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General Information

Project Number 0079-0244

Project Description Resurfacing, Bridge Rehabilitation, and Safety Improvements on I-691
Town(s) Southington and Meriden
Pavement Scope Description Composite Pavement Overlay Design (30 year)
Completed By Locore
Reviewed By Norton
Company Name CTDOT - Pavement Design Unit
Road Name I-691
Start Limit MP 1.91
End Limit MP 4.84
Pavement Surface Age 7 years

Link to PAVEXpress (an alternate pavement design tool):

Links to Pavement Interactive (free pavement information resource):

= automatically calculated/linked value (do not edit)

= user input

= solution(s)

= not applicable/invalid

= optional input

Disclaimer: Please use the spreadsheet(s) in a manner that best applies to your project while considering th
recommendations provided within this document. No claims of accuracy are made about the answers provi
this tool. CTDOT is not responsible for errors in calculation in this Rigid-Composite Design Tool.
ion Rigid-Composit

Safety Improvements on I-691

30 year)
• The Rigid-Composite Design Tool is intended to help engineers and desig
concrete) pavement design primarily for use on CTDOT projects, or other p
related projects as the information contained within represents good pavem

• This tool is also intended to be used in conjunction with CTDOT's ESAL C

provides a critical input to design a rigid or composite pavement. The ESAL
webpage at the link below:

• Additionally, this tool is only intended for rigid or composite pavement des
concrete) pavement structures. Procedures vary significantly for a paveme
Pavement Design Tool at the link above as needed.

• This tool follows AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures (199
guide may be purchased through the AASHTO bookstore at the following l
• All variables used in the calculation will be defined on each sheet. Comm

Rigid/Composite Pavement Design Concepts:

• PCC = Portland Cement Concrete
• AC = Asphalt Concrete (also referred to as Bituminous Concrete)
• Rigid Pavement = Pavement structure consisting of entirely concrete pav
base (Subbase, Processed Aggregate Base, other) material. See below fo
• Composite Pavement = Pavement structure consisting of asphalt/bitumin
as defined above.
• ESAL (Equivalent Single Axle Load) = This value is defined and calculate
Generally, the ESAL Calculator should be completed first, as it is one of th

Type of Rigid Pavements

ies to your project while considering the
racy are made about the answers provided by
gid-Composite Design Tool. Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement (JPCP):
This is the most common type of rigid pavement used today when conside
the pavement up into individual slabs separated by contraction joints. Slab
(maximum of 15 ft is the recommended value by CTDOT). JPCP does not

Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavement (JRCP):

JRCP is the most common type of rigid pavement that can be found on Co
the pavement up into individual slabs separated by contraction joints. How
JPCP slabs, so JRCP uses reinforcing steel within each slab to control with
in the U.S. due to some long-term performance problems.

Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP):

This type of rigid pavement uses reinforcing steel rather than contraction jo
tightly together by the underlying reinforcing steel.

Design Methodologies:

1. Rigid Pavement Design: Design method for determining the required sla
JPCP slabs, so JRCP uses reinforcing steel within each slab to control with
in the U.S. due to some long-term performance problems.

Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP):

This type of rigid pavement uses reinforcing steel rather than contraction jo
tightly together by the underlying reinforcing steel.

Design Methodologies:

1. Rigid Pavement Design: Design method for determining the required sla
loadings at a given level over a certain period of time (ESALs for the select
to any of the subsequent composite design methods listed below.

2. Composite Pavement Design:

a. AC over PCC Design Method; for:
• New composite pavement structure (new asphalt overlay over new
• Rigid pavement rehabilitation (new asphalt overlay over existing/ex
• Composite pavement rehabilitation (total removal and replacement
*This is the most common rehabilitation method performed by CT
b. AC over AC/PCC Design Method; for:
• Composite pavement rehabilitation (partial replacement of existing

Other Common Project Types:

• Consider a pavement project consisting of a mill and pave treatment with
shoulders. If the existing travel lanes are composed of asphalt over concre
required overlay thickness. A new flexible pavement design can be used fo
structure (see Flexible Pavement Design Tool spreadsheet).

