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The broken-down car, the continuous pouring rain, time almost
reaching evening, and being stranded on an unmaintained-forested
highway, with little to no battery left in her phone, for what was
supposed to be a relaxing summer getaway, things were unexpectedly
going down for Ashley at a frightening, fast pace. Intense panic filled
her heart and lungs, making it harder and harder to breathe.
Gasping, she took deep breaths in attempts to calm herself down, and
think rationally about the situation she had just been put in. "B-but the
forecast said it was going to be a sunny day with no rain today!'' she
exclaimed to herself in agony. Ashley wasn’t much of an experienced
driver; she had gotten her driver's license recently and the intense,
splashing rain only made it harder for her to see, causing her blurred
vision to end her up crashing into a nearby tree. Slowly coming to the
terms with the fact that most likely no one else would be driving up
here at this time and weather, she carefully collected her thoughts and
began to think of a way for escaping or somehow, managing to get
help. Or, just maybe someone would show up just in time. She did not
have any food, neither much of any water, except a half-emptied
bottle, no battery left in her phone and the sun started to be replaced
by more clouds, making the sky darker and darker by the minute. She
needed to act fast.
Just then, she came up with the idea of taking a shortcut into town
through the forest nearby, which, she thought at first to be very risky,
but the road, back and forth kept going for miles on end. And so,
thinking of this as the best option here, she gathered her essentials
with hope gleaming in her eyes to find any sort of help, or an escape.
It had been almost 20 minutes, and to Ashley's disappointment, there
still were hundreds of trees in sight to pass by. At least the they
provided her with shelter from the blowing rain but, at the same time,
the trees also made it darker to see around. She started to wonder if a
hostile animal would spot her and if it would all be over, slowly thinking
of all the worst-case scenarios that could possibly happen and soon,
she regretted her decision. After a while, she walked past a dark-
wooded stump with an unusual texture than the rest, it then came to
her dreadful realization that she had walked past this stump minutes
ago, and even made a mental note of it. Ashley fell to her knees,
stumped at what just happened, she had been going in circles this
whole entire time and had just realized it. She was lost. Suddenly, she
felt even more tired and weaker than before. Then she noticed her
throat felt like the Sahara Desert, she was slowly but surely getting
dehydrated and decided to drink some water, she had been saving it for
severe moments like this.
While searching her bag for the bottle, she came across an old
flashlight, which, to her astonishment, started working. Now, after
recharging her stamina and resting for a while and feeling better than
ever, and more determined, she pulled herself together, and started
walking on what seemed like the right path to her. After many more
minutes of excruciating walking, and sometimes even running and
hiding to avoid being caught in the sights of ferocious, hostile animals,
she found a stream of river flowing forwards. She had heard on
explore-based TV channels that a stream of water in a forest, meant
civilization was nearby. Adrenalin suddenly kicked in, and she started
rushing, following the direction of the water.
Reaching the end, a small village came in view, and this was
guaranteed, one of the happiest moments in her life as she was no
longer alone and lost and could finally get help.

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