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An_Najah National University

Faculty of Graduate Studies

Methods of teaching Department

"The Effectiveness of Using Role-Play in Teaching Speaking for Students

from 1 to 6 Grade from Teachers’ Perspectives in Ramallah Schools"

Submitted by:
Bissan Khalilia

Supervised by:
Dr. Suzan Arafat

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

ِّ ‫) و قُل ّر‬.
( ‫ب ِز ْدنِي ِع ْل ًما‬
(114 :‫)طه‬

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow

Learn as if you were to live forever".
Mahatma Gandhi


This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of using role-play in teaching speaking for

students from 1 to 6 grade from teachers’ perspectives. In this research, we targeted 16

teachers who work in Tulkarm schools, where the 16 teachers 12 of them have a Bachelor's

degree and 4 of them have Master degree. On Experience field shows that 2 of the teachers

have less than 5 years. While, 6 of them have from 5 to 10 years and 8 of them have more

than 10 years of experience in teaching English. Also the researcher mentioned some

recommendation: the recommendation for teacher that teachers should apply role-play

strategy in teaching speaking and developed their skills in using role-play strategy in

teaching All English skills. Whereas, the recommendation for students that they should

conducting studies based on speaking to find out the effect of speaking skills on students

with speaking disabilities and Conducting studies similar to the current study investigating

other school levels.

To My Mother And Father, The Only People Believed In Me And Gave Me
Many Happy Moments That Ease The Stress Of This Life.
"May Allah Protect You"

To My Brothers and Sisters, The Sparking Gems. Who Stood By Me In The

Darkest Moments.
"Always In Hearts"

List of Contents
Chapter One: "Introduction"..........................................................................................4

1.1 Statement of the Problem:.......................................................................................6

1.2 Aim of the study:.....................................................................................................6

1.3 Research Questions:................................................................................................6

1.4 Research Hypotheses:..............................................................................................7

1.5 Study objectives:......................................................................................................7

1.6 Significance of the study:........................................................................................7

1.7 Limitations of the Study:.........................................................................................8

1.8 Terminology definitions:.........................................................................................8

1.9 Summary:.................................................................................................................8

Chapter Two: "Literature Review".................................................................................9

2.1 Speaking................................................................................................................10

2.1.1 The Nature of Speaking............................................................................................10

2.1.2 The Elements of Speaking........................................................................................12

2.1.3 Accuracy and Fluency:.............................................................................................13

2.1.4 Developing Speaking Skills:....................................................................................13

2.2 Role Play................................................................................................................14

2.2.1 Definition of Role Play.............................................................................................14

2.3 Types of Roles in Role Play..................................................................................15

2.4 Teaching Speaking Using Role Play.....................................................................16

2.4.1 Significance of Role Play in Teaching Speaking......................................................17

2.5 Previous Studies:...................................................................................................18

2.6 Summary:...............................................................................................................20

Chapter Three: "Methodology".....................................................................................21

3.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................22
3.2 Research Methodology..........................................................................................22

3.3 Research population and sample...........................................................................23

3.4 Instrument and Measurement................................................................................23

3.5 Validity..................................................................................................................24

3.5.1 Content Validity.......................................................................................................24

3.5.2 Internal consistency..................................................................................................24

3.6 Reliability..............................................................................................................25

3.6.1 Cronbach Alpha........................................................................................................25

3.6.2 Split half method......................................................................................................25

3.7 Statistical methods.................................................................................................26

Chapter Four: "Data analysis and Findings"...............................................................27

4.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................28

4.2 Characteristics of the study sample.......................................................................28

4.2.1 Qualification.............................................................................................................28

4.2.2 Years of Experience.................................................................................................29

4.3 Analysis effectiveness of using role play in teaching speaking............................30

4.4 Hypotheses testing.................................................................................................31

4.4.1 Hypotheses:..............................................................................................................31

4.4.2 Hypotheses:..............................................................................................................31

4.5 Results...................................................................................................................32

4.6 Recommendation...................................................................................................32

4.7 Summary................................................................................................................33



List of Figures
Figure 1: the distribution of study according to Qualification...........................................................

Figure 2: the distribution of study according to Years of Experience...............................................

List of Tables
Table 1: Level of agreement about items according to mean value...................................................

Table 2: Correlation coefficient for “Effectiveness of using role play in teaching speaking.............

Table 3: Cronbach's Alpha coefficient for reliability.........................................................................

Table 4: Split half coefficient for reliability......................................................................................

Table 5: Distribution of study sample according to Qualification.....................................................

Table 6: Distribution of study sample according to Years of Experience..........................................

Table 7: Analysis of results for "Effectiveness of using role play in teaching speaking....................

Table 8: Results of T-test..................................................................................................................

Table 9: T-test for the differences of Effectiveness of using role play in teaching speaking due

to Qualification..................................................................................................................................

Table 10: One-way ANOVA.............................................................................................................