• Pavement preservation projects are not designed to add structure, but ar
necessary to perform a rigid or composite pavement design – only an evalu
and can support the proposed preservation treatment is necessary. Examp
grinding, partial depth patching, joint resealing, etc.
Rigid-Composite Design Tool

nded to help engineers and designers complete a rigid (concrete) or composite overlay (asphalt over
se on CTDOT projects, or other projects where the CTDOT is involved. This may be used for non-DOT
ned within represents good pavement design practice in general.

onjunction with CTDOT's ESAL Calculator, which should be completed prior to using this tool as it
r composite pavement. The ESAL Calculator can be found on the CTDOT Pavement Design Unit


rigid or composite pavement designs, and is not to be used for design of flexible (asphalt/bituminous
es vary significantly for a pavement structure composed of full-depth asphalt. Please refer to the Flexible
as needed.

sign of Pavement Structures (1993) as closely as possible. A physical or digital download copy of the
SHTO bookstore at the following link:

be defined on each sheet. Commentary on each step is provided as well.


as Bituminous Concrete)
onsisting of entirely concrete pavement (typically PCC at 8"-12"), with or without underlying granular
se, other) material. See below for types of rigid pavements.
ture consisting of asphalt/bituminous concrete (typically HMA/PMA at 3"-5"+) overlaying a rigid pavement

his value is defined and calculated using the ESAL Calculator, which can be found at the link above.
completed first, as it is one of the main inputs in this Rigid-Composite Design Tool.

ement used today when considering new rigid pavement construction. JPCP controls cracks by dividing
arated by contraction joints. Slabs are typically one lane wide and between 12 ft and 20 ft long
alue by CTDOT). JPCP does not use any reinforcing steel but does use dowel bars and tie bars.

avement that can be found on Connecticut's existing roadway network. JRCP controls cracks by dividing
arated by contraction joints. However, these slabs are much longer (typically 40 feet in Connecticut) than
eel within each slab to control within-slab cracking. This pavement type is generally no longer constructed
mance problems.

ment (CRCP):
ng steel rather than contraction joints for crack control. Cracks typically appear every 3.5 – 8 ft are held
ng steel.

d for determining the required slab thickness to structurally support future/accumulated vehicle traffic
eel within each slab to control within-slab cracking. This pavement type is generally no longer constructed
mance problems.

ment (CRCP):
ng steel rather than contraction joints for crack control. Cracks typically appear every 3.5 – 8 ft are held
ng steel.

d for determining the required slab thickness to structurally support future/accumulated vehicle traffic
riod of time (ESALs for the selected design life). This is also the first step performed prior to moving on
n methods listed below.

re (new asphalt overlay over new concrete pavement)

w asphalt overlay over existing/exposed concrete pavement)
n (total removal and replacement of existing asphalt overlay on existing concrete pavement)*
bilitation method performed by CTDOT
n (partial replacement of existing asphalt layers over existing concrete pavement)

of a mill and pave treatment within the travel lanes of the roadway and full-depth widening of the
composed of asphalt over concrete, a composite pavement design should be performed to determine the
pavement design can be used for the widened shoulders, where there is currently no existing pavement
Tool spreadsheet).

designed to add structure, but are designed to extend the life of the pavement. Therefore, it is not
pavement design – only an evaluation of condition showing that the pavement is structurally adequate
on treatment is necessary. Example preservation treatments for rigid pavements include diamond
aling, etc.
General Information
Project Number 0079-0244
Project Description Resurfacing, Bridge Rehabilitation, and Safety Improvements on I-691
Town(s) Southington and Meriden
Pavement Scope Description Composite Pavement Overlay Design (30 year)
Completed By Locore
Reviewed By Norton
Company Name CTDOT - Pavement Design Unit
Road Name I-691
Pavement Surface Age 7 years


General Information

a. Structure Info

Step 1: Existing Pavement Design

b. Soil Analysis
b. Soil Analysis

Step 2: Traffic Analysis

Step 3: Condition Survey

Step 4: Deflection Testing (optional)

Step 5: Coring and Materials Testing (optional)

