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ELSEVIER Chemical Geology 118 ( 1994 ) 143-153

A procedure for calculating the equilibrium distribution of trace

elements among the minerals of cumulate rocks, and the
concentration of trace elements in the coexisting liquids I
J e a n H. B 6 d a r d
Geological Survey of Canada, Centre Gkoscientifique de Qug'bec, 2700 Einstein, CP 7500, Ste.-Fov Quk. G1 V 4C7, Canada
Received 1 December 1993; revision accepted 25 May 1994


Whole-rock trace-element analyses can be used in conjunction with partition coefficients and mineral modes to
calculate a liquidus-temperature equilibrium distribution of trace elements among the constituent minerals of
cumulate rocks. Once the concentration of a trace element in a given mineral phase is known, then the trace-
element concentration in the liquid that was in equilibrium with this mineral can be calculated if certain assump-
tions are made about the temperature and major-element chemistry of the liquid. The effects of a trapped melt
fraction (TMF) are accounted for by: ( 1) including in the calculation a phase (the trapped melt) with a mineral/
melt partition coefficient of 1; and (2) adjusting the rock's mode to reflect removal of the TMF. The method
yields results comparable to those given by mineral separation or in situ analysis for trace elements.

1. Introduction and concepts proportions and compositions of the minerals

that accumulated, and the proportion and com-
A common problem encountered in igneous position of the melt entrapped during crystalli-
petrology is that many intrusive rocks are not zation. Possible complicating factors include:
quenched liquids, but are crystal segregations or episodic expulsion of variably fractionated en-
cumulates [see Wager and Brown (1968) and trapped melt, reactions between entrapped melt
Irvine (1982) for reviews and definition of con- and the cumulate crystals, and post-cumulus me-
cepts and terminology ]. Liquid compositions are tasomatic reactions with migrating melt derived
needed for paleo-tectonic classification (e.g., from other parts of the cumulate pile.
Pearce and Cann, 1973, and see review in Wang The concentrations of elements in the liquids
and Glover, 1992), for determining whether or that coexisted with plutonic rocks can be esti-
not a suite of rocks belong to the same liquid line mated in three ways. One method is to separate
of descent, and for quantitative modelling of ig- the minerals using magnetic separators and heavy
neous processes. The chemistry of cumulate plu- liquids, with final hand-picking of grains under
tonic rocks is principally controlled by the modal a microscope. The mineral separates are then an-
alysed for the trace elements, and mineral/melt
[EW] partition coefficient data are used to calculate the
Geological Survey of Canada contribution No. 15393. liquid composition. There are many problems

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144 J.H. Bkdard / Chemical Geology 118 (1994) 143-153

Table 1
D-values used in calculations for Figs. 1-4 and A-l-A-3

CPX Refer- OPX Refer- Olivine Refer- PLAG Refer- Spinel Refer- ILM Refer- MT Refer- AMP Refer-
ence ence ence ence ence ence ence ence

