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22 August 2022 Tugas Rutin ICT IN English Learning Nama : Zuan Sandria Baltazar Serang Nim: 2223121023 QUESTION 1. What is ICT? 2. Why ICT is important in human life esp. in langauge learning (English), give your reasons)! Answer > 1 Information and communication technology is a set of tools that will help humans work. In this case, human work will be assisted by information. As well as perform tasks that will be related to conveying information. ICT or technology and communication are all matters relating to information, management, and transfer from one medium to another. Basically, information and communication technology plays an important role in making it easier for humans to be able to communicate with each other quickly, easily, and affordable. In other words, information and communication technology can simplify and enhance the quality of human life. Especially in language learning why ITC most important. Cause the information needed will be faster and easier to access for educational purposes. Innovation in learning is growing with the existence of e-learning innovations that further facilitate the educational process.|CT advances will also allow the development of virtual classes or teleconference-based classes that do not require the educator and students to be in the same room. To be Easier its a key

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