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Conducting Design Studies

to Investigate and Support
Mathematics Students’
and Teachers’ Learning

Paul Cobb
Vanderbilt University, United States
Kara Jackson
University of Washington, United States
Charlotte Dunlap sharpe
Syracuse University, United States

n this chapter, we delineate the prototypical charac- that serves as the design and a theory that constitutes
teristics of design research methodology and describe the rationale for the design.
what is involved in conducting a design study to inves- Design studies have been given various names, includ-
tigate either students’ learning in a particular mathe- ing design experiments (Brown, 1992; Collins, 1992;
matical domain, teachers’ development of increasingly Edelson, 2002), design-based research (Design-Based
sophisticated forms of practices, or the development Research Collaborative, 2003), educational design
of school and school district capacity for instructional research (van den Akker, Gravemeijer, McKenney, &
improvement in mathematics. Given the breadth of our Nieveen, 2006), and developmental research (Gravemeijer,
focus, we do not attempt to provide a comprehensive 1994). As Bakker and van Eerde (2015) observe, the rea-
review of the literature but instead discuss a relatively sons for these different names are mainly historical and
small number of design studies to clarify the key issues reflect the differing origins of the methodology in sev-
that should be addressed when preparing for and conduct- eral countries in the 1980s and 1990s. In some countries,
ing a design study and when conducting retrospective including the United States, design research emerged
analyses of the data collected in the course of the study. In as researchers with backgrounds in cognitive psychol-
the final section of the chapter, we step back to consider ogy attempted to overcome perceived limitations of
some of the common limitations of design studies, thereby experiments that compared treatment and control
identifying areas for future improvement. groups (hence the name “design experiment”). In other
Design studies entail “engineering” participants’ deve- countries, including the Netherlands, the methodology
lopment of particular forms of practice, where the emerged in the context of developing and improving
practices of interest might be students’ mathematical curriculum materials (hence the name “developmental
practices, teachers’ instructional practices, or school and research”). We use the name “design studies” rather than
district organizational routines. In addition, design studies “design experiments” in this chapter to avoid the impli-
involve systematically studying the development of those cation that they involve experimental comparisons of
practices and the contexts in which they emerge, which two or more groups.
include the designed means of support (Schoenfeld, Design studies can be conducted in a diverse range of
2006). Design studies are therefore both pragmatic settings that vary in type and scope. In this chapter, we
and theoretical in orientation (Bakker & van Eerde, focus on three types of design studies:
2015; Design-Based Research Collaborative, 2003).
Pragmatically, they involve investigating and improv- 1. Classroom design studies in which a research team
ing a design for supporting learning. Theoretically, they collaborates with a mathematics teacher (who might
involve developing, testing, and revising conjectures about be a research team member) to assume responsibil-
both learning processes and the means of supporting that ity for instruction in order to investigate the process
learning. The products of a design study therefore include of students’ learning in a particular mathematical
both a practical artifact, program, technology, or system domain (e.g., Lamberg & Middleton, 2009; Lehrer &

Conducting Design Studies to Investigate and Support Mathematics Students’ and Teachers’ Learning ◆ 209