La 0.0536 [11 0.016 [221 0.00044 [7] 0.042 [23] 0.0006 [8] 0.0072 [15] 0.029 [1.510.17 [5]
Ce 0.0858 [1] 0.04 [22] 0.0003 [7] 0.036 [23] 0.0006 [8] 0.00783 A 0.0217 A 0.26 [5]
Nd 0.1873 [1] 0.037 [22] 0.0002 [7] 0.029 [23] 0.0006 [8] 0.00847 A 0.0145 A 0.44 [5]
Sm 0.291 [1] 0.054 [22] 0.00018 [7] 0.022 [23] 0.0006 [8] 0.0091 [ 1 5 ] 0.0072 [15] 0.76 [5]
Eu 0.3288 A 0.063 [22] 0.0002 [7] 0.22 [23] 0.0006 [8] 0.0084 A 0.00635 A 0.88 [5]
Gd 0.367 A 0.097 [22] 0.00025 [7] 0.014 [23] 0.0006 [8] 0.0077 [ 1 5 ] 0.0055 [15] 0.86 [5]
Tb 0.404 A 0.094 [22] 0.000475 A 0.013 [23] 0.00105 A 0.00913 A 0.0063 A 0.83 [5]
Dy 0.442 [1] 0.1621 [22] 0.0007 [7] 0.013 [23] 0.0015 [8] 0.0106 A 0.0071 A 0.78 [5]
Ho 0.4145 A 0.1633 [22] 0.00122 A 0.013 [23] 0.0023 A 0.012 [15] 0.0079 [15] 0.73 A
Er 0.387 [I] 0.1816 [22] 0.00174 [7] 0.012 [23] 0.003 [8] 0.01625 A 0.0117 A 0.68 [5]
Tm 0.4085 A 0.259 [22] 0.00348 A 0.012 [23] 0.00375 A 0.0205 A 0.0155 A 0.64 A
Yb 0.43 [I] 0.2605 [22] 0.00522 [7] 0.012 [23] 0.0045 [8] 0.02475 A 0.01923 A 0.59 [5]
Lu 0.433 [I] 0.318 [22] 0.00852 [7] 0.012 [23] 0.0045 A 0.029 [15] 0.023 [15] 0.51 [5]
Ba 0.00068 [I] 0.0006 A 0.0005 A Eq.I [18] 0.0005 [3] 0.01 [13] 0.001 [16] 0.71 [5]
Sr 0.1283 [1] 0.062 [22] 0.016 [2] Eq. ll [18] 0.0005 [3] 0.7 [14] 0.4 [13] 0.64 [5]
Sc 3.9 [1] 1.4 [4] 0.25 [2] 0.02 [11] 0.048 [4] 1 A 1.3 [I3] 1.6 [5]
V 3.1 [1] 0.3 [2] 0.09 [2] 0.01 [13] 38 [4] 12 [4] 24 [13] 7 [21]
Cr 3.8 [1] 1.9 [8] 0.6 A 0.02 [13] 200 [8] 4 [I4] 20 16 0.34 [5]
Co 1.2 [2] 2 [4] 4 [4] 0.05 [11] 2 [4] 4 [14] 8 17 1.4 [5]
Ti 0.384 [1] 0.162 [9] 0.007 [9] 0.045 [4] 0.07 [9] 16 (~) I A 1 [20] ~
Ni 3 [2] 3.5 [8] Eq. IlI [8] 0.04 [4] 10 [8] 4 [14] 12 [4]1.6 [5]
Zr 0.1234 [1] 0.16 [22] 0.003 [9] 0.09 [11] 0.04 [9] 0.4 A 0.2 [13] 0.37 [11]
Hf 0.256 [I] 0.248 [22] 0.024 [4] 0.04 [11] 0.08 [6] 0.42 [13] 0.2 [13] 0.38 [5]
Nb 0.0077 [1] 0.004 A 0.01 [3] 0.001 [13] 0.01 [3] 2.3 [13] 0.7 [13] 0.1 [20]
Ta 0.07 [5] 0.07 [22] 0.02 [11] 0.03 [I1] 0.0001 [6] 2.7 [13] 0.8 [13] 0.1 [20]
Th 0.00026 [3] 0.0001 [3] 0.02 [I1] 0.05 [11] 0.001 [3] 0.1 A 0.19 [11] 0.038 [5]
U 0.00036 [3] 0.0001 [3] 0.03 [11] 0.05 [11] 0.001 [3] 0.1 A 0.26 [11] 0.08 [11]
Y 0.467 [1] 0.17 A 0.002 [2] 0.01 [4] 0.01 [3] 0.0045 [ 1 5 ] 0.0039 [15] 0.73 A,[20]
Rb 0.011 [3] 0.005 A 0.0005 A 0.08 [4] 0.0005 [3] 0.001 A 0.32 [11] 0.2 [5]
Cs 0.002 [4] 0.001 A 0.0001 A 0.1 [19] 0 A 0.0001 A 0.001 [16] 0.1 A
CPX -- clinopyroxene; OPX = orthopyroxene; PLAG = plagioclase; 1LM = ilmenite; MT = magnetite; AMP = amphibole. Most values are appro-
priate for liquidus-temperature basaltic liquids. Where nothing else was available, data from other magma types were used. Sources: [ 1 ] = Hart
and Dunn ( 1993 ); [2] =Frey et al. ( 1978 ); [3] =Hawkeswortb et al. ( 1993); [4] =Irving ( 1978); [5] =Irving and Frey ( 1984); [6] = Kostopoulos
and James ( 1992); [ 7] =Prinzhofer and All~gre ( 1985 ); [8] =Kelemen et al. ( 1990); [9] =Johnson and Dick ( 1992); [ 10] =Fujimaki et al.
(1984); [ l l ] = L e M a r c h a n d et al. (1987); [12]=Nakada and Kamata (1991); [ 1 3 ] = F u r m a n et al. (1991); [14]=Villemant et al. (1981):
