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Written by

S. Oulaganathan

Defence Research & Deveopment Organisation

1.0 My introduction

Name S. Oulaganathan

Age 73

Native Pondicherry

Living in Bangalore for last 50 years

Education B. Sc, DMIT, M. Tech (Electronics)

I am a retired Scientist from DRDO. Defence research and development

organization at Bangalore.

1.1 Aim

The aim of this book is to introduce to you Homeopathy. I am not a medical person; I
am an Electronics and Communication Engineer. I have been using Homeopathy for
the last 25 years. Somebody has introduced to me Homeopathy. I have been
successful in treating day to day ailments for myself, my family, friends and relatives.
I want to share my experience with you people, so that you can also start using
Homeopathy, and get benefitted.

1.2 Why Homeopathy ?

You may ask, what is the need for Homeopathy, when Allopathic medical system
has quite advanced and serving well. You may be right, but the present day
Allopathy treatment has become too commercial and less of humane touch and is
very expensive. Medicines many times produce side effects. Whereas, Homeopathy
cures naturally and completely with no side effect at all and medicines are very

1.3 What is Homeopathy ?

Dr Samuel Hahnemann (1755 – 1843) a German doctor, discovered Homeopathy

some 250 years back. He himself was an Allopathic practitioner. He was frustrated
on seeing the damages caused to the patients by the side effects of Allopathic
medicines. He was trying to find an alternative.
While doing some translation work from Latin to German, he came across a
philosophy, “Likes cure Likes” . Based on this philosophy, he did the following
experiment. He gave, a very small dose of poisonous substance in crude form, to a
healthy person. It produced some symptoms on his body. He recorded those
symptoms. He potentized the same poisonous substance and gave to a sick person
having similar symptoms. He observed that the potentized medicine cured him
completely. That was his miraculous discovery.

What is potentization ? it is a particular iterative process of diluting a poisonous

substance in an alcohol medium, down to some millions of times. This way, Dr
Hahnemann, developed thousands of medicines, treated patients successfully and
spread this system of medicine.

How the Homeo medicine cures can be explained in simple terms, as follows. When
the potentized medicine containing the poisonous substance in highly diluted form,
enters the body of the patient, the natural immune system gets triggered. It wakes up
and fights the disease and so body cures itself. The result is, cure is natural, quick,
complete and permanent.

Even with these best qualities, Homeopathy did not spread among people
unfortunately, because of some practical difficulties in Homeopathy treatment

Let us see what these Practical difficulties in Homeopathy treatment are. We can
compare with treatment in Allopathic system. Allopathy system has elaborate
diagnostic facilities using advanced tools. And they start treatment quickly with test
results. But in Homeopathy the treatment is done differently. It is based on body
symptoms only. What we mean by body symptoms ? When we fall sick, body
indicates the nature of sickness through number of symptoms like variety of pains,
coughing, running nose, headache, stomach ache, toothache, rising body
temperature, skin eruptions, patches, and mind symptoms like anxiety, restlessness,
sleeplessness etc., these are body symptoms

Homeopathy has some 6000 proved medicines and they are well documented in a
book called Materia Medica. The properties of each medicine and the list of
symptoms appearing in a patient for whom this medicine can be applied, are
meticulously recorded in this book called Materia Medica. When we go to a
Homeopath, that is a Homeopathy doctor, he will ask many questions on the body
symptoms. He will compare the symptoms, with the listings in Materia Medica and
select a medicine. If the selection is appropriate, the cure is remarkably quick and
complete. But there are practical difficulties in this procedure. Because, we as
patients, are not trained to observe, identify and communicate these symptoms to
the Homeopath. Next stage of difficulty, the Homeopath has to understand properly,
what the patient is telling and select an appropriate medicine. There are chances
that the selected medicine is not a perfect match to the disease. In that case, cure
may be partial, or may not cure at all. Thus, the selection of medicine is the most
critical part of treatment. It requires, a Homeopath with a thorough knowledge of
Materia Medica and years of experience and lot of intuition. Homeo medicines being
cheap and the practice is not that remunerative, it does not attract many good
practitioners. It is rare to find a dedicated, successful Homeopath. These are the
limitations of Homeopathy,

1. Finding a sufficiently knowledgeable and experienced Homeopath,

2. Inadequacy in proper diagnosis and
3. Possibility of wrong selection of medicine,

because of these limitations, Homeo treatment is not successful always. Definitely it

is not the fault of Homeopathy. If the selected medicine is most suitable, it will cure
miraculously. People trying it for first time, may loose confidence and go back to
Allopathy. That is why even after 250 years of existence, Homeopathy did not spread
widely among people.

If we somehow overcome the practical problems, we can derive immense benefit

from this natural system of medicine. Is there a way out ? Yes there is, I have found
a way by experience. It requires some effort and interest. We should get familiar with
Homeopathy, and start using some limited 20 to 30 medicines, we can successfully
treat ourselves at home, and take care of our day to day ailments. I have been
successful to treat myself, my family, friends and relatives. I have also introduced to
many families and they are also successful. The very big advantage is, if we take
care of our day to ailments, the next level of serious falling sick is avoided and in the
long run, we can avoid going to a clinic or hospitalization. By Gods grace we have
been avoiding. In case we fail to contain the sickness with self medication, we can
always go to an experienced Homeopath.

My effort is to share that experience with you, so that you can also start using

You may ask, self medication is it safe ? Yes it is very much safe at lower potencies
of medicines, there is no over dose or there is no side effect even wrong medicine is

I invite you, to get introduced to Homeopathy for a better health.

1.4 General information on the Homeo medicines

Medicines come in three different forms,

1. Small round pills called globules

2. Clear solution called dilution
3. Brown solution called mother tincture.

You can buy them in Homeopathy drug store only.

Pills are available in the quantity called 1 dram, this plastic bottle will hold 1 dram of
medicine, slightly bigger bottle in quantity 2 dram also available. Blank pills are
made out of sugar. Medicine in pills form is prepared as and when required. The
plastic bottle is filled with blank pills, the medicine in dilution form is added in drops,
only 8 drops per 1 dram bottle. Shaken vigorously and sold in Homeo drug stores.
Pills come in three different sizes. Medium size is convenient.

Dilution and mother tincture come in quantity of 15, 30, 60 and100 ml.

Since the actual medicine in these pills is in very very minute level, it is not advisable
to touch the pills by hand; finger dirt will contaminated the medicine. One dose is 4 to
5 pills. Take it in the cap of the bottle and put it in the mouth directly, never swallow,
rotate the tongue and it will dissolve in the mouth.

The medicine enters the body through the tiny pores under the tongue, so while
taking the medicine the mouth has to be clean. It is nothing to do with stomach.
Eating time food particles may remain in mouth and may interfere with the medicine.
That is why we say, avoid taking medicine during eating time. Give a gap of half an
hour before and after eating. For the same reason, it is said that Homeo medicine
will be not be effective for smokers and pawn chewers. The same thing is true to a
certain extent to coffee. It is better to avoid coffee at least when you are under
Homoe medication.

1.5 Potency

Every medicine comes in a potency, which indicates the power of medicine. It starts
with 30 (lowest), 200, 1 M, 10 M… As a beginner we should limit to 30 and 200
potency only. General rule is, we can use 30 potency for acute problems. If it is a
long standing problem, 200 potency to be used. Higher potencies should be used on
the advice of a Homeopath only.

