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University of Rwanda

Nyagatare campus

Class: level II GEE

Reg number: 221014734

Esp 2112. Individual work

1.listening news and it summary

Ukraine accuses Russia of gas pipeline terror attack - BBC News: Nord
stream pipeline gas leaks European countries are investigating, Three main stream pipeline leak
between Russia and Europe the cause of demage. Ukraine accuses the Russian Army to involve in the
demage during the war. For aim of squeeze down Ukraine's strength.Eric Mamer European commission
chief spokesperson said that infrastructure is something that we would condemn and asking for
reactions depending on exact facts. Cause of the demage to Nord stream 1 and 2 is unclear
Authorizaties say they have not ruled out sabotage over the leaks. Leaks won't immediately affect the
supply of gas to Europe neither pipeline was operational when the leaks

2. About connectives/ linkers

Linkers are words or phrase that connects words, phrases, sentences or ideas or paragraphs. Are also
called connectors Example; but, because, and....

Paragraph A; Because of the heavy traffic, Paolo was late to work. As a result, his boss wasangry with
him. However, when he tried to apologise, his boss simply refused to listen.

Paragraph B

Firstly one of the best ways to improve communication skills is to become familiar with the language by
reading, building vocabulary, and discussing what you study in daily conversations. So Helena Daily
English blog provides the Daily English knowledge that you can study and try to apply in everyday
situations. Not only above ways but also you can make conversation with the native speakers.

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