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As you are about to don your sterile gown, which hand are you going to use to
grab/get the gown?
Answer: Dominant Hand
2. Where are you going to clamp the pick up forcep after using it?
Answer: Table level
3. After doing the aftercare where will you place the soiled OR gowns?
Answer: Yellow cellophane
4. How many allis forceps are there in the abdominal set?
5. Surgical blade number 15 will fit what blade handle?
Answer: Blade number 3
6. How many non-atr needles are there in a major suture book?:
Answer: 12
7. What is the function of mayo scissors?
Answer: Used to cut connective tissues.
8. What are the sponges that can be thrown in the kick bucket?
Answer: AP, MS, OS
9-10. As a circulating nurse, give 2 instances by which you are to take note of the time.
Answer: Specimen out, Cutting time, Time Induced

11-15. Write True if the statement is true and write false if the statement if false

11. As a member of the surgical team, the circulating nurse must be sterile as well.
Answer: False
12. After gathering the packs and instruments the next step you're going to do is
opening the packs
Answer: False/ Medical Handwashing
13. After doing the surgical hand scrubbing you’re already considered as surgically
14, In opening the pack, the first flap of the pack must be facing away from the
scrubbing area.
Answer: False/ facing towards the scrubbing area.
15.Atraumatic needles, sutures and blades are placed in the big basin.
Answer: False/ small basin
16. Give one function of the electrocautery cord?
Answer. For cutting and coagulation
17. After serving the OR towels to the surgeon, what instrument/s are you going to
serve next?
Answer. Towel Clip
18. -20. What are you going to check when opening the big pack?
Answer. indicator tape, label, color, integrity, date
21-25. Give the types of sponges (no abbreviation)
1. AP- Abdominal packs
2. MS- Medium Sponge
3. OS- Operating Sponge
4. CB- Cherry Ball
5. PB- Peanut Ball .

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