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Ecomap – identifies the client’s current social context.

The ecomap works by using circles to

represent different factors affecting the client and by identifying other systems that have an interface
with the client system. It can also identify the exosystems, or those systems that affect other family
members but do not have a direct impact on the identified client. It is constructed by having the client
identify all the organizations that have some impact on his or her life. Each organization is depicted by
circle. The client then identifies the nature of and direction of the flow off energy between the
organization and self. Because this process meaningfully involves the client in identifying the current
situation and pictorially expressing git through the ecomap, the client may develop a better
understanding of her or his situation and ultimately reveal strategies for resolving the dilemma.

Figure 2.1 Ecomap


D’s family, 1986
Long Island, NY D 45 H 39



H’s parents


Commonly used symbols in an Eco-map:

⃝ - female

□ – Male
- Person, sex and age unknown
- deceased female
- stressful, conflict-laden relationship

_________ - a tenuous, uncertain relationship

A positive relationship or resource ( thicker the line, the stronger or

more positive the relationship or resource)

The direction of the giving and receiving exchange in a relationship

or resource

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