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Instructor: Fr, RANDY CAERLANG


Abrahamic Religions currently there are about 3.4 billion believers in the world,
and this according to 2020 statistics, corresponds to about 56% of the entire
world population.
They are widely spread in all areas of the World, starting from the Western
regions as well as those of Southeast Asia.
Together, and without considering the other minor Abrahamic religions, they
form the largest ethnic group ever recorded in the history of mankind.
Those monotheistic religions of West Asian origin, emphasizing and tracing
their common origin to the Patriarch Abraham and mostrly of their Holy
Scriptures and beliefs in common. The largest Abrahamic religions in
chronological order of founding are Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Among the common points of connection between the Abrahamic Religions,
besides the mutual descendence from Abraham, there is the “Golden Rule”,
also called “Ethics of Reciprocity”, essential basis for the modern concept of
human rights:

Rabbi Hillel (Shabbat 31a): “do not do unto others what you do not want
others do to you”


Jesus (Mt 7,12 ; Lc 6,31): “do to others as you would have them do to you”

Muhammad (40 ʾaḥādīthe di an-Nawawi 13): “none of you is a believer until
he desires for his brother what he desires for himself”
“Abrahamic” is the term used by most scholars to refer collectively to
monotheistic faiths that originate from the same root, namely the patriarch
Abraham. The major religions that come from this common “stock” (the
Jewish, Christian and Islamic) claim their descent from the patriarch Abraham
(Book of Genesis, chapters 11, 26 to 25, 18).

Abraham was born as Abram, in the city of Ur of the Chaldeans, but left his
homeland as the first pilgrim when GOD called him and later settled in
Canaan. The greatness of his house and possessions grew greatly over the
years, although because of the impossibility of having an heir Abraham was
sad. His wife Sarai could not conceive, and so to finally give him an heir he
allowed him to take his servant Hagar as a concubine, who conceived a son
they named Ishmael. GOD establishes a Covenant with Abram and his wife
promising her a son as well, and finally late in life she conceives a son whom
she names Isaac. GOD changes their names to Abraham and Sarah, and
they are promised that through Isaac their offspring will be as numerous as
the stars in the sky that cannot be counted.

After the birth of Isaac, however, Hagar and her son Ishmael clash with Sarah
out of jealousy, but again GOD intervenes and although Hagar is sent away,
he assures Abraham that even through the Egyptian servant his descendants
will increase, becoming the father of many nations. In this way is rewarded the
great faith and obedience of Abraham, who did not refuse to offer his only son
as a potential sacrifice.

Abrahamic religions Judaism

Type of theism Monotheism

GOD GOD of Abraham

GOD’s Name YHWH, ELOHIM (Royal We of the name GOD in Hebrew)

Holy Books Torah (Law), Nevi’im (Prophets), K’tuvim (Writings)

Vision of human nature Two equal impulses, one tends toward good and one toward evil

Factors for Humankind’s Salvation Believing in GOD, following the Law, performing good deeds

Hereafter for good people Viewpoints vary: Heaven, Soul resurrection or no Afterlife

Hereafter for bad people Opinions vary: Eternal Gehenna (Hell), Reincarnation or no Afterlife

Identity of Jesus Only a rabbi (Jewish teacher), not the Messiah

Resurrection of Jesus Denied

Second Coming of Jesus Denied

Abrahamic religions Christianity

Type of theism Monotheism

GOD GOD of Abraham

GODs name GOD, YHWH, LORD, Holy Trinity (for Trinitarians)

Holy books Torah (Law), Nevi’im (Prophets), K’tuvim (Writings)

Gospels (including other apostolic scriptures)

Vision of human nature Tendency to evil, “original sin” inherited from Adam and

Factors for Humankind’s Salvation Believing in GOD, following the Law, performing good
deeds, follow Sacraments

Hereafter for good people Heaven, Soul resurrection

Hereafter for bad people Eternal Hell, Temporary Purgatory (Catholicism)

Identity of Jesus Prophet of GOD, Messiah, Son of GOD, High Priest

Resurrection of Jesus Affirmed

Second Coming of Jesus Affirmed

Abrahamic religions Islam

Type of theism Monotheism

GOD GOD of Abraham

GODs name ALLAH (Arabic meaning “the GOD”)

Holy books Pentateuch (Torah), Nevi’im (Prophets), K’tuvim (Writings),

Gospel, Quran

Vision of human nature Equal ability to do good or evil

Factors for Humankind’s Salvation Believing in GOD, following the Law, performing good
deeds, Follow the five pillars of Islam

Hereafter for good people Heaven (Jannah)

Hereafter for bad people Eternal Hell

Identity of Jesus Prophet of GOD, Messiah

Resurrection of Jesus Denied

Second Coming of Jesus Affirmed

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