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Laboratory Report

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Laboratory Report

8 ft up and go test

While conducting the 8 ft up and go test, I placed a chair next to a wall and marked 8 feet from

the chair. I, later on, cleared a straight path between the chair placed and the marker. Starting

from a position where I was seated with my hands resting on my knees, and my feet planted

firmly to the ground, I walked from the chair to the marker and back while timing the time taken

using a stopwatch. I did this for two more rounds. Since the test is a measure of speed, agility

and balance while moving the selected distance, my average time for the test was 1.323 seconds.

Compared to the average 65-year-old, who is estimated to have an average time of 4.3 seconds, I

am 2.977 seconds faster.

The 6 Minute Walk Test (6MWT)

The 6MWT involves measuring the distance taken to travel for 6 minutes. It is a test that was

derived from helping assess endurance and aerobic capabilities. While performing this test, I

managed to walk a distance of 650metres. In comparison, the estimate for a 65-year-old

individual is 480 meters. This difference is attributed to factors such as age difference, gender

and height.

Chair Sit and Stand Test

The sit and stand test is an exercise regimen used for stretching legs and an endurance training

exercise for older adults. The test was developed to mitigate the effects of continuous sit and

stand tests. While conducting the test, I alternated between sitting and standing on a chair for 30

seconds. The results I obtained were that I did ten repetitions of the exercise, while an average

65-year-old adult did 4.

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