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Accuracy and validity:

a. Is the information presented in the curriculum or textbook accurate and supported by
reliable sources?
Answer: according to our observations, the information presented in the curriculum or
textbooks used by children in grade 7 is accurate and supported by reliable sources. an
example of the source used is a textbook that comes from the MINISTRY OF EDUCATION
b. Are there any factual errors or outdated information?
Answer: There are some mistakes and outdated information that are still often used, for
example in teaching the basics in English whether it is when teaching students to speak,
write, read, and listen. often teachers in these schools still use old methods and ways so
that students become less interested in learning.
c. Are there appropriate citations or references for external sources used?
Answer: There are no external sources used by teachers. teachers only focus on the
material in the books used and do not try to find external sources in the form of learning
media such as YouTube videos, animations, etc.
5. Clarity and readability:
a. Is the language used in the curriculum or textbook clear, concise, and appropriate for
the target audience?
Answer: Based on our observations, the language used in the curriculum and textbooks
is appropriate for the target audience of grade 7 students.
b. Are complex concepts explained in a manner that is easily understandable?
Answer: Yes, even though the teacher did not use other media for learning due to the
unavailability of communication tools such as mobile phones, computers and the
internet, the teacher was still able to explain complex concepts to her students well and
easily understood.
c. Are there visual aids, examples, or illustrations that enhance clarity and comprehension?
Answer: Nothing, as explained in the answer to point b, teachers do not use other media
(visual aids, illustrations, and other examples) to learn because of the unavailability of
communication tools such as cell phones, computers, and the internet. the unavailability
referred to here is that students in SMP Negeri 6 Percut Sei Tuan are not allowed to
bring or use cell phones during the learning process.
6. Cultural relevance and diversity:
a. Does the curriculum or textbook include diverse perspectives, experiences, and cultural
Answer: Yes, the curriculum and textbooks used by the texts include diverse
perspectives, experiences, and cultural references. Here is the evidence:
b. Does it reflect the diversity of the student population and promote inclusivity?
Answer: Yes, the curriculum reflects the diversity of the student population and
promotes inclusiveness, such as the racial, ethnic, and religious diversity of the student
body and the call for mutual respect and appreciation of individual differences.
c. Are there opportunities for students to explore and appreciate different cultures or
Answer: Yes, there is a huge opportunity given by teachers to explore and appreciate
different cultures or backgrounds. each student is given the freedom to explore the
differences that exist around them.

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