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TEST du Santa Cruz Bulit CC 2021

Rider Spec :

1,75m 77kg

Level expert

Experience + 20 years

Bike actually Commencal Meta AM 2020 L

Profil tracks test :


Large track & single

32 km

2000m D+

Sun, dry.

Ride with 15 riders.


Taking possession of the bicycle, loaned by team France whose usual user
has a similar size to mine.

We discover a purple dress of the most beautiful

effect, each part and assemblies are highlighted by this
bright color and giving dynamism

This loaner model is equipped with original XT brakes

and transmission, Rock-Shox super DELUXE shock, and
FOX 38 grip 2 fork.

CC carbon frame, carbon handlebars and race wheels AR 30.

carbon. Tires Maxxis minion 30% and Maxxis Assegei 20%

The set presents very well, the price is in the high range of
the VAE.

The SAG of the suspensions is slightly higher than 30%, I

made the choice to ride with these settings.

The bike is a size L, however a feeling of riding on a M is

distilled from the grip.

First turns of wheels.

Quiet start in the streets of the village, taking in hand and feeling the posture.

The angle of the seat tube seems quite closed, the controls fall naturally under the hand.
The angle of hunting added to the weight of the battery gives at very low speed a small feeling of
heaviness and directional effect in the arms.

Change of speed, checking of the selected electric mode and it is left.

First rolling part on a wide road in the middle of the meadows.

A few more kilometers per hour and the stability and the general balance of the bike is

We feel well on it, the bike seems already player and benefit from a good distribution of the

The road gets hilly, the morning humidity is there, the cadence accelerates, the gears
follow each other, the transmission reacts well, the bike rounds the bumps, keeps the course and
seems stable.

On the first braking, the feeling of the XT is correct, a little bit of bite on the attack and
enough power without forcing the hands.

The first hill is approaching, 18% and more on a portion, alternating rocks and asphalt.

The parameters of the assistance were personalized by the owner, the Shimano EP 8 is below
what it could develop, a feeling of friction is present.

This first hill is swallowed in hardly more than one minute. The position in strong slope is
good, the bicycle does not raise, the adherence is preserved even under the effort of the pedaling
added to the torque of the assistance.

We breathe a few seconds, we put back the mode eco and it is left for 4 km of course
mixed asphalt / paths for a catch of altitude of 200m D+.

The rhythm is taken, the bike unwinds,

we enjoy the landscape.

That's it we are there, we fork on the

less wide ways, direction the summits, the
way is stony, numerous holes and puddles
of rain of the previous days are in front of

The handling of the bike was good, the

feeling that the exit is going to go well, no
surprises in these ways known by heart
and rolled with several different bikes. The
climbs follow one another, a good
cadence is maintained (despite this
unusual feeling of the EP8), the steep hills
are ridden without surprises, no pitching,
no skidding despite the wet ground, no
need to change position, no need to lower
the elbows or move forward on the saddle,
the slopes are crossed relaxed and with a
certain self-esteem.

First alpine plateau reached, just enough time to drink a few sips, and a first descent is
coming. Descent on the slope, grass, slope, wide path, stones, everything is there to test the
beast in the slope

If the frame and the carbon elements were very discreet on the first kilometers, I also
expected maybe a more pronounced reactivity of the materials, it is quite different for the descent.

The whole set transmits a good stiffness, the position and the weight distribution are very

Knowing by heart the path, the present jumps, the holes, the rocks, the speed of passage
is enjoyable, the bike gives a big impression of stability, we place the wheels where we decided,
the holes and gutters are absorbed with a light manual. The rear end sinks a little but goes back
without any counter blow or staying tan. The jumps and bumps are flown over with an ounce of
bunny up, what happiness.

The slopes are tasted and appreciated with a

beautiful holding of course and a perfect stability.

The fox 38 goes so well to this bike, no

stiffness, it does the job perfectly, we do not feel the
irregularities, and especially, a big feeling of
adherence and safety, wahou, the Bulit has just
revealed a part of its intimacy.

Go, we make go down the adrenalin and we

take back the pedaling for a link of some kilometers.

That is there we are, a sector go down, very

steep, ultra fast, stones, tight turns, slope to finish,
one of my favorite passages on this course.

One lowers the saddle, a good inspiration and

it is part one releases the brakes. Its handlebar a
little in the very fat parts, but seen the speed and the
slope nothing of anomalous, no false feelings of
stalling, even not the pain to leave a foot, change of
trajectory for dry, we take again of the speed, super,
a flying carpet. The wheels answer well, a good
rigidity without being stiff, the first hairpin arrives,
braking, the xt do the job, put on the angle, that
passes very well, one re-accelerates, passage in the brook and fast descent in the stones in the
middle of the chicanes of stones, what a panard, that file it is fluid and without bad surprises....

Exit of the second stream, a rock appears, jump, landing at the beginning of the turn, it's
stable, it rolls.......last hairpin, I really start to play with the Bulit...the path is already finished, I
can't wait for the next one, direction a new ascent.