Kim, 2009; Simpson, Hoyles, & Noss, 2006; Stephan study is to investigate the possibilities for educational
& Akyuz, 2012) improvement by supporting the development of rela-
2. Professional development design studies in which a tively novel forms of practice to study their develop-
research team works with a group of practicing or ment. Consequently, the types of classroom instruction,
preservice mathematics teachers to support their teacher professional development, or supports for orga-
development of increasingly sophisticated instruc- nizational improvement that are enacted in the course
tional practices (e.g., Cobb & McClain, 2001; Cobb, of a study usually differ significantly from those that are
Zhao, & Dean, 2009; Lesh & Kelly, 2000; Zawojewski, typically found in situ. In contrast to artistic and aes-
Chamberlin, Hjalmarson, & Lewis, 2008) thetic design research, the process of engineering the
3. Organizational design studies in which a research forms of learning being studied involves designing under
team collaborates with teachers, school administra- constraints, where the constraints include both par-
tors, and other stakeholders to support the develop- ticipants’ initial practices and the resources available.
ment of school and district capacity for instructional Nonetheless, the research team has considerable con-
improvement in mathematics (e.g., Cobb, Jackson, trol, compared with naturalistic investigations, as well
Smith, Sorum, & Henrick, 2013; Fishman, Marx, as the opportunity to identify forms of support that are
Blumenfeld, & Krajcik, 2004; Maaß & Artigue, 2013) necessary for the development of the focal practices.
The third feature is that design studies have a strong
These three types of design studies do not cover the theoretical as well as a pragmatic orientation. The pri-
entire spectrum of such studies. The most obvious omis- mary purpose when conducting a design study is to
sion is one-on-one design studies in which a researcher con- develop both a practical design for supporting the devel-
ducts a series of individual teaching sessions with each of opment of increasingly sophisticated practices and a
a small number of students to investigate and model the theory that comprises substantiated conjectures about
process of learning in a particular mathematical domain both processes of development and the means of sup-
(e.g., Cobb & Steffe, 1983; Simon et al., 2010). porting those developments. Theories of this type are
In general, it is appropriate to conduct a design study modest in scope and concern the development of forms of
when research problems satisfy the following two condi- mathematical, instructional, or organizational practice.
tions. First, the forms of students’ mathematical practices, The fourth feature is that design studies involve test-
teachers’ instructional practices, or the organizational ing and, if necessary, revising or abandoning conjectures
routines that are the focus of investigation rarely occur about students’, teachers’, or organizational develop-
in situ and are therefore difficult if not impossible to study ment and the means of supporting those developments.
by conducting observational investigations. An interven- This process of testing and revising conjectures and
tionist methodology such as design research, which aims thus of improving the associated design for supporting
to bring about the intended developments in order to study learning involves iterative cycles of design and analy-
them, is therefore appropriate. Second, current research sis. At any point in a design study, the evolving design
on the process of supporting the development of the focal reflects then-current conjectures about the process of
practices is inadequate and cannot inform the formula- the participants’ individual and collective development
tion of reliable instructional, professional development, and the means of supporting it. Ongoing analyses of both
or system-level instructional improvement designs. A students’ activity and the enacted supports for their
methodology in which designs are improved in the course learning provide opportunities to test, refine, and revise
of iterative cycles of design and analysis is therefore the underlying conjectures, and these revisions in turn
appropriate. inform the modification of the design.
All types of design studies share five broad features. The fifth cross-type feature is that, as a consequence
The first cross-type feature is that, ideally, design studies of the concern for theory, design studies aim for general-
address the types of problems that arise for practitioners izability. Although a design study is conducted in a limited
as they attempt to support students’ or teachers’ learn- number of settings, the intent is not merely to investigate
ing or increase school and district capacity for instruc- the process of supporting a particular group of students’
tional improvement. As a consequence, design studies or teachers’ learning or of increasing a particular school’s
aim to contribute directly to improving the quality of stu- or district’s capacity for instructional improvement.
dents’ mathematics education. Instead, the research team frames the initial design and
The second feature is the highly interventionist nature the developments it is intended to support as an instance
of the methodology. The intent when conducting a design of a broader class of phenomena, thereby making the
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design and the intended developments susceptible to primary distinction is that the intent of a group of prac-
theoretical analysis. titioners engaged in action research is to improve their
Although some of these five defining features are shared local practice, whereas a design study aims for generality
with other methodologies, when taken together they dif- by developing theory that both constitutes the rationale
ferentiate design research from other approaches (Cobb, for the resulting design and can inform the work of others
Confrey, diSessa, Lehrer, & Schauble, 2003). For example, who are attempting to support similar forms of student,
a design study might be viewed as a type of case study as it teacher, or organizational learning. The key difference is
involves the detailed analysis of one classroom, one group therefore not that action research is typically conducted
of teachers, or one or a small number of schools or dis- by groups of practitioners whereas design studies are
tricts. However, researchers typically conduct case stud- conducted by researchers, sometimes in collaboration
ies to understand phenomena whose occurrence can be with practitioners. Instead, it concerns the contrast
predicted; whereas design studies are interventionist, and between improving local practice and contributing to the
researchers intentionally engineer the forms of develop- knowledge of the profession more generally (cf. Lewis,
ment they seek to understand (Yin, 2003). 2015; Morris & Hiebert, 2011).
Randomized control trials (RCTs) and action research In the following sections, we move beyond this general
share this interventionist orientation. The goal of RCTs characterization of the design research methodology by
is to determine whether an intervention, such as a cur- discussing classroom, then professional development,
riculum, teaching strategy, or professional development and finally organizational design studies. For each type
program, works and, if so, for whom and under what con- of study, we first consider a crucial research tool, the
ditions (Slavin, 2004). These questions are investigated interpretive framework that the research team uses to
by assigning participants randomly to experimental and make ongoing interpretations of participants’ activity
control conditions and then conducting quantitative analy­ and of the enacted supports for their learning. For each,
ses to determine whether the two groups of participants’ we then discuss preparing for a study, experimenting to
performance on preassessments and postassessments support learning, and conducting retrospective analyses
differs significantly. In contrast, the pragmatic goal of a of data generated in the course of the study. Finally, we
design study is to improve an initial design or interven- discuss some of the common limitations of each type of
tion for supporting learning by conducting iterative cycles design study, thereby indicating areas for improvement
of design and analysis. To this end, analyses, usually in future design studies.
qualitative in nature, are conducted to compare the per-
formance of a single group of participants at successive Classroom Design Studies
points in time to assess whether the current iteration
of the design supports learning as conjectured (Design- The vast majority of design studies reported in the lit-
Based Research Collaborative, 2003). Thus, as Artigue erature have been classroom studies in which the team
(2015) observed, design research conducting the study both investigates and attempts to
support the mathematical learning of a group of students
does not obey the validation paradigm based on the compari- for an extended period of time that can range from a few
son of control and experimental groups. Its validation is inter- weeks to an entire school year or even longer.
nal and based on the comparison between the a priori and a
posteriori analyses of the didactic situations involved. What is Developing an Interpretive Framework
to be understood is the functioning of such didactical systems,
and associated didactical phenomena, which requires enter- In conducting a classroom design study, the research
ing into the intimacy of their functioning. (p. 471) team makes ongoing interpretations of both the students’
mathematical activity and the classroom learning envi-
In the case of action research, a group of practitioners ronment. These interpretations necessarily involve sup-
(usually teachers) works together to improve aspects of positions and assumptions about mathematical learning
their practice that can encompass both the instructional processes and about the aspects of the classroom learn-
activities used in the classroom and specific teaching ing environment that are potentially important for
strategies (Mertler, 2013). Action research and design students’ learning. In this regard, an important distinc-
research are sometimes confused because the aim of tion, which has been the focus of considerable debate, is
both is to improve a design for supporting learning and between perspectives that characterize mathematical
both involve iterative cycles of design and analysis. The learning as an individual constructive process and those
Conducting Design Studies to Investigate and Support Mathematics Students’ and Teachers’ Learning ◆ 211