Chapter One: "Introduction"

Speaking is one of productive skills that should be learned by students. (Brown,

2001) States that speaking as an interactive process of constructing meaning that

involves producing, receiving, and processing speech of sounds as main instruments. In

addition, (Cameron L. , 2001) states that speaking is used to express meanings so that

other people can make sense of them. In other word, speaking is an important skill that

is used to communicate with other people.

Related to the importance of speaking, it is not an easy for the teacher to teach

speaking in the classroom. In fact, most of the students are reluctant to speak up in the

classroom and they have low motivation. It is supported by (Nunan, 1992), he states

that there are some challenges in teaching oral skill in EFL classroom namely lack of

motivation, and they tend to use their first language.

To improve students speaking skill, teacher should find the appropriate

technique of teaching speaking. It means that teacher plays an important role to create

interesting teaching and learning process. In this research, the researcher would like to

choose role play to solve the problem of speaking. (Harmer J. , 2007) Says that role

play can stimulate the students in real world and it gives learners an opportunity to

practice communicating in different social contexts and different social roles (Larsen-

Freeman D. , 1986).

Role play is very important in teaching speaking because it gives students an

opportunity to practice communicating in different social contexts and in different

social roles. In addition, it also allows students to be creative and to put themselves in

another person’s place for a while. According to (Hattings, 1993, p. 165), based on his

observation in the conversation class, the role play would seem to be the ideal activity

in which students could use their English creatively and it aims to stimulate a

conversation situation in which students might find themselves and give them an

opportunity to practice and develop their communication skill.

1.1 Statement of the Problem:

Teachers faced many difficulties in teaching speaking skills to the students in

the classroom and this is due to the problem that students are unaware of how to have a

discussion or respond to a question; they might be hesitant, shy, embarrassed, ignorant

of responses or confused with vocabulary choices. The learners are unable to

participate, speak, argue, share, debate or continue in a conversation.

Through teachers' observation, parents' opinions, students' results in English

exams, and the researcher's solid experience in the field of teaching English language,

she has observed that students face big difficulties in speaking skills. Thus, this study

will try to fixed the problems that faced the teachers in teaching speaking skills to the

graders from the first to the sixth and help them to deal with language as a means of

interaction with others.

1.2 Aim of the study:

This study aims to analyze and know the effectiveness of using role-play in

teaching speaking for students from 1 to 6 grade from teachers’ perspectives

1.3 Research Questions:

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using role-play in teaching speaking?

2. What is the effectiveness of using role-play in teaching speaking?

3. What are the difficulties that faced teachers in applying role-play in teaching


4. What are solutions can teachers apply to reduce difficulties of using role-play in

teaching speaking?

5. What are the other skills that develop when using role-play in teaching speaking?

1.4 Research Hypotheses:

1. There are no a statistically significant differences (Sig.> 0.05) between the means

Effectiveness of using role play in teaching speaking due to Qualification.

2. There are no statistical significant differences at (Sig.> 0.05) between the means

Effectiveness of using role play in teaching speaking due to Years of Experience..

1.5 Study objectives:

This study aims at achieving the following purposes:

1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using role-play in teaching speaking.

2. Express the effectiveness of using role-play in teaching speaking

3. Specify the difficulties that faced teachers in applying role-play in teaching


4. Specify the solutions can teachers apply to reduce difficulties of using role-play in

teaching speaking

5. Knowing the other skills that develop when using role-play in teaching speaking

1.6 Significance of the study:

It is hoped that this study will be beneficial for the following reasons:

1. The importance of the study is due to the lack of the previous studies which deal

with the Effectiveness of using role play in teaching speaking.

2. The study should contribute in giving language teachers and learners an opportunity

to begin thinking about the new ways of teaching and learning speaking skills

through using role play.

3. It can be used to foster the students‟ performance in English language and improve

their speaking skills.

4. Students learning speaking through role-play will have more opportunities to

participate and interact with each other in a more autonomous way. Those students

will have more opportunities which enable them to increase their speaking and

writing and hence their mastery and proficiency in the language.

1.7 Limitations of the Study:

1. The study took place in the first semester of the academic year (2021 -2022).

2. The population of the study consisted of 1 - 6 graders enrolled at Tulkarm. It is

conducted only on female teachers not males.

3. The sample of the study was (16) teachers from Tulkarm Schools.

1.8 Terminology definitions:

 Speaking: is defined as an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves

producing, receiving and processing information. Its form and meaning are

dependent on the context in which it occurs, the participants, and the purposes of

speaking (Burns & Joyce, 1997).

 Effectiveness: is the level or degree to which the objectives of a lesson are achieved

and the extent to which targeted difficulties are solved. Effectiveness means

producing a result that is wanted.

 Role-play Strategy: According to (Oxford Dictionary, 2015) role play is acting out
of the part of a particular person or character, for example as a technique in training

or psychotherapy. Role-play is a strategy in which students are required to act

specific roles through saying, doing and sharing (Altun, 2015).

