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The last stop of our journey is the small table of the Sales Department from the Mall, a oasis of

peace in the noise of quotidian life.

The Sales Department represents one key element of the Comunity Care Fundation, which has the
aim to raise funds for people with financial difficulties. The products for sale are made by dedicated
volunteers of the "Workshop" department. Then, it is the volunteers duty, who are coordinated my
Miruna Miron, to ensure their selling.
The Products, handmade with talent and precision out of beautiful materials, have the purpose,
beyond their esthetic significance, to help those in need.
Their purchase leads to smiles on buyers' faces, but mostly on those whose are poor and with our
help, receive simple things that seem normal to us to own.
Behind the table covered with earrings of all shapes, colored bracelets and small or big toys, there is
a team of volunteers always available for clients, offering them unique products as well as warm
feelings. We will find out what was that made them join this department in the following interview:
"What determined you to want to lead this department?"
"The former leader of the department asked me if i wanted to take his place, and I happily accepted
because i had taken part of the sales team for a year and a half and i really enjoyed it. I can say that
being the leader of the department made me much more patient and learnt me how to take
responsability when it is necessary." ( Miruna Miron, the leader)
"Why did you choose to take part of this team?"
"I chose to be a volunteer of this department because i really enjoy the idea of helping our
fundation. Although, the question is, how do we help it? Well, we sell the handmade products made
by volunteers and the raised money go to our centres for kids and elderly. It is not just about selling
products. The time spent there gives you the possibility to form new friendships, to communicate
with different people, to offer them a smile and explain how important it is to buy a product, for
them and for those who benefit from the money. I had the chance to see children full of joy when
their parents bought toys for them. Those parents made us happy, as well as their kids and those in
need."(Beatrice Sion, volunteer)
"I chose to take part in this department because i enjoy trying new things. The Sales Department is
essential for the Community Care Fundation. With its help, we make money which will later get to
disabled people and poor children".(Beatrice Ilieș, volunteer)
"The Sales Department is one of the most recognised ones. From my point of view, the atmosphere
there creates feelings of well-being. The team work, the communication and the people who come
and buy from us make it a memorable experience. I chose this department because i had had the
wish to share what we create with our hands here, at the Community Care Fundation.(Rareș
Ciobanu, volunteer)

By Ioana Dinu

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