1.6 How many times in a day, how many days the medicine to be taken ?

While treating at home, that is a difficult question. Depending on the intensity of the
pain or problem, the doses have to be increased or decreased. That should be
determined by you. 4, 5 pills is one dose. Even 100 pills taken at a time is one dose
only. It is a trigger only, so quantity is not important, but taken after 10 minutes it is
the next dose. When the pain is intense and problem acute, can take in 10, 15
minutes interval. When it reduces, interval can be increased to 1, 2 hours, and
further to few hours. Normally we can take a medicine, 3 to 4 times a day and
reduce it gradually and stop when the problem goes down. If multiple medicines are
to be taken, at least 10 minutes interval has to be there between them. If there is no
improvement after 3 days, probably you may have to change to another medicine. If
there is improvement and not complete, then continue the same medicine for few
more days. If it is to be taken for number of days, after a week better leave a gap of
1, 2 days, then continue. Homeo medicines are not supposed to be taken for life

2.0 First aid at home for minor accidents

Homeo has excellent medicines for first aid at home. Any minor injuries in any part of
body like, cuts, open wounds, boils, burns due to accidental touching of fire, sprains,
joint twists, swelling, objects etc. can be safely treated at home. I caution you, if the
accident is major with profuse bleeding we should not attempt at home at all.
Immediately run to a clinic and get treated.

2.1 Calundula Q

Is the best medicine for any cuts, open wounds, scratches, piercing by sharp objects
etc. It is a miracle remedy. You cannot find any other medicine, like Calundula to
heal open wounds. It comes in brown liquid form called mother tincture. I will explain
how to use this. Immediately after an injury, clean the wound with cotton. Then take
a small piece of cotton, spread it thin on the fore finger, add few drops of Calundula
and apply it on the wound. You have to tolerate the severe burning sensation. It will
last only few seconds. The cotton will stick to the wound. If necessary apply few
more drops on the edge and close the wound nicely.

If it is just a scratch on the skin, the cotton will peel off in few hours. If it is a deeper
wound, it will stick for few days till the wound heals. Even if the wound gets wet while
bathing it does not matter. After few days, when the wound has healed completely,
the cotton will fall off automatically. Further you can witness the beauty of healing.
After some few weeks, the skin will return to the normal texture and colour. No scar
will be visible. That is the wonder of this miracle medicine.

Calundula will heal all open wounds. Calundula works only when skin is broken and
inner flesh is visible. We get best result if it is treated without any delay. Even for
deep cuts with a knife, no need for stiches. For any injury in face, especially girls,
Calundula treatment will save them from ugly scars. To heal the wound in cuts in
caesarian operation, Calundula will be very useful. After the delivery when the lady
comes home, when the dressing is removed, Calundula can be applied on the
cotton, to hasten the healing.

One warning, unfortunately, if the accident is severe and blood coming out is
uncontrollable, we should not treat it at home. Immediately rush to a clinic. After
returning home, then we can apply Calundula on the wound, better if cotton can be
taken out, fresh cotton with Calundula can be applied to quicken the healing.

2.2 Cantharis Q

For any burn injury, spilling of boiling water on body or touching very hot body,
Cantharis is the best remedy.

When the accidental burn occurs with direct contact with fire, the next moment, it is
very very important to cool the affected part by either keeping in running water or
dipping the body part in a bucket of water. It is to immediately prevent the heat
flowing inwards and cause damage to tissue and muscle. Ignore the belief if water
touches it will become septic. The next immediate action is to soak Cantharis in
small cotton and apply on the affected part. The cotton will not stick as happens with
Calundula . If necessary keep applying fresh Cantharis in intervals of time.
Treatment done without delay will prevent boils coming out and later scar forming
also will be prevented. I will never forget one incident happened in our family, my
daughter was boiling water, ccidentally boiling water spilled on her forearm, luckily I
was there nearby, immediately we showed her hand in running water and applied
Cantharis, and kept applying for whole day, the burning was there for a day, next day
there was no trace of the accident, when she went to office and told she spilled
boiling water. Nobody believed. That is the miracle of Cantharis,

Unfortunately, if the burn is deeper and a wound is formed, we should apply

Calundula also and treat.

Calundula Q and Cantharis Q are available in Homeo drug stores. The Q stands for
mother tincture. These two medicines are a must in any household. It should be
bought and kept ready in the house in a easily reachable place, for any emergency
use. Do not run for them after the accident has occurred, it will save you valuable
time in preventing costly treatment. Along with medicine, keep a cotton roll also,

In some drug store, they may offer you Calundula ointment. It is useless. Do not buy
them. I have seen it, I think the Allopathy pharma industry have come into Homeo
also and try to push ointments. Only the original mother tincture Q is the best.
Similarly, other ointments like Burnol ointment for burns are a waste, to be definitely
avoided. When Calundula Cantharis is there, never touch any other medicine, for
open wounds Calundula working wonders and Cantharis for burns. In the last 25
years, I have seen any number of cases and many people who used them also have
told me, both these medicines never failed. It is a pity; people are not aware of these
wonder medicines and suffer. I have seen wounds and burns takes weeks to heal
with Allopathy medicines.

In an accident, you might have fallen on the ground, or hit by heavy object. There
could be an external injury with scratches, cut or open wound. In that case as we
have seen, we can apply Calundula and will be cured in few days time. If it is an
internal injury, it could happen in muscle mass or at joints. If the hit is at the muscle
mass there will a strain and they may be swelling also at that place. If it is at a hand
or leg joint, there could be a sprain. Sprain is damage to the ligaments and tendon at
the joints with over stretching or worst case an internal tear. Still worse it could be a
minor or major bone fracture. For muscle strain and joint sprain we will be able treat
at home, whereas for a fracture without saying, we have to run to a clinic.

For muscle strain, take Arnica 30 in pills form. Arnica has to be taken for any
accident. It will relieve the shock, which the body has under gone. It will also reduce
any swelling; and will remove any constriction in the blood vessels which affects the
blood flow.

For any sprain in the joint, Rhus tox 30 and Ruta G 30 to be taken in pills form. The
dosage depends on the intensity of pain and problem. If the pain is intense we can
take in every 10 to 15 minutes interval. Gradually reduce dosage. If it is just strain on
the muscle mass it will heal within 2, 3 days. If it is a sprain in the joint, the joint
movement has to be restricted, avoid unnecessary movements. Healing is slow and
may take few weeks to heal. Till then all the three Arnica, Rhus tox and Ruta G to be
taken 3 times a day for a week or two.

If the injury is done by piercing by a sharp object like nails or needle, there could be
damage to nerve endings, it that case along with Arnica, another medicine called
Hypericum 30 also to be taken in pills form.
In addition to these medicines, we can also do hot or cold treatment to the affected
part. For the strain on the muscle mass, hot water fomentation will reduce the
swelling and pain. For joint sprain, we can do a cold treatment as follows. Take an
empty ice cream cup. Pour some water and put a stick into it and keep it in fridge.
After few hours ice would have formed. Take out the ice with the stick. Holding the
stick, apply ice on the affected part by stroking it. Keep doing it for 3 to 5 minutes.
Remember, ice is not to be kept continuously on the affected part. It should be
stroked only, for not more than 5 minutes. If there is any Ayurvedic oil or any
massage oil or just sesame oil available at home, you can apply on the affected part
gently massaging without any pressure. Care should be taken that the massage
should be soothing not aggravating the pain.

If it is a bone fracture, and bandage has been done in a clinic. Still we can take
Arnica 30, and another medicine called Symphytom 30 for the bone to heal faster.
Both of them to be taken 3 times a day, for one to two weeks.

