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Grade 4 Science Worksheet “Nature of Science” TB Pgs.


Name: ____________________________ Grade 4 ____

A. Read the questions carefully and answer the following questions.

1. What is Science?

Science is a way of knowing about the natural world.

2. Does the process of discovery in science stop?

No. The process of discovery never stops, it continues.
3. What does the word ‘observe’ mean?
To observe means to use your senses to collect information about the
world around you.
4. What is Science knowledge based on?
Science knowledge is based on evidence.
5. What does the word ‘evidence’ mean?
Evidence is information that comes from analyzing or finding data such
as numbers and measurements.
6. What does ‘infer’ mean?
To infer is to draw conclusions based on new information and facts that
are already known.
7. Do scientists follow only ONE method to collect data, and analyze it to
develop evidence?
No. Scientists use different methods to collect data and analyze it to
develop evidence.
8. What do scientists do in an investigation?
In an investigation, a scientist asks a question, plans a procedure to
observe and collect data and forms a conclusion.
9. What is meant by ‘an experiment’?
An experiment is a fair test, or a process in which Scientists control
variables to test a hypothesis.
10. What is a ‘variable’?
A variable is a factor in an experiment that my change.
11. What is a ‘hypothesis’?
A hypothesis is an idea or explanation that can be tested by
12. Do all scientists follow only ONE field of study?
No. Scientists come from different backgrounds and train for
different science careers.
13. Name some fields that scientists follow?
Some scientists study living things. Others study Earth's land, air and
water. Still others study about space etc.
14. What do scientists do?
Scientists from different fields may share an interest in solving a
problem or answering a question.
15. What is a crest?
A crest is the highest point of a wave.
16. What is a trough?
A trough is the lowest point of a wave.
17. What is a wavelength?
The wavelength of a wave is
the distance between two
crests or two troughs.
18. What is an amplitude?
An amplitude is the height or depth of a wave from the rest position.
19. What kinds of objects have energy?
All moving objects have energy.
20. What kinds of objects have greater energy?
The faster moving objects have greater energy.
21. Who is the “Pitcher” in a baseball game?
The person who hurls or throws the ball is called the Pitcher.
22. How does a pitcher affect the ball’s energy?
The pitcher can affect the ball's energy of motion by how hard he
23. What does a pitcher do to increase the speed of the ball he throws?
The pitcher gives the ball more energy (he uses a greater force) to
increase the speed of the ball.
24. Does the pitcher always hurl or throw the ball very fast?
No. Sometimes the pitcher uses less energy to decrease the speed of
the ball.
25. What is the aim of the pitcher behind changing the speed of his
The pitcher's aim is to make the batter miss hitting the ball thrown at
26. Are the batters always safe during a baseball game?
Sometimes the batters may sustain some injuries.

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