[15] =Nielsen et al. (1992); [16] =Smith and Leeman (1987); [17]=Gill (1978); [18]=Blundy and Shimizu (1991); [19] =Romick et al.
( 1992 ); [20] = A d a m et al. ( 1992); [21 ] =calculated from data in B6dard et al. ( 1987 ); [22] =calculated from data in Lightfoot et al. ( 1c~93).
A = assumed, calculated, or interpolated to give smooth profiles. By fitting a straight line through a plot of available micro-probe data on TiO2 from
coexisting CPX and OPX in several hundred cumulate rocks of the Bay of Islands Complex, the following values were calculated: °px/liqDcr = cpx/
~'qDcr/2 and °px/liqDTi = cPx/liqDTi/2.4.NO Cr was detected in microprobe analyses of olivine. The value of °l/liqDcr was fixed so that it would yield
abundances just below the detection limit on the microprobe, and is therefore a maximum value. °~mqDB~and °~/~qDRb were fixed at values inferior
to those in OPX. °px/liqDNb w a s arbitrarily fixed at halfofCVx/liqDNb.The Plag/liqDRE E w e r e derived as follows. The ratio ofcpx/IiqDREE/plag/IiqDREEw a s
calculated from the analyses of mineral separates of Komor and Elthon ( 1990 ), assuming that CPX and PLAG crystallized together at equilibrium.
Ptag/~iqDrtEEwas calculated from these ratios and the cPx/tiqDrtEEdata of Hart and Dunn (1993). The resulting values were then corrected upward
slightly to force °lag/liqDLa into the range of data found in the literature. The calculated P~aS/~IqDHrtEE-valuesare lower than most data found in the
literature. The problems of inheritance of phenocrysts (Blundy and Shimizu, 1991 ), and the slow equilibration of REE in plagioclase, lead me to
favour the calculated values given here. The problem is particularly acute in the choice of P~as/~qDEu,since this value is a composite of two D-values
( Plag/liqDEu3+ and Plag/liqDEu2+ ), and depends on the temperature, the composition and the oxidation state of the melt (e.g., Philpotts, 1970; Drake
and Weill, 1975). Not surprisingly, the range of P~aS/~qDEu/PJaSmqDsmin published tabulations varies widely (1.6-290). °Px:~IqDREE._Zr._r~f.-T~.-Y.
r~b~d -C~were calculated the same way as V~S/I~qDREE,using the data in Lightfoot et al. ( 1993 ). The °tmqDN~was linked to the content of Fo in olivine
(eq.) as follows. °~/a'qDN~is a function of liquid composition, principally the MgO content (Budahn, 1986). His equation 5, based on the data of
Hart and Davies (1978), was used to link MgO in the liquid and °l/liqDNi. The FeO and MgO of the liquid line of descent for Bay of Islands rocks
was estimated from plots of analyses of the sheeted dykes and lavas (Siroky et al., 1985; Jenner et al., 1991 ) together with reasonable extensions to
higher MgO contents. Liquid and olivine FeO and MgO contents were linked by assuming an exchange reaction coefficient of 0.3 (Roeder and
Emslie, 1970). Eq. I, for Fo>0.65, °tDN~=-0.8480769X(100×FOo~)+87.37307692 (Foot is in molar fractions). Eq. I1:
PlaSDaa=exp[(lO.2-(38.2×lOO×An)]/(T×O.O08314) (Blundy and Shimizu, 1991; An is in molar fractions, T is in K). Eq. I11: Pl~gDs~
exp[ (26.8-- (26.7× 100×An) ] / ( T× 0.008314) (Blundy and Shimizu, 1991: An is in molar fractions, Tis in K ).
b Interpreted.
.1.11. Bbdard / Chemical Geology 118 (1994) 143-153 145

