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Khristine Joy T. Quines Prelim Educ.


BSED IV-B Ma’am Fe Vasquez

1. How do you convince the parents that K-to-12 Curriculum is good for our country?

I will explain that K-to-12 curriculum is good in our country because it help the students in advance
learning , we all know that Philippines has a poor standard of education before but in K-to-12 curriculum
Philippines will become one of the country that have a good quality of learning . Also good thing is that
the students turn in legal age of working after he or she graduated on K-to-12.

2. Explain the curriculum blueprint answering the 5 trigger questions.

What? Learning activities are selected to promote the aims of the curriculum and to maximise learner’s

When? Time is allocated according to learning need.

Where? Learning take place in a range of context and settings.

Who? A range of people are involved in providing learning experience.

How? Methods and approaches fit the needs of learners and the ways in which they learn.

3. How do you solve your problem in the classroom conducting an action research using the 5 phases?

Identify the Problem:

The main purpose of this study was to determine and evaluate the effectiveness of
communication strategies used in teaching Filipino for students.

Gather Data:

In this study, the actual observation in the class of secondary school teachers was conducted, to
easily identify and evaluate the strategies they used. The Mitchell’s model was based on the analysis of
strategies used by teachers. The researcher also used the Likert’s scale to determine the effectiveness of
communication strategies in teaching Filipino by teachers such as repetition, explanation, giving clues,
substitution, language transfer, and interpretation towards the successful learning of students.

Interpret Data:

Frequent Use of Communication Strategies in Teaching Filipino Teachers

Communication Strategies Used in Teaching Filipino Mean Verbal Description

Repetition 5 Very Often

Explanation 4.5 Very Often

Giving Clues 4.16 Often

Substitution 3.83 Often

Language Transfer 3.5 Often

Interpretation 3.16 Usually

Total 4.02 Often

In this data, it shows that repetition led with a mean of 5 followed by an explanation with 4.5
giving clues with 4.16, substitution 3.83, language transfer 3.5, and interpretation 3.16

Act on Evidence:

In the use of communication strategies based on the realization of goals and content, it appears in the
result that teachers achieve the objectives by the level of ability of most students. The use of
communication strategies based on motivation, giving instructions, coordinating lessons, questioning
the teacher, and responding to the wrong answer also had good results based on the study conducted.

The use of evaluation-based communication strategies has gained a high description which
means that teachers use evaluation to identify appropriate and necessary teaching methods and

Evaluate Results:

In this study, it is also discovered that the problems of teachers in the use of communication strategies.
As a result, teachers proposed solutions to address their problems using communication strategies. The
teachers made general suggestions for solving the problems they encountered using communication
strategies such as question-answer relationships, brainstorming, language games, drama, panel

In addition to learning communication strategies, it's recommended to study the strategies and
methods of teachers in teaching Filipino at the secondary level. It is also suggest having a study on the
method of questioning, according to the subject being taught and including the students. Teachers need
to hone their knowledge by attending service training, seminar workshops, and competitions not only on
language but also on innovative teaching strategies and methods so that they do not get caught up in
the rapid pace of change in the field of education.

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