that characterize mathematical learning as situated with making. The data that Kwon et al. used to track the stu-
respect to participation in collective, communal prac- dents’ learning included classroom audio and video
tices (Cobb, 2007; Hatano, 1993; Sfard, 1998). For exam- recordings, individual student interviews, and copies of
ple, some design researchers assume that mathematical the work students completed individually and in groups.
learning is primarily a process of individual cognitive Kwon et al. documented shifts in students’ mathemati-
reorganization that occurs as students attempt to solve cal argumentation and their understanding of geometric
tasks and respond to the teacher’s questions in the class- patterns by analyzing classroom discourse as an indica-
room (Clements & Sarama, 2004; Saldanha & Thompson, tor both of individual students’ mathematical reasoning
2007). For these researchers, aspects of the classroom and of what had become constituted as a taken-as-shared
learning environment influence the process of students’ means of argumentation within the class.
learning by precipitating students’ internal reorgani- In our view, it is essential that researchers conducting
zation of their reasoning. Researchers who adopt this a classroom design study make the theoretical commit-
perspective on learning tend to see mathematical tasks ments inherent in their interpretive perspective explicit,
as well as physical, symbolic, and computer-based tools given the role of these commitments in orienting the
and the teacher’s questions as important supports for design of supports for students’ learning. By articulating
students’ learning. In contrast, other design researchers the main constructs used when interpreting the students’
assume that students’ mathematical learning is situated mathematical activity and the classroom learning envi-
with respect to classroom social norms and mathemati- ronment, the research team subjects these constructs
cal practices constituted collectively by the teacher and to public debate and scrutiny. Classroom design stud-
students (Lehrer, Kim, & Jones, 2011; Stephan & Akyuz, ies conducted from a range of different perspectives can
2012). For these researchers, aspects of the classroom make important contributions. However, we also note
learning environment influence not merely the process that a considerable body of evidence has accumulated in
of students’ learning but its products, including the the years since Brown’s (1992) and Collins’s (1992) pio-
forms of mathematical reasoning that students develop. neering work that indicates that the forms of mathemati-
Researchers who take this latter perspective typically cal reasoning children and adults develop are shaped by
focus on classroom tasks and tools, the nature of class- the settings of their learning and, in particular, by the
room norms, and the quality of classroom discourse as collective practices they participate in while learning
potential supports for students’ learning. (Hall, 2001; Hoyles, Noss, & Pozzi, 2001).
A research team’s suppositions and assumptions about
mathematical learning are consequential because they Preparing for a Classroom Design Study
influence ongoing design and instructional decisions. For
example, Kwon, Ju, Kim, Park, and Park (2013) conducted Specifying goals for students’ mathematical learning. As
a classroom design study in which they supported the we have indicated, classroom design studies are useful in
development of eighth-grade students’ mathematical testing and revising conjectures about students’ devel-
argumentation and conceptual understanding of geo- opment of domain-specific forms of reasoning that rarely
metric patterns. The authors chose to focus on geometric occur in situ. In specifying the forms of mathematical rea-
patterns because of their importance in algebraic rea- soning that constitute the goals for students’ learning,
soning and because recent findings show that “[Korean it is critical to question how the mathematical domain
students’] achievement in the tasks demanding higher under consideration is typically represented in curri-
order cognitive function is relatively low compared to cula by identifying the central, organizing mathematical
their achievement in the tasks requiring procedural skill” ideas. Clearly, any prior studies that have investigated
(p. 202). The authors’ design for an instructional sequence the possibilities for students’ mathematical learning
used multiple tasks that initially involved contexts the stu- in the focal mathematical domain are relevant in this
dents were familiar with and later more abstract contexts. regard. A significant number of classroom design studies
In designing the sequence, the authors drew on the prem- have been conducted that focus on elementary domains
ises of realistic mathematics education (Freudenthal, such as early number, whereas the number of research
1991). They viewed mathematics as “a human activity studies in some secondary- and university-level domains
rather than a fixed system of ready-made knowledge” is quite small.
(Kwon et al., 2013, p. 202) and developed tasks that Although the formulation of student learning goals
would enable students to be active participants in the might also be informed by national or state policy docu-
reinvention of mathematics through shared meaning ments that detail standards for students’ mathematical
212 ◆ methods

learning, the goals proposed for a design study typically Delineating an envisioned learning trajectory. The
involve a significant reconceptualization of the relevant next step in preparing for a classroom design study is to
standards. For example, the learning goals that Kwon specify an envisioned or hypothetical learning trajectory
et al. (2013) formulated for their study investigating by formulating testable conjectures about both signifi-
students’ argumentation took into account a call from the cant developments in students’ reasoning and the specific
Korean Minister of Education, Science, and Technology means of supporting those developments (Simon, 1995).
for mathematics curricula explicitly designed to support For example, Kwon et al.’s (2013) envisioned trajectory
students’ development of “higher order cognitive abilities” for students’ learning included explicit conjectures about
along with procedural skills (p. 202). The delineation of how students’ argument schemes would evolve as they
learning goals might also draw on analyses of the disciplin- worked on increasingly complex tasks in small-group and
ary practice of professionals. For example, Stylianides whole-class discussion settings. Similarly, Stylianides
and Stylianides (2009) reported a series of design studies and Stylianides (2009) developed a hypothetical learning
conducted in mathematics classes with undergraduate trajectory (which was refined in the course of successive
elementary education majors to support their under- design studies) that included benchmarks of students’
standing and use of mathematical proofs. Stylianides and progress from naïve empirical to conventional forms of
Stylianides explained that their focus on the validation of justification.
mathematical generalizations stemmed from the sharp It is worth noting that the intent when assessing the
contrast between mathematicians’ practice of using proofs potential of particular types of tasks and of physical or
and the approaches typically used by children and elemen- symbolic tools is to anticipate the student learning oppor-
tary teachers (e.g., validating mathematical conjectures tunities that might arise if they were to be used in the class-
by citing a small number of often conveniently selected room. In our view, it is therefore essential to envision how
examples). The design studies they conducted aimed to the tasks and tools might actually be enacted in the class-
support undergraduate students’ awareness of their own room by considering the nature of classroom norms and
justification schemes and development of more sophisti- discourse (Gravemeijer & Cobb, 2006). This attention to
cated proof techniques through the strategic use of “piv- the means of support sets an envisioned learning trajectory
otal counterexamples” (p. 319), which were designed to apart from a developmental trajectory as typically used in
give rise to “cognitive conflict” for students (p. 319). As cognitive and developmental psychology by underscoring
this example indicates, the goals established for students’ that the envisioned developments will not occur unless
learning orient the entire instructional design effort. appropriate supports are enacted in the classroom. It is in
Documenting instructional starting points. In addition this sense that the forms of learning being investigated are
to specifying explicit learning goals and before attempt- engineered in the course of a design study.
ing to formulate conjectures about students’ develop- In our experience, prior studies that are useful in build-
ment and the means of supporting it, researchers also need ing an envisioned learning trajectory focus on learning
to identify the aspects of students’ current reasoning on goals that are at least partially compatible with those
which instruction can capitalize. Prior research, such as of the planned study and include reports of the process
interviews and observational studies, can be useful in of students’ learning, the instructional setting, and the
indicating students’ initial reasoning. However, it is often supports for that learning. Because the number of such
necessary to create additional forms of assessments when studies is limited in many domains, the initial conjectures
preparing for a design study, especially if little prior work about students’ learning and the means of supporting it
has been done in the relevant domain or if the proposed are often provisional and eminently revisable. The pro-
learning goals differ significantly from those addressed cess of formulating the envisioned learning trajectory is
by typical instruction. These assessments usually take nonetheless valuable because the research team is then
the form of one-on-one interviews, but might also involve in a position to improve its initial design in a data-driven
observations of students as they attempt to reason through manner once it begins experimenting in the classroom.
tasks. In addition, written assessments can be used if the Placing the study in theoretical context. As we have
research base is strong enough to guide the development noted, classroom design studies aim for generalizability by
of tasks aligned with the overall intent of the study. For producing “humble theory” (Cobb, Confrey, et al., 2003).
example, Kwon et al. (2013) used diagnostic assessments It is therefore critical when preparing a design study to
not only to identify instructional starting points and com- place it in a larger theoretical context by framing it as a
plement classroom observations but also to track develop- paradigmatic case of supporting students’ development of
ment of the participating students’ reasoning during the particular mathematical capabilities. For example, Kwon
study. et al. (2013) and Stylianides and Stylianides (2009) both
Conducting Design Studies to Investigate and Support Mathematics Students’ and Teachers’ Learning ◆ 213