with this approach. First, considerable work is weight fractions), or by a least-squares method
involved in extracting sufficient amounts of ma- (Bryan et al., 1969 ) using the whole-rock major-
terial, especially when the rocks are fine-grained. element composition and microprobe data on
Secondly, the mineral separate may not be rep- minerals. For metamorphosed rocks, the inter-
resentative (Lutz, 1991), since it will tend to pretation ofpseudomorphic textures, norms and
over-sample the coarser grains and grain cores. a trial-and-error approach with the least-squares
Thirdly, since partition coefficients commonly mixing program should yield sufficiently accu-
vary with temperature (e.g., Ni in olivine; Hart rate estimates of the mode. A comparison of the
and Davies, 1978), post-cumulus re-equilibra- point-counting and least-squares methods for
tion may lead to significant redistribution of adcumulate rocks from Rhum, Scotland, U.K.
some elements. In addition, the minerals may (Tait, 1985 ) showed good agreement. However,
contain inclusions, and the effects of a trapped each approach has its pitfalls. For example, point-
melt fraction (TMF) are generally ignored. Fi- counting may provide erroneous modes if there
nally, this method is useless when minerals are is preferential alteration of one phase, if the rock
strongly altered or metamorphosed. is very heterogeneous or coarse-grained (making
Alternatively, the trace-element contents of the thin section unrepresentative), or if misi-
minerals may be analysed in situ by using an dentification of phases occurs. Where possible,
electron, ion or proton probe. This circumvents modes derived from point-counting should be
some of the difficulties outlined above, but the verified using a least-squares approach, to test for
problems of severe alteration or metamorphism, self-consistency. Conversely, metasomatic alter-
and post-cumulus re-equilibration remain. The ation during metamorphism, or systematic ana-
problem of the TMF can perhaps be avoided by lytical bias may invalidate the results of the least-
analysing relict cores, but post-cumulus anneal- squares approach. Least-squares results should
ing may destroy such relics. In addition, the elec- always be checked against the petrography, as has
tron probe is not suitable for analysis of trace been done for the results presented in later sec-
elements at very low concentration levels, while tions. In any case, the calculated liquid compo-
the ion and proton probes are expensive to op- sition is relatively insensitive to small variations
erate and their calibration is difficult. in the proportions of the constituent minerals
A simple method of calculating the composi- (see Appendix).
tion of the melts in equilibrium with a cumulate
rock is presented in the next section. An accurate
whole-rock analysis, modal abundances and a 2. Assumptions and concepts
consistent set of mineral/melt partition coeffi-
cient data are all that is required. A mineral/melt If the whole-rock concentration of trace ele-
partition coefficient, D, is simply the concentra- ments and the modal proportions of mineral
tion of an element in a mineral, divided by the phases are known, then it is possible to calculate
concentration of that element in the coexisting the equilibrium distribution of trace elements
liquid at equilibrium [the conventions advo- among the different minerals from mass balance.
cated by Beattie et al. (1993) were used in this Once we know the concentrations of trace ele-
paper ]. A large body of such data now exists for ments in one of the minerals, we can use min-
many different minerals and melts, and is stead- eral/melt partition coefficient data to calculate
ily improving in quantity and quality. A compi- the concentration of trace elements in the coex-
lation of such data thought to be appropriate for isting liquid. The discussion will center around
basaltic compositions at liquidus temperatures is cumulate rocks, but the method is applicable to
presented as Table 1. any solid-liquid system for which partition coef-
Modal data is commonly obtained either ficient data exist. Below, I discuss some of the
through point counting (followed by a correc- assumptions that underpin the approach, pres-
tion to transform volumetric fractions into ent the equations that allow the calculations to
146 J.H. B~dard / Chemical Geology 118 (1994) 143-153

