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ask for the moon ask for something you cannot possibly have

at your wits' ends be very worried or upset about a problem

beat around the bush avoid talking about something directly
bite off more than you can chew take on more than you can handle
break the ice do or say something to help people feel relaxed
chicken feed a very small amount of money
face the music expect to be punished for doing wrong
get a second wind get more energy after being tired
get away with murder do whatever you want and not be punished
get off on the wrong foot start something badly
get the hang of succeed in learning something
go overboard do something too much
go the extra mile make an extra effort to do something
great minds think alike two people have the same idea simultaneously
have second thoughts have doubts about something
in the saddle in charge
lay down the law tell someone very firmly what to do
lead the field be most successful in an activity or competition
let the cat out of the bag tell someone what they're not supposed to know
like water off a duck's back make no impression on someone
live like a king to live a luxurious and very comfortable lifestyle
look for a needle in a haystack something that is almost impossible to find
lose your head panic in a difficult situation
lose your marbles lose your mind, go crazy (informal)
make ends meet be able to pay for what you need
neck and neck a race so close you don't know who is winning
not lift a finger do nothing to help someone
off limits somewhere you are not allowed to go
on the dot arrive or do something exactly on time
on the double do something very quickly or immediately
out of the question impossible or not allowed
pain in the neck very annoying
play your cards right do something to help you succeed
short-change someone give less than someone expected
spell something out explain in detail
stick in the mud a person who isn't willing to try anything new

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