Step 6: Determination of Required Slab
Thickness for Future Traffic

Step 7: Determination of Effective Slab Thickness

of Existing Pavement
AC over PCC

Step 8: Determination of Overlay

AC over AC/PCC
(see diagram below)
eral Information Lege
= automatically calculated
ridge Rehabilitation, and Safety Improvements on I-691
d Meriden = user input
ement Overlay Design (30 year)
= solution(s)

ment Design Unit = not applicable/invalid

= optional input

blue text = example user notes to be

Parameter Variable Value Unit

Initial Serviceability Po 4.5

Terminal Serviceability Pt 2.5

Change in Present Serviceability Index (PSI) ΔPSI 2.0

Reliability Level R 95 %

Overall Standard Deviation So 0.35

Existing AC Surface Thickness Dac 5 inch

Proposed Milling Depth (AC over AC/PCC) 3 inch

Remaining AC Surface Thickness (AC over AC/PCC) Dac,adj 2 inch

Existing PCC Slab Thickness Dpcc 9 inch

Existing Processed Aggregate Base (PAB) Thickness 0 inch

Existing Subbase Thickness 10 inch

Type of Load Transfer Doweled

Type of Shoulder Bituminous

Existing Subgrade Resilient Modulus M[r] 9500 psi

Existing PAB Resilient Modulus M[r] N/A

Existing Subbase Resilient Modulus M[r] 15,000

Accumulated ESALs W18 25,796,362 ESALs

Design ESALs W18 38,694,544 ESALs

Number of Deteriorated Transverse Joints (per mile)

Number of Deteriorated Transverse Cracks (per mile)

Number of Deteriorated Reflection Cracks (per mile)

Number of Full Depth AC Patches and Expansion Joints (per mile)

Number of Localized Failures

PCC Durability (Yes/No)

Evidence of Faulting/Pumping of Fines or Water (Yes/No)

Mean Rut Depth

This step can be skipped, but it is strongly recommended by AASHTO. Check to see if TSD, FWD, HWD
data is available for the project section and if backcalculations can be done to determine existing pavement
response for inputs in Step 6. Testing can be done if no existing deflection data is available. The intent is to
measure slab deflection basins along the project (100 - 1000 foot intervals) to estimate effective k-value and
the concrete's elastic modulus (Ec) below.

This step can be skipped, but it is strongly recommended by AASHTO. Check to see if coring data is
available for the project section. If not, it is recommended to pursue coring options. The intent of the
pavement coring is two-fold. The first is to determine the existing asphalt overlay thickness (for composite
sections only) and select an appropriate mill depth. The second is to collect slab samples for the purpose of
performing indirect tension testing and computing the indirect tensile strength of the concrete, which can
then be used to estimate the modulus of rupture (S'c) below.
Modulus of Subgrade Reaction (Composite Static k-Value) k 461 pci

Concrete Compressive Strength f'c 3500 psi

Concrete Elastic Modulus Ec 3,372,165 psi

Concrete Modulus of Rupture S'c 600 psi

Load Transfer Coefficient J 3.2

Drainage Coefficient Cd 1

Loss of Support LS 0

Design Serviceability Loss PSI 2.0

Overall Standard Deviation So 0.35

Reliability R 95 %

Required Slab Thickness Df 12.71 inch

Design Slab Thickness 13.00 inch

Joint and Crack Adjustment Factor Fjc 1.00

Durability Adjustment Factor Fdur 1.00

Fatigue Damage Adjustment Factor Ffat 0.97

AC Quality Adjustment Factor Fac 1.00

Effective Slab Thickness of Existing Pavement (AC over PCC) Deff 8.73 inch
Effective Slab Thickness of Existing Pavement (AC over AC/PCC) Deff 11.50 inch

Required Overlay Thickness Dol INVALID inch

Design Overlay Thickness INVALID inch

Additional Required Overlay Thickness Dol 2.48 inch

Total Required Overlay Thickness 7.48 inch

Resulting Required Overlay Thickness 5.48 inch

Design Overlay Thickness 5.50 inch

= automatically calculated value (do not edit)

= user input

= solution(s)

= not applicable/invalid

= optional input

= example user notes to be removed or replaced

User Notes (see legend) Variable Definition

Initial design serviceability index

Terminal design serviceability index

Difference between initial and terminal design serviceability index


Combined standard error of the traffic prediction and performance pre

Minimum value recorded from coring results N/A

Determined from cores; depth selected to remove poor

bond between lifts/deteriorated layer


Reinforced (wire mesh) N/A


Average value taken from typical section plan sheet of

Project No. 0079-0176

Types of load transfer: Doweled mechanical devices, aggregate interl

Types of shoulders: Bituminous, tied PCC

Definitive material property used to characterize roadbed soil for pave

Sand/Gravel with Fines and is a measure of the elastic property of soil recognizing certain non
Estimated material property of typical CT granular base materials

Predicted number of 18-kip equivalent single axle load applications ov

selected design life (determined with the ESAL Calculator linked on th
sheet and in the adjacent cell).