Table 2
Phase proportions used in back-stripping the T M F to correct the solid assemblages


0.429 0,429 0.143

0.667 0,333
0.667 0,667 -0.333
0.333 0,333 0.333
0.429 0.286 0,429 - 0.143
2 -1
0.667 0.312 0.021
-0.5 0,5 1
-1 2
-0.5 0.236 0.264 1
0.214 0.214 0.071 0.236 0.264
O.98 0.O2

C P X =- clinopyroxene; O P X = orthopyroxene; PLAG = plagioclase; MT = magnetite; ILM = ilmenite; A M P = amphibole.

be made, and provide comparisons with in situ made. Adcumulus overgrowths and heteradcu-
analytical and mineral separate data. mulus oikocrysts are considered as "cumulus" in
The fundamental assumption made is that all the geochemical sense, and so are not included
of the minerals in a given rock crystallized from in the TMF. This because it is generally thought
the same melt at the same temperature; and that that they form while there is efficient exchange
equilibrium prevails. Undetected trace phases (advective or diffusive ) between the main body
(apatite, zircon, ilmenite) with high D-values, or of melt (infinite reservoir) and the interstitial-
post-cumulate metasomatism invalidate the cal- intracumulate melt at near-liquidus tempera-
culations. The consequences of modal variations tures (Wager and Brown, 1968). To allow the
of high-D trace phases were investigated by Ay- same D-values to be used throughout and to sim-
ers (1993), who developed a similar set of dis- plify the equations, I assume that the TMF was
tribution equations. sealed off from the main body of magma at near-
A question of particular importance is the de- liquidus temperatures.
gree to which the cumulates contain a TMF (e.g., In this paper the effects of a TMF are simu-
Barnes, 1986 ). If the TMF is neglected, then the lated by including in the calculations a phase (the
calculation overestimates the abundances of in- liquid) with D = 1, and calculating a series of liq-
compatible trace elements in the minerals and uid profiles for different TMF. The choice of
coexisting equilibrium liquids. In nature, the what TMF to use is arbitrary, but as we shall see
TMF crystallizes in the spaces between accumu- below, comparison with natural magmas and the
lated crystals, either as adcumulate overgrowths internal logic of the method supply some con-
(difficult to recognize optically), or as discrete straints. It is necessary to correct the mode to be
interstitial or reaction phases. A cumulate mush used in the calculation by removing the solid
may contain substantial volumes of interstitial products of the TMF from it. This is concep-
liquid immediately after accumulation. As the tually analogous to partial melting, and the same
mush cools, compacts and crystallizes, this inter- methodology can be applied. If trace phases are
stitial liquid is progressively expelled. During not involved, using a modal melting model to
expulsion, there may be continuous or episodic strip off the TMF precipitates produces results
re-equilibration between the escaping interstitial almost indistinguishable from a non-modal
melt and the cumulate minerals. The geochemi- melting model. Non-modal melting is probably
cal consequences of this process are difficult to more realistic, since trace phases (1-3%) will
model analytically unless some assumptions are generally disappear rapidly from the residue. This
J.H. Bkdard / Chemical Geology 118 (1994) 143-153 147

makes the eventual calculation of liquid compo- If we know the bulk-rock concentrations, C rock ,
sitions more robust. Where possible, experimen- and the modal abundances, ~ , we can solve the
tally determined cotectic proportions of min- equation and obtain the concentration of an ele-
erals should be used in the non-modal melting ment in a given mineral since:
calculation. Some data and some reasonable ap- CCpX = C°px (cpx/liqDi/°px/liqDi) (3)
proximations of trapped melt extraction modes
are given in Table 2. A reaction relationship is = cplag(cpx/liqDi/plag/liqD/)
assumed to exist between OPX and OL and
By substituting equations of this type (Eq. 3 )
into Eq. 2 we can eliminate all but one of the un-
A correction to the mode and modal assem- knowns (C minera'). For example, expressing the
blage may be required to compensate for subso-
concentrations of element i in OPX and PLAG
lidus exsolution. For basaltic systems, the most
in terms of CPX, we obtain the concentration of
significant exsolution occurs among the pyrox-
i in CPX:
enes. Common sense allows a simple correction
to be made for each rock being modelled. For ex- CCpx = c r o c k / ( 0 c p x ~ ~j°px°px/liqDicpx/liqDi
ample, a rock that contains a small proportion of
low-Ca orthopyroxene (e.g., <5%) as small
blebs, and a large amount of coarse-grained high- (~plagPlag/liqDi + -~tm
- x (4)
Ca clinopyroxene ( > 70%), was probably a cli- cpx/liqoi cpx/liqDiJ
nopyroxene cumulate affected by subsolidus
exsolution of orthopyroxene. In practice, the or- We solve for the other minerals in similar fash-
thopyroxene is added to the clinopyroxene mode, ion, for example:
and orthopyroxene disappears from the assem-
COpx=crock/(oopx q Ocpxcpx/liqDiopx/liqDi
blage. Where both pyroxenes are abundant and
in subequal proportions, it is probably safer to
assume that both are cumulate phases. "q"~ plagplag/liqo i -~ _O_'m (5)
opx/liqDi opx/liqDi J
These equations can easily be solved using any
3. Equations of the commercial spreadsheets available. The
advantage of this formulation is that the same
By mass balance, the concentration of an ele- equations can be used unchanged throughout the
ment i in a multi-phase assemblage can be ex- TMF stripping process, simply by setting omrf= 0
pressed as the sum of the products of the modal when a given mineral disappears from the resid-
proportions ~ (as mass fractions of 1 ) times the ual assemblage.
concentrations C, of element i, in a mineral or
phase j, of which there are n in the assemblage
(Eq. 1 ). A gabbro-norite is used as an example 4. Comparison with in situ analyses, mineral
(Eq. 2 ), but the series can be expanded or short- separates and natural magmas
ened to accomodate any number of phases. The
phase labelled tm is trapped melt, which has a D Whenever possible, data from mineral sepa-
of 1. rates and in situ analysis should be used in con-
junction with the equilibrium distribution

