,
hormonal, bioenergetic, metabolic, immune) that, in activated to keep the infection localized. To provide
turn, produce the circulatory and metabolic appropriate checks and balances the cells also gener-
perturbations resulting in organ dysfunction. ate anti-inflammatory cytokines (e.g. IL-10) and other
mediators (e.g. prostaglandins) to appropriately con-
 Although dysfunction and failure carry negative
trol the inflammatory response. This entire process is
connotations, there is increasing evidence that this may
be in part an adaptive/protective strategy in the face of extremely complex and needs fine regulation. Mac-
a severe, prolonged inflammatory insult. rophage phenotype and function are polarized by the
microenvironment at the site of infection [11]. M1
(‘classically activated’) macrophages maintain
active inflammation with release of pro-inflamma-
(IL)-1 and interferon-gamma), chemokines, and tory cytokines whereas M2 (‘alternatively activated’)
other mediators. Under controlled circumstances, macrophages mainly release anti-inflammatory cyto-
the innate immune response is promptly activated kines to reduce inflammation. M2 macrophages pre-
with circulating immune cells such as macrophages, dominate in the later phase of inflammation to clean
monocytes, neutrophils, and natural killer cells up the damage, remove debris and neutrophils. There
attracted to the site of infection to phagocytose is also ingress of fibroblasts to produce local healing
and remove both microorganisms and damaged and fibrosis.
host cells [6]. The complement system is activated The type of pathogen will influence local host
to aid identification of the pathogen and promote responses and tissue damage. For example, the
phagocytosis [6,7]. In addition, the adaptive immune SARS-Cov-2 virus directly invades lung alveolar type
system is triggered by presenting antigen via den- II cells resulting in apoptotic death with release/
dritic and other cells to B and T lymphocytes, thereby spread of the virus to other type II cells thereby
stimulating production of targeted antibodies generating diffuse alveolar damage with fibrin-rich
(immunoglobulins) and providing memory for sub- hyaline membranes and some multinucleated giant
sequent infection by the same pathogen [6]. cells [12]. On the other hand, some strains of Staph-
The endothelium aids this process by also becom- ylococcus aureus can release the Panton–Valentine
ing activated, with increased expression of molecules leukocidin exotoxin that not only causes local tissue
AQ5 such as E-selectin, VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 that enable necrosis but also destroys leukocytes resulting in a
adhesion of immune cells to the endothelial surface necrotizing pneumonia [13].
[8,9]. The gap junctions between endothelial cells The important concepts of host resistance (ability
widen, allowing ingress of leukocytes and plasma to limit pathogen burden through the inflammatory
(containing complement, nutrients, and other fac- response) and tolerance or resilience (ability to toler-
tors) through the blood vessel wall and into the tissues ate an equivalent pathogen load by limiting the
where the infection is located. A further consequence harmful consequences of inflammation) merit some
of endothelial activation is increased release of Von mention here [14,15]. A striking example of tolerance
Willebrand factor, thromboxanes and other pro-coag- is asymptomatic bacteremia with highly pathogenic
ulant mediators, and altered bioavailability of nitric organisms such as meningococci. Resistance and
oxide. Damage to the endothelium exposes subendo- tolerance are generally inversely correlated to each
thelial tissue factor, which also activates circulating other, and a necessary trade-off must exist between
clotting factors. The net result is platelet aggregation these two opposing strategies.
and adhesion, stimulation of coagulation pathways,
and formation of microvascular thrombi that prevent
systemic spread of the pathogen. SEPSIS AND THE DYSREGULATED HOST
Body systems are mobilized with, for example, RESPONSE
malaise to encourage changes in behavior such as For reasons still unknown, the appropriate inflam-
resting, pyrexia to enhance bacterial killing, and matory/immune processes that deal with infection
activation of systemic hormonal and acute stress become dysregulated and compromise both the
responses with generation of acute-phase proteins affected organ as well as distant organs leading
by the liver such as C-reactive protein, complement, to functional abnormalities and potentially