sought to develop a domain-specific instructional theory. them to document both the process of students’ learning in
Kwon et al. (2013) framed their study as a case of support- the classroom sessions and the evolving classroom learn-
ing the development of middle-grades students’ mathe- ing environment, which includes the enacted supports for
matical argumentation as they reasoned about geometric the students’ learning. Thus, as we have noted, Kwon et al.
patterns. Likewise, Stylianides and Stylianides (2009) (2013) used written assessments and classroom audio
framed their study as a case of supporting undergradu- and video recordings to document developments in indi-
ate students’ development of more sophisticated con- vidual students’ mathematical argumentation as they
ceptions of mathematical proof. found and generalized geometric patterns. Additionally,
As Prediger, Gravemeijer, and Confrey (2015) observe, Kwon et al. recorded students’ work in small groups with
many classroom studies combine what they term a pri- audio recordings and field notes so that they could assess
mary design challenge that concerns students’ develop- students’ use of justification schemes over time and in
ment of domain-specific mathematical capabilities with different settings. The analysis of these data allowed the
a secondary challenge that concerns their development research team to investigate how the tasks, the classroom
of broader mathematical capabilities. Examples of theo- activities, and the teacher’s discursive routines both sup-
ries developed in the course of a series of classroom ported and constrained the development of the students’
design studies that are not tied to a specific mathematical argumentation practices.
domain include the theory of realistic mathematics edu- Existing data collection instruments are often not
cation (Gravemeijer, 1999; Treffers, 1987), the theory of adequate for documenting students’ developing reason-
meta-representational competence (diSessa, 1992, 2002, ing and key aspects of the classroom learning environ-
2004), the theory of quantitative reasoning (Smith & ment because classroom design studies typically aim
Thompson, 2007; Thompson, 1994, 1996), the theory of at novel goals for students’ learning. The data collected
actor-oriented abstraction (Lobato, 2003, 2012), and the in the course of a classroom design study are there-
emergent perspective on students’ mathematical learn- fore typically qualitative rather than quantitative for
ing in the social context of the classroom (Cobb, Stephan, pragmatic reasons. For example, one of the goals of the
McClain, & Gravemeijer, 2001). In each of these cases, studies conducted by Stylianides and Stylianides (2009)
the theory developed was refined in response to issues was to investigate how the participating undergraduate
encountered while using it to guide design decisions and students might be supported to produce conventional
mathematical proofs. It would have been relatively
interpret classroom events (diSessa & Cobb, 2004). As
straightforward to develop a pencil-and-paper assess-
a consequence, the resulting theories do not stand apart
ment of students’ use of formal proofs, especially since
from the practice of experimenting to support learning
most of the students had been in prior mathematics
but are instead grounded in it.
classes that covered the use of proofs. However, because
the researchers aimed to understand how tasks and
Experimenting to Support Learning instruction might help students appreciate the impor-
tance of and need for more sophisticated justification
The objective when conducting any type of design study is schemes, they collected and analyzed audio and video
not to demonstrate that the envisioned learning trajectory recordings of class sessions, field notes that focused on
works. The primary goal is not even to assess whether it small-group work, written assessments, student work, and
works, although the research team will necessarily do so. students’ written self-reflections of their own learning.
Instead, the purpose when experimenting to support learn- Iterative cycles of design and analysis. The iterative
ing is to improve the envisioned trajectory developed while nature of a design study is a vital aspect of the methodol-
preparing for the study by testing and revising conjectures ogy. Each cycle involves designing instruction, enacting
about both students’ prospective learning processes and that design during a classroom session, and then analyz-
the specific means of supporting them. ing what transpired in the classroom in order to plan for
Data collection. Decisions about the types of data that upcoming sessions. The overall goal in enacting succes-
need to be generated in the course of a study depend on sive design and analysis cycles is to test and improve the
the theoretical intent of the design study. The data have envisioned learning trajectory formulated during the
to make it possible for the research team to address the preparation phase. As part of this testing and revision
broader theoretical issues of which the learning set- process, the research team must have debriefing meet-
ting under investigation is a paradigm case when subse- ings after each classroom session in which members of
quently conducting retrospective analyses. At a minimum, the team share and debate their interpretations of class-
research team members have to collect data that allows room events. Once the team has reached consensus, it
214 ◆ methods

can then prepare for upcoming classroom sessions by research questions to data, data to analysis, and analy-
designing (or revising existing designs for) instructional sis to final claims and assertions. He noted that the argu-
tasks and considering other means of support (e.g., the mentative grammar of mature methodologies, such as
renegotiation of classroom norms). randomized field trials, can be described separately from
It is also useful to periodically have longer research the details of any particular study and then went on to
team meetings. The purpose of these meetings is to out- observe that there is no agreed-upon argumentative
line a revised learning trajectory for the entire study that grammar for design research. As a consequence, “design
takes into account the revisions made thus far. In our view, studies lack a basis for warrant for their claims” (p. 119).
ensuring that there is a reflexive relationship between This is clearly a severe weakness of the methodology. We
local judgments (e.g., the specific tasks that will be used therefore propose an argumentative grammar for class-
in a particular session and the mathematical issues on room design studies before discussing issues of trust-
which the teacher might press students) and the longer worthiness specific to classroom design studies.
term learning goals and overall learning trajectory should Argumentative grammar. The first step in the proposed
be a basic tenet of design research (Simon, 1995). argumentative grammar is to demonstrate that the stu-
dents would not have developed the documented forms
Conducting Retrospective Analysis of mathematical reasoning but for their participation in
the design study. Assuming that sound procedures have
The final phase of a design study involves conducting been employed to assess developments in the students’
retrospective analyses by drawing on the entire data set reasoning, this step in the argument is usually straight-
generated while experimenting in the classroom. The forward because classroom design studies aim to inves-
ongoing analyses carried out while the study is in process tigate students’ development of novel forms of reasoning
usually relate directly to the immediate pragmatic goal that rarely emerge in the context of typical mathematics
of supporting the participating students’ learning. In instruction. The team can therefore draw on prior inter-
contrast, retrospective analyses seek to place this learn- view and observational studies to show that the docu-
ing and the means by which it was supported in a broader mented forms of reasoning are relatively rare. As Brown
theoretical context by framing it as a paradigmatic case (1992) made clear, the suggestion that students’ learning
of a more encompassing phenomenon. For ease of expli- can be attributed to the Hawthorne effect is not viable
cation, we assume that one of the primary theoretical because the research team has predicted the forms of
goals of a classroom design study is to develop a domain- reasoning the students would develop when preparing
specific instructional theory. for the study.
It is important in explaining how students’ learning The second, more demanding step in the proposed
was supported in the design study classroom that retro- argumentative grammar is to show that the findings are
spective analyses differentiate the necessary aspects of potentially generalizable by delineating the aspects of
the classroom learning environment from those that are the investigated learning process that can be repeated
contingent and might be varied by researchers working in in other settings. This concern for reproducibility does
other settings. For example, the sequence of instructional not imply that a design should be realized in precisely the
tasks that Stephan and Akyuz (2012) used to support same way in different classrooms. Instead, because the
eighth-grade students’ reasoning about positive and neg- researchers differentiate between the necessary and con-
ative integers took the notion of net worth as a grounding tingent aspects of the design, others will know which are
context. Their retrospective analysis indicated that this essential when they customize the design to the settings
task context directly supported and was necessary for the they are working in. A primary concern when conducting
students to come to reason about integers quantitatively. a retrospective analysis of the entire data corpus is to doc-
Their analysis also indicated that the students’ use of par- ument how each successive form of reasoning emerged as
ticular symbolic tools (such as the vertical number line), a reorganization of prior forms of reasoning and to identify
teacher press on particular issues, and the use of certain the aspects of the classroom learning environment that
gestures to indicate differences and changes in quantities supported the students’ development of these succes-
were also necessary, whereas the specific number combi- sive forms of reasoning. The resulting domain-specific
nations used in tasks were contingent and might be varied instructional theory explains how the students’ learn-
by others building on their work. ing was engineered by linking successive developments
Kelly (2004) observed that methodologies are under- in students’ reasoning to aspects of the classroom learn-
pinned by distinct argumentative grammars that link ing environment, including the designed supports as
Conducting Design Studies to Investigate and Support Mathematics Students’ and Teachers’ Learning ◆ 215

