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Olympiad Mathematics

Name: ______________________ Mark: __________________

4 2
Q1) Fanny went to his May’s farm which had sheep and chickens. 4S + 2C = 90
There were 32 heads and 90 feet among them. S + C = 32
S = 32 - C
How many chickens did his grandfather have?
芬妮去了美兒的農場,那裡有⽺和 4S + 2C = 90
4 (32 - C) + 2C = 90
其中有32個頭和90條腿。 128 - 4C + 2C = 90
128 - 90 = 4C -2C
美兒的農場有多少隻雞︖ 38 = 2C
C = 38/2 = 19

!"# !"# $ CHICKEN = 19 %

Q2) May’s age this year is a factor of 66. Four years ago, her age was a
multiple of 6. What is May’s age this year?
6,12, 18, 24 30
今年美兒的年齡是多少︖ FACTOR 66 = 66 - 4 = 62 APAKAH bisa
1 X 66 = 66 dibagi 6? tidak salah
2 X 33 = 66
"#$ 345 % 22 & 3 X 22 = 66 33-4 = 29 apakah bisa
dibagi 6?

22 - 4 = 18 bisa dibagi 6

!"# !"# $ , %
Q4) Study the pattern below. The 99th letter is? noted
根據以下模式,第 99 個字母是? 99 : 5 = cari remainder
atau sisa
jika sisa 0 = C
Remainder 4

ANS 答案: ( )

Q5) The two lines on the grid are the two sides of a rectangle.
Complete the rectangle by drawing 2 more lines.
圖中的兩條線是一個長方形的兩側。通過多畫 2 條線來畫出一個長方形。

Q6) If 1/3 = 7, then 5 = ? 5x7x3=

如果 1/3 = 7,則 5 =?

ANS 答案: ( )
Q7) In a 12-story building, the elevator stopped due to a power outage.
It takes 32 seconds for someone to walk from the first floor to the
third floor. How many seconds does it take to walk from the third
floor to the 12th floor at the same speed?
有一棟 12 層的大樓,由於停電電梯停開。某人從一層走到三層需要
32 秒,以同樣的速度,從三層走到 12 層,需要多少秒?

ANS 答案: ( 16 x 9 = 144 ) waktu satu lantai = 32 : 2 = 16

Q8) Fill in the blanks.

填上格子上的數字。 3 (4-1) = 9
4 (6 - 1) = 20

16 - 12 = 4 : 2 = 2
17 - 11 = 6 : 3 = 2

"#$ !"# % &

Q10) Fill in 4-12 in the boxes to make the sums of all rows and
columns are equal.
在方格中填寫 4-12,使所有行和列的總和相等。

Q11) There is some oil in a bucket. If the oil is doubled, the bucket.
weighs 38 kilograms. If the oil is 4 times as the original, the bucket
weighs 46 kilograms. How many kilograms of oil are there in the
bucket originally? 2A = 38
4A = 46 46 - 38 = 8

一隻油桶裡有一些油,如果把油加到原來的 2 倍,油桶連油重 38 千克;

如果把油加到原來的 4 倍,這裡油和桶共重 46 千克。原來油桶裡有油


ANS 答案: ( )

Q12) ___________, 19, 8,14, 11, 10, 15, 7, 20

ANS 答案: ( )
Q13) 1, 2, 3, 7, 8. These five numbers can be listed as a formula:
(1+3)×7=28. Please use the six numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and
6 to form an equation. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6

用 1、2、3、7、8 這五個數字可以列成一個算式:

(1+3)× 7=28。

你用 0、1、2、3、4、6 這六個數字列成一個算式。

ANS 答案: ( )
174 : x = 3 + b R = 1 + Original
137 : x = b R = original
Q14) When calculating a division with remainder, Calvin mistakenly.
writes the dividend 137 as 174. The quotient is 3 more than the
original. The remainder is 1 more than the original. Find the divisor
and remainder of this division formula.
劉強在計算有餘數的除法時,把被除數 137 錯寫成 174,結果商比原來
多 3,餘數比原來多 1。求這道除法算式的除數和餘數。
174 - 137 = 37 : 3 = 12 Remainder 1
divisor = 12
remainder = 5
ANS 答案: ( x = 12 , 137 : 12 = Remainder
) =5

Q15) Which of the below has the same pattern of 837:29?

以下哪項與 837:29 的模式相同? 837 : 29 = 28,8 rounding = 29

(A) 296:57 5,..

837 : 29 = 28,8
(B) 485:45 10,.... 29 x 29 = .... + 4 = 837
(C) 658:46 14
11 658 : 46 = 14.
(D) 374:32
14 x 46 = .... + 4 = 658
(E) 726:18 40 an

ANS 答案: ( )
Q16) There are 3 thieves being sued for robbery. Only one of their says
is true. Which one is true:

(A) "B is lying."

(B) "C is lying."
(C) A & B are lying."

3 名小偷被控搶劫罪。他們只有一個說是真的。哪一個是正確的:

(A)“ B 在說謊。”
(B)“ C 在說謊。”
(C)A 和 B 在撒謊。”

ANS 答案: ( )

Q17) Fill the missing number.


ANS 答案: ( )
Q18) Which one is missing?

ANS 答案: ( )


= ( )

1 K = 1B + 2 L
1B + 1K = 6L
-1B + 1K = 2L

2K = 8L
K = 8/2 L
K = 4L

1 K = 1B + 2L
4L - 2L = 1B
1B = 2 L
?=( )
6 B = 12 L
12L = 3 KOTAK

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