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AQ1 Pathophysiology of sepsis Arina and Singer

life-threatening consequences. Genetic and envi- [28 ]. The net effect of all the above changes is wide-
ronmental factors, age, sex, comorbidities and spread stimulation or suppression of multiple path-
frailty, nutritional status, medications (e.g. immu- ways (Fig. 1) leading to dysfunction affecting
nosuppressants), pathogen load and virulence, and multiple organs within the body (Fig. 2). Why some
the site of infection all contribute to a marked inter- organs are affected more than others in an individual
individual variation in response. patient remains unexplained.
Overactivation of PRRs in sepsis leads to either
excessive production or suppression of cytokines,
hormones, and other mediators that often have CARDIOVASCULAR DYSFUNCTION CAN
contrasting effects. For example, these molecules LEAD TO ORGAN HYPOPERFUSION AND
can either boost or suppress inflammation [6], be TISSUE HYPOXIA
pro- or anticoagulant [9], or cause microvascular Changes occur at both macro- and microvascular
vasodilation or vasoconstriction [16]. There may levels. The heart can be directly affected, resulting in
be overspill of cytokines and other signaling medi- myocardial depression affecting, to varying degrees,
ators into the circulation via blood or lymph drain- left and right ventricles and systolic and diastolic
ing from the affected locus of infection, and thence dysfunction [29]. Mechanisms underlying this so-
to vascular beds in unaffected organs. The liver, called ‘septic cardiomyopathy’ include coronary
which is particularly rich in tissue macrophages microvascular changes, adrenergic pathway down-
(Kupffer cells) and the main site of acute-phase regulation, oxidative and nitrosative stress, abnor-
protein production, is activated by translocation malities in calcium handling and myofilament
of microorganisms and lipopolysaccharide arising sensitivity, downregulation of sarcomeric and mito-
from the gut lumen [17], whereas the lung is the first chondrial genes, and mitochondrial dysfunction.
downstream organ bed to receive blood draining Myocardial depression can be severe enough to
from both the liver and lymph returning to the compromise blood flow to the body’s organs, result-
blood [18]. Bacteria and other pathogens (intracel- ing in organ hypoperfusion. In the early phases of
lular or free-floating) can also spread around the sepsis, increased vascular permeability can result in
body through blood and lymphatic systems [17– excessive leak of circulating fluid and oncotic pro-
19]. However, it is important to stress that the teins into interstitial extravascular spaces, resulting
number of bacteria circulating during a bacteremia in tissue edema and often significant hypovolemia.
is scanty and infrequently exceed 100 colony form- This can be further compounded by the loss of body
ing units per ml [20,21]. These are far outnumbered fluids through sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, gut
by the millions of leukocytes within each milliliter ileus, and excessive mouth breathing, as well as
of blood. Thus, bacteremia represents an issue with decreased intake through the loss of appetite.
normal immune surveillance rather than, in most Blood flow is also affected by alterations in
patients, a concern about hematogenous spread. vascular tone and responsiveness to catecholamines
Over-production of IL-6 plus other cytokines will (‘vascular hyporeactivity’). Multiple mechanisms
excessively boost production of acute-phase proteins are recognized including excessive production of
by the liver [10]. Biomarkers of inflammation also nitric oxide through induction of inducible nitric
play an important biological role. For example, C- oxide synthase, opening of potassium channels, and
reactive protein promotes hypotension and changes downregulation of adrenergic receptors [30]. This
in intracellular calcium signaling, cytokine produc- loss of vascular tone, over and above co-existing
tion, phagocytosis, and complement activation myocardial depression and hypovolemia, may result
[22,23] whereas procalcitonin induces cytokine pro- in hypotension and organ hypoperfusion.
duction and decreases neutrophil migration [24]. An There are downstream irregularities in the micro-
imbalance between sympathetic and parasympa- vasculature with patchy areas of constriction and
thetic pathways can compromise neural control of dilatation. Blood flow to different microcirculatory
inflammation and immunity [25,26]. Hormonal areas within the same organ bed may be largely
changes modify immune, metabolic, cardiovascular, absent, sluggish, or increased [16]. This may result
and behavioral responses. Gene transcription is also in increased shunting of oxygenated blood, bypass-
affected and this varies markedly by organ [27 ]. ing the cells and inducing a local tissue hypoxia in
Notably, more genes are down-regulated than up- addition to concurrent macrocirculatory deficiencies
regulated during sepsis and gene expression fluctu- that may compromise regional blood flow. Of note,
ates widely over the course of the septic illness. clotting pathways are activated and are frequently
Nonsurvivors in general exhibit similar metabolomic identified in abnormal laboratory tests [31]. Indeed,
and proteomic patterns to survivors, though the there is a prothrombotic tendency in sepsis with an
magnitude of up- or downregulation is greater increased incidence of thromboembolism, in part

