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Part I For question 1 – 12, each correct answer is worth 4 points, 1 point for a

blank answer, and 0 point for each incorrect answer.

1. Let a be the number that is 2,561 more than 2,018 and b be the number that is 2,561 less
than 2,018. Find the value of a + b.
A. 5,643 B. 5,122
C. 4,579 D. 2,561
E. 2,018
2. Given that 1  22  333  4,444  55,555    5. The value of   71 is equal to
A. 850 B. 875
C. 882 D. 895
E. 898
3. Given that 171  173  175  ab  1 where a and b are positive integers such that ab is
a simplest fraction. The value of a + b is equal to
A. 17 B. 19
C. 21 D. 23
E. 25
4. Let A and B are different points on a piece of paper. How many straight line can be drawn
to pass through these two points?
A. 1 B. 2
C. 3 D. 4
E. infinite
5. How many shapes are there among the following geometric shapes in each of which has at least
one interior acute angle?

A. 6 B. 4
C. 3 D. 2
E. 1
6. In the adjoining figure, the square has sides of length 4 cm. Divide the square into small
squares with sides of length 1 cm., then choose 4 small squares to color. What is the colored area as 4 cm
decimal number of the whole area?
4 cm
A. 0.20 B. 0.25 C. 0.28 D. 0.32 E. 0.36
________________Questions Paper Grade 4 pages 1_________________
7. In a year, if the 5th August is Sunday, what day is the 5thJuly?
A. Monday B. Tuesday
C. Wednesday D. Thursday
E. Friday
8. A train departs a station at 11.40 and arrives at destination 75 minutes later. At what time will
the train arrive at destination?
A. 12.15 B. 12.45
C. 12.55 D. 13.05
E. 13.15
9. Tom has money 670 baht in his wallet. The money consists each one of 500, 100, 50, and 20
baht bank notes. If Tom uses a bank note to buy 2 bottles of drinking water priced 7 baht each, what is the
possible maximum change that Tom should receive?
A. 656 baht B. 556 baht
C. 486 baht D. 156 baht
E. 86 baht
10. The number of students in each class of a primary school is shown in the following table.
How many students are there in Grade 4 ?
A. 248
Class Number of students
B. 249
Grade 1 245
C. 250
Grade 2 253
D. 251
Grade 3 248
E. 252
Grade 4 ?
Grade 5 251
Grade 6 249
Total 1498

11. A bag contains 23 white, 19 green, 29 blue, 17 yellow, and 28 red buttons. A girl randomly
picks up a button from the bag. What color of button is the highest chance of being picked up ?
A. red B. white
C. green D. blue
E. yellow
________________Questions Paper Grade 4 pages 2_________________
12. In a survey, 337 students choose their favorite sport from football, basketball, volleyball, swim,
tennis, and table tennis. One student chooses one sport or not any sport. The number of students choosing
the sports are shown in the following table.
How many students who do not choose any sport are there?
A. 11 persons
sports Number of students
B. 13 persons
football 109
C. 15 persons
D. 16 persons basketball 78
E. 18 persons volleyball 51
swim 35
tennis 14
table tennis 39

Part II For question 13 – 24, each correct answer is worth 6 points, 1.5 point
for a blank answer, and 0 point for each incorrect answer.
    
13. Given that 1  13 1  14 1  15 1  16  ab where a and b are positive integers such
that ab is in simplest form. The value of a + b is
A. 361 B. 180
C. 90 D. 51
E. 10
14. How many digits are in the quotient of 111222333444555666777888999 divided by 111?
A. 27 B. 25
C. 24 D. 10
E. 9
15. Given that N = 9  99  999  9999  99999 . What is the sum of all digits in N?
A. 9 B. 10
C. 15 D. 40
E. 45

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16. How many quadrilaterals are in the adjoining figure?
A. 13
B. 12
C. 11
D. 10
E. 9
17. In the adjoining figure, a big square consists of sixteen small squares. If 4 small squares are
removed from the big square in order to yield a polygon with greatest number of sides, what is the
A. icosagon
B. octdecagon
C. pendedecagon
D. dodecagon
E. octagon
18. There are two pieces of paper A, B in square shape. Square A has side length 6 inches and
square B has side length 9 inches. Each square is divided into 9 small squares of the same size. Put 4 small
squares from the square B on a table. How many small squares from the square A can we congruently put
over the 4 small squares?
A. 10 B. 9
C. 8 D. 7
E. 6
19. A waiter counts chopsticks in a restaurant. If he counts 3 pairs of chopsticks each time, there is
1 pair left. If he counts 4 pairs of chopsticks each time, there are 2 pairs left. If he counts 5 pairs of
chopsticks each time, there are 4 pairs left. If the restaurant has chopsticks not exceed 40 pairs. How many
chopsticks does the restaurant have?
A. 34 B. 42
C. 56 D. 68
E. 72
20. A girl folds a number of pieces of paper to be stars and put into a number of bags as follows :
2 stars is put into bag 1, 4 stars is put into bag 2
6 stars is put into bag 3, 8 stars is put into bag 4, and so on.

