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Reactivation of the API RP 14F rewrite Task Group

December, 2006

Ladies and Gentlemen;

As you remember, our rewrite cycle was interrupted by a very nasty hurricane that
devastated the New Orleans area and caused untold personal hardships and extra work
effort for the New Orleans and Houston members of this Task Group, including me. This
storm was followed by another hurricane that caused additional damage East of Houston
and further devastated oil and gas facilities both onshore and offshore.

Since these storms, I have inquired twice about whether the membership was able to
continue the effort. The first answer was “NO!” The second answer was “Yes, after the
first of the year”, with all responding members able to participate by then.

Let me take a few minutes to discuss the history of this revision cycle, the revision
process we are following, where we are in that process, and our next steps.

Process and History

The process we are following consists of eight basic steps:

1. Proposals are submitted by interested parties

2. Proposals are reviewed by a task group and revisions made. Report on
these proposal actions is published and sent to proposal submitters,
interested parties, and ballot committee
3. Comments are submitted on the task group actions
4. Comments are considered by the task group and additional revisions
made. Report on these comment actions is published and sent to proposal
submitters, comment submitters, interested parties, and ballot committee
5. Revised RP 14F is balloted by API
6. Ballot negative comments are addressed
7. Re-ballot is conducted if necessary
8. Document is published

Progress to date

Our detailed schedule before the storm was:

1. Determine task group membership(30 July)

2. Issue call for proposals with schedule and process (20 August)
3. Hold organizational meeting (1 October)
4. Proposal cutoff date (1 November)
5. Proposal review meetings (January/February, 2005)
6. Report on proposals publish date (15 March)
7. Comment cutoff date (15 May, 2005)
8. Comment review meetings (July/August, 2005)
9. Report on comments publish date (1 September, 2005)
10. API Ballot
11. Resolve negative ballots
12. API edit
13. API publish

Current step:

As of this time, we have completed the above detailed schedule items up through step 7.
Comments on Proposals were received by 15 May 2005.

The next step is to publish the comments that were received (in progress by yours truly),
meet to discuss them, and determine our action on those comments to the proposals.

Our Comment review meeting (step 8. above) is scheduled for 16 and 17 May 2007, in
Houston Texas. The specific location for that meeting is presently under discussion.

API Web Site

The API web site address is

Our Task Group information can be found at that site.

Old Business

I have retired as of 31 January and David Burns has relieved me as Chairman of this Task
Group. I am sending out this email in support of him.

Frank Stone


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