1.9 Summary:
This chapter presented the background of the study by including an

introduction, the need for the study, statement of the study problem, questions and

hypotheses of the study. It also presented the purposes and significance of the study

and limitations of the study.

Chapter Two: "Literature Review"

Speaking is one of the important skills in human. (Nunan, 1992) Says that the

importance of speaking skill is obviously noticed regarding the role of human as social

being who depends himself more on speaking rather than writing when interacting with

others. It is supported by (Brown, Teaching by principles: an interactive approach to

language pedagogy, 2001), speaking is an interactive process of conducting meaning

that involves producing, receiving and processing information. It can be concluded that

speaking is a tool of communication to each other’ where the speaker can deliver

his/her idea, opinion, feeling through verbal skill to the listener.

Speaking is fundamental to human communication. That is why teaching

speaking skill should be taught in language classroom with interactive technique. One

of the techniques in teaching speaking is role play. Based on previous research, role

play is effective way to teach speaking.

Role play is a method of acting out particular ways of interacting with others in

imaginary situations (Byrne, 1986) and it promotes interaction in the classroom and

increase motivation (Ladousse G. , 1995). In addition, (Budden, 2006) says that role-

play is any speaking activity when you either put yourself into somebody else's or put

yourself into an imaginary situation. Based on the explanations above, role play is not

only used to interactive teaching in the classroom but also to stimulate the students in

real life situation.

2.1 Speaking

2.1.1 The Nature of Speaking

Speaking is the most natural way to communicate. It is also used for interacting

between two people in daily life, such as: at school, at home or some other places. As

Gottlieb quoted Underhill's opinion “speaking generally involves two ways

communication with interactive role switching between the speaker, who conveys a

message, and the listener, who interprets responds to it”. (Gottlieb, 2006)

Besides, speaking also is the way to express ideas, opinions, or feelings with others by

using words or sounds in delivering message. As human beings, especially as social

creatures have a need to make meaning of their surroundings by communicating each

other. They have a need to express their thoughts, opinions, or feelings in order to be

accepted in social life. Speaking does not only make sound by the speech organs but

ideas and emotions. As Cameron states “Speaking is the active use of language to

express meaning so that other people can make sense of them, therefore, the label of

“receptive” and “productive” uses of language can be applied to speaking

respectively”. (Cameron L. , 2001)

In addition, in delivering ideas and meanings of a certain situation, a speaker

has to use an accurate pattern and choose the correct words that fit into it. As Ur stated

“people who know a language are referred to as "speakers‟ of that language, as if

speaking included all other kinds of knowing; and many if not most foreign language

learners are primarily interested in learning to speak”. (Ur, A Course in Language

Teaching, 1996) Another expert Marianne also stated “the ability to speak a language is

synonymous with knowing that language since speech is the basic means of human

communication”. (Celle-Murcia, 2001) As a result, a speaker should know well about a

language that he or she is used for communicating; in order to her or his interlocutor

get a good understanding and interest with what he or she said. Based on the definitions

above, it can be concluded that speaking is the process of sharing information with

another person, one's knowledge, interests, opinions or ideas. Besides, speaking also is

the way to make someone interest to the information that the speaker wants to share.

2.1.2 The Elements of Speaking

Speaking is very important for student to acquire the ability to express their ideas and

opinions. Consequently, this competency should be mastered by learners‟ language.

According Jeremy Harmer, there are two elements of speaking. First, language

features, consist of:

a. Connected speech is the modifying in sound production or utterances such as

assimilation, omission, addition, and weakened (through contraction and stress


b. Expressive devices are the alteration of speed, volume, and stress of utterances to

show the feeling. The use of device contributes the ability to convey meaning.

c. Lexis and grammar related to the ability to use number common lexical phrases,

especially in the performance of certain language functions

d. Negotiation language is the ability to gets benefits from negotiators language we

use to seek clarification and to show of structure of what we are saying.

The second element of speaking is mental or social processing, consist of:

a. language processing: the ability to process language in their own heads and put it

into coherent order so that it comes out it forms that are not only comprehensible,

but also convey the meanings that are intended.

b. Interacting with others. It's mean that speaking also involves a good deal of

listening, and understanding of how the other participants are feeling.

c. Information processing: the ability to process the information the moment we get

it. (Harmer J. , 1998)

In a conclusion, the elements of speaking are language features; which includes

pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension, and mental or social


2.1.3 Accuracy and Fluency:

Speaking is the production skill that is included in two main categories:

accuracy and fluency. Accuracy consists of using vocabulary, grammar and

pronunciation through some activities, fluency take into account “the ability to keep

going when speaking spontaneously” (Gower, Phillips, & Walters, 1995). (Bygate,

1987) Identified two elements: production skill and interaction skill. In production

skill, speaking ability take place without time limit environment and in interaction skill,

there is a negotiation between learners. Both skills help learners to improve their

speaking ability easier. (Stuart, 1989) Proposed that learners should plan and adjust

their talk; and effective speakers should be proficient by practicing. It shows that

speaking is high risking activity that creates anxiety and causes learners worry about

losing face.