Calundula and Arnica have another best use. After any tooth extraction at a dental
clinic, when you come home, take out the cotton kept in the mouth. Take ½ tumbler
of water, add some 20 drops of Calundula. Gurgle the solution, keep it in mouth for 2
minutes and spit it out. Do it 2, 3 time. Also take Arnica 30 pills to reduce the pain
and swelling in the cheek. You may avoid buying the pain killer tabs prescribed at
the clinic. You will see that next day itself, the wound in the mouth would have
healed nicely and the swelling gone. That is the power of Homeo.

3.0 Digestion problems

Our digestive system is a beautiful mechanism, if you take a little bit of care and
follow some rules, it will perform its function efficiently and provide the needed
energy for our body. But mostly we misuse it, torture it and ultimately we spoil it.

Before going into details of Homeo medicines for stomach problems, we will see how
to prevent stomach problems by following a set of self discipline rules. Please read
3.1 Rule number 1 - Eat only when you are hungry.

When the energy level in our body goes down, digestive juice, mostly hydrochloric
acid is produced in stomach, that is the hunger sensation. Food should enter
stomach, only after the acid is produced. In that condition only, digestion will be
complete; all nutrients will be fully absorbed by digestive organs. So the saying, Eat
only when hungry. But we violate and eat indiscriminately. Food received in the
absence of digestive juice, stomach will find it difficult to handle. It has to just push
the undigested or partially digested food down. If this practice continues over a
period, the entire chain of digestive organs may develop complications. So it is
sensible to eat only when we are hungry.

3.2 Rule number 2 - Do not leave an hungry stomach empty for long

When hunger comes do not delay eating unnecessarily. If food is not available after
digestive juice is produced, the acid may damage the inner linings of the stomach. If
this practice is continued for long, it may end up getting ulcer in stomach. Never
leave a hungry stomach, empty. Do not give excuse that you are away from home or
no hotel nearby. Take some available fruits like banana or at least a glass of water to
pacify the acid already secreted. Never take coffee, tea or aerated drinks when you
are hungry, it will increase the acidity. I have noticed many housewives, complaining
of acidity problems. They have poor eating habits. They are busy cooking, when
hungry, easiest thing is take a cup of coffee or tea and postpone eating. That will
cause acidity and that is the main cause for their stomach related problems. Instead
they can take quickly take some solid food or just a fruit to pacify hunger.

One more thing, breakfast and lunch can be heavy, but not dinner. You don’t require
that much energy, when you are going to sleep within few hours. Sleeping children
should never be woken up and forced food. Your love for child, not to go hungry, will
do more harm. Leave them to sleep peacefully.

3.3 Rule number 3 - While eating, do not take water.

It will dilute the digestive juice and will reduce the efficiency of digestion. After half an
hour you can take as much water you want. But remember to drink water later. They
say that minimum of two liters of water, one should drink per day. Elderly people, do
not feel thirst, they tend to forget drinking water. They should be conscious of
drinking water sufficiently to keep away from urinary problems.

3.4 Rule number 4 - Chew well and swallow.

Whatever the urgency, food should never be gulped in a hurry. Some may have the
practice of taking a sip of water for every mouthful to push down with an excuse that
it will struck in throat. It is to be totally avoided. That is not the way to eat. Solid food
should be broken down in mouth, that job should be done by teeth. Realise that
stomach do not have such hard teeth. One mouthful taken inside mouth, to be
chewed well with lips closed (air should not come in between food and saliva) Food
has to be properly mixed with saliva, made it into a paste then swallowed. Saliva is
an important agent in the digestion process. Nothing should go in, without the saliva
mixing, that applies to water also. While eating, full concentration has to be there, if
not aware, by long bad practice, tongue will push it down. Distractive activities like,
reading, watching TV or talking should be totally avoided. If you think that in the
current day life style, these practices are not possible, then you are inviting stomach
problems with a red carpet reception. You will realize later when suffering from
serious stomach ailments.

3.5 Rule number 5 - Every meal should have some fruit and should be eaten

Fruits are the best of all food. It is enriched with vitamins and mineral. It should be
eaten first, since it is easily digestible and stomach has not much of work to do on it.
It will push it down immediately. Apple is not the only best fruit. Please do not run
after costly apple. Every native fruit available easily, locally grown and cheap are
also good.

3.6 Rule number 6 – Our meal should have all six tastes

Our Indian food has six tastes. Sweet, sour, salty, hot or spicy, bitter and finally
thuvarpu we call in Tamil, I do not know the English equivalent, those who do not
know thuvarpu, it is the taste of raw guava fruit. Our body requires many nutrients
like carbo hydrates, protein, fat, minerals and vitamins. But we are not very much
aware, in what food these contents are available. So easy method is, we eat food
with all the six tastes in every meal, we may get all the nutrients body requires. At
least our full meal lunch should have all the six tastes. Green leafy vegetables
(keerai in Tamil, soppu in kanada) even though very cheap, are easy source of rich
vitamins and minerals. Rice and wheat are not the only grains, there are variety of
millets like ragi, maize, bajra etc. they should also to be part of our daily meal.
General rule is include as much variety of vegetables, grains, pulses as possible.

3.7 Rule number 7 - Avoid white sugar

Research has linked white sugar to incidents of Diabetes. So it is better to avoid

white sugar. There are very good alternatives available in variety of forms of jaggery,
which is made traditionally, out of cane sugar or palm juice. Similarly avoid refined
oils and use our traditional oils, ground nut oil, sesame oil, coconut oil prepared cold
pressing in conventional mills.

There is nothing new in the above rules I have listed. Most of them are known to all.
But they are ignored and not followed. The first step to have a perfect digestive
system and have good health, is to follow these rules without fail.

Occasionally you may land with digestion problems. In that case, Homeo comes to
your rescue.

3.8 Stomach upset problems

In case, the eaten food is not suitable or spoiled or you have eaten in excess, within
1 or 2 hours, the stomach will tell you, that I am not alright. If you pay attention, and
take a few doses of a medicine called Podophylum 30 without delay. The problem
will be solved and the stomach will be ready for the next meal. If it is not done,
stomach will try to flush out the unsuitable food, by loose motion. Sometimes, it may
throw up by vomiting also. It is the natural process to get rid of indigestible food. We
should not stop it immediately by taking some Allopathy tablets, bought across the
counter. When the loose motion sets in, continue the Podophylum. It will stop only
when all the unwanted material in the system is cleared out.
In case of food poisoning, diarrhea may be severe. In that case, Arsenic Alb 30 also
to be taken along with Podophylum alternately. If vomiting also is there, then
Ipeacau 30, also to be added.

It may take 1, 2 days for the loose motion to stop. During that period, stomach needs
rest, food has to be restricted, avoid heavy spicy food. Take mostly liquid diet or
easily digestible food. If the loose motion was heavy, the body might have lost fluids.
To compensate, we can take few spoons of elektral (available in medical stores)
mixed in a tumbler of water. If not available, add a spoon of common salt and
another spoon of sugar in a tumbler of water and take it few times.

3.9 Long standing digestion problems

Some might have variety of long standing stomach problems like, not feeling hungry,
burning in the food path or in upper stomach, ulcer in stomach etc. the main cause
for all such ailments are poor eating habits. If they have followed the above said self
discipline rules, most of the ailments related to stomach could have been easily
avoided. For such people, who are already suffering, to correct the digestive system,
Carbo veg 30 is the medicine. Carbo veg, 3 times a day, before food, will help to
bring the digestive system back to normal. You may continue it for a week. If
required further, leave a gap of 1, 2 days and continue for a month, or till problems
gets solved. I have seen, mild stomach ulcers also getting cured by Carbo veg. if the
ulcer is severe, you should consult a Homeopath, wonderful medicines are available
to cure completely, severe ulcer in stomach.