they were enacted in the classroom (cf. Brown, 1992). The developed was refined while conducting a series of stud-
likelihood that the research team will be able to construct ies. Even when a single study does appear to be sufficient,
a robust theory of this type is greater if it takes a broad we believe it is useful to conduct follow-up trials with a
view of possible supports, which extends beyond instruc- range of participants in a variety of settings. These trials
tional tasks and tools, and if it employs an interpretive are not necessarily full-scale design studies but focus on
framework that treats students’ mathematical learning customizing the design while working in a new setting.
as situated in the classroom learning environment. The approach we have outlined for establishing the gen-
It should be clear that the generalizability of the find- eralizability of the findings of a classroom design study is
ings of a design study is not based on a representative broadly compatible with Lincoln and Guba’s (1985) influ-
sample and what Maxwell (2004) called “a regularity ential notion of transferability, that is, showing that the
view of causation” that “treats actual process of causal- findings of qualitative studies have applicability to other
ity as unobservable, a ‘black box,’ and focuses on discov- contexts. Lincoln and Guba asserted that transferability
ering whether there is a systematic relationship between can be established by developing thick descriptions of the
inputs and outputs” (p. 4). Instead, it is based on a process- phenomenon under investigation so that others can evalu-
oriented explanation of individual cases “that sees cau- ate the extent to which the findings of a particular study
sality as fundamentally referring to the actual causal are applicable to other contexts and people. The primary
mechanisms and processes that are involved in particular contribution of the approach we have proposed is that
events and situations” (p. 4). As Maxwell clarified, process- it specifies the key events in the classroom that need to
oriented explanations are concerned with “the mecha- be documented in detail, namely the successive forms of
nisms through which and the conditions under which the reasoning that the students developed and the aspects of
causal relationship holds” (Shadish, Cook, & Campbell, the classroom learning environment that supported these
2002, p. 9). In the case of a domain-specific instructional developments.
theory, the mechanisms are the processes by which spe- More recently, Lamberg and Middleton (2009) dis-
cific aspects of the learning environment support par- cussed generalizability in the case of classroom design
ticular developments in students’ reasoning, and the studies and argued for the importance of specifying the
conditions are the students’ reasoning at a particular parameters of the educational intervention developed in
point in a learning trajectory. the course of such a study that “makes explicit the con-
In summary, the argumentative grammar that we have ditions under which the intervention can be successfully
outlined involves— implemented” (p. 238). On our reading, Lamberg and
Middleton are concerned with what might be termed the
• demonstrating that the students would not have devel- implementability of the artifact, program, technology, or
oped particular forms of mathematical reasoning but system developed and refined during the study in other
for their participation in the design study; settings. The conditions that they have in mind presum-
• documenting how each successive form of reasoning ably include aspects of the school setting such as principal
emerged as a reorganization of prior forms of reason- support and the provision of high-quality teacher profes-
ing; and sional development. We, in contrast, are concerned with
• identifying the specific aspects of the classroom learning the extent to which the pragmatic product of a design
environment that were necessary rather than contingent study and the domain-specific instructional theory that
in supporting the emergence of these successive forms constitutes its rationale can inform other researchers’
of reasoning. efforts to support and investigate other students’ learn-
ing in other settings. Thus, the question we address is
In presenting this argumentative grammar, we have whether and to what extent the successive developments
spoken as though a robust instructional theory can be in students’ reasoning detailed by the domain-specific
developed in the course of a single study. However, this instructional theory can be reproduced in other settings.
is not always the case, especially if the research base the We therefore limit our focus to students’ prior instruc-
team can build on when formulating initial design conjec- tional histories and to aspects of the classroom learning
tures is thin. Instead, it is sometimes necessary to con- environment, including the designed supports, when
duct a series of studies in which the findings of one study considering generalizability. The issues of implementa-
inform the initial design for the next study (Gravemeijer tion that Lamberg and Middleton addressed are clearly
& Cobb, 2006). For example, the domain-specific instruc- of the greatest importance. However, in our view, they
tional theory that Stylianides and Stylianides (2009) should be a focus of investigation in their own right and
216 ◆ methods