2.1.4 Developing Speaking Skills:

One of the most important goals of teachers is to enable learners to use English

for communication. According to many theories, speaking skill can be improved by

games, role play, etc. Evidence shows that speaking should incorporate activities in a

group work (Oradee, 2012). There are some types of speaking performance that can

help students to improve speaking skill (Brown, 2007).

 Imitation

Students should pay attention to certain vowel sounds and intonations; next they

should imitate correctly. Meanwhile learners need to practice an intonation contour or

to find exactly certain vowel sound.

 Responsive

It refers to short replies to teachers. It can be learners to initiated questions or

comments. Students should be active in the classroom. They should reply to teachers’

questions and comments. They should participate in the classroom.

 Intensive

Any speaking performance is planned to practice some phonological or

grammatical features of language that can be self-initiated or pair work activity.

 Transactional Dialogue:

It is used to convey a message or exchange the information. In addition, it is

utilized to elaborate a concept or to manifest the purpose of something. Learners should

participate in conversation.

 Interpersonal Dialogue

It is regarded as maintaining social relationships not for transmission of facts

and information involves factors like: casual register, colloquial language, slang,

ellipsis, sarcasm and a covert “agenda”.

 Extensive

It refers to students at intermediate to advanced levels that are asked to provide

extensive monologues in the form of oral reports, summaries or short speech [ibid].

2.2 Role Play

2.2.1 Definition of Role Play

As the writer focuses in his research, he will explain about the nature of role

play, as a specific topic that will be discussed.

Ur stated “Role play is used to refer to all sorts of activities where learners

imagine themselves in a situation outside classroom, sometimes playing the role of

someone other than themselves, and using language appropriately to the new context.”

(Ur, 1996) Based on the definition above, role play is a method to play the role of

others character in any kinds of situations.

Moreover, according to Snow, “role plays are form of pair practice that allows

students freedom to play, improvise, and create.” (Snow, 2007) In this case, students

can come to real situation although they are not in that situation.
Besides, according to Diane, “Role plays are very important in CLT because

they give students an opportunity to practice communicating in different social contexts

and in different social roles, and Role plays can be set up so that they are very

structured or in less a less structured way” (Larsen-Freeman D. , 2000) It means the

teacher tells the students who they are and what they should do. The teacher also tells

the students what the situation is, and what they are talking about, but the students

determine what they will say. Students also receive feedback on whether or not they

have effectively communicated.

In Role play there are many subject topics available for role play purposes, such

as compiling and presenting a news magazine program for radio or television.

According to McDonough and Shaw “Role play materials are often written specifically

to get learners to express opinions, to present and defend points of view and to evaluate

arguments.” (McDonough & Shaw, 2003) On the other hand in Role play learners also

require learners to use language to get the meaning, and learners also require paying

more attention to maintenance of social relationships.

From the explanations above, the writer concluded that the role play is a

technique which involves fantasy or imagination to be someone else or to be ourselves

in a specific situation for a while, improvising dialogue and creating a real world

scenario. It aims at the students to encourage their thinking and creativity, to develop

and train the students of a new language and behavioral skills in relatively

nonthreatening setting, and to create the motivation of the students in speaking.

2.3 Types of Roles in Role Play

There are some types of roles in a role play that explained by (Shefatya &

Smilansky, 1990) quoted on Rogers”:

a. Functional play involves repetition and imitation, and offers the child the

opportunity for exploration of the environment.

b. Constructive play appears in early childhood but may characterize play throughout

childhood and even adulthood. It involves manipulation and exploration of the

material. It also involves the addition of a preconceived plan.

c. Games with rules are divided into two distinct forms of games. First, there are table

games such as dominoes, cards, etc. Second, there are physical games such as hide

and seek and ball games. Both require children to accept the existence of rules and

to modify their behaviors accordingly

d. Dramatic play is a distinct form of play with an important distinction between

dramatic play and its more mature form, sociodramatic play, which must also

involve cooperation between at least two children.” (Ladousse G. P., 2004)

Thus, the overall aim of those types of role is offer a way of understanding role

play since it considers the play environment or context as significant in shaping

children's perceptions and to train students to deal with unpredictable nature of


2.4 Teaching Speaking Using Role Play

In teaching speaking skill through role play, the teacher and collaborator ask the

students to perform group by group. The teacher should give the topic which is related

to a standard competence and a based competence. For example: the teacher gives the

topic to the students based on the second grade of junior high school students‟ standard

competence and based competence, such as: “to deliver meaning in short verbal simple

transactional and interpersonal conversation to interact with their surroundings. It also

supported by based competence: to deliver meaning in a variety of simple spoken

transactional and interpersonal conversations accurately, fluently, and meaningfully to

interact with the surrounding environment that involves speech acts: ask for, give,

refuse favor, ask for, give, and reject things, admit and deny the facts, and ask for and

give opinions (Pendidikan, 2006)

In addition, to hold role playing, the teacher must prepare some steps to make

good performance. Here are stages in role play activity: (Nasional, 2009)

 The teacher arranges or prepares scenario that will be performed by the students.