12 km swallowed in no time. Direction of a climb worthy of the name, 4 Km, 700m of D+.
Let's go to the train, climbing mode, I adjust the transmission and the assistance so as to hold
permanently a rate of rotation of 85 Hz, the optimal speed of the Shimano.

Some people in the middle of the road, I have to put down the feet.......not serious. I place
myself on the bike, smooth hill start, no sign of pitching, immediate grip despite the ground full of
stones and puddles

The rise continues partly on ground partly on grass, that does not matter, the Bulit makes
the job, one pushes on the legs, that drives and that goes up without interruptions nor failures.

Small pause photo, hydration and it is repartis.

A beautiful descent in single and tight bends appears under the wheels.

One engages, it is left, a not visible hole arises, I absorb, pull on the handlebar, that
passes, the balance of the bicycle is good, stable and without false rebounds after this maneuver.

The speed increases, small guiding in a rut once again without visibility, not serious we feel
the work of the frame and the rims, it takes again the course instantaneously, happiness.

First section finished, I cross the road and dive on the second part of this single.

The hairpins follow one another, small noise-turn, jump on a decompression that goes.

Already at the bottom, a last steep ramp before being on the road, the span and the
longitudinal stability of the bike work wonders, no transfer of mass, the ramp is swallowed and the
return on the road without blow.

Crossing a hamlet, once again on a route I know. I'm going to search through the alleys of
the hamlet, a succession of ramps and pebbled slope breaks.

Decompression, I swing the bike forward, release the brakes and off I go. A few seconds
later, back on the road.

Quick link on the road and, less funny, back to the climb.

Climb in the woods, 300m D+ to swallow. No pedaling at the train, the path varies of
difference in level every 50m, therefore, well one gives all. The bike responds, we can relaunch
and accelerate or take a rest without losing performance. This Bulit is definitely versatile without
hurting its rider.

Arrived at the end of this underwood.

Now the descent, single in forest, no

luminosity. The path is lined with trees,
ruts are in the middle of the path, the
slope is steep, and the ground is
covered with pine cones, rocks and
various branches. The path ends in a
wide and meadowy path.

Just the time to catch my breath and I

switch to the dark side.

The bike takes speed, the feeling of

safety and control of the trajectory
persists, we play with the bike in spite of
the single and the numerous "waste" on
the ground, it accelerates, I place the
bike on the angle, choose the trajectory
in the turns, it rolls, it gums the holes and
bumps. Only a rut in the middle of the trajectory catches me in a trap.

Small movement of handlebars, I replace myself on the bike and here I am out of the rut.

Here I go again, the bike takes speed by itself, the frame and the wheels answer perfectly
to the requests of piloting and choice of trajectories.

Here I am in the meadow, it marks the end of this single in the forest.

What a satisfaction, to feel that we are stuck to the ground, that the bike brakes, follows
the course and the chosen trajectories, no scares, just the desire to teleport myself to the
beginning of this path and to do it again. But well...

Resumption of the course, a few kilometers of road and smooth and broad way, rise
descent until the next spot which will finish this test.

After these few kilometers of "recovery" we are in the last hamlet before the return to the

These 25 kilometers already covered have largely revealed the character and the
possibilities of this Bulit.

In a certain euphoria, but also a bitterness of end of ride, we launch on the last kilometers
of this exit.

The landscape turns into thick forest, wide path covered with grass, strong slope.

On the next 5 kilometers, the loss of altitude will be of 500m and the rise of 700m, long live
the VAE...

Let's go, we begin the downhill part in first, that begins gently before taking slope and
speed quickly, we find ourselves quickly at 50km/h on this grassy way in the middle of the forest.

Big cadence, on these last kilometers and under the effect of group, the only idea which
comes at this moment there, it is to........ drifter...!!!

Great idea, launched at full speed on grass in the forest with electric bikes ....

It is left, call against call, braking and put on the angle, one leaves the interior foot and one slides.

Oh surprise, the Bulit is not at ease in this exercise.

A certain heaviness, not an inertia and a refusal to lean and slide takes away a little bit of
superb to this toy. I am used to drifting on mountain bikes and ATVs.

The bike tries to get back upright and take a conventional course.

All it takes is one too many brake or shoulder strokes and the bike will spin out of control.

A few slides later, the moment of the last climb is here. I give it my all on this last climb.

After 2 kilometers of intense climbing, the course ends with a flat 800m.

It's time to think about this ride. What a bike, what a feeling during these moments of

The Bulit is a multi-faceted bike, easy and docile when you want it to be, or demonstrative
and explosive when you want it to be.

It makes you feel like a super climber on the uphill without throwing you off or requiring
exceptional techniques.

On the way down, it's like Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde, its stability, its rigor and its playfulness
will either reassure you if you are not a steep climber, or it will give you something to surpass
yourself and to go for maximum performance and pleasure.

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