For some people, gas may be produced in excess and passing up or down, after few
mouths of food, hunger may go off. For such problem, Lycopodium 30 will help.

Most of stomach ailments can be solved by combination of Carbo veg and

Lycopodium. But one word of caution, I have also seen people who got cured by
Carbo veg, start misusing it. Without following discipline in eating, Carbo veg will not
work. The care you take to keep the digestive system healthy, will reflect in keeping
the entire body healthy.

Finally we will conclude like this. If you have self discipline in eating, you may not
have stomach problems at all. In case currently you have some problem, Homeo will
help you to correct. But remember in the long run. Only good habits will keep the
digestive system healthy and serve the body to keep it fit

4.0 Cold and cough problems

Catching cold is a big nuisance. If the respiratory system is healthy, any attack by
external elements will result in heavy sneezing and the body will defend itself and
come back to normal state. If the body in not in healthy condition, cold will advance
in stages. Sneezing may lead to running nose, watery discharge will become whitish
thick mucous, nose block, throat irritation, cough and further the phlegm will change
to yellow and will accumulate in chest. Chest congestion may develop into breathing
problem and finally wheezing and asthma. It may lead to tuberculosis also

Homeo has excellent medicine to cure starting with just a running nose to severe
case of wheezing. The earlier you start to control the cold; the better will be the
result. I have known people suffering from wheezing problem for years, taking
continuously Allopathy treatment with no end at all. Also I know people who come to
Homeopathy and got cured completely within few months.

Before going into details on medicines for cold and cough, let us see how to prevent
respiratory problems. Please read, with some patience.

Our body requires clean air with rich oxygen content and clean drinking water. Most
preferred place to live, is a natural environment with lot of trees and vegetation. But
all are not lucky enough. Most of us live in cities, which are concrete jungles, rare to
see vegetation around, added to that is, cleanliness is not a priority in our civic
society. Still we have to manage to live healthy. Even though Homeo is there to help,
we can prevent respiratory problems, if we take a bit of care of our environment.

To the extent possible, we should keep our living surroundings both at home and
working place clean. There should be periodic cleaning of dust and throw unwanted
items in your living space. It will prevent dirt accumulation. If space permits, grow
trees and plants around your house. If living in apartment at least grow some four
five plants in your balcony, it will supply you fresh oxygen.
Sleeping room has to be airy. It is essential to have fresh air coming in and used air
going out. Exhaust fan is a better option than ceiling fan. If you are sleeping with two
children, with doors and windows closed, with fan on, oxygen will be exhausted
within few hours. With oxygen supply limited, respiratory system will suffer. Still
worst, if mosquito repellants are used, the air will be toxic. If you want to avoid
mosquitos, windows are to be protected with mesh or sleeping inside a mosquito net
is a better option. It is worth spending on these protection nets than spending on
medical bills.

4.1 Breathing exercises

Like any other body parts, our lungs also need some exercise. On a daily basis the
following simple breathing exercises can be performed. We can divide lung into
three parts. upper, middle and lower part.

1. For lower part of lung - sit erect with legs folded. Keep hands on knee, inhale
and try to push lung downward so that the stomach comes out. Exhale and let
stomach contract and pushes lung upwards.
2. For mid lung - fold fingers, bend hands and keep fingers on upper stomach.
Move hands outward and inhale. Stretch hands to the extent possible, then
exhale moving hands inward to the earlier position.
3. For upper part - keep arm forward, perpendicular to body, raise shoulders
only, upwards and inhale, take shoulders slightly backwards and keep
inhaling, then lower shoulders and exhaling.

Do these three exercises at least 10 times per day. Preferable in open air in terrace
or in garden, either morning or evening. This will keep fit the respiratory system.

4.2 Drinking water

It is needless to say we need clean drinking water. It has been scientifically

confirmed that drinking Reverse Osmosis or commonly called, RO water causes
more bodily harm and faster than most contaminants found in tap water. RO
system off course removes water impurities. But they also remove 90%
of beneficial minerals like calcium and magnesium. So running water in a tap directly
from water supply is a better option than RO water. If you are still worried on dirt,
better to store the water in an earthen pot and drink. Copper vessel also is a good
option. Boiling the water also is not a good practice. We are throwing away valuable
nutrients in water.

As I said in earlier part, food should be chewed well and mixed with saliva. The same
thing applies to water also. You should never drink water fast. Water should never
touch the throat directly, by passing the tongue. Let it be a slow process, Sip a
mouthful of water, allow it to remain for few seconds for the saliva to get mixed and
then swallow. Not even once you can afford to miss this practice. I have
experimented and verified, in case I miss doing it, I can feel a slight irritation in
throat. This slow drinking practice, wetting with saliva, will definitely prevent catching
cold through water. Take it from me.

Sneezing is a defense mechanism. When any external particle tries to enter through
nose, the sensors in nasal track immediately reacts and involuntarily sneezing
occurs. So sneezing should never be suppressed. If somebody is there in front,
move away and allow sneezing to occur with full force. In a healthy body, sneezing
may occur violently with watering in eyes and nose. But within few minutes, the
system will return to normalcy. If the respiratory system is in bad state, sneezing will
continue, cold will settle in nose, throat and go down to chest. For weeks you will
suffer. To avoid this damaging progress of cold, it is necessary to treat the cold at
the earliest. The following Homeo medicines will help you to contain the cold at every

4.3 Homeo medicines to handle cold and cough

Aconite 30 – continuous sneezing or getting sneezing just after getting up problems,

will be solved by Aconite. After catching cold, Aconite will not help.

Arsenic Alb 30 – running nose, with watery discharge or whitish phlegm coming out,
nose block, for these problems Arsenic Alb will help. Few doses at the very early
stage will contain the cold. But if cold advanced even by few hours, it may require
doses in 10, 15 minute interval continuously. Sometimes, Allium Cepa 30 can also
help at this stage. Use of vicks vaparub or steaming should be avoided, it will give
temporary relief but will cause more damages.

Hepar sulph 30 – when the cold has advanced and touched throat, pain while
swallowing, or severe irritation in throat or light cough in throat will appear. For these
symptoms, along with Arsenic Alb, Hepar sulph also to be alternated.

Sometimes these two medicines may not help at all. It could be because, fever
causing virus might be acting. So the treatment has to be changed for fever, which
we will see in the later part.

Untreated cold may lead to the cold going beyond the throat and settling in chest.
Phlegm will be thick. Cough will be severe. When coughing, you can hear that sound
in chest. In this stage Antim tart is a very helpful medicine. It will loosen the phlegm
and will get it out while coughing. Repeated doses for few days may be required to
clear this situation. If the phlegm colour has changed to yellow or greenish, then
Pulsatilla has to be added.

Cough may accompany cold. Treating cough is tricky. Cough is a body mechanism
to loosen and throw out the phlegm settled in lung tubes. It may require combination
of medicines. For dry cough, Bryonia will help. For cough with some phlegm coming
out, Natrum mur may help. Heavy cough with lot of phlegm in the chest, Antim tart
has to be added. So these three medicines combination with proper doses you will
be able to get relief from cough.