 The teacher appoints some students to learn about the scenario several days before

teaching and learning activity.

 The teacher makes groups of students consist of five people per group.

 The teacher explains about competence will be achieved

 The teacher calls a group of students who have been chosen to play prepared


 Each student in his/her group observes scenario being performed.

 After finishing performance, each student is given work sheet for discussing each

group performance.

 Every group which has performed gives conclusion about what scenario has been


 The teacher gives general conclusion

 Evaluation

 Closing

2.4.1 Significance of Role Play in Teaching Speaking

One way of getting student to speak in different social context and to assume

varied social roles is to use role-play activities in the classroom. Because socio-culture

is so crucial in the production of speech acts, it is suggested that discourse rating task,

in which students rate dialogues or scenarios on various continua of formality and the

like, can raise awareness about language and can transfer this knowledge to production

activities such as role-plays. Besides, the social interaction activities, on the other hand,

also requires the learner to pay more attention to the establishment and maintenance of

social relationships. Meanwhile, two things can be added to this description. Firstly, the
teacher could make the role-play a whole class activity by having all the students act

out a public meeting with many speakers. Secondly, not all role-plays part the situation,

for example, all you might need to do is to set the party scene and then tell students to

go either as themselves or as a living or dead person they would like (Murcia, 2001, p.


Role play can improve learners’ speaking skills in any situation, and helps

learners to interact .As for the shy learners, role play helps by providing a mask, where

learners with difficulty in conversation are liberated. In addition, it is fun and most

learners will agree that enjoyment leads to better learning.

Several reasons for using role-play in teaching speaking quoted from (Ladousse G. ,

1995, p. 4) as follows:

a. A very wide variety of experience can be brought into the classroom and the

teachers can train their students in speaking skill in any situations through role-


b. Role-play puts students in situation in which they are required to use and develop

those certain forms of language which are so necessary in oiling the works of

social relationships, but which are so often neglected by the language teaching


c. Some people are learning English to prepare for specific roles in their lives. It is

helpful for those students to have tired out and experimental of a classroom.

d. Perhaps the most important reason for using role-play is that it is fun.

e. Role-play helps many shy students by providing them with a mask. In conclusion,

role-play is a technique, which can develop students’ fluency in target language,

promotes students to speak or interact with others in the classroom, increases

motivation and makes the teaching – learning process more enjoyable.

2.5 Previous Studies:

The writer found some previous study about Role Play technique. I took two

previous studies; those were Nurina Permata Sari and Agus Budiman.

 The first previous study is conducted by Sari under the title "Improving Students‟

Speaking ability by using Role Play (A Classroom Action Research at the first

grade students of SMPN 251 Jakarta Timur)". (Sari, 2006) This study is aimed at

developing Students‟ Speaking ability at first grade of SMPN 251 Jakarta Timur

through Role Play activities. The method of the study used a classroom action research

(CAR). She did two cycles in which each cycle consists of planning, acting, observing,

and reflecting. The data were gathered through qualitative and quantitative data. The

qualitative data were gained by analyzing the interview and observation result.

Moreover, quantitative data were obtained from the students‟ speaking score of pre-test

and post-test and questionnaire. The result of this study indicated that the

implementation of role play technique was successful. Besides, the result of

observation, interview and questionnaire showed that by using role play technique

students were active involved in the classroom.

 The second previous study is conducted by Budiman under the title "the use of Role

Play to enhance students‟ speaking ability (A Classroom Action Research at the

third grade students of Daarul Ma‟arif Junior High School)". (Budiman, 2004)

This research is aimed at knowing whether students‟ speaking skill could be improved

by using role play and to know how the implementation of these technique. The

correspondent of this research consisted of 30 students. The method of this research

used classroom action research (CAR). Similarly, he used the same cycle as the first

previous study which consisted of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. In

sustaining the research result, two types of data are collected; qualitative data that

derived from observation and interview towards the students and the teacher as well.

On the other hand, quantitative data were designed by pre-test and post-test. The last

the data would be analyzed by using descriptive analysis and statistic. The result of this

study showed that the implementation of role play towards students‟ speaking skill is

effective. In addition, the interview result showed the students were more motivated

and interested in learning English.

The similarity between both previous studies with this research is aimed at

knowing the effectiveness of teaching speaking by using Role Play technique. Besides,

there are two differences between both previous studies and this study. The first, both

previous studies used A Classroom Action Research (CAR) method, while this study

uses an experimental method. Second, the sampling of the first previous study was the

first grade of junior high school students and the second previous study was the third

grade of Junior High School students. However, the sampling of this study is from 1 to

6 grades of Elementary School students.