X~d~ C J,., - -- C ,r°ck

~ , (1)
method to help calibrate the D-values to the P -
j=l T - X conditions appropriate to those being mo-
CT°ck = (O cpxc~px) + (0 opxCOpX) (2) delled. Some of the D values presented in Table
1, were derived empirically (see caption of Ta-
+ (0plagc plag) + ( 0 t m c l iq) ble 1 for details) from the large data set now
148 J.H. Bbdard I Chemical Geology 118 (1994) 143-153

available from rocks of the Bay of Islands com- sif were calculated using the equilibrium
plex, Newfoundland, Canada, and may not be distribution method. The calculations used un-
appropriate for other suites (e.g., alkaline published whole-rock and mineral analyses. Us-
basalts). ing the D data of Table 1, the calculated concen-
The Ti contents of clinopyroxenes calculated trations in clinopyroxene and plagioclase from
with the equilibrium distribution method is two gabbro-norites are compared (Fig. 2 ) to val-
compared to electron microprobe analyses in Fig. ues measured (Komor and Elthon, 1990) in
1 (the D-values used and the methods by which mineral separates of gabbroic rocks from the
they were derived are given in Table 1 ). The cal- same ophiolitic massif. The calculated profiles
culations used whole-rock X-ray fluorescence show reasonably good matches with the mea-
(XRF) analyses and modes obtained by a least- sured profiles. This supports the hypothesis that
squares fit of probe analyses of the minerals to the two gabbro-norites used in these calculations
major-element whole-rock XRF analyses (with are cogenetic with the suite studied by Komor
concurrent petrographic verification), assuming and Elthon (1990).
0% and 5% TMF. The rocks and minerals used Shown in Fig. 3 are a series of liquid profiles
are from published and unpublished analyses calculated to be in equilibrium with lower-crus-
from the peridotites, pyroxenites and gabbros tal ultramafic cumulate wehrlite 8911 and dun-
from the North Arm Mountain massif of the Bay ite 8863 from the North Arm Mountain massif.
of Islands ophiolite (B6dard, 1991 and refer- Profiles for different TMF are shown, the cu-
ences therein). The fit is fairly good. Using the mulate mode having been corrected using the
5% TMF values gives better fits for the more TMF extraction modes shown in the insets. The
primitive rocks, while 0% TMF gives better fits profiles are normalized to mid-ocean ridge ba-
for the more evolved (Fe-rich) rocks. This may salt (MORB) (data mostly from Sun and Mc-
reflect a change in the absolute value of Px/~iqDT~ Donough, 1989) and compared with naturally
as the liquid compositions evolve. occurring boninitic magmas (data from Coish,
Rare-earth element (REE) profiles in the con- 1989; Falloon et al., 1989; Murton, 1989; Har-
stituent minerals of granular, "cumulate" gab- nois et al., 1990; Swinden et al., 1990; Falloon
bro-norites from the North Arm Mountain mas- and Crawford, 1991; Stern et al., 1991 ). Several

12000 m /////.
• 0% TMF ,-" [] ~] • O%~F
1OOOO- [-'7 5 0 TMF ./
) /'z3
Dcpx/liq = 0.384
~z~ 1 oop~iq_-0.~ //" •

•/ " o
.~ 6000- ///

~J • / " / / " miraa


ix 2000-

o 260o 4ooo ~ 8ooo 1o6o0 l=ooo 14000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 ~ 3000 3500
(a) Ti (ppm) in CPX from Kd and modal data (b) Ti (ppm) in CPX from Kd and modal data

Fig. 1. Ti ( p p m ) in CPX calculated by the equilibrium distribution method (0% and 5% T M F ) , vs. probe analyses for Ti in
CPX for the same rocks. The diagonal line is a 1: 1 correspondence. Ti in the minerals was analysed on a wavelength-dispersive
Cam6ca ® Cam6bax, with an accelerating voltage of 10 kV and a beam intensity of 29 nA. Rutile was used as a standard. Long
counting times (25 s) were used because of the low abundances. Whole-rock TiO2 was analysed by conventional X RF techniques
on fused glass pellets at the Canadian Geological Survey laboratories in Ottawa.
J.H. B#dard / Chemical Geology 118 (1994) 143-I53 149

LOG GN8819

lo ............................... . ....... o

j. f" ....... .... ................

