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Planning and Implementing Classroom Procedures

 Create daily schedules that are suitable for you and your students.

 Think about how you will maintain this schedule and how your students
can become self-directed learners.
 Create an effective learning environment where every student can
 Students need structure to feel conformable.
 Create a familiar environment to concentrate on learning.
 Students work best in an environment where routine and procedures
are clear and students know what to expect.
 General routines lower stress and make learning comfortable. Give a
tour of the classroom on the first day and introduce the procedures. Do
not overwhelm introducing everything on the first day. Introduce slowly.
 Classes go smoothly when they are optimized.

Creating an Effective Daily Schedule

 Clarity. Use color-coded labels, icons, and pictures.
 Consistency. Use pocket charts.
 Simplicity. Age-appropriateness, easily explained, achievable.

Beginning and End of the Day

Beginning of the day. When they arrive at school, children must be clear about
where to put their things, where they should wait until lessons begin and how they
will know it is time to make their way to the classroom. For example, is there an
alarm or whistle telling them it is time for lessons?

Entering the classroom. Some examples are lining up outside the classroom before
a lesson, coming in only when told, and walking rather than running.

Leaving the classroom. The same applied when leaving the classroom. Rules should
be put in place for when children should or should not leave the classroom. To
avoid accidents, children should be fully aware of how they should leave the room.
Late arrivals. What is the system for children who arrive late? Do they need to
report to the reception or office, and do they need to provide explanations for

Being in the hallway. If there are times when children should or should not be in
the hallway area, they need to be told. The behavior expected of them in this area
needs clarifying.

End of lessons. Do materials need tidying away at the end of the day, and where do
they go? When are children allowed to leave the classroom?
Leaving the building. When are children allowed to leave the building? Who will
supervise them?

Meeting parents. There should be a clear set time that parents arrive to collect
children, and they must be aware of this. Children need to know where to go at the
end of the school day and not leave the premises without permission.

Late collection. If a child’s parents are not there at the agreed collection time, then
there should be a protocol in place to ensure the child is safe and supervised until
an adult arrives to collect the child. Inform parents what to do if they are
unexpectedly delayed.

Managing Materials
How students get supplies. Areas of clarification include when children are allowed
to access supplies, asking permission, and where they can or cannot go to collect

How students sharpen pencils. Should children sharpen their pencils at their desk
and then remove debris as they leave the classroom, or do they need to sharpen
pencils directly into the bin.

Collecting homework. Children need to know where and how to collect their
homework, how and when it needs returning on completion, and what to do should
they require assistance.

Finishing assignments early. If assignments are finished early, do the same

procedures still apply, or are they different?
Transitioning between activities. Issues may include tidying aware materials no
longer needed, getting new supplies, understanding the tasks, and working in
different groups necessitating movement around the classroom.

Participation in learning centers. Where, when, and how children may access
learning centers are all areas for clarification.

Sign language. Using signs and gestures is an effective way of getting the whole
class to cooperate with certain aspects of the day. Establish signs for quiet time, pay
attention, go to the washroom, and ask questions.

Group assignments. During group activities, communication is important. Establish

rules about taking turns in discussions, how they should communicate, and
acceptable noise levels.

Being a classroom helper. Classroom helpers need clarification about their roles
and what your expectations of them are in your classroom.
Helping others. When and how children may help other students and not
appropriate for them to do so.

Parents newsletters. Decide on the regularity of newsletters and what information

should be included in them. Also, decide who should contribute to the newsletters.

Inappropriate behavior. Make it clear from the start what behavior is unacceptable
and what the consequences are as a result of inappropriate behavior.

Parent contact. On what occasion are parents contacted, and who is responsible for
making this contact? How can parents contact you to raise any concerns?

Students are feeling sick. There should be procedures for when a child feels sick
that apply to all classrooms in a school.

Around the Classroom

What to do during free time. Are children limited to where they can go and what
they can do?
Using the school library. Children need to know what occasions they may use the
library and what the rules are in the library.
Preparing for lunch. If there is a system of who goes when for their dinner.

Garbage rules. The disposal of garbage is an opportunity to teach children about

recycling. Create separate areas for the disposal of different materials.

Fire drill. The safety of children is the predominant concern at all times. Ensure the
school has a proper fire drill in place and that this is practiced regularly, so children
know exactly what to do in the event of a fire.

Lining-up. Learning to stand in a queue is something children should learn quickly

as it is part of many different aspects of the school day. They need to know where
and when to the line-up.

Indoor/outdoor recess. If there are different areas for different classes, the children
need to know this. Also, they need guidance regarding behavior during recess.

Circle time. There should be set times when you have circle time, and the children
need to know what to expect during this activity, what your expectations are, and
how they should behave.

Daily schedule. Children often respond well to set classroom routines and knowing
what is happening at each part of the day. This may be particularly important for
some children with special educational needs.

Weekly schedule. As with the daily schedule, children respond well to a weekly
routine and know what is happening each day.

Students birthday. It is nice to celebrate each individual’s birthday in some way,

perhaps by singing to them at the beginning or end of the day. Keep a record of
dates of birth so that nobody is forgotten.

Displaying students’ work. Decide which work is displayed when and how often you
will change displays.

Using computers. If there are a limited number of computers available in the

school, you may need to organize a booking system to decide which classes can use
computers and when.
Grading. Not all pieces of work will need to be graded. It would help if you thought
about which work is part of the learning process and what actually needs grading.
Will you grade homework? When will you complete the grading?

Report cards. What are the report cards used for? Who is responsible for their
completion? Are parents involved in monitoring

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