Natrum sulph - is another excellent medicine. When cold is there everywhere, in the
nose, throat and chest and it is severe, few doses of Natrum sulph will be useful.
Natrum sulph and Natrum Mur are twins. Natrum sulph will expel the accumulated
used water in mucous membranes, whereas Natrum mur will level the wetness and
dryness. So using these two medicines judiciously, we may treat cold and cough
effectively. Natrum sulph has to be given very few doses only, else it may lead to dry
cough. People living in damp houses and in rainy weather, they may have variety of
problems, body feels chillness, catch cold easily and are allergic to water. For those
people Natrum sulph is the best medicine. You can take Natrum sulph few doses. If
body heat goes up it may bring dry cough. So they can decide on the dose of Natrum
sulph. When they feel better they should stop the medicine, start it again when the
problem returns.

Using the above medicines, Aconite, Arsenic alb, Hepar sulph, Antim tart, Pulsatila,
Bryonia, Natrum mur and Natrum sulph, most of the cold related problems can be
solved. It is difficult even for an experienced Homeopath to suggest which of these
eight medicines will work for you and what is the dosage. If you take some interest in
understanding the working and effectiveness of these medicine and take them in
combination increasing or decreasing the dosage you will be successful. Of course it
requires some experience. Do not get discouraged by failures. You will learn to
handle these medicines in course of time and be successful.

In the beginning you may start these medicines in 30 potency. If the cold is
prolonged with lot of phlegm in chest, you may change to 200 potency.

Prolonged untreated cold may lead to severe chronic problems like asthma,
tuberculosis. Asthma patients having wheezing problem will find it difficult to breathe,
especially during night. Such patients will be using puff and other tablets of
Allopathy. There is no cure for asthma in Allopathy, will get temporary relief only and
so have to be under medication for life, this is my personal experience. In contrast to
this, Homeopathy has excellent medicine for asthma and will cure years of asthma
within few weeks or few months. The cure will be permanent and it is hard to believe.
So my sincere request to all asthma patients, please do not suffer for life, go to a
Homeopath without any further delay and get cured. With my limited knowledge on
Homeopathy, I myself have cured few patients. So an experienced Homeopath will
be able to cure definitely.

Tuberculosis also can be cured by Homeopathy.

5.0 Fever

Handling fever at home is a difficult task. But if treated just at the onset of fever, you
can control it. But if it crosses even few hours without any treatment it becomes
Let us understand what is fever. Fever felt by us by increase in body temperature is
an indicator only. Body tells you that some infection has entered body and the body
immune system is fighting the invaded virus or bacteria. Body mechanism purposely
increases the body temperature so that it can contain the virus spreading. It shuts
down the digestive system and is fighting the infection. We should understand this
mechanism and help the body in this fighting. First of all, body requires full rest. Body
cannot digest heavy food. But most people ignore the initial symptoms, take a
paracetamol and run around. Taking paracetamol, temperature may come down but
after few hours, it will return with more vigor. So taking paracetamol only is not
correct. Take rest, do not run for work, or errands, requires, complete shut down of
body. Take only very light food, the body will mostly cure itself. Body is in war with
viral infection, help it to win.

Homeo medicine does exactly what it is required to be done. It boosts the immune
system and help the body to fight the invader. It extends support to the body during
fever. It triggers the immune system, to fight the infection. So the cure is natural
without any side effect. I have listed the following medicines to treat fever at home

1. Bryonia

It is the first medicine to start treatment. Fever may come very slowly with light
uneasy feeling, remote body pain or headache. If you can identify this condition early
and take few doses of Bryonia without any delay even an hour of delay, you can
avoid the fever. It is my personal experience. If it is not taken, fever will advance fast,
with body temperature going high. Then you have to continue Bryonia at shorter
intervals along with other medicines also.

2. Arsenic Alb

During weather change or drinking or eating cold things from fridge, without wetting
with saliva, because of any such reasons, you might have caught cold and then fever
would have followed. In that case, Arsenic Alb is the medicine; you have to alternate
with Bryonia. Alternate them every 15 minutes at the beginning and progressively
increase the interval to few hours.

3. Gelsimium
If the person feels body shivering and feel like covering with a blanket, then
Gelsimium has to be added.

4. Rhus tox

If the cause of fever is due to head bath, add the fourth medicine Rhus tox. If there
is severe headache Rhus tox definitely to be taken

5. Belladonna

If the body temperature is felt very high, then Belladonna has to be added.

6. Pyrogenium, 7. Baptisia Q

are the two medicines to be taken for any fever. They are required to prevent the
fever manifesting into a viral fever like typhoid, dengue or chikungunya.

So the combination could be, Bryonia, Arsenic Alb, Pyrogenium and Baptisia Q for
any fever, additionally Rhus tox, Gelsimium or Belladonna depending on the cause.

Baptisia Q is a mother tincture in liquid form. 20 drops in ¼ tumbler (50 ml) to be

added and taken full. It should be taken 3 times a day, before food. Other medicines
are in pills form 30 potency. Depending on the severity, the dosage could be in
intervals of 15 minutes. The interval to be increased as the intensity of fever reduces.
Generally, 3 or 4 doses per medicine per day to be taken.

Fever, with Homeo medicines will be there, for 2, 3 days, body temperature will
continue to be high. With proper Homeo medicine and dose, after the third day, fever
will cut off sharply and the body will return to its normal state. The recovery will be
sharp and complete that is the beauty of Homeo treatment. We can compare this
with the Allopathy treatment. Usually what happens, on the onset of fever, one may
take paracetamol like crocin, metacin etc., kept at home or bought across counter.
Temperature will go away immediately, but will come back after few hours. After a
day or two, forced to go to a doctor or clinic, as the fever has advanced, they might
have to prescribe anti biotics. Anti biotics will come with side effects of tiredness,
indigestion etc. After taking a full course of antibiotics for a week, fever may subside,
but body will take another week or so to recover fully. Prevention of next attack is not
ensured, it may come back after few months. Whereas in Homeopathy, the relief is
sharp and total. As the body cures itself, there is no side effect. Body returns to
normalcy within days. Added benefit, In the long run, immune system gets
strengthened and next incident of getting fever gets extended.

Homeopathy has these excellent medicines in curing fever. But one word of caution,
understanding the intricacy of these medicines, selecting the right medicine, treating
and managing fever at home is not easy for a beginner, it may require some years of
experience. As I said earlier, with patience and perseverance you can learn to use
them and treat fever successfully at home. In the beginning stage, it may not work
and the attempt may fail. Even after 3, 4 days fever might not have come down, you
can stop medication at home and go to a Homeopath. Worst case you may go to
Allopathy treatment. But next time make another attempt and you may try a different
combination and dosages changed, you will succeed this time. My strong advice is
never abandon Homeopathy. In the long run it is the best path to cure diseases. I
can stress the advantages of Homeo treatment any number of times. It is natural,
cure is complete, and less expensive.

Recently we had corona or covid 19. Let us discuss a bit about corona. They
declared as a pandemic. The entire world was in lock down mode. Everybody was
panicky. Nobody ventured out of the house for almost six months. But our family had
no such fear at all. We were living normally. Many homeopaths came forward and
suggested to take Arsenic alb 30 as a preventive. We also have been recommending
to non Homeo users to take Arsenic alb to boost their immune system. But we never
took any preventive, we did not require them. We know that our family members’
immune system was at a high level. Some homeopaths started treatment for corona
patients with the above said medicines and turned corona positive patients into
negative within 3 days. Even I had the opportunity and the experience of treating few
of our what’s up group members. The treatment was with the same set of medicines
I have listed above. Corona was treated in Homeopathy just like any other viral fever
like typhoid, dengue or chickenguniya. There was no special treatment for corona.
But whereas we all know what happened in Allopathic medical world. Initially they
said there is no medicine and no cure at all. Then they treated with some medicines.
Lakhs of people died all over the world. Many were put in very expensive ventilators.
The cost of treatment went to lakhs of rupees. Homeo medicines which cured people
from corona costed less than a thousand. And they got cured completely within days.
Allopathy corona patients were hospitalized for weeks.