"" KE90

x ,if!

1 '/
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd To Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
(a) (b)


, *!! =~ KE90

..i.......~.~... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 -'k. ~"
GN 8862


~,-,,'-~. ..................... j
"'." . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . KEg0 ,. °/oJM "~
............... _-_"_-_-_-_-_-_._.___. ; #,

0.1 J 0.1 [~ . . . . . . .~. . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ "'

(C) ~ Ce Nd Sm Eu C.,-d Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb L (d) ~ Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd To Dy Ho Er Tm "Co Lu

Fig. 2. Comparison of calculated and measured rare-earth element profiles. The curves+symbols represent calculated REE pro-
files in clinopyroxenes (A and B) and feldspars (C and D), from two gabbro-norites of the North Arm Mountain massif of the
Bay of Islands ophiolite. These profiles were calculated for different TMF. Whole-rock REE analyses of 8819 and 8862 were
done by ICP-MS (20 ppb detection limit) at the Canadian Geological Survey laboratories in Ottawa by N. Bertrand. The modes
were calculated from the whole-rock major-element analyses (XRF) and probe analyses of the minerals, using a least-squares
method (Bryan et al., 1969) with a program written by O. Stecher. The thin dotted lines labelled KE90 are profiles of mineral
separates from the "uniform" gabbros of Komor and Elthon (1990). These mineral separates were analysed by instrumental
neutron activation analysis (INAA).

interesting insights can be gained from such pro- ments, and so cannot have formed from a
files. For example, the calculated liquids have MORB-like magma. If 0% TMF is assumed, both
very low abundances of most incompatible ele- calculated profiles have excessively high large ion
150 J.H. BOdard I Chemical Geology 118 (I 994) 143--153
i 0-1.98"1o CPX,'PIJOL = 0.43/0.43/0.14 (b) ..t~ 0-6.3"1,, CPX/OPX/OlJSP = .66L66/-.33/0
LOG 2°I~3'~ ca 1.98-7°1. CPX,'OL = 0.666/0.333 ca. 6.3*1o-8.4% CPX/OL./SP = .671.33/0
>8.4% OL/SP .98/.02
O 7
t~. \ L. -Ca I DUNITE 8863 III
2"/0D . . : ~ k ~ ,.. i I
3 D. ~..' "El
O' I!I::::D-" ~'t 8 5 t~ "~i~'.'~'.. '~"t~ CALCULATED LIQUIDS


8911 ROCK
', °0.,,2
0.01 i , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,--
Rb Th Ce Nd Eu Gd Dy Ho Tm Lu Rb Th Ce Nd Eu Gd Dy Ho Tm Lu
(a) Cs Ba La Sr Sm "l'i Tb Y Er Yb (b) Cs Ba La Sr Sm Ti Tb Y Er Yb

Fig. 3. MORB-normalized spidergram normalized to MORB, for liquids calculated to be in equilibrium with wehrlite 8911 (a)
and dunite 8863 (b) (Bay of Islands complex) at different TMF. Trapped melt extraction modes shown in inset.

lithophile element (LILE) contents for equilib- loo

rium with either MORB or boninitic magmas. LOG TRAPPED MELT EXTRACTION MOD E
C PX/OPX/PL = 0.3/0.3/0.3
However, for moderate TMF ( ~ 5%), the cal-
culated profiles closely resemble modern bonin- ©
0%tin ~ ( GABBRO-NORITE 8819 i

ites, suggesting that both of these rocks are cu- 3 "{~ "
mulates from boninitic magmas. This -~
= ~-" "-..~,,'\b~ CALCULATED LIQUIDS
comparison allows the "efficiency" of melt ex-
traction from the cumulates to be estimated. ~ ~ : ~ l ~ ' ' . .: . ~ --:( :::![~
9 " : /" !~=
' t ;~;:' ~. ::; : ;;;.
~ ;;; ::: ...
TMF around 5% gave good fits for six different ~1
peridotite cumulates, and so this value of the u
TMF was then used for all the rocks in this suite.
A different example is shown in Fig. 4; here,
an evolved gabbro-norite (8819) is examined, o~
The calculated liquids have smooth MORB-nor- Rb Th Ce Nd Eu Gd Dy Ho Tm Lu
Cs Ba La Sr Sm Ti Tb Y Er Yb
malized profiles with calculated abundances that
are slightly higher than N-MORB. This is consis-
tent with this rock's Fe-rich, relatively fraction- Fig. 4. MORB-normalized spidergram for liquid profiles cal-
ated mineralogy. The high MORB-normalized culated to be in equilibrium with gabbro-norite 8819. Notes
LILE abundances may suggest an arc affinity. as per Fig. 3.