Design ESALs = Rigid ESALs = Accumulated ESALs x 1.5









Core Sampling Guidance

Minimum recommended # of cores to

take (per direction)
Mainline: 10-12 cores
Transverse Joints: 4-6 cores
Shoulders: 2-4 cores
Estimates the composite of support for the subgrade and granular bas
below the concrete pavement. The k-value is estimated by using the M
Step 1b; see adjacent cell for instruction on how to perform the calcula

The capacity of the concrete to withstand compression

The ability of the concrete to return to its original shape or size after b
or squeezed (measures flexibility rather than strength)

The amount of compression and force the concrete can withstand and
to bending

The ability of the concrete to transfer load across discontinuities such

Determined through the quality of drainage and the percent of time (a
pavement structure is normally exposed to moisture levels approachin
The potential loss of support arising from granular base erosion and/o
vertical soil movements

See General Info, above

See General Info, above

See General Info, above

For rigid pavement without an asphalt overlay, round up to nearest ha

shown in the "Design Slab Thickness" row below. For a composite ove
spreadsheet uses the Df calculated value directly to complete Steps 7

Final solution for rigid pavement design

Adjusts for the extra loss in PSI caused by deteriorated reflection crac
overlay that will result from any unrepaired deterioration

Adjusts for the extra loss in PSI of the overlay when the existing slab h

Adjusts for past fatigue damage that may exist in the slab

Adjusts the existing AC layer's contribution to Deff based on the qualit


Deff = Dpcc*Fjc*Fdur*Ffat
Deff = (Dpcc*Fjc*Fdur)+[(Dac/2.0)*Fac]

Dol = A*(Df-Deff); where:

A (PCC Thickness Deficiency) = 2.2233 + 0.0099*(Df-Deff)^2 - 0.1534
6" PMA S0.5 (three equal lifts) Traffic Level 3, on
Final solution for composite pavement design (AC over PCC)
1.5" PMA S0.375 Traffic Level 3
Dol = A*(Df-Deff); where:
A (PCC Thickness Deficiency) = 2.2233 + 0.0099*(Df-Deff)^2 - 0.1534

Dac = 5" existing overlay depth Total = Dol (Additional) + Dac (asphalt thickness before milling)

Dac,adj = 2", where 3" mill depth proposed Resulting = Total - Dac,adj (asphalt thickness after milling)

2.5" PMA S0.5 Traffic Level 3, on

Final solution for composite pavement design (AC over AC/PCC)
3" PMA S0.5 Traffic Level 3
Variable Definition


terminal design serviceability index

e traffic prediction and performance prediction

ed mechanical devices, aggregate interlock, CRCP

s, tied PCC

ed to characterize roadbed soil for pavement design

c property of soil recognizing certain nonlinear
typical CT granular base materials

uivalent single axle load applications over the

ed with the ESAL Calculator linked on the previous

= Accumulated ESALs x 1.5

ore Sampling Guidance

Approximate core spacing

(varies based on project/section length)
Mainline: 0.25-0.5 mile
Transverse Joints: 1 mile
Shoulders: 1-2 miles
pport for the subgrade and granular base layers
The k-value is estimated by using the M[r] values in
nstruction on how to perform the calculation.

o withstand compression

eturn to its original shape or size after being stretched

lity rather than strength)

nd force the concrete can withstand and its resistance

ansfer load across discontinuities such as joints or

y of drainage and the percent of time (annually) the

y exposed to moisture levels approaching saturation
rising from granular base erosion and/or differential

asphalt overlay, round up to nearest half inch as

ckness" row below. For a composite overlay, the
lated value directly to complete Steps 7 and 8.

ment design

SI caused by deteriorated reflection cracks in the

y unrepaired deterioration

SI of the overlay when the existing slab has durability

e that may exist in the slab

contribution to Deff based on the quality of the AC


= 2.2233 + 0.0099*(Df-Deff)^2 - 0.1534(Df-Deff)

pavement design (AC over PCC)

