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1. Evaluate:

13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 20

2. Find the missing sum.

3. Find the missing number.

4. How many rectangles are there in the figure below?

5. Find the value of N in the number sequence given below.

1, 1, 2, 4, 7, 13, 24, 44, N, 149, 274, ...

6. Draw the 17th shape in the geometric pattern shown below.

7. In a football tournament, there were seven participating teams. Each team would have to play
against every other team exactly once. How many games were playes altogether?

8. How many cubes are there in the figure given below?

9. There are 12 students standing in a line. The distance between every 2 students is the same.
Given that the length of the line is 22 metres, what is the distance between any 2 students?

10. Given that

What is the value of ?

11. A family of six is having dinner. Each person has a bowl of rice. Every two persons share a
bowl of vegetables. Every three persons share a bowl of soup. How many bowls are there in

12. Alan, Ben, Cathy and Dan are standing in a queue.

Alan: “There is one person in front of me”.

Ben: “There is one person behind me”.

Cathy: “There is nobody behind me.”

Who is first in the queue?

13. The diagram below shows two perfectly balanced scales.

How many         is/are needed to balance one ?

14. What is the value of B in the cryptarithm below?

15. Find the missing number.

16. When Alan is 6 years old, his dad is 33 years old. How old will Alan be when his dad’s age
is 4 times his age?

17. In which figure are there 32 circles?

18. Given that 7 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 34 and 8 + 8 + 9 + 9 = 34.

How many 4-digit numbers are there whose digits add up to 34?

19. What is the missing figure?

20. Cindy wrote the following number sequence on a pice of paper

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ..., 55, 56

How many times altogether did she write the digit “5”?

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