are in fact a primary reason for conducting professional Similarly, a primary goal when conducting a profes-
development and organizational design studies. sional development design study is to develop what we call
Trustworthiness. Trustworthiness is concerned with a practice-specific professional development theory that con-
the reasonableness and justifiability of claims and asser- sists of—
tions about both successive developments in the partici-
pating students’ reasoning and the aspects of the classroom • a substantiated learning process that culminates with
learning environment that supported those develop- mathematics teachers’ development of particular forms
ments. Clearly, a discussion of the basic tenets of quali- of instructional practice and
tative data analysis is beyond the scope of this chapter. • the demonstrated means of supporting that learning
However, we should acknowledge that analyzing the process.
large longitudinal data set generated in the course of a
classroom design study can be challenging. It is nonethe- As a point of clarification, we use the term professional
less essential to analyze the entire data corpus system- development (PD) to refer to activities that are intentionally
atically while simultaneously documenting all phases designed to support teachers’ learning. Unless otherwise
of the analysis process, including the evidence for par- specified, we use teachers to refer to both preservice and in-
ticular inferences. Only then can final claims and asser- service teachers. PD for preservice teachers includes any
tions be justified by backtracking through the various form of preservice teacher education (e.g., mathematics
levels of the analysis, if necessary, to the original data content courses, mathematics teaching methods courses)
sources (e.g., video recorded classroom sessions and audio that is led by a researcher or a facilitator who is a mem-
recorded student interviews). It is the documentation ber of the research team. Mathematics teacher education
of the research team’s data analysis process that pro- courses are usually held at a college or university and do
vides both an empirical grounding for the analysis and not necessarily involve connections to K–12 classrooms.
a means of differentiating systematic analyses in which However, some recent efforts explicitly entail preservice
sample episodes are used to illustrate general assertions teachers working in classrooms as part of mathematics
from untrustworthy analyses in which a few possibly methods courses (e.g., Kazemi, Franke, & Lampert, 2009;
atypical episodes are used to support unsubstantiated McDonald, Kazemi, & Kavanagh, 2013). PD for in-service
claims. Additional criteria that enhance the trustworthi- teachers includes both pull-out sessions for teachers from
ness of a retrospective analysis include both the extent several schools or from a single school that are led by a
to which it has been critiqued by other researchers who researcher or a facilitator who is a member of the research
do not have a stake in the success of the study and the team and one-on-one support in which a researcher or a
extent to which it derives from a prolonged engagement coach who is a member of the research team works with
with students and teachers (Taylor & Bogdan, 1984). individual teachers in their classrooms. Figure 9.1 provides
This latter criterion is typically satisfied in the case of a schematic representation of a PD design study in which
classroom design studies and constitutes a strength of a group of in-service teachers from multiple schools par-
the methodology. ticipates in a series of pull-out sessions that are designed
to support the reorganization of their activity in another
Professional Development Design Studies setting, the classroom. In the case of a PD design study that
involves a more expert other working with preservice or
A research team conducting a professional development in-service teachers in their classrooms, the classroom set-
design study both investigates and attempts to support ting is also the PD setting.
the mathematical learning of a group of teachers for Pragmatically, PD design studies involve supporting
an extended period of time that can range from several teachers in improving specific aspects of their instruc-
months to multiple school years. We indicated that class- tional practice. Following Ball and Cohen (1999), we take
room design studies are frequently conducted to develop it as given that the PD should center on “the critical activi-
domain-specific instructional theories that consist of— ties of the profession” and “emphasize questions, investi-
gations, analysis, and criticism” (p. 13). Theoretically,
• a substantiated learning process that culminates with PD design studies involve developing, testing, and revis-
students’ attainment of significant learning goals in a ing conjectures about both the process by which teachers
particular mathematical domain and develop increasingly sophisticated instructional practices
• the demonstrated means of supporting that learning and the means of supporting that development. In this
process. regard, Grossman, Compton, et al. (2009) observed that
Conducting Design Studies to Investigate and Support Mathematics Students’ and Teachers’ Learning ◆ 217

School Context School Context

Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom

Teacher Group Teacher Group

Current Intended
Instructional Instructional
Practices Practices

Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom

School Context School Context

Figure 9.1. Schematic representation of a professional development design study with a group of in-service teachers from
multiple schools.

“practice in complex domains involves the orchestration teacher education to suggest resources that researchers
of skill, relationship, and identity to accomplish par- conducting PD design studies might draw on.
ticular activities with others in specific environments”
(p. 2059). As a consequence, the conjectures about teach- Developing an Interpretive Framework
ers’ learning are not restricted to directly observable
aspects of teaching (e.g., questioning students) but can The interpretive framework that a research team uses
include the development of particular types of knowl- when conducting a PD design study explicates the team’s
edge (e.g., knowledge of students’ mathematical reason- suppositions and assumptions about the process of teach-
ing in a particular domain) and beliefs (e.g., beliefs about ers’ learning and about aspects of the PD learning envi-
the mathematical capabilities of currently underserved ronment that are necessary rather than contingent in
groups of students) that are implicated in the enactment supporting that learning. In addition, an interpretive
of particular instructional practices. framework for PD design studies (particularly those
Many of the basic tenets of PD design studies parallel with in-service teachers) should address two issues that
those of classroom design studies. We therefore focus pri- do not typically arise when conducting classroom design
marily on the instances in which tenets have to be modi- studies: situating participants’ activity with respect to
fied significantly and on the additional issues that need school settings and accounting for the relations between
to be addressed when conducting a PD design study. It is their activities across two settings.
worth noting that the number of PD design studies that Situating teachers’ activity with respect to the PD
have been conducted is relatively small compared with learning environment. The interpretive framework should
classroom design studies. Moreover, of the relatively small enable the research team to situate teachers’ activity
number of published accounts of PD design studies, few with respect to the PD learning environment, including
provide information about many of the key issues that we the social norms established in the sessions, the PD activi-
argue are important to address when preparing for and ties they engage in, the tools they use, and the terminology
conducting a PD design study and when conducting ret- and discourse constituted during sessions. A consider-
rospective analyses of the data collected in the course of able body of evidence indicates that these aspects of the
the study. Therefore, although we ground our discussion PD environment influence the practices and associated
in published accounts of PD design studies when possible, forms of reasoning that the participating teachers develop
we also refer to literature on PD, teacher learning, and (e.g., Horn, 2005; Kazemi & Franke, 2004; Putnam & Borko,
218 ◆ methods

