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Cid, Michael Andrae E.

8 / 31 / 2022

Part 1. Arrange the sentences in the right order according to the INDUCTIVE development of
paragraph. (5 pts)

They believe that using animal in cloning research is ethically acceptable.

Some people argue that human life is worth making any sacrifice for.
We should never attempt to lengthen our lives by shortening the lives of other animals.
However, cloning animals may result in producing lots of deformed animals, It is an act of
Using animals for cloning research may also cause genetic mutation which can in turn lead to
eco-disasters as well.

1. Some people argue that human life is worth making any sacrifice for.
2. They believe that using animal in cloning research is ethically acceptable.
3. However, cloning animals may result in producing lots of deformed animals, It is an act of
4. We should never attempt to lengthen our lives by shortening the lives of other animals.
5. Using animals for cloning research may also cause genetic mutation which can in turn lead to
eco-disasters as well.
Part 2. Part 2. In one paragraph using no less than five (5) sentences, talk about your hobby using
the DEDUCTIVE development of pragraph. (10 pts).

My hobby that I am passionate about gaming. I like different genres of games, but I
always gravitate towards more single player, story heavy games that focus on the characters, the
world building and the story telling. The game I am mostly focused on as of now definitely has
to be Genshin Impact. Despite it being as controversial as it is popular (especially to some
people) I truly love the game for its story, characters, world building and lore. This only adds
onto the gameplay which is already fantastic for a game that you can play for free. It may look
like a simple anime game, the story can get quite intense, and the lore being even deeper. From
tales of different nations, each of them being inspired by different regions and cultures in the real
world such as Medieval Germany, Ancient China, Edo Period Japan, The Persian Empire, a
bustling Steampunk France, a tribal South America and Soviet Russia, to even ancient Greece.
The level of detail the game possess from the different cultures utilized, to the music, the food,
and even the look and feel of it all is quite a wonder, especially once you get an understanding of

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