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Section A: Questions 1 to 10 (5 marks each)

1) Find the value of 8  9  10  ...  17 .

2) Three children, namely A, B and C, have some gaming cards. After A gives B 20 cards and
B gives C 18 cards, the numbers of cards three children have are the same. So in the
beginning how many cards does A have more than C?

3) In the calculation A  8  9...D , what is the least possible value of the dividend?

4) Find the value of 20  18  107  25 .

5) Find the value of the following expressions.

2018  2018  2018  2018  2018  2018  2018  2018  ...
2018  2018  2018  2018
400 "2018" 's

6) Define “  ” as a process satisfying a  b  a  b  a  b  1. Find the value of  3  4   5 .

7) There is such a number: when it is multiplied by 5, and is added by 5, and is divided by 3,

the result is 10. What is the number?

8) 6 children stand in a row to take a photo. How many ways of arrangement are there?

9) In a homework guidance class, the number of boys is greater than that of girls by 2. If 13
girls are removed, then the number of boys is exactly 4 times of that of girls. How many
girls are there in the beginning?

10) Olly is 9 years old and Lam is 11 years old. How many years later is it when their ages are
58 years in total?
Section B: Questions 11 to 20 (7 marks each)

11) Is the sum of 2018 consecutive numbers odd or even?

12) On a straight path 107 metres long, on one side of this path a tree is planted every 8 metres.
If only one end is planted a tree, then how many trees are planted on the path in total?

13) Find the value of 5  6  7  8  9   18  19  20  19  18   5 .

14) When doing a subtraction, Lam mistakenly takes the hundreds digit 0 of the subtrahend as
6, and takes the units digit 7 of the minuend as 1. The result obtained is 2517. What is the
correct result?

15) There is a rectangle 50 centimetres long and 30 centimetres wide. Try to cut out the largest
possible square from the rectangle. Then cut out the largest possible square from the
remaining part until the remaining part is a square.
So, how many centimetres is the side length of the remaining square in the end?

16) If the product of 3 natural numbers is 36, then what is the minimum value of the sum of
these 3 natural numbers?

17) In a class, there are 20 students who can play basketball, 18 who can play football, 7 who
can play both basketball and football and 3 who can play neither sports. How many students
are there in this class?

18) In the figure, how many triangles are there?

Question 18

19) Chan spends 3 hours to make 54 replaceable parts. Calculating at such a rate, how long does
it take to make 360 replaceable parts?

20) 1 packet of instant noodles, 2 packets of potato chips, 3 boxes of candies and 4 packets of
seaweed weigh 450 grams in total;
2 packets of instant noodles, 4 packets of potato chips, 1 box of candies and 5 packets of
seaweed weigh 590 grams in total;
3 packets of instant noodles, 6 packets of potato chips, 2 boxes of candies and 9 packets of
seaweed weigh 940 grams in total.
So how many grams does 1 box of candies weigh?

~ End of Paper ~

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