Finally most important point was, we did not panic for our life because we know
Homeopathy is there to protect us. That is the miracle of Homeopathy.

6.0 Other ailments

6.1 Toothache

We will start with Toothache which is a common ailment. it is painful, that too for
children at night is a nightmare. Homeopathy comes to our rescue with Plantago Q.
It is a mother tincture. Take a small cotton, soak with Plantago Q and place on the
decayed tooth. Close jaw and hold it. Within minutes the pain will reduce and will
give relief. Plantago will not solve decayed tooth problem, you have to necessarily go
to a dentist. But, decaying of tooth, getting sensitive tooth or gum related problems
can be prevented by Homeo medicines. Calundula Q is an excellent preventive to
all tooth problems. Calundula gargling has to be done periodically. Take ¼ tumbler
water add 10 drops of Calundula Q. Take a mouth full and gargle. keep for few
minutes and spit it out. Do this 1 or 2 times. The entire family can do this every week,
say on a Sunday, it will go a long way in keeping away from problems related to
teeth for the entire family.

As I told earlier, I remind you again, that after tooth extraction, the swelling and the
wound can be quickly healed by Calundula Q, and the swelling by Arnica 30.

Children sometimes suffer with boils, inside the lips or bleeding in the teeth gum, in
that case Merc sol 30 will help.

6.1 Earache

For children, if the ear is not cleaned periodically, wax formed will get hardened and
earache will start, probably when they are about to sleep. We can’t bear them crying.
Immediately give few doses of Apis mel 30 pills to reduce the stinging pain in ear.
Then you can add Mullein oil drops in both ear, and keep a piece of cotton. Mullein
oil will soften the wax and will relieve from pain. Child will sleep. Next day without
forgetting, clean the ear with cotton buds to remove the wax. You can buy Mullein oil
in 15 ml bottle.

6.2 Eye problems

General medicine for eye related problem is Euphrasia 30 in pills form. There is
Euphrasia eye drops also available. You can try both. But if the problem persists,
you have to consult an eye specialist only.

6.3 Rhus tox 30

It is an excellent medicine for any head bath problem. Usually women with long hair,
after bath, they do not dry them properly and end up with headache and some times
fever. So without forgetting, after head bath, such women should take a dose of
Rhus tox to prevent any problem arising out of head bath. I have seen, it worked for
many women.

6.4 Apis mel 30

For any insect bite like ant, bee bites etc., Apis mel will work wonderfully. It will
immediately reduce the stinging pain.

6.5 Baryata carb 30

Children having tonsils problem Baryata carb will be useful. Tonsils as you know, are
two glands at the entrance of throat, if they are swollen or reddish, few doses of
Baryata carb will cure. Please do not go for tonsil removal operation. I have seen a
case, when for a 10 year old girl, the date was fixed for tonsils operation, but few
doses of Baryata carb saved her from operation.

6.6 Chamomilla 30

It Is a soothing medicine. It will pacify the disturbed mind, specifically for children.
When they are crying for unknown reasons and are not sleeping at night, few doses
of Chamomilla will help

6.7 Thuja 200 and Thuja Q

Some may have corn, that is skin thickened at a spot in the heel. It will be paining
when they walk. Thuja 200 three times a day for few days will help remove the corn.
If still not removed, you can try Thuja Q mother tincture some 15 drops two times for
few days.

Unwanted extra growth attached to skin also can be removed by Thuja.

6.8 Staphysagria Q

For removing dandruff in the roots of hair, Staphysagria Q will help. One part of
Staphysagria mix with three parts of coconut oil and keep applying to the hair roots
daily. Also wash hair periodically, with some Homeo shampoo to remove the

6.9 Skin problems

Skin eruptions, change in texture and colour are strong indications that something
wrong inside the body. Just applying some creams and lotions will not solve. You
have to consult a Homeopath. Good medicines are there to cure them. It is a bit
difficult task for him also to find a suitable medicine. But you can always try.

To keep the skin healthy, I can suggest a medicinal plant. It is Aloe vera. It is the
best tonic for skin. You can grow this plant in your garden or balcony. It requires
some sunshine and occasional watering. You can cut a bottom piece, wash it
thoroughly, remove the skin and take out the inside gel. This gel can be eaten raw or
make juice and drink. It contains valuable minerals and enzymes. You can apply it
on skin, including face. Do not spend on costly cosmetic products based on Aloe
vera. Buy a plant from nursery and grow at home and use it, it costs nothing. You
can also use it as a shaving cream.

Avoiding soap is a wise decision. Soap unnecessarily removes the naturally secreted
oily substance from skin and makes it very dry. Bathing in just plain water and
scrubbing with hand or some soft material will remove all the dirt. If you are still
particular, limit applying soap to arm pits and thigh joints only. Our family have
experimented and got rid of bathing soap altogether. You can also try and you will
find yourself, the skin glows with natural sheen. Weekly applying Aloe vera gel keeps
the skin healthy and smooth.
6.10 Menses related problems

Mag Phos 30 is an excellent pain reliever. Any spasmodic pain in abdomen due to
any reason, few doses of Mag phos will relieve from pain. Specifically to pain, related
to menstrual flow, it is the best remedy. School, college, office going ladies, during
their expected period time, if they keep Mag phos 30 pills handy in their purse; it will
save them from their silent suffering from pain. Few doses of Mag phos will get relief
within an hour. Colocynthis 30, another good medicine for severe pain during
menstrual period. Ladies may be bending forward and suffering. Few doses of
Colocynthis will relieve them.

These medicines are temporary relief only. Any standing problem related to menses
has to be referred to Gynecologist.

Women nearing 45, may have problems related to menopause (natural stopping of
menses). May have severe problems of heavy or scanty flow accompanied with pain,
mental instability etc. In some extreme cases, they may end up with hysterectomy
(removal of uterus). Sepia 30, Ferrum phos 30 and China 30, these three medicines
will help them to naturally taper off the menstrual cycle and gradual stopping of
menses. They have to be taken 3 times a day (each), just few days before expected
menses, during menses and after few days of menses. Sepia is for the uterus and
Ferrum phos and China are for the blood loss. I have seen it helped many people.

I have also known a case where for a lady, suffering from severe menopause related
problems; date was fixed for her uterus removal operation. At that stage on my
advice she consulted a Homeopath. Next month itself she could find the problems
very much reduced. After 3 months she became normal both physically and
mentally, and finally, surgery was totally avoided. So, my strong recommendation,
do not go for hysterectomy, consult a good Homeopath.

6.11 Normal delivery

Can you believe Homeo has medicine for normal birth ? Yes it is true. Medicines are
there which will help to have normal delivery. Get the prescription from your
homeopath. It should be given just after waters breaking. It helps to hasten the
labour process and have a normal delivery within one or two hours. I have seen it
happen, in few cases in our family. You can consult your Homeopath. But there are
practical difficulties. The medicines are to be given every 10 minutes interval till the
birth, that is when the lady is inside the labour room. It is a difficult task. Generally, in
a clinic or hospital, Homeo medicines are not welcomed. So you have to overcome
and manage to give the medicine. But after the delivery, you can always give the
following medicines.

