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Commercial Audio

Granada Cardenas Isabella, Mena Castillo Luis Fernando, Rosero Vera Laura Sofia,
Sanmiguel Vasquez Paula Andrea

Competence product, Colegio Mayor Santiago de Cali

Presented to the Competency Product Evaluation Committee


2022 - 2023
“MOR” - Commercial Audio 2

Problematizing question

How through our company can we generate creative and innovative ideas, but at the same
time get involved with the care of the environment and have a position in the market?

What is "MOR''?

"MOR" is a brand that will produce unisex clothing and accessories with custom prints,
creative and innovative designs inspired by the image and musical career of Salomon
Villada Hoyos, artistically known as Feid or Ferxxo which is a Colombian singer and music
producer. All our products will be developed with sustainable materials, because one of our
objectives is to take care of the environment, but also to avoid the appearance of allergies
and other skin problems related to the use of chemicals.

The term 'mor' is commonly used by the artist in his social networks as a diminutive of 'love'.
It is also the title of one of his most relevant albums, he chose the acronym "M.O.R", whose
meaning is: "Messages On Repeat" because according to him, there are 16 messages that
can be read again as many times as you want and with them Feid wants to help people to
better express their feelings and be clear about what they want.

This is why we chose this name for our brand. Besides being a striking name when
pronounced, it becomes sonorous and highly memorable.

Who created "MOR''?

Laura Sofía Rosero Vera, together with Isabella Granada Cardenas, Paula Andrea
Sanmiguel Vasquez and support from Luis Fernando Mena Castillo.
“MOR” - Commercial Audio 3


(Tension music plays in the background)

Fernando Mena: There are people who dress up in the most literal sense, they cover up,
hide, or put on clothes just because, they disguise themselves as what they are not or what
they want to look like. Don't be like them.

(For the tension music)

(“Feid -Castigo" song plays)

Laura Rosero: Celebrate what you are, show it, dress up. Dress with the flow of the hottest
artist of the moment. Dress with the latest music trends, with personalized, exclusive,
comfortable and versatile designs.

Paula Sanmiguel: In "MOR" in addition to having fully customized, creative and innovative
designs inspired by the image and musical career of Feid or Ferxxo, we guarantee 100%
care for the environment as all our products are developed with sustainable materials.

Isabella Granada: Be encouraged to dress with style, go to our website and
you can see all our products such as t-shirts, glasses, sweatshirts, hats, tote bags, and
much more.

(For the song)


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