= 2.2233 + 0.0099*(Df-Deff)^2 - 0.1534(Df-Deff)

(asphalt thickness before milling)

phalt thickness after milling)

pavement design (AC over AC/PCC)

Default value for rigid pavements

Use a value of 2.5 for all functional classifications, except collectors (urban/rural, major or minor) and local roads which may us
value of 2.0

Value is calculated automatically

Use a value of 95% for Interstates/Expressways (limited access), and use 90% for all other lower functional classifications
(unlimited access) as defined in the ESAL Calculator

Default value selected (AASHTO allows 0.35 to 0.40 for rigid pavement design)

Determine the existing pavement structure from as-built/legacy construction plans, field tests (coring/exploratory milling/test pits
surficial soils map, etc. and make a conservative assessment based on the available information

Double click for M[r] values:

Gravels = 10,000-12,000 psi

Tills = 10,000 psi (This is the default value, unless there is clear information to use another value)
Sands = 7,500-10,000 psi (The low end is for silty/clayey sands, the high end is for gravelly sands)
Silts = 6,000-7,500 psi
Clays = 4,000-6,000 psi
The resilient modulus for granular base can be estimated using the following equation:

M[r] (psi) = 30,000*(ai/0.14)^3

For ai = 0.14 (PAB), M[r] = 30,000 psi

For ai = 0.11 (Subbase), M[r] = 15,000 psi

Please use the calculated Accumulated ESALs value from the ESAL Calculator, which can be found at the link below:

Please fill in the green cells after a review of roadway images (Google, Bing, Mapillary, CTDOT Photolog, etc.) within the propo
project limits, based on the most recent pavement condition (when distresses are clearly observable) or a field survey. Note tha
term "deteriorated" refers to medium/high severity distresses.

For guidance on how to determine various types of concrete pavement distresses and deterioration severity levels, refer to the

Distress Identification Manual (FHWA):

Concrete Pavement Distress Assessments and Solutions (Iowa State University - CP Tech Center):

Please coordinate with the Pavement Design Unit for available TSD data.

Please see the link below for available coring data (authorized login required - coordinate with the Pavement Design Unit):

ArcGIS Enterprise - Core Samples Collector
Double click for k-value calculation process:

1. Navigate to the following website:

The default value chosen reflects the minimum specified 28-day compressive strength from the CTDOT standard specifications
where a new1"
2. For "Step rigid pavement
of the design is
Static K-Value being performed.
Calculator, enter theThis valueSubgrade
Existing may be changed
Resilientfor a rigid/composite
Modulus from Step pavement
1b (above).rehabilitatio
project if additional testing is done to confirm the existing concrete compressive strength.
3. For is
Value "Step 2" of the
calculated calculator, use
automatically thef'c,
using drop down
where arrow
a new to set
rigid the Layer
pavement 1 Material
design is beingas performed.
Can(Granular) Subbase".
also be backcalculated
deflection measurements or estimated from indirect tensile strength (as described in Step 4) for a rigid or composite pavement
4. For "Step 2"
rehabilitation of the calculator, enter the Existing PAB Resilient Modulus or the Existing Subbase Resilient Modulus value from
Step 1b (above). This should be 30,000 for PAB or 15,000 for Subbase.
Default value of 600 psi is the assumed mean.
5. Ifcan beare
there estimated by of
two types testing for indirect
granular tensile in
base material strength (psi) of
the existing core samples
pavement (Stepfill5):
structure, outS'c = 210
Layer + 1.02*(IT)
2 corresponding to the remai
S'c can also
granular basebetype
(PAB orbySubbase).
backcalculating the Ec of PCC by using the following equation: S'c = 43.5*(Ec/10^6)+488.5

6. Click value for jointed
the Calculate and in
button dowelled concrete
"Step 3". with
Take the asphalt shoulders
Composite Static k-Value and enter it into this spreadsheet.

Default value

Default value. For composite pavement overlay design, the slab is assumed to be fully supported (LS = 0)

Linked value (General Info, above)

Linked value (General Info, above)

Linked value (General Info, above)

This value can be checked by using the nomograph on AASHTO93 II-44. Additionally, the links to PAVEXpress and Pavement
Interactive on the previous tab can be utilized as an alternative to this tool or a confirmation check.