1. Arnica 30 – to relieve the stress and pain the body has undergone
2. Hypericum 30 – to cure damages caused to nerve endings
3. Hamamelis 30 – to contain the bleeding

If it is a caesarian operation unfortunately, as I told earlier, Calundula Q can be

applied on the cut wound to hasten the healing.

6.12 Knee joint pain problems

For people who have crossed 45 years, knee joint pain is a common problem. I
myself suffered from knee joint pain for few years. Homeo medicines like Arnica,
Rhus tox, Ruta G and Symphytum will relieve pain related to knee joint pain. But
they give temporary relief only. This is my personal experience. After many years of
suffering I consulted one good Physiotherapist. He explained me the cause for this
knee joint pain. The cause is, mostly due to our life style. We forgot to sit in floor with
legs crossed. We do not sit and do work. All work in office are done siting on chair.
Cooking at home also is done on the elevated platform, standing. We do not use
Indian style toilet. The result of these life style changes, the thigh and calve muscles
have forgotten their function. Since these muscles are not activated, they do not get
the required blood supply. So, they loose their strength and flexibility and apply
pressure on the joints. In the course of time, knee bones rub each other and cause
pain. When the condition becomes worse, instead of correcting the muscles, knee
replacement is suggested and people also get it done at an expense. The
Physiotherapist himself was of the opinion that knee replacement should never be

Regular exercises, sports activities, yoga or at least walking will keep the knee joints
healthy. For those who have already into the problem of knee joint pain, even
walking will aggravate the situation. Physiotherapist taught me the following
exercises which relieved my knee joint pain.

You can also practice on a daily basis.

1. Lie flat on back. Raise right leg (without bending) to the extent possible, lower
it, raise left leg and lower.
2. Lie on left side, raise right leg to the extent possible.
3. Lie on right side, raise left leg to the extent possible.
4. Lie on stomach. Raise right leg to the extent possible, lower it, raise left leg
and lower.
5. Lie on stomach. Raise both right and left legs bending at the knee joint and try
to push as far as possible towards thighs.
6. Sit erect on a raised cot or platform with legs hanging. Raise right leg to the
extent possible, lower it, raise left leg and lower.

At the beginning stage, these exercises are to be repeated 15 times, progressively

increase in steps of 15 and go unto 120.

Also do the following exercises after finishing the above exercises to stretch the

1. Sit erect on the bed. Stretch both legs in front on bed. With both hands
stretched forward, try to touch the toes. Repeat this exercise 15 times.
2. Sit erect on bed. Stretch right leg in front on bed, lower the left leg. With both
hands stretched forward, try to touch the toes. Repeat this exercise 15 times.
3. Sit erect on bed. Stretch left leg in front on bed, lower the right leg. With both
hands stretched forward, try to touch the toes. Repeat this exercise 15 times.

The repetition is limited to 15 only

If these exercises are done regularly for 6 months, you will get complete relief from
knee joint pain. Later you can continue these exercises with less repetitions.
6.13 Diabetes

The incidence of Diabetes is alarming. Few decades back, it used to come for
people who crossed 60. But now people at the age of 40 itself, get trapped into
Diabetes. Scientific research has proved that it is linked to high consumption of white
sugar. White sugar has high Glycemic Index value. Eating too much high Glycemic
Index foods causes repeated spikes in blood glucose. Studies show that this can
lead to an increased risk for Diabetes. Another cause for incidence of diabetes is
wrong eating practices. As I have told in earlier, any food going in should be wetted
with saliva. The sugar component in food, properly mixed with saliva will get insulin
from pancreas, else pancreas will reject and will not give insulin to that sugar and it
will be passed out by kidney through urine. Body is doing its function. But what
happens, when patient go for consultation for some other ailments, routinely he is
asked to take urine test. The rejected sugar found in urine is detected and the patient
is wrongly declared as having diabetes. Nowadays, ethics followed by most of
allopathic treatment has come down. It has become highly commercial. When the
person is wrongly stamped that he is a diabetic, Allopathy medicine is given. This
medicine forcefully get insulin from pancreas. This cycle goes on with continuously
increasing dose of medicine and the person is pushed to take externally insulin
through injection. It happened to myself. Years back, I went for an eye check up,
routinely I was asked to do urine test and found it had some level of sugar. I was
advised to take medicine for diabetes. But, by some unknown wisdom, I ignored the
advice and avoided totally. Later on I continued to lead a normal life without any
diabetes medicine for almost 15 years now. If I had fallen into that trap, I would have
been a diabetes patient for life, as two of my younger brothers are suffering. Luckily I

My strong advice, If you have some ailments like tiredness, general weakness,
never rush to a doctor or full body check up and do a urine test for sugar. You will
get trapped for life. Correct it by 1) good eating habits, 2) completely avoid white
sugar in your diet, 3) take care that your food is nutritious with lot of fruits and
vegetables, 4) engage in sports activities, yoga or other exercises.
For those who have already taking medicine for diabetes, you may ask, is there a
cure for them in Homeopathy ?. As far as I know there is no cure for them in
Allopathy or in Homeopathy. But they can control diabetes through Homeo. Consult
a good Homeopath. For them they have to necessarily manage with three things,
good exercise, correct food, and Homeo medicine.

6.14 Blood pressure

This problem also is our own making. High BP is not a disease at all. Blood pressure

varies from person to person and time of day or under various stress conditions. It is

totally wrong to tell that universally it should be within this limit at all the time for

every person in the whole world. The all powerful pharma industry has made the

whole world to believe that if you are not within this limit, you have to take medicine

for life. Crores of people fallen into this trap and the industry is minting money.

Please do not fall into the trap. As I told earlier, good exercise, correct food is the


6.15 Thyroid

Homeopathy has excellent medicine for Thyroid problem. I have known cases that

Thyroid was cured completely by Homeo medicines. Consult a good Homeopath.

Those who are now taking Allopathy medicine, need not take medicine for life.

Homeopath will suggest to progressively reducing the Allopathy medicine and take

Homeo also, then Allopathy medicine will be stopped and finally Homeo medicine

also will be stopped.

7.0 List of medicines to be bought and kept ready at home

The following list of medicines to be bought and kept at home for ready use. They
are essential to treat and cure at home, any day to day ailments

You can buy these medicines in pills form either in 1 dram quantity or 2 dram. You
can buy the Indian medicine. Sometimes they will try to sell the costly German
medicines. It is not necessary. Indian make will do. When you buy the medicine,
along with the name you should tell the potency and the quantity also. Say Arnica
30, 1 dram pills. Pills also come in different sizes. Medium size is convenient. Initially
you can buy all medicines in 30 potency. On gaining experience in specific long
standing problems you can try 200 potency.

