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1. Child Language Learning – WEB TRINITY

2. Kids company – WEB TRINITY
3. Sharks

‘You’re going to hear a short talk about sharks. You will hear the talk twice. The
first time, just listen. Then I’ll ask you to tell me in a few words what the speaker
is talking about.’ ‘Are you ready?’

‘Turn over your paper. Now listen to the talk again. Write down some notes
about what you hear, if you want to.’

‘Then I’ll ask you to tell me six pieces of information about great white sharks
hunting habits. Are you ready?’


Great White Sharks hunt around the world‟s oceans usually in cold waters near
land. They grow to around 4 to 6 metres long on average making them the
largest hunting fish on the planet. They are super fast swimmers reaching
speeds of over 60 kilometres per hour. They use their speed to hunt by surprise
attack. They come from below the animal travelling quickly and bite or hit it
before it can escape. They have a set of around 300 very sharp teeth to attack
with. They eat mainly large mammals such as seals, sea lions and small whales
but rarely attack people. There are about 5 to 7 human shark attacks each year.
Researchers believe these aren‟t really attacks at all. They think the shark is
biting because it is curious. Humans are an unusual sight in the sea. Great
whites can smell potential food from up to 2 miles away.

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