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2° Bachiller. Antonyms ied fat Gin, slim intelligent [dull, ignorant old new, yourg fast slow cheap expensive ugly nice loeauti ful new old, ancent dark clear, Poir heavy Oyet easy hacd oP rolt clean dict tidy uotidy (metry happy sad roiseralle hard emmy friendly [bad, cold dangerous | Soe boring hci ting , Fone: cold hot, boing boiling cold cool sharp blunt smooth | diehvorkt, Cand rude polite; wind kind Cruel, naa ty legal tllegel lazy ue d- Wor Kn, absent praent Jashionable _|old-fashivne’d, gutdot predictable \unpred cable decent tndecent | drs propes appropiate cnaproprrate ‘mean §erenous more leer worse better far nea, core serious fonng , trivial outgoing thy 1 Cimid strict eoty , flextble oe short io true [Falve, untine open close, detadel narrow wide low Lash dark-haired — | Fax damp dey ary wet, Samp cold Bot boil ‘poor uch , weakthy Jong Short tall Shot Stiendiy~ polite Rude, Cmpolrle nervous caben, guiel predictable Free big 1 Cork ined ove real Lobse , unreal te comfortable juncomfor table, tin huge ting , emell Inge ting, Crete massive Smell, GHG heey straight indinedt, Covmpt clear dark, cloud boring | Farny noisy guety silent loud quiet, silent fat thin, slim intelligent wealthy poor perfect wise Ah, ignorant correct Prefijos. Opuestos : in-,im-,ir-,il-.un-,dis-,de,-mis-,mal-, i Llegal, -n/'s formed,» sadventure, /ability, tim perfect, Lun fair, ’ocrease, 2 rational, in complete Repetici6n : Example : rewrite, replace. Exceso : Out, over; Example : outgrow, overpay, overestimate. Falta : under-: underpaid. Suftios Para formar Nombres: «& Profesiones :-of, -ess(fem.), -e, -ist,-ec Examples : actor, doctor, actress, hostess, employee, player, singer, pianist, dentist. es Abstracts :-ment, -tion, ~l, ity, -ness-, ship, hood. Examples : Enjoyment, creation, moral, capacity, happiness, liveliness, relationship friendship, likeness. es Sustantivacién de algunos verbos : *-ing” Beginning, feelings, Smoking (is bad for you) Para formar Adjetivos. = Que expresa una cualidad o caracteristica : -al, -0us, Examples : personal, famous, electric, sunny, excellent, offensi ~y,-ent, -ive, -ar » Popular. ce De malidad : -an, -ese : American, Chinese Japanese, Armenian, indican presencia o falta de un sustancia : -ful = presencia, -less = ausencia. Examples : beautiful, colourful,eventful, seful 7 coloures,ifeless, useless” harmless, - Que expresa habilidad o posibilidad :-ble : Para formar adverbios : “-ly” : slowly, happily, available, portable, erect PREPOSITION. mplete the sentences Here is an example Tam accustomed That is just typical Passive Voice usage in English. ‘this hard job. playing chess. He’s very good. i I'm proud ‘my heritage. John. He's so forgetful Pm scared _{g spiders and snakes. ‘The plane arrived —_a.t_ 10.00 p.m. Many poor nations depend__o»n _ richer countries. Have you spoken ta John yet? T'matraid that I ean*t help you! 'm ahury. ‘The house was - _ fie so they Phoned the firemen, . L've sent it . That girl smiled acm ime and she made me feel embarrassed. | You must be nice te foreigners. 15, The police fined John _/a~.__ drinking in the street. 16. [know this poem __ by _ heart. 17, Everything s odes “control now the police have arrived. 18. The plane was__ ot o£ — control and it nearly hit a building. 19. We paid ‘our shopping and left the supermarket. 20. She fell love _ w+ / to repair the damaged installations. 7. She uses public transport_S 1e in her opinion it helps the environment. Linkers. Make the necessary changes. Don’t repeat. Don’t use BECAUSE, AND. BUT OR SO, 2. It’s very late. We should all go home. 3. I'm quite dark. My sister is quite blond. 4. Tom has given up eating sweets. He wants to loSp some weight. _5. She was ill. She went to work. She wo s//, Bowenes 5 Join the senténces using an appropriate linker. ag te ¢ a. Lyvore a scarf Ad was hot. being late, Alex didn’t seem in a hurry to leave. Ohlone Stop shoplifters stealing bite. . They ah leo cameras in shops.. things. d.I decided not to go out for a meal afford it, e. Vicky sent us a map ... P1...........we could find her house. Fill in with the correct passive form of the verbs jn brackets. She didn’t know who fm ASM phate... .(the telephone/invent) The carpenter NOL... Male GE. . (offer) a éup of tea minutes ago? The milk must ..L€...spiaiARh.A. (pour) little by little. The thief ........0% Aaa .{think) to have broken into their house. Her scream....WiQ&2. NAR.Obe. {not hear) last night. .. Leouldn’t Give a question for the underlined words. DON’T USE WHEN!!! Q , to visit os 1.Iwrote to Julie. Whe did yoo we 2. Stephen has stayed here for about-three weeks so far. (ow lon 3, John and Susan were coming to visit us. We weie + Stephen stayed 10 fl 4. That coat cost 224 euros. How mud, dgah that coats t? 5. Stephen plays tennis about three times a week. Bact be + How often dogs Stephe» ploy Tennis / PASSIVE VOICE PRACTICE. % Turn the following sentences into PASSIVE VOICE: 1) Sony produces all types of electronic devices. 2.) The internet has revolutionised computers. 3.) Ford Coppola directed “Apocalypse Now” in 1979. 4.) Mobile phones can affect drivers” concentration, 5.) They gave me a present on my birthday. 6.) The teacher told the children a story. 7.) People have used art to express themselves since Prehistoric times. 8.) People found an ancient roman mosaic just outside Cérdoba. 9.) The government accused Julién Mufioz of fraud and corruption. 10.) The company is going to launch the new product next year. 11.) Mr. Butcher sold John his old motorbike. 12.) Mereedes has hired De La Rosa as their new driver for next season. 13.) The Company cut off the electricity in John’s house because he hadn’ t paid his bills. 14,) 20% of viewers voted for Belén Esteban. 15.) The judge considered Mr Jones guilty of smuggling fake money into the country. 16.) Beckham will promote Nike running shoes in 2011 17.) 22 million people will watch the last episode of the Sopranos, according to TV experts. 18.) Jane sent me a bottle of expensive Italian wine. 19.) People could see the fireworks in a radius of 20 km. 20.) Real Ma¢ “id might consider Wayne Rooney for next season.

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