2000; Sherin & Han, 2004). Parallel to classroom design teachers. We view this as an advantage given that the
studies, the research teams’ assumptions about teachers’ influence of PD on what teachers do in their classrooms is
learning and the PD learning environment are consequen- mediated by the school settings in which they teach (e.g.,
tial because they influence ongoing design decisions. Bryk, Sebring, Allensworth, Luppesco, & Easton, 2010;
For example, Simon and Blume (Simon, 2000; Simon Cobb, McClain, Lamberg, & Dean, 2003; Coburn, 2003;
& Blume, 1996) conducted a PD design study with pre- Coburn & Russell, 2008; Grossman, O’Keefe, Kantor, &
service elementary math teachers that aimed to support Delgado, 2013). Major aspects of school settings include
the teachers’ development of multiplicative reasoning and the following:
of more sophisticated conceptions of justification. Simon
and Blume explicitly adopted an “emergent perspective” • The instructional materials and associated resources
on learning (Cobb, Stephan, et al., 2001) in which they that teachers have access to and that they are expected
assumed that “mathematical understandings are individu- to use (e.g., pacing guides and curriculum frameworks)
ally and socially constructed. Individuals develop person- • The people teachers are accountable to and what they
ally meaningful mathematical understandings as they are held accountable for (e.g., school principals’ expec-
participate in mathematical communities where a taken- tations for mathematics instruction)
as-shared mathematics is developed” (Simon & Blume, • The formal and informal sources of support that teach-
1996, p. 5). As a consequence, in their design and analysis, ers can draw on to improve their instructional practices
Simon and Blume attended to individual, small-group, and (e.g., school and district PD, colleagues they can turn to
large-group activity as well as to “classroom community for advice about instruction)
members’ explicit conversations about the functioning
of the learning community” (Simon, 2000, p. 343). As a In light of this difference between classroom design
second example, in a series of PD design studies aimed studies and PD design studies conducted with in-service
at supporting in-service middle-grades teachers’ devel- teachers, it is important that the interpretive framework
opment of knowledge and instructional practices spe- a research team uses when conducting a PD study situ-
cific to teaching algebra, Borko, Koellner, and colleagues ates the participating teachers’ activity with respect to
(Borko et al., 2005; Borko, Jacobs, Eiteljorg, & Pittman, relevant aspects of the settings in which they work (cf.
2008; Koellner et al., 2007) adopted an interpretive Zawojewski et al., 2008). For example, the framework
framework that explicitly brought together construc- that Cobb, McClain, et al. (2003) used in a PD design
tivist and situated perspectives on learning. This frame- study that focused on teaching statistical data analysis
work informed the design of the actual PD model (which in the middle grades drew primarily on Wenger’s (1998)
they call the problem-solving cycle) as well as their analy- theoretical analysis of communities of practice. This
sis of teachers’ development of knowledge and practice. approach involved documenting the practices of mem-
Namely, they designed for and attended to the develop- bers of distinct communities that had a stake in middle-
ment of a “community-centered model for teacher learn- grades mathematics teaching and learning (e.g., school
ing” (Borko et al., 2005, p. 50) in which teachers would leaders, district math leaders) and analyzing the con-
deepen their ability to teach algebra for understanding. nections between communities in terms of boundary
Situating teachers’ activity with respect to school encounters, brokers, and boundary objects. This atten-
settings. A fundamental difference between classroom tion to the school settings in which the teachers worked
design studies and PD design studies concerns the extent resulted in greater explanatory power when accounting
to which it is possible (and desirable) to insulate partici- for the teachers’ activity in both PD sessions and their
pants from the requirements and expectations of schools. classrooms. This in turn enabled the research team to
In classroom design studies, researchers typically isolate adjust their PD design accordingly.
the study classroom to a significant extent when negotiat- Accounting for the relations between teachers’ activity
ing entrée to the site. Similarly, in many PD design studies across settings. In a classroom design study, the research
with preservice teachers, the focus is typically restricted to team typically focuses on supporting students’ learning
the university classroom where the mathematics teacher within a single setting, the classroom. In contrast, the
education course takes place (e.g., Mojica & Confrey, intent of a PD design study with in-service teachers is to
2009), and limited attention is given to school contexts. engage teachers in activities in one setting, the PD ses-
In contrast, it is usually not possible to renegotiate the sions, with the explicit goal of supporting the reorgani-
school settings the participating teachers work in when zation of their activity in another setting, the classroom.
developing sites for a PD design study with in-service As a consequence, designs for supporting teachers’ learn-
Conducting Design Studies to Investigate and Support Mathematics Students’ and Teachers’ Learning ◆ 219

ing necessarily involve suppositions and assumptions conjectures regarding the influence of the field-based
about the relations between teachers’ activity across setting on the prospective teacher’s development.
these two settings (Cobb, Zhao, & Dean, 2009; Kazemi
& Hubbard, 2008). As Kazemi and Hubbard (2008) and Preparing for a PD Design Study
Cobb, Zhao, and Dean (2009) observe, PD has tradition-
ally reflected an assumption that the relation between a To avoid repetition, we take our discussion of classroom
PD session and a teacher’s classroom is unidirectional; design studies as a point of reference and limit our discus-
teachers’ activity in PD sessions is assumed to affect sion to issues that are specific to PD design studies.
what they do in their classrooms. However, a model of Specifying goals for teachers’ learning. Parallel to class-
practice-based PD challenges this assumption by pro- room design studies, PD design studies are useful in testing
posing that teachers’ ongoing practice serves as an impor- and revising conjectures about teachers’ instructional
tant resource for teachers’ learning (Cobb, Zhao, & Dean, practices that rarely occur in situ and for which there are
2009; Kazemi & Hubbard, 2008). currently not viable designs for supporting the develop-
The assumptions a research team makes about the ment of the focal practices and associated beliefs and
relations between teachers’ activity across the two set- knowledge. The instructional practices that constitute the
tings affect both the design and the interpretation of goals of a PD design study should be specified in as much
teachers’ activity. It is therefore important for researchers detail as possible to orient the initial design. In our view, it
conducting PD design studies to be explicit about how is essential that the researchers be able to justify the tar-
they conceptualize these relations. For example, in a PD geted forms of practice in terms of student learning oppor-
design study that focused on teaching statistical data tunities. This implies that the first step in delineating the
analysis, Cobb, Zhao, and Dean (2009) found that although goals for teachers’ learning is to clarify goals for students’
the participating teachers readily analyzed student work mathematical learning (e.g., develop conceptual under-
in PD sessions, they did not view this activity as relevant standing as well as procedural fluency, explain and justify
to their classroom practice. It became apparent that while solutions, make connections among multiple representa-
the research team assumed the teachers would view stu- tions). The second step is to then draw on current research
dent work as a “resource for the prospective planning of on mathematics teaching to identify instructional prac-
future instruction,” the teachers, in fact, used it in the tices that have been shown to support students’ attainment
classroom solely for “retrospective assessment” (p. 188). of these mathematics learning goals.
This finding led the research team to modify their inter- For example, current research suggests that if stu-
pretive framework to take into account how artifacts dents are to develop conceptual understanding as well
were used in one setting influenced their use in the other as procedural fluency, it is important that teachers rou-
settings and to adjust their design for supporting the tinely pose and maintain the rigor of cognitively demand-
teachers’ learning to take account of this relation. ing tasks (Henningsen & Stein, 1997); elicit and build
It is worth noting that although it is less common to on student thinking to advance an instructional agenda
attend to cross-setting relations in PD design studies (Franke, Kazemi, & Battey, 2007); and orchestrate whole-
conducted with preservice teachers, it is likely just as class discussions in which students are pressed to make
important as it is in PD design studies conducted with sense of other students’ solutions in relation to important
in-service teachers. As Simon (2000) argued, it is impor- mathematical ideas (Stein, Engle, Smith, & Hughes, 2008).
tant to trace teacher development across settings given These and other findings can inform the specification
that activities in the university setting are presumably of goals for teachers’ learning. As an illustration, Borko,
designed to affect the teachers’ (eventual or immediate) Koellner, and colleagues (Borko et al., 2005; Koellner et al.,
practices in K–12 classrooms. Simon suggests coordinat- 2007) identified and refined a set of goals for in-service
ing analyses of group and individual development in uni- teachers’ learning over the course of several iterations
versity courses (e.g., mathematics content or methods of PD design studies that focused on the teaching of
courses) and individual case studies of preservice teach- algebra. The goals included developing content knowl-
ers in their field sites as one way to account for devel- edge specific to teaching major algebraic ideas (e.g., rep-
opment across activity settings. Furthermore, Simon resentational fluency, equality), learning to successfully
recommends that the researcher take on a role as clini- enact rich algebra lessons in the classroom, and learn-
cal supervisor in the individual sites so that he or she ing to analyze their own teaching as it relates to stu-
can both continue to support the preservice teachers’ dent thinking. These goals for teachers’ learning were
learning and collect data to test and, if necessary, refine grounded in research that had identified important goals
220 ◆ methods