2.6 Summary:

To sum up, this chapter discussed speaking, then presented the nature of

speaking, also mentioned the elements of speaking, then this study discussed accuracy

and fluency, furthermore, then discussed developing speaking skills, also discussed role

paly and the types of roles in role play, then mentioned a brief of teaching speaking

using role play, then significance of role play in teaching speaking, Finally, the study

provided some previous studies that are related to the effectiveness of using role-play

in teaching speaking and compare it to this study.

Chapter Three: "Methodology"

3.1 Introduction

This chapter describes the methodology of the research adopted to accomplish

the objectives of the research. The term methodology is used to establish a systematic

procedure for reaching the intended research results.

The purpose of any research is to search for answers to questions through the

application of scientific procedures. The main purpose of this research is to study

“Effectiveness of using role play in teaching speaking for 1_6 grades in Tulkarm

Schools from teachers' perspectives”.

This chapter divided into the following sections: Research methodology, Data

Collection Method, research population and sample, instrument and measurement

scales, questionnaire reliability using Cronbach Alpha, questionnaire validity using

content validity and internal consistency, and statistical techniques used in the study.

3.2 Research Methodology

There are two types of research approaches quantitative approach and

qualitative approach (Naoum, 2007). Qualitative approaches can be seen as a research

strategy that most often accentuate words instead of quantification in the collection and

analysis of data (Bell & Bryman, 2007). It is more about the way people interpret their

world (ibid). Quantitative approaches seek to gather factual data and to study

relationships between facts and how such facts and relationships accord with theories

and the findings of any research executed previously (Fellows & Liu, 2008).

Data sources can be broadly classified into primary data and secondary data

(Ghauri & Grønhaug, 2005). Primary data are those original data which collects first-

hand by to solve specific problem (Ibid). Primary data can be collected from

experiments, interviews, focus groups, surveys etc. While secondary data are collected

by researchers for some other purpose than solving the problems (Bell & Bryman,

2007). Secondary data can be collected from the websites, publication, libraries and

organizations. In comparison to secondary data, primary data are more reliable since it

is conducted by the researchers personally using surveys, interviews and observations

(Ibid). Moreover, for primary data collection, the questions the researchers ask are

tailored which will help them with their study.

3.3 Research population and sample

The researcher selected a sample from Tulkarm Schools is through using

survey, which targeted the teachers.

3.4 Instrument and Measurement

This research used quantitative research method, and used a descriptive

analytical method, which studies the phenomenon as it is, describe it accurately and

clarifying its characteristics through collecting, analyzing and explaining data. The

researcher used two type of data sources. The first type secondary sources, which are

the previous studies and books that are related to the research subjects. The second type

is the primary sources which are the data that the researcher collected through the e-

questionnaire that analyzed by using SPSS.

Likert scale has been used to measure the response to the questionnaire classes

as follows: Strongly Agree (5) degrees, Agree (4) degrees, Neuter (3) degrees,

Disagree (2) degrees, and Strongly Disagree (1) degree. All the items will be treated

according to this criterion whatever the answers were.

The level of agreement will be determined each item and each dimension
according to five levels based on Likert scale, the following table shows that:
Table 1: Level of agreement about items according to mean value
Level of Strongly Strongly
disagree Neuter agree
disagree agree
Mean 1 - 1.80 1.81 – 2.60 2.61 – 3.40 3.41 – 4.20 4.21 – 5.0

RII 20% - 36% 36% - 52% 52% - 68% 68% - 84% 84% - 100%
*RII: Relative Important Index
3.5 Validity

3.5.1 Content Validity

The researchers have modified, deleted, and added the necessary parts to the

questionnaire in response to the supervisor suggestions.

3.5.2 Internal consistency

The internal validity of the questionnaire is the first statistical test that used to

test the validity of the questionnaire. Internal validity measured through the correlation

coefficients between each item in the construct and its total. Internal consistency: “Effectiveness of using role play in teaching

Table (3.2) shows that all the correlation coefficients for the items of

“Effectiveness of using role play in teaching speaking” are significant at 0.05 level.

Table 2: Correlation coefficient for “Effectiveness of using role play in teaching speaking

No Correlation
Items Sig.
. coefficient
1 Role play is interesting 0.580** 0.009
2 Role play is difficult. 0.820** 0.000
3 Role play is different from other activities. 0.483** 0.003
4 Role play helps to enhance the speaking ability 0.432** 0.009
5 Role-playing is an easy method to communicate with others. 0.602** 0.001
6 Role-playing helps to overcome nervousness. 0.683** 0.004
7 It is difficult to select a topic for role play. 0.727** 0.001
8 Role-playing helps to increase fluency as it is rehearsed with 0.519** 0.003
9 Role-playing gives an opportunity to express emotions freely. 0.603** 0.005
10 The feedback after role play helps to improve the 0.506** 0.001
employment of this technique.
11 It helps to increase vocabulary. 0.602** 0.000
12 It gives a scope to show innovation 0.601** 0.000
13 In a limited time, it is difficult to fully express the role. 0.430** 0.000
14 Role play in groups is helpful as ideas can be shared. 0.492** 0.000
15 Using role-playing is enough to teach students' speaking 0.542** 0.003
16 Using role-playing to teach speaking develops other skills for 0.656** 0.006
**sig at 0.01 level
3.6 Reliability

3.6.1 Cronbach Alpha

Cronbach's Alpha (George and Mallery, 2003) is designed as a measure of

internal consistency, that is, do all items within the instrument measure the same thing.