________________Questions Paper Grade 4 pages 4_________________

If the girl folds 90 stars, how many least possible number of bags does the girl have to prepare for
putting stars?
A. 7 B. 8
C. 9 D. 10
E. 12
21. A class of students is divided into two groups for counting numbers. In group 1, the first
student starts to count number 1, then each student counts the next number which is greater than the
previous one 3 number. In group 2, the first student starts to count number 50, then each student counts
the next number which is less than the previous one 4 number. If the first student from group 1 starts to
count number 1, then follows by the first student from group 2 to count number 50 and alternately so on.
What is the first same number counted by two students?
A. 18 B. 20
C. 22 D. 24
E. 28
The following information is needed to answer question 22 to 24.
At the 2018 FIFA world cup tournaments, the 32 teams were drawn into 8 groups A, B, C, D, E,
F, G, and H of 4 teams. In the first round any two teams play together only one match. Each match the
winner gets 3 points, no point for the loser. If a match ended in a tie, each team gets 1 point. After the first
round ended, the first two teams with highest points in each groups will enter to the second round.
22. In the first round, the match results of group G consisting of nation teams of England,
Belgium, Tunisia, and Panama are as follows:
Belgium VS Panama Belgium won 3 – 0
Tunisia VS England Tunisia lost 1 – 2
Belgium VS Tunisia Belgium won 5 – 2
England VS Panama England won 6 – 1
England VS Belgium England lost 0 – 1
Panama VS Tunisia Panama lost 1 – 2
After the first round ended, what is the total points of group G?
A. 15 B. 16
C. 17 D. 18
E. 19
________________Questions Paper Grade 4 pages 5_________________
23. In the first round of the 2018 FIFA world cup tournaments, in group D, Switzerland VS Costa
Rica, after the first half finished Switzerland leaded Costa Rica 1 – 0 and in the second half both teams
shot 3 scores in total.
Which one of the following is impossible result when the match ended?
A. the match ended in a tie.
B. Costa Rica won with different scores of 2.
C. Switzerland won with different scores of 4.
D. Switzerland won with different scores of 2.
E. Switzerland won with different scores of 1.
24. After the first round of the 2018 FIFA world cup tournaments ended. What is the possible
maximum total points of 32 teams ?
A. 128 B. 132
C. 144 D. 150
E. 160
PART III For questions 25 – 29, each correct answer is worth 6 points and 0
point for each incorrect or blank answer.
In the case that an answer is not integral, students have to put the most
nearest integral answer. Students have to answer the last five digits in the case
that the answer from calculating is more than 5 digits.
25. What is the value of 7  9 11  9 1113 ?
26. Let ABCD be a rectangle. E and F are points on AB and CD respectively such that AEFD
is a square. The perimeters of the square AEFD and rectangle BCFE are 20 and 18 respectively.
Find the perimeter of ABCD.
27. Let d1, d2, d3, . . ., d12 be different positive numbers in increasing order each of which is a
divisor of 200. Find d9.
28. In the following 1 to 20, the digit 1 appears 12 times in total such as 1 appears 2 times in “11”.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
How many times in total does digit 3 appear in sequence of numbers 1 to 131?

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29. A game of putting marbles in a row of 10 small squares, there are two players. The rule of the
game are the following:
(i) The players alternate turns.
(ii) Each player, when it is their turn, put at least one marbles but not exceed 5 marbles into the
squares. The players must put marbles started from the most left square continuously.
The last player who put marble (s) is the loser.
For example :
A and B are players and player A begins the game.
start end
Turn 1 : Player A put 2 marbles.

start end
Turn 2 : Player B put 3 marbles.

Turn 3 : Player A put 2 marbles. start end


Turn 4 : Player B put 2 marbles. start end

Turn 5 : Only one square is left. Player must put a marble. The loser is player A.
A winning strategy for this game is that player who puts marbles at first is always the winner.
If there is a row of 40 squares in the game, how many marbles should the player in Turn 1 put in
squares in order to guarantee a win?

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Bonus Question (Student may or may not give the answer)
A correct answer is worth 20 points. An incorrect answer is lost 7 points
and 0 point for blank answer.
In the case that an answer is not integral, students have to put the most
nearest integral answer. Students have to answer the last five digits in the case
that the answer from calculating is more than 5 digits.
30. Tom and Jerry play a game “guess a code”. A code consists of four digits each of which could
be 0 to 9 and not repeated. Tom sets a code, and Jerry guesses the code. Each time Jerry guesses the code,
Tom have to tell number of right digits and number of right digits in right positions in the code.
For example :
Suppose that Tom sets 2561 as a code and Jerry guesses as 2018. This means that Jerry guesses
2 right digits (2 and 1) and 1 digit is in the right position (the digit is 2).
If Jerry guesses 5 times for a code set by Tom, then Tom tells the number of right digits in the
code as in the following table.

Tom tells the number of

Time of Code is guessed by
right digits in the right
guess Jerry right digits in the code
position in the code
1 3456 1 1
2 7890 1 1
3 1234 3 0
4 2148 2 1
5 3172 3 3

Determine the code which is set by Tom.

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