for students’ algebraic understanding and in research on Fennema, 2001; Hufferd-Ackles, Fuson, & Sherin, 2004;
high-quality mathematics teaching. Kazemi & Franke, 2004; van Es & Sherin, 2008). This
Documenting instructional starting points. In addition literature is useful in suggesting envisioned learning
to specifying explicit learning goals, it is important for trajectories, including potentially productive means of
researchers to identify aspects of teachers’ current prac- supporting teachers’ learning. In addition to describ-
tices and relevant forms of knowledge on which PD can ing teachers’ development of practice over time, these
build before attempting to formulate conjectures about researchers typically describe, at least in brief, how the
teachers’ development of the target practices and the PD was organized, the resources used, and in a few cases,
means of supporting that development. Determining aspects of the facilitators’ practice.
which instructional starting points to document will Relevant to the design of supports for teachers’ learn-
depend on the goals of the study. For example, it may be ing, there is evidence that in-service teacher PD that
important to document the participating teachers’ influences classroom instruction shares the following
mathematical knowledge for teaching (Hill, Ball, & qualities: it is sustained over time, involves the same group
Schilling, 2008) or their conceptions of the mathemati- of teachers working together, is focused on issues central
cal capabilities of traditionally underserved groups of to instruction, and is organized around the instructional
students. Documenting starting points usually involves materials that teachers use in their classrooms (Darling-
classroom observations, assessments (of mathematical Hammond, Wei, Andree, Richardson, & Orphanos, 2009;
knowledge for teaching, for example), and interviews. Garet, Porter, Desimone, Birman, & Yoon, 2001; Kazemi &
For example, Borko et al. (2005) administered pre­ Franke, 2004; Little, 2003).
assessments of participating teachers’ reasoning about In our view, the findings of recent research on practice-
fundamental algebraic ideas, including “variable, equal- based preservice teacher education (e.g., Ball, Sleep,
ity, pattern recognition, representational fluency, and Boerst, & Bass, 2009; Lampert, Beasley, Ghousseini,
systems of equations” (p. 49). In addition to document- Kazemi, & Franke, 2010; Lampert et al., 2013; McDonald
ing individual teachers’ knowledge and practice at the et al., 2013) is particularly relevant in informing the
outset of the study, it is important (though atypical) to design and enactment of supports for preservice and
document the school settings where the participating in-service teachers’ learning and merits further investiga-
in-service teachers (and preservice teachers, if applicable) tion in the context of in-service teacher PD. This body of
work. This is important given that aspects of these set- research, which is grounded theoretically in analyses of
tings, for example, the practices of other teachers and how professionals develop complex forms of practice,
administrators, will mediate the influence of the PD on suggests it is crucial that teachers are provided opportu-
the participating teachers’ classroom practices. nities to engage in both pedagogies of investigation and
Delineating an envisioned learning trajectory. The enactment (Grossman, Compton, et al., 2009; Grossman,
next step in preparing for a design study is to delineate an Hammerness, & McDonald, 2009) that are organized
envisioned learning trajectory by formulating testable around target instructional practices (e.g., eliciting
conjectures about significant developments in teach- and building on student thinking to accomplish an instruc-
ers’ classroom practices, knowledge, and beliefs and the tional agenda). Pedagogies of investigation involve ana-
means of supporting these developments. In doing so, it lyzing and critiquing representations of practice such as
is necessary to consider how teachers’ learning in the PD student work and video cases of teaching (Borko et al.,
sessions might relate to changes in their classroom prac- 2008; Kazemi & Franke, 2004; Sherin & Han, 2004).
tices as situated in the school settings in which they (will) Pedagogies of enactment involve planning for, rehearsing,
work. We located few accounts of an envisioned learn- and enacting aspects of practice in a graduated sequence of
ing trajectory in our reading of published reports on PD increasingly complex settings (e.g., teaching other teach-
design studies. Thus, in what follows, we draw from the lit- ers who play the role of students, working with a small
erature on PD, teacher learning, and teacher education— group of students, teaching an entire class). Opportunity
most of which is not framed as design research—to suggest for teachers to coparticipate in activities that approxi-
resources researchers might draw on to delineate an envi- mate the targeted practices with more accomplished
sioned learning trajectory. others are crucial to pedagogies of enactment (Bruner,
The current literature on teacher learning and on PD 1996; Forman, 2003; Lave & Wenger, 1991).
includes a small number of analyses that report actual tra- The recent developments in preservice teacher educa-
jectories of mathematics teachers’ development of par- tion that we have cited are particularly promising for the
ticular practices (see, e.g., Franke, Carpenter, Levi, & design of supports for in-service teachers because they

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