ferent approaches should be used in conjunc-

5. Discussion and conclusions tion. The advantages of the equilibrium distri-
bution method lie in its low cost and ease of
Comparisons between the different ap- application, and in its ability to compensate for
proaches discussed above suggest that, in the ab- a trapped melt fraction, which the in situ analyt-
sence of other data, the equilibrium distribution ical approaches cannot do. In some senses the
method is probably an acceptable means of de- equilibrium distribution method may be supe-
termining the trace-element concentrations of rior to the other approaches, since liquidus-tem-
phases in cumulate rocks and of the liquids in perature distributions can be determined (re-
equilibrium with them. Where possible the dif- moving the effects of post-cumulus re-
J.H. Bkdard / Chemical Geology 118 (1994) 143-153 151

equilibration), and there is no danger of under- Acknowledgements

sampling grain boundaries or of contaminating
separates by fine-grained inclusions. The results Marc Lafl~che, Tony Peterson, Julian Pearce
do depend strongly on the choice of D-values, but and two anonymous referees supplied useful
then, so do all of the other approaches. In the case comments.
of severely altered or metamorphosed rocks,
where in situ analysis or separation of primary
minerals is impossible, then the equilibrium dis- Appendix - - Error propagation
tribution method is the only way to calculate the
trace-element concentrations in the coexisting The principal potential sources of error are (in decreasing
equilibrium liquid, and so verify consanguinity order of importance): analytical error, uncertainty in the D-
among cumulate rocks. values, imprecision of modal data and use of the wrong TMF
stripping modes.
WEHRLITE 8911 Analytical error is significant for extremely depleted rocks
LOG such as the ultramafic cumulates illustrated in Fig. 3. A suite
of 50 samples were analysed twice (in 1993 and 1994). The
LATED LIQUIDS, 5% TMF results were plotted against one another and an envelope of
variation was drawn. The diameter of this envelope was used
as an empirical estimate of the reproducibility of the data.
Since the data were analysed at different times, the values
~~ ,,. /"7 BONINiTES derived in this way should also provide an estimate of the
analytical uncertainty. The error margins defined in this way
are larger than the 95% confidence limits commonly used as
estimates of uncertainty. The error bars on the whole-rock
analyses plotted in Fig. A-I represent simple addition and
subtraction to the average whole-rock analyses. The maxi-
mum and minimum values were then used in the calculations
0.01 to yield the error bars on the calculated liquid compositions.
Rb Th Ce Nd Eu Gd Dy Ho Tm [_u Although the errors are quite large for the ultramafic cumu-
(a) Cs Ba La Sr Sm "17 Tb Y Er Yb
late (Fig. A-I a), the spectrum of plausible melts is still within
the boninitic feld. Analytical uncertainty is the principal
source of error in this case. For the relatively less-depleted

DCPX= 10x & 2x TABLE 1 ......E3....
l CALCULATED LIQUIDS, 5% TMF . DCPX = 0.1X & 0.5X TABLE 1 - | .....

¢~"-o-.. E]...,E]....E3.,~....D....O....G-..~E]-,"G--.75y..,~3

0.O1 0.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , , , , ,

Rb Th Ce Nd Eu Gd Dy Ho Tm Lu Rb Th Ce Nd Eu C-id Dy Ho Tm Lu
(b) Cs Ba La Sr Srn qq Tb Y Er Yb Cs Ba La Sr Sm 77 Tb Y Er Yb

Fig. A- 1. Estimates of the consequences of analytical error Fig. A-2. MORB-normalized spidergram. The solid line is the
shown on MORB-normalized spidergrams. Error bars are 5% TMF profile of Fig. 3 for wehrlite 8911. The dotted lines
shown on whole-rock and calculated liquid profiles. See text represent profiles calculated assuming that the ¢px/uqDi var-
for discussion. ied from those of Table 1.
152 J.H. B~dard / Chemical Geology 118 (1994) 143-153

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