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FIGURE 1. The infectious insult triggers an initial inflammatory/innate immune response that leads to downstream activation
or suppression of multiple pathways resulting in circulatory and metabolic perturbations. Depending on the magnitude of the
host response, these perturbations may be controlled and appropriate, or dysregulated leading to increasing degrees of organ
dysfunction/failure. An increasing view holds that dysfunction – or, more precisely, an organ metabolic shutdown that
prevents normal cellular activity - may represent in part an adaptive response that protects the organ from permanent,
irreversible damage and permits the opportunity of recovery.

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Pathophysiology of sepsis Arina and Singer

FIGURE 2. Sepsis can affect functioning of multiple organs within the body to varying degrees. (Figure created with

exacerbated by decreased physical activity related to Furthermore, in recovering patients, organs usually
being unwell. ‘Disseminated activated coagulation’ is recover within days to weeks, even those organs
loosely applied as a descriptor, however, this term is with poor regenerative capacity such as the kidney.
largely a misnomer as the presence of significant Further erroneous misnomers are bandied around,
microthrombi is not generally identified, either on such as ‘acute tubular necrosis’ as the pathology
histological examination of failed organs [32] or underlying acute kidney injury. Even at postmor-
during interrogation of the microcirculation [16]. tem, minimal if any necrotic tubules are seen within
The rise in lactate seen in sepsis is also commonly the kidney in the vast majority of cases [32]. An
wrongly ascribed to be solely related to anaerobic alternative hypothesis thus has to be sought to
metabolism consequent to tissue hypoxia [33]. explain functional abnormality in the absence of
Although tissue hypoxia may exist to some degree, significant structural damage.
at least in the early unresuscitated period, multiple We and others have advanced the view that
other causes for hyperlactatemia exist, including mitochondrial dysfunction leading to an insuffi-
liver dysfunction, mitochondrial dysfunction despite ciency of energy substrate (adenosine triphosphate,
adequate oxygen availability (see below), and cate- ATP) plays a major role [35,36]. Mitochondria
cholamine-driven aerobic glycolysis with activation are present in every cell line except erythrocytes
of muscle sodium pumps that allow supply of that rely solely upon glycolysis for ATP production.
lactate to other organs as an energy substrate [34]. Compared to glycolysis, mitochondria generate sig-
Septic shock is now recognized as a combination of nificantly greater amounts of ATP, predominantly via
cardiovascular and cellular/metabolic abnormalities the electron transport chain and, to a lesser degree,
represented by fluid-resistant hypotension and the Krebs’ cycle. Mitochondria also play many other
hyperlactatemia [1]. critical roles within the cell including production of
hormones, modulation of metabolism, and initiation
of cell death pathways. They are the major source
BIOENERGETIC ALTERATIONS AND within the body of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In
METABOLIC SHUTDOWN – THE KEY TO health, ROS play an important signaling role, how-
ORGAN DYSFUNCTION? ever in sepsis they are produced in significant excess,
Paradoxically, cell death is relatively minor in both from mitochondria (within the electron trans-
affected organs and not sufficient to explain the port chain) and activated leukocytes (via NADPH
degree of organ dysfunction seen in sepsis [32,35]. oxidase). If production overwhelms endogenous

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Intensive care and resuscitation