Cronbach's Alpha is used here to measure the reliability of the questionnaire for each

dimension. The normal range of Cronbach's Alpha value is between (0-1). The closer

the Alpha is to one, the greater the internal consistency of items in the instrument being


Cronbach’s Alpha value equals (0.770). The questionnaire is considered reliable, and

ready for distribution for the intended sample.

Table 3: Cronbach's Alpha coefficient for reliability

No. of
Dimension Alpha
Effectiveness of using role play in teaching speaking 16 0.770

3.6.2 Split half method

The researcher calculated the reliability by using split half method as another

way to test the reliability, this method works by dividing the whole test items into two

parts, then the correlation coefficients between the sum of items for the first part and

the sum of items for the second part were calculated, Pearson’s correlation coefficient

for the whole measure was (0.817), and the Spearman-Brown formula was (0.899), this

indicates that the test has a high degree of reliability, the following table shows the

correlation coefficient and Spearman-Brown values of the whole questionnaire.

Table 4: Split half coefficient for reliability

No. of Correlation Spearman
items coefficient prowen
Effectiveness of using role play in
teaching speaking
16 0.817 0.899

3.7 Statistical methods

Estimate the reliability of the questionnaire: Cronbach Alpha, Split half.

Estimate the validity of the questionnaire: Pearson Correlation Coefficient. Identify

to what extent the responses for items and the main dimensions of the study: Mean.

Show how much variation or dispersion exists from the mean: Standard Deviation.

Test the differences between the mean value and the neutral degree (3): One Sample t

test. Independent sample T-Test to determine the difference between the categories

of the categorical variables (two categories).One-way ANOVA to determine the


Chapter Four: "Data analysis and Findings"

4.1 Introduction

This chapter includes the presentation and analysis of the most important

statistical results those have been reached about the problem of the study, which aims

to measure and determine “Effectiveness of using role play in teaching speaking for

1_6 grades in Tulkarm Schools from teachers' perspectives”. In addition, this

chapter features the results of the research questions and testing hypotheses. It also

includes discussing and commenting on each question and hypothesis in light of the

study problem.

4.2 Characteristics of the study sample

4.2.1 Qualification

The table below shows the distribution of the study sample according to
Qualification, we notice that (75%) of the study sample have a Bachelor and (25%) of
them have a Master.
Table 5: Distribution of study sample according to Qualification

Qualification Frequency Percent

Bachelor 12 75%
Master 4 25%
Total 16 100%




Bachelor Master
Figure 1: the distribution of study according to Qualification

4.2.2 Years of Experience

The table below shows the distribution of the study sample according to Years

of Experience, we notice that (12.5%) of the study sample have an Experience (Less

than 5 years), (37.5%) have an Experience (From 5 to 10 years) and (50%) of them

have an Experience (More than 10 years).

Table 6: Distribution of study sample according to Years of Experience

Years of Experience Frequency Percent

Less than 5 years 2 12.5%
From 5 to 10 years 6 37.5%
More than 10 years 8 50%
Total 16 100%

Years of Experience



Years of Experience



More than 10 From 5 to 10 Less than 5 years
years years

Figure 2: the distribution of study according to Years of Experience

4.3 Analysis effectiveness of using role play in teaching speaking

We notice that the level of agreement on “Effectiveness of using role play in

teaching speaking” is high, where the means of the items ranged between 2.94 for “It

is difficult to select a topic for role play” with a relative important index of 58.8%,

and 4.63 for “It helps to increase vocabulary” with a relative important index of


In addition, the total degree of the dimension was 3.96 with a relative important index

of 79.20%.

Table 7: Analysis of results for "Effectiveness of using role play in teaching speaking

Items RII
1 Role play is interesting 4.50 0.730 90
2 Role play is difficult. 3.13 1.088 62.60
3 Role play is different from other activities. 4.06 0.680 81.20
4 Role play helps to enhance the speaking ability 4.19 0.750 83.80
5 Role-playing is an easy method to communicate with others. 4.19 0.750 83.80
6 Role-playing helps to overcome nervousness. 4 1.211 80
7 It is difficult to select a topic for role play. 2.94 0.998 58.80
8 Role-playing helps to increase fluency as it is rehearsed 4.06 1.124 81.20
with expressions.
9 Role-playing gives an opportunity to express emotions 4 0.894 80
10 The feedback after role play helps to improve the 4.19 0.834 83.80
employment of this technique.
11 It helps to increase vocabulary. 4.63 0.500 92.60
12 It gives a scope to show innovation 4.25 0.775 85
13 In a limited time, it is difficult to fully express the role. 3.69 0.946 73.80
14 Role play in groups is helpful as ideas can be shared. 4.06 0.854 81.20
15 Using role-playing is enough to teach students' speaking 3.56 1.094 71.20
16 Using role-playing to teach speaking develops other skills 3.94 1.063 78.80
for students
Total degree 3.96 .432 79.20
Hint: M: Mean, SD: Standard Deviation, RII: Relative Important Index, R: Rank.
In order to check if the means of the dimension are equal to the neuter degree
(3), One- sample T test used. The table below illustrates this:
Table 8: Results of T-test
Dimension Mean SD t-value Sig.
Effectiveness of using role play in teaching speaking 3.96 0.432 8.878** 0.000
**Sig at 0.01 level.

