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Ingco, Joy Margarette E.



A. Answer the PAR-Q honestly and follow the indicated direction.

The questionnaire will indicate whether you should check with your doctor before you
starta programme of physical activity. If you are over 69 years of age and you are not
used to being very active you should certainly check with your doctor. We will treat
all information confidentially.

1 Have you ever been diagnosed with a heart condition with advice from a ✓
doctor that you should only do physical activity recommended by them?
2 Have you ever felt pain in your chest whilst you were physically active? ✓
3 Have you ever felt chest pain whilst you were at rest? ✓
4 Do you ever feel faint or have dizzy spells? ✓
5 Do you have a joint problem that could be made worse by exercise? ✓
6 Have you ever been diagnosed with high blood pressure? ✓
7 Are you currently pregnant or have you had a baby in the last six months? ✓
8 Are you currently taking any medication or have any medical conditions that ✓
the instructor should be made aware of? If yes, please provide details:

Your privacy

Why do we collect this information from you? We use the information here to assess
your ability to take part in a programme of physical activity. I have read, understood and
completed this questionnaire. All questions have been answered to the best of my
knowledge. I confirm I have completed a gym induction

Name: Joy Margarette E. Ingco Signature:

Date: September 14,2021

B. Start memorizing the warm-up sequence do it three times a week for at least 30
minutes. On the third week answer the question below:

1. If you compare your experiences from day one up to the last day of the third
week session, what are the significant changed or an effect/s on your body,
feelings, and fitness performance?

During my first week of doing the three-warm-up sequence. I felt difficulty and
hard as well most especially during my week 1 because I have stopped exercising for a
long time due to the start of classes and I do not do it often. All I only do is simple
physical activities like stretching, jogging, and yoga. On the other hand, I have also skin
asthma allergy due to that I wasn’t able to perform well the said activity however I still did
my best as far as I can. As I did my assessment activity my observation is that I felt
difficulty in lifting my body because it was again my first time after a long period I have
stopped. Moreover, As I observed my body, I know that this simple assessment will help
me more to become physically fit. I still did my best and improved more as far as I can
because I know that this will enhance not only my body but also help me to become
physically fit.

On my second week of doing the activity I can see some changes from within I
still can see how hard it is for me to perform due to the fact that my whole body were in
pain and I can’t perform well. Moreover, I felt weight at the back of my body which is the
reason why I didn’t have the opportunity to do it perfectly. I observed that those warm-up
sequence can improve my body posture, enhance my flexibility, to have core strength,
and as well as diaphragm strengthening. Since I have asthma but according to my
research doing physical exercises can improve my life. However, I still have short in
breathing but I can still manage to do it and perform the activity not just for grades but
also for my body to be in a good and healthy lifestyle. Moreover, I had difficulty moving
my muscle which made my body in pain.

On my last week of doing the activity I feel motivated as well because as I had
observed my body, I feel that my body enhanced very well especially my posture and due
to the fact that I’m always not sitting properly, stress in school works and such. In doing
this task I had observed that my body really affect in a positive way. On my observation
my body was able to do more without being forced and for me that is the goal of this
activity by putting all your efforts not by the numbers you made. Physical Education is not
about a race to be done but a thing you should maintain and improved for your well-
being. So, during my last exercise I felt that my body is now used in doing this activity I
was able to experienced it at the same time but also it benefits me. So, to sum up with if
ever I had the chance to do it again I would because it really helps me cope my asthma
2. Can you name components of fitness that you think and feel are being

I think the components of fitness that I felt I was able to developed are:
Cardiovascular Endurance wherein I feel like I developed this component because for me
my body have the ability to keep up the exercises like jogging and so on and so forth. In
short, I was able to developed the beat of my heart, the flow of my blood vessels and as
well as my lungs I feel like I work for extended period of time. As well as the flexibility of
my body because for me this is the most important part of my activity and without this the
joints and muscles of my body would grow stiff and my movements will be limited.

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