1. Allium Cepa 30
2. Antim tart 30
3. Apis mel 30
4. Arnica 30
5. Arsenic Alb 30
6. Belladonna 30
7. Bryonia 30
8. Carbo veg 30
9. Gelsimium 30
10. Hepar Sulph 30
11. Hypericum 30
12. Ipeacau 30
13. Lycopodium 30
14. Mag phos 30
15. Natrum mur 30
16. Natrum sulph 30
17. Podophylum 30
18. Pyrogenium 30
19. Rhustox 30
20. Ruta G 30

Liquid form medicines – you can buy in quantity of 15 ml

1. Calundula Q
2. Cantharis Q
3. Baptisia Q
4. Mullein oil

Buy also a role of cotton when you are buying Calundula

7.1 Additional medicines to be bought on need basis.

1. Aconite 30
2. Baryata carb 30
3. China 30
4. Chamomilla 30
5. Colocynthis 30
6. Ferrum phos
7. Merc sol 30
8. Pulsatilla 30
9. Sepia 30
10. Thuja 30

 Medicines can be stored even for two years. In case, some discoloration or
gets into solid form, do not use them.
 Refilling has to be done periodically; else in times of urgency during night, for
want of medicine you will suffer.
 Children also should get familiar with the names of the medicine and their
specific use. It will ensure that Homeopathy is carried to the next generation in
your family. I have heard people telling, my grand father used to give, but we
don’t know anything now
 Keep a separate kit for use in travels; it will come handy when children fall
sick during the journey. While packing in hurry, we forget or reluctant to
search and take medicines along with us and suffer later. I have bitter

7.2 Dilutions

Dilutions are the base clear solution, with which the medicine in pills form is
prepared. Dilutions are available for all medicines in 30 or 200 potency. You can buy
dilutions and prepare your own medicine in pills form at home. Blank sugar pills and
the small plastic 1 dram containers are also available in Homeo stores. You can fill
the pills in the container; add the required dilution, 8 drops only over the pills (for 1
dram 8 drops are just sufficient, never over do). Shake vigorously and now your
medicine in pills form is ready.

When you are sufficiently confident on using medicines in pills form, you can
experiment with taking dilutions. Dilutions are added to water in drops and taken. 5
drops in a spoon of water is one dose. Keep it in the tongue for few seconds. If a
medicine is to be taken continuously in a day. You can prepare a water dose. Take
about 50 ml water ¼ tumbler. Add 20 drops of the required medicine. Take a spoon
of this mixed solution it is one dose. You can use this solution for the full day. Next
day prepare fresh. If multiple medicines to be taken, mix in different tumbler. Never
mix different medicines. As a thumb rule you can take medicine 3 to 4 times per
medicine per day. If multiple medicines are to be taken give a gap of 10 minutes
between them.

Whenever a problem starts, mostly you will be able to manage with few doses of
medicines in pills form. If it is not controlled with pills, you can change over to
dilutions. Even with dilutions are not controlled within 3, 4 days, you have to abandon
and consult a Homeopath

7.3 Conclusions

Let us summarize the benefits of Homeo treatment at home.

1. If day to day ailments are treated and cured at home, at an early stage, the
next stage of complicated health problems are mostly avoided.
2. In the long run, Homeopathy strengthens the immune system, especially that
of children. This is the most important benefit of all. For persons used to
Homeo medicine, incidence of falling sick very much reduced.
3. Medicines are cheap. The above said medicines all put together may not
cross thousand rupees (2020), just a visit to a doctor will cost that much,
these medicines are for the entire family for an year or two. So, there is a
large saving in monthly, yearly medical expenses for the entire family.
Thus, we can see there is a long term benefit of comprehensive health for the entire

All the medicines I have described have been tried and tested by us, in solving day
to day ailments. So you can also try safely. There may be an opinion, self medication
is wrong. As I told in the beginning, any medicine wrongly chosen, will just not work,
it will pass through the body like a sugar pill. It will not do any harm, as we are
limiting the potency to 30 or 200. I remember an incident, my grand daughter when 2
years old, took two bottles full of different medicines into her mouth and was enjoying
the sugar pills. We were shocked. But nothing happened. Because the two bottles of
medicine, was only a single dose, and that too she did not have any problem in her
body related to that medicine. So nothing adverse happened to her. There is no over
dose at all. So without any hesitation start practicing Homeopathy.

In the beginning stage, understanding Homeo medicines, giving required doses and
treating at home is a difficult task. When it fails, you may incur the wrath of family
members. With your perseverance and the cooperation of the entire family, within a
year you will come to know the intricacy of Homeo medicines, gain confidence and
treat successfully. Any time, if you are unable to handle, do not hesitate to go to an
Homeopath and get treated. But do not abandon Homeo treatment, next time you
may succeed with change in selection of medicine, increase in some doses.

The medicines I have listed, is a very limited set of Homeo medicines. There are
hundreds of other medicines. You yourself will identify later and start using them
also, in the course of time.

I have introduced Homeopathy for many of relative families and through what’s up
Tamil group to hundreds of people. I have observed that initial stages they face
some difficulty later on, they take over the family and treat successful.

More than adults whose immune system might have been corrupted by Allopathy
treatment, children respond to Homeo medicine much better. Children love the sugar
pill is a different story. Their immune system is less corrupted and when it is
triggered by Homeo medicines their response is excellent, and it gets enhanced to a
much higher level. If they are treated only with Homeo medicines, they grow up with
an uncorrupted immune system. In that case their falling sick become rare. That is
the gift of Homeopathy.

Long standing ailments like thyroid, varicose veins, asthma etc. have no cure in
Allopathy, medicine have to be taken for life. But Homeopathy cures them
completely and permanently. Treatment will last for few weeks or months only. I
have seen people getting cured for their brain tumors and cancer patients getting
relief from their suffering. So look for an experienced Homeopath for treating chronic
problems. Sometimes, you may not get the appropriate medicine for the first time
and so treatment may fail. Please do not give up. You can go back to doctor, tell him
openly, that the Homeo medicine partially worked or not worked at all, it is perfectly
alright. With that feedback, next time he will change the medicine, and will succeed.

A word of caution, on seeing the success of Homeopathy, organizations have come

into business. They run services on commercial basis and are trying to exploit by
charging heavily for Homeo treatment. You should identify and avoid them. Classical
Homeo treatment should cost in few hundreds only not in thousands. Pharma
industries have also contributing to the damage by bringing combination medicines
(like in Allopathy system). Some homeopaths prescribe them also. This practice has
pushed the cost of treatment. Traditional Homeo medicines in pills, dilution or mother
tincture form are still very cheap compared to Homeo combination medicines and
definitely lot cheaper than allopathy medicines. In my experience combination
medicines are not that effective as individual medicines taken in the classic way of
one medicine, one at a time.

So far, I have explained the positive aspects of Homeopathy. The limitations of

Homeo treatment also we should understand. Homeopathy treatment is not
successful always. It is not the fault of Homeopathy, but failure to select the most
appropriate medicine is the cause. That is why people easily loose confidence.
Allopathy doctors ask a question, Homeopathy, is it a science ? In a way, their
question is valid. You may be surprised that all these 250 years of its existence, till
date nobody has proved or scientifically explained how Homeopathy works. The
medicine concentration is in such a ridiculously low level. To understand, compare
with a drop of ink in a swimming pool that is the level of actual concentration of
medicine in the medium. Nobody knows how it works. But the fact is, all over the
world lakhs of people are using Homeopathy and getting cured. Nobody can deny
that. That brings me to this philosophical conclusion. Even though Homeopathy was
invented by a man, I tend to believe that it is GOD’s creation. Moreover, HE does not
give this to everybody. Otherwise it should have spread throughout the world. With
my limited experience of 25 years, I have seen, however much I try for some people,
it does not reach. So I believe, this system was created by GOD and HE decides
whom it should be given. Dr Hahnemann’s prophecy ‘when fate changes, he will
come to Homeopathy’ strengthens this belief.

In conclusion, I invite you, to start practicing Homeopathy with confidence and

prayer. GOD willing, HE may bless you for a healthy life through Homeopathy.

Thank you

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