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Write the traditional and modern gender roles of men and women based on your experiences and
observations in the community. Then, answer the questions below.


Men Women
1 Dominant and masculine Submissive and feminine
2 Men are in charge; mostly do the dirty work Are supposed to do the housework and cook
3 Independent Dependent
4 Logical and analytical Emotional
5 Decisive indecisive


Men Women
1 Men can be expected to take the caring role Taking the breadwinner role
2 Does not rely on oneself but also to the other Equal power in the household
3 Are emotional Can be logical
4 Can nurture and not just dirty work Can do both roles of man and woman
5 Competent competent

1. What are the similarities and differences in your identified gender roles of men and women?
There are a lot of differences when it comes to gender roles, which can be highly seen
nowadays. Men are stereotypically seen as the dominant gender which is identified ad someone
being a breadwinner, a logical thinker, and mostly doing things that require standing on a much
tougher ground. Women are identified as someone fragile, only knows housework, and being a
nurturer to her own child. But, in this era of change, I think even though the society is still
misogynistic, we can see that in this competent world, women have more opportunity to
explore. That is why similarities occur; both gender roles are now on equal ground and do not
need to be as dependent with each other. This resulted to a much inclusive workspace and built
a much healthier relationship.
2. What do you think are the reasons why you differ with your classmates? Explain.
I think I differ from my classmates because of my first-hand experiences. Experiences
differ from person to person. Therefore, culture, norms, the society, as well as the parental
guidance my parents put me through are different to what others experienced. That is what
hones me to what I am today; this includes your views and opinions on gender roles, sexuality
and religion. Having an open-minded environment and is capable of embracing change does
make a lot of difference. This makes a person not biased and judgmental in today’s society. That
is why we are all different, and pretty much everyone has their own plate to finish at the end of
the day.

3. Did you find any overlapping between men and women gender roles? What could be the reason
for this phenomenon?
Yes, there are overlapping between men and women gender roles today. Gender
inequality is prevalent during the past, even though we can still experience and see it in the
present, it does not equate on how biased and unhinged it was back then. In this day and age,
people are given the same opportunity, which cause gender roles to overlap. Men and women
are both ambitious, therefore, created competence as well as independence. This resulted to a
society, wherein gender roles are not that important or not prioritized, as both gender identifies
as someone who can and could do what the others can. Creating equality on the workplace, or
any endeavor both gender would pursue in the future.

4. Why do gender roles change over time?

The first and most important one is that gender roles and gender disparity are products
of evolving, not fixed, social and behavioral biases. Cultural evolution and more subtle
environmental changes within a culture can lead to rapid changes in gender relations. For
example, traditional gender roles have evolved throughout time, and women are no longer only
limited to traditional tasks like housework and childcare. This is a result of women's educational
advancement. In society, women are now taking on leadership roles and holding important
positions that they never had before. In addition, men who were traditionally expected to
provide for their families financially are now taking on caregiving responsibilities as they get
accustomed to the idea that these jobs do not necessarily require a gender distinction.

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