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Ri KEMENTERIAN KESEHATAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA JKN “$ Berkes Kiaim Individual Pasien 26/01/2022 Kode Rumah Sokt_—: 3175410 Kelas Rumah Sakt > c Nama RS RUMAH SAKIT UMUM PEKERA—_Jenis Tan TARIF RS KELAS © SWASTA Nomor Peserta cooo9ses2si69 omor SEP oxs6ko340122V002890 Nomor Rekam Medis : 00040873 Tango Masuk 25/01/2022 umur Tahun 33 Tanggal Ketuar 26/01/2022 Umut Hart 19539 denis Perwatan 1 Rawat nap Tanggol Lahr 2/07/1968 cara Pang 1 Aas Persetuuon Dokter Sens Kearin 2 -Perempuan Los aban Kelas Peawotan 3 Kelas3 Berat Lair : Diagnose tema + A162 Th ung wthout mention of bac or Nstloielconem DiognosaSekunder: E119 Nonsnsulin-dependentdabetes melitus without eompleatons Ho Essential (primary) hypertension Prosedur 99.17 nection of nsuin 99.29 Infection or infusion of other therapeu or prophylactic substance 99.21 Injection of antbictc 99.18 Injection or infusion of elecralytes ADL Sub Acute : ADL Chron : asl Grouping ta.cae 1.4:15:1_PERADANGAN DAN INFEKSE PERNAFASAN (RINGAN) Rp 4,119,700.00 sub Acute : : & 0.00 chronic : : 9 0.00 Special MG: : % 0.00 Total rant R 4,119,700.00

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