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Assignment no. 1dated 27.11.


1) How do you see international politics from Indian perspective?

Ans- From an Indian Perspective some of the developments in

International politics are as follows-

1) Greater cooperation of India with almost all major countries in the

world like US, EU, Gulf Countries, Brazil, G-20, BIMSTEC, ASEAN

2) Trade war between US and China leading to Implications for

Global economies.

3) Rivalry between US and China in newer regions, like Venezuela,

Brazil, Canada etc.

4) Russia emerging as a key power in West Asian politics like Syria,

Iran, Turkey etc.

5) US withdrawal from key regions in Syria, Afghanistan and Somalia

giving opportunity for terrorist groups to resurface and affect
domestic politics.

6) A more divided EU with respect to BREXIT, right wing activism in

traditional NATO countries like Poland, Hungary.

7) Turkey creating rifts with the EU and US with its involvement in

Eastern Mediterranean conflict with Greece, S-400 deal with Russia,
involvement in Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict, tensions with Europe
over issues of Islamophobia.
8) Differences in OIC with two new divided factions with Saudi
Arabia on one hand and Malaysia, Pakistan and Turkey on other.

9) Belarus domestic issues over President Lukashenko getting elected

giving rise to tensions between Russia and the West.

10) Rise of public protests in many regions due to corrupt regimes

and policies like protests in Thailand, Mali, Lebanon etc.

11) Closer to IOR, India is giving more priority to neighbourhood first

policy and trying to build trust and cooperation keeping in mind
domestic politics in Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar,
Maldives etc.

2) Will rise in right wing activism undermine globalisation?

Ans- Globalization is a real phenomenon. Some say it's advantageous

to the West and not to the Rest. Now right wing activism existed prior
to onset of globalization. Let's take the example of the USA. We saw
many examples of right wing activism, e.g. trade war with China. In
other words the rise of this protectionism phenomenon doesn't affect
Globalization in true sense. What this activism seeks to correct is the
previous policies. China has benefited immensely from the
Globalization. But China is a closed market economy where foreign
firms can only operate with the Chinese regulations otherwise they
can't operate. Now if a foreign player like US can't operate its
industries inside China with its own core Interest, then it will be
bound to counter that in some way or other. It doesn't mean
Globalization is undermined, it simply suggests now China has to
correct its policies. China can export billions in trade to India, and
then India can't export its products to China because of its policies,
then it has to take corrective actions. Due to which disruption may
arise, but that's not long lasting. The nation's nowadays are connected
with each other more than ever, but Right wing activism gives a slight
disruption by securing a nation's core interest first and then engaging
further. With the rise in Technology, it's really incorrect to say Right
wing activism will undermine Globalization. Because any kind of
activism, if it undermines Globalization, will be short lived and again
get replaced by a new one.

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