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Hadoop Cluster is stated as 

a combined group of unconventional units. These

units are in a connected with a dedicated server which is used for working as a
sole data organizing source. It works as centralized unit throughout the working
process. In simple terms, it is stated as  a common type of cluster which is
present for the computational task. This cluster is helpful in distributing the
workload for analyzing data. Workload over Hadoop cluster is distributed
among several other nodes, which are working together to process data.  It can
be explained by considering the following terms:
Distributed Data Processing : In distributed data processing, the map gets
reduced and scrutinized from a large amount of data. It get assigned a job
tracker for all the functionalities. Apart from the job tracker, there is a data node
and task tracker. All these play a huge role in processing the data.
Distributed Data Storage : It allows  storing a huge amount of data in terms of
name node and secondary name node. In this both the nodes have a data node
and task tracker.

How does Hadoop Cluster Makes Working so Easy?

It plays important role to collect and analyze the data in a proper way. It is
useful in performing a number of tasks which brings out the ease in any task. 
 Add nodes: It is easy to add nodes in the cluster to help in other
functional areas. Without the nodes, it is not possible  to scrutinize the
data from unstructured units.
 Data Analysis: This special type of cluster which is compatible with
parallel computation to analyze the data.
 Fault tolerance: The data stored in any node remain unreliable. So, it
creates a copy of the data which is present on other nodes.

Working with Hadoop Cluster:

While working with Hadoop Cluster it is important to understand its architecture
as follows :
 Master Nodes: Master node plays a great role in collecting a huge
amount of data in the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). Apart
from that, it works to store data with parallel computation by  applying
Map Reduce.
 Slave nodes: It is responsible for the collection of data. While
performing any computation, the slave node is held responsible for
any situation or result.
 Client nodes: The Hadoop is installed along with the configuration
settings.Hadoop Cluster demands to load the data, it is the client node
who is held responsible for this task.


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