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Day 1

Activity: Based on the previous discussion kindly recall ideas related to culture and society,
sociology, cultural relativism and ethnocentrism by giving a related WORD or WORDS. Write
the correct spelling of your ideas on the station provided:

Station 1 Station 2 station 3 station 4



Activity: Let us recall!! Arrange the jumbled letters to form a word that are related to the past

ECNUTLUATRINO ___________________

STHENCONERTIM ___________________

GOYSOCILO ___________________

SALIRCULUMTITUM ___________________

NALSOPER NEDITYTI ___________________

ROOPGOLYHANT ___________________

TLACIPOIL CENCIES ___________________

CANEGH ___________________

Day 3

Activity: Differentiate the CULTURE, SOCIETY and POLITICS in your own perspective. Call the
learners and let them read their work.

Day 4

Activity : Read and understand.

Some Examples of Cultural relativism by Cole, Nicki Lisa Ph.D., (2019)

What constitutes breakfast varies widely from place to place. What is considered a typical
breakfast in Turkey, as illustrated in the above image, is quite different from what is
considered a typical breakfast in the U.S. or Japan. While it might seem strange to eat fish
soup or stewed vegetables for breakfast in the U.S., in other places, this is perfectly normal.
Conversely, our tendency toward sugary cereals and milk or preference for egg sandwiches
loaded with bacon and cheese would seem quite bizarre to other cultures.

Similarly, but perhaps of more consequence, rules that regulate nudity in public vary widely
around the world. In the U.S., we tend to frame nudity in general as an inherently sexual thing,
and so when people are nude in public, people may interpret this as a sexual signal. But in
many other places around the world, being nude or partially nude in public is a normal part of
life, be it at swimming pools, beaches, in parks, or even throughout the course of daily life (see
many indigenous cultures around the world). In these cases, being nude or partially nude is
not framed as sexual but as the appropriate bodily state for engaging in a given activity. In
other cases, like many cultures where Islam is the predominant faith, a more thorough
coverage of the body is expected than in other cultures. Due in large part to ethnocentrism,
this has become a highly politicized and volatile practice in today's world.

Answer the following questions:

1. It seems strange to eat fish soup or stewed vegetables for breakfast in ___________?
2. A typical breakfast in Turkey, is quite different from what is considered a typical
breakfast in the ___________ or _____________.

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