antioxidant defenses, ROS can inhibit enzymes – and skeletal muscle. This is mediated by an increase
including the electron transport chain – and cause in levels of catabolic stress hormones such as corti-
oxidative damage to proteins, lipids, and DNA [37]. sol, glucagon and catecholamines whereas levels of
In sepsis, mitochondria can be affected in varied anabolic hormones such as insulin and growth hor-
ways resulting in inadequate functioning of oxida- mone, or their receptors, are downregulated. There
tive phosphorylation and production of ATP to is increasing recognition that alterations in circulat-
fuel metabolism [35,36]. Other than suffering a ing metabolites and utilization, in particular of fatty
lack of oxygen and substrate though macro- and acids, modulate the inflammatory response [42].
micro-circulatory disturbances, and direct effects of
inflammatory mediators, mitochondrial function
may be compromised by intrinsic damage related FLUCTUATING HORMONAL INFLUENCES
to excessive ROS production, altered hormonal acti- IN SEPSIS
vation (e.g. the sick euthyroid syndrome as thyroid Hormonal production during sepsis is markedly
hormone largely modulates metabolism via mito- affected and influences multiple systems including
chondrial activation), and decreased gene transcrip- cardiovascular, immune, bioenergetic and meta-
tion of mitochondrial proteins. Even though cell bolic. The magnitude of change in hormone levels
death is unusual in sepsis [32], changes in mitochon- is greater in eventual nonsurvivors, reflecting either
drial morphology are apparent [38]. Mitophagy, the the severity of disease or possibly as a direct conse-
clearance of damaged mitochondria, is also affected quence. Catecholamine levels are markedly elevated
during sepsis [39]. for a prolonged duration, more so in eventual non-
Although glycolysis can be up-regulated to a survivors [43]. An initial increase in cortisol levels is
limited degree to generate more ATP, this would often followed by decreased production and cortico-
not be sufficient in itself to maintain cellular metab- steroid insufficiency [44]. Thyroid hormone produc-
olism. Continued metabolism would lead to a drop in tion is reduced both centrally and/or peripherally,
cellular ATP levels which, beyond a certain threshold, with resulting low circulating levels of triiodothyro-
would trigger apoptotic or even necrotic cell death nine (T3) plus increased levels of inactive rT3 (reverse
pathways. As the cell is generally intent upon sur- T3) with consequent effects on bioenergetics and
vival, it has to adopt a more extreme approach to metabolism [45]. Sex hormones – which have
survive by reducing its metabolic activity, sacrificing immune- and inflammation-modulating activities
many of its functional roles whereas focusing on life- – also change precipitously in sepsis [46]. After a
support tasks such as maintenance of membrane transient early rise, vasopressin levels are not elevated
integrity. At an organ level this is manifest as physio- in sepsis, even in shock states; this relates to decreased
logical and/or biochemical dysfunction yet may actu- hypothalamic production and/or increased break-
ally represent an adaptive mechanism analogous to down by vasopressinases [47]. The changes are com-
hibernation or estivation where cells shut down in plicated further by alterations in hormone receptor
the face of prolonged stress and resurface once more activity and/or density, or downstream pathways,
normal conditions prevail [40]. Indeed, survivors of resulting in either decreased or increased responsive-
sepsis show better preservation of ATP, a lesser degree ness to their specific hormones. Examples include
of mitochondrial dysfunction and a greater biogene- insulin resistance leading to hyperglycemia [48],
sis signal compared to eventual nonsurvivors [38]. vascular hyporeactivity to catecholamines [30], and
Recovery of organ function is thus contingent upon vasopressin hypersensitivity [47].
restitution of an adequate energy supply to fuel
metabolism. This, in turn, requires restoration of
functioning mitochondria through enhanced bio- IMMUNOSUPPRESSION – PREDISPOSING
genesis and mitophagy. THE HOST TO A SECOND HIT
Metabolism is altered in sepsis, both temporally After the initial pro-inflammatory mediator excess
and in terms of substrate utilization. Oxygen con- there is a shift toward an overall anti-inflammatory
sumption studies in patients show increases in the milieu. Not necessarily concurrent, there is also a
early phase of sepsis followed by progressive down- decrease in immune functionality (e.g. decreased
regulation in line with increasing illness severity, phagocytic capacity, low HLA-DR density on mono-
and then a rebound increase during the recovery cytes, decreased neutrophil chemotaxis) plus
phase as patients recover, heal and mobilize [41]. increased apoptosis of lymphocytes and decreased
Patients decrease food intake during critical illness immunoglobulin production [49,50]. The net effect
so there is a shift away from carbohydrate to protein is to place the septic patient at risk of secondary
and fat metabolism, with substrate obtained infection, often with opportunistic organisms.
through ‘auto-cannibalization’ of adipose tissue Immunosuppression can last for months after the

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ACO Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology

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