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Training Program In

Clinical Psychology
Let’s Start with Introduction…
What according to you is Psychology???
The study of mind and behavior. The word psychology was formed by combining the Greek psychē (meaning soul)
with –logia (which comes from the Greek logos, meaning “speech, word, reason”). It encompasses the biological
influences, social pressures, and environmental factors that affect how people think, act, and feel.

Psychology is defined as a science which studies mental processes, experiences and behavior in different contexts.
In doing so, it uses methods of biological and social sciences to obtain data systematically. It makes sense of the
data so that it can be organized as knowledge.

The Four Goals Of Psychology:

1. Describe 2. Explain 3. Predict 4. change /Control

Domains of Psychology
What is Clinical Psychology?
Clinical psychology refers to the scientific study of mental disorders in children, adolescents and adults.

● Defining a psychological disorder involves agreement about particular patterns of behavioral, cognitive,
and physical symptoms shown by an individual.

● Terms used to describe abnormal behavior are meant to define behavior, not to be used as labels to
describe individuals.

● Defining abnormal behavior requires judgment concerning the degree to which a person’s behavior is
maladaptive or harmful as well as dysfunctional or impaired.
How do we determine what is abnormal behaviour?

● Dysfunction- causes interference with the person's daily life

● Deviance- different, extreme, unusual

● Distress- unpleasant & upsetting

● Danger- poses risk of harm to themselves or others

Diagnostic Manuals
Clinical Psychologists can offer a range of professional services including:

● Provide psychological treatment (psychotherapy)

● Administer and interpret psychological assessment and testing

● Conduct psychological research

● Teach

● Development of prevention and treatment programs

● Consultation

● Program administration

● Provide expert testimony (forensic psychology)

Any Questions!!!

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