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Another fitness test that I chose is the sit and reach, like push up, sit and reach

does not require special

equipment to do, all it needs is a tape measure or any other equipment with measurements attached to
it. What's needed. The Sit and reach test is one of the linear flexibility tests which helps to measure the
extensibility of the hamstrings and lower back. This test is important as because tightness in this area is
implicated in lumbar lordosis, forward pelvic tilt and lower back pain.

So I chose Ito because my back often hurts as much, because maybe sitting in the wrong position,
especially if it's been in the wrong position for a long time, so my back hurts. When I first did it, I only
reached a few inches and my knees rose when I reached for the measuring tape, so I really wanted it so
that I could be flexible. Just like the push up, I would like to continue to do it to improve my posture and
be flexible somehow. The beauty is also because it has many variations based on the examiner’s
preferences, ease of use, professional discipline, or tradition, rather than scientific evidence as there is
still no convincing proof or conclusively provided evidence of which test is the most appropriate to use.

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