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Lundi 29/11

Trust is about believing in the future. Feeling of security.

First important thing:

To adapt yourself, let the other one comes

Stay yourself


Show some respect, don’t overact

Pay attention to the asymetry of information.


To sell Kedge to another student 1 minute.

Context : « c est de plus en plus diff trouver bon job »

Nowadays, we both know that competition is fierce on the job market

to get the job you want, you will have to stand out with your CV among the other graduates.

Proposal: l’organization:

What should you do? (That’s why) you should integrate KEDGE

Benefits/ advantages de ton proposal :

•Why? Because The school is ranked in the top 10 business schools in France

• This will be the added value for your resume

Besides, The partnerships between associations are strong

you will also develop your network

Set up (you should go on the website):

When? In conclusion, look on Kedge website now to find your master

and start your journey to get your dream job


Find a question to validate the interest.

Why do you want blue?

Bc it s a color of the French flag

You want a color of the French flag. I have red, is it okay for you?

Don’t ask a question that has not been asked.

Mardi 30/11

- Context today
- Proposal
- Benefit
- Set up
 Create the relation

Use diagrams to help summarize, tables, structure the info you found

Use tables, then comment.

18h45 7/12

The final price retail, revente, everybody know them

HBS: retail price/ price they purchased

Sales prices/purchase price

Sales at retrailer/out of the factory

Other party’s interest


To sell each product, 14000 appliances


For very high end product on dishwasher, at 800 euros, it will not be available for this year, but
for next year

Cleand&cold ne veulent pas que l’on achète à la concurrence

What issues and topic need to be resolved?

Ils veulent bcp vendre leur washing machines qui est high end, mais Robert Sinclat le product
manager is reluctant to pursue too many high end products from manufacturer
The german brand

Jeudi 2/12

A few tips for successful negotiation

Keep asking questions to really understand other’s interests

Don’t waste your tume on details at first

Frame the discussion before beginning negotiate

Organize your team by giving a role to everyone

If you wan to take, be ready to give at forst, to achieve successful transactions

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