In Table (4.4), the value of the One-Sample T-Test, which is used to compare differences

in mean scores, was statistically significant at 0.05. The level of statistical significance

was calculated at (0.000). That is, the mean scores are significantly different from the

neuter value of (3.00) at level (0.05).

4.4 Hypotheses testing

4.4.1 Hypotheses:
There are no statistical significant differences at α≥0.05 in Effectiveness of

using role play in teaching speaking due to Qualification.

Table (4.5) shows the result of the hypothesis, which indicates that There are no a

statistically significant differences (Sig.> 0.05) between the means of Effectiveness of

using role play in teaching speaking due to Qualification.

Table 9: T-test for the differences of Effectiveness of using role play in teaching speaking due to

Dimension Qualification N Mean SD t- test Sig.

Effectiveness of Bachelor 12 4.07 0.396 1.953 0.071

using role play in
Master 4 3.63 0.398

4.4.2 Hypotheses:

There are no statistical significant differences at α≥0.05 in Effectiveness of

using role play in teaching speaking due to Years of Experience.

To figure out that, the researcher used One-way ANOVA test to figure if there are

statistical significant differences in Effectiveness of using role play in teaching speaking

due to Years of Experience. The result are shown below

Table 10: One-way ANOVA

source of Sum of Mean
Dimension DF F Sig.
variance Squares Square
Between 0.244 2 0.122
Effectiveness of Groups
Within 2.568 13 0.198 0.617 0.555
using role play in
teaching speaking Total 2.812 15

The previous table showed that:

There are no statistical significant differences at (Sig.> 0.05) between the means

Effectiveness of using role play in teaching speaking due to Years of Experience.

4.5 Results
1. There is a high level of agreement on “Effectiveness of using role play in

teaching speaking” from the teachers point of view, with a mean of (3.96) and a

relative important index of (79.2%).

2. There are no a statistically significant differences (Sig.> 0.05) between the means

Effectiveness of using role play in teaching speaking due to Qualification.

3. There are no statistical significant differences at (Sig.> 0.05) between the means

Effectiveness of using role play in teaching speaking due to Years of Experience.

4.6 Recommendations
According to this research, the researchers would like to provide some


 For teachers:

 Teachers should apply role-play strategy in teaching speaking.

 Develop curricula that include role-playing strategy topics.

 Include the curriculum with various examples of supporting the use of role-playing

 Teaching the skill of listening by means of more than one strategy and not being

limited to a role-playing strategy

 For students:

 Conducting studies investigating difficulties facing teachers and students when

using role-play strategy.

 Conducting studies based on speaking to find out the effect of speaking skills on

students with speaking disabilities.

 Conducting studies similar to the current study investigating other school levels.

4.7 Summary

This chapter presented the research findings and analyzed the collected data of

the effectiveness of using role-play in teaching speaking. Furthermore, the researchers

provided graphs and tables that illustrated the findings.

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Appendix A: Questionnaire


Fill up this section

 Age: ______________

 Degree: (BA. – MA.)

 Work Experience (less 5  5 to 10  more 10)

Dear respondent,

This questionnaire is part of a study. This questionnaire is pertinent to the

efficacy of the technique of employing role-plays in the English classroom. Your

answers will be kept secret and used only for the purpose of this research. You are

kindly requested to fill in this questionnaire. Please, tick the statements which you

believe appropriate.

(SA = strongly agree, A = agree, N = neutral, DA = disagree, and SD = strongly disagree).

No. Questions SA S N DA SD
1. Role play is interesting
2. Role play is difficult.
3. Role play is different from other activities.
4. Role play helps to enhance the speaking ability
5. Role-playing is an easy method to communicate with others.
6. Role-playing helps to overcome nervousness.
7. It is difficult to select a topic for role play.
8. Role-playing helps to increase fluency as it is rehearsed with
9. Role-playing gives an opportunity to express emotions freely.
10. The feedback after role play helps to improve the employment
of this technique.
11. It helps to increase vocabulary.
12. It gives a scope to show innovation
13. In a limited time, it is difficult to fully express the role.
14. Role play in groups is helpful as ideas can be shared.
15. Using role-playing is enough to teach students' speaking skills
16. Using role-playing to teach speaking develops other skills for

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