The default value is 1.00 and assumes deteriorated joints and cracks will be full-depth repaired prior to the overlay

The default value is 1.00 and assumes there are no signs of PCC durability issues. If there are such issues, this value may be
adjusted according to AASHTO93 III-123.

The default value is 0.97 and assumes few transverse cracks/punchouts exist (none caused by "D" cracking or reactive aggreg
distress). If a significant number of transverse cracks/punchouts exist, this value may be adjusted according to AASHTO93 III-1

The default value is 1.00 and assumes distresses related to the AC layer are eliminated by surface milling/patching. If AC mate
distresses exist after all surface repairs are completed, this value may be adjusted according to AASHTO93 III-135.
Does not account for the surface milling depth

This value is calculated automatically and represents the total AC thickness required on top of the concrete. Please round up to
nearest half inch as shown in the "Design Overlay Thickness" row below.
If the Remaining AC Surface Thickness (Dac,adj) in Step 1 is greater than 0, this output will read "INVALID". See solution below
Please use an overlay thickness of at least 5", even if the Design Overlay is calculated to be less.
This value is calculated automatically and represents the additional AC thickness to add to the existing AC overlay (before millin
It is not the total overlay thickness.
This value is calculated automatically and represents the total AC thickness required on top of the concrete (see diagram below
Please use an overlay thickness of at least 5", even if the Total Required Overlay is calculated to be less.
This value is calculated automatically and represents the AC thickness required to be placed after any proposed milling of the
existing surface. Please round up to the nearest half inch as shown in the "Design Overlay Thickness" row below.

If the Remaining AC Surface Thickness (Dac,adj) in Step 1 is equal to 0, this output will read "INVALID". See solution above.
AASHTO93 Reference (or Other)
I-6 to I-9, 1.2 to 1.3

I-6 to I-9, 1.2 to 1.3

I-6 to I-9, 1.2 to 1.3

I-53 to I-64, Chapter 4

II-9, 2.1.3, Table 2.2
I-5, 1.2
I-62, 4.3

III-113 to III-125, 5.6 (AC overlay of PCC), or

III-125 to III-136, 5.7 (AC overlay of AC/PCC)

Note that all Steps in this tool refer back to these primary sections of the AASHTO design guide which detail the full
rehabilitation procedure. If any instruction in the spreadsheet is incomplete or unclear, refer to these pages.

I-6, 1.2 and I-13 to I-15, 1.5

II-12 to II-15, 2.3.1
Geotechnical Aspects of Pavements Reference Manual (FHWA, Table 5.34):

I-5, 1.2
I-10 to I-13, 1.4
I-54 to I-55, 4.1.3

III-115 to III-117 (AC overlay of PCC)

III-117 to III-120 (AC overlay of PCC)

III-120 (AC overlay of PCC)

II-37 to II-44, 3.2.1, Figure 3.3
II-17 to II-22, 2.3.5, Figure 2.6 or 2.7

CTDOT Form 818, Table M.03.02-1

II-16, 2.3.3

II-16 to II-17, 2.3.4

II-25 to II-27, 2.4.2, Table 2.6

II-22 to II-26, 2.4.1, Table 2.5

II-27, 2.4.3, Table 2.7

II-42, Figure 3.6

See above

See above

See above

II-44 to II-46, 3.2.2, Figure 3.7

III-121 to III-124, Figure 5.12






AASHTO93 Reference (or Other)
II-10 to II-11, 2.2.1

II-10 to II-11, 2.2.1

II-10 to II-11, 2.2.1

III-82, 5.2.15

II-9 to II-10, 2.1.3

of PCC), or
of AC/PCC)

er back to these primary sections of the AASHTO design guide which detail the full
struction in the spreadsheet is incomplete or unclear, refer to these pages.

II-31 to II-35, 3.1.1 to 3.1.4

III-91 to III-97, 5.3.4 to 5.4.5
ments Reference Manual (FHWA, Table 5.34):


II-7 to II-9, 2.1.2

II-31 to II-35, 3.1.1 to 3.1.4

III-129 (AC overlay of AC/PCC)

III-129 to III-132 (AC overlay of AC/PCC)

III-132 (AC overlay of AC/PCC)

III-120 to III-121

III-